Alexandru Dima 7976563e39
Merge pull request #137721 from microsoft/alex/hover-137714
Stream hover providers results
2021-11-23 23:38:56 +01:00

1618 lines
40 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { canceled } from 'vs/base/common/errors';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { Disposable, IDisposable, MutableDisposable, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { extUri as defaultExtUri, IExtUri } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { setTimeout0 } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
export function isThenable<T>(obj: unknown): obj is Promise<T> {
return !!obj && typeof (obj as unknown as Promise<T>).then === 'function';
export interface CancelablePromise<T> extends Promise<T> {
cancel(): void;
export function createCancelablePromise<T>(callback: (token: CancellationToken) => Promise<T>): CancelablePromise<T> {
const source = new CancellationTokenSource();
const thenable = callback(source.token);
const promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
const subscription = source.token.onCancellationRequested(() => {
Promise.resolve(thenable).then(value => {
}, err => {
return <CancelablePromise<T>>new class {
cancel() {
then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(resolve?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | Promise<TResult1>) | undefined | null, reject?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | Promise<TResult2>) | undefined | null): Promise<TResult1 | TResult2> {
return promise.then(resolve, reject);
catch<TResult = never>(reject?: ((reason: any) => TResult | Promise<TResult>) | undefined | null): Promise<T | TResult> {
return this.then(undefined, reject);
finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): Promise<T> {
return promise.finally(onfinally);
export function raceCancellation<T>(promise: Promise<T>, token: CancellationToken): Promise<T | undefined>;
export function raceCancellation<T>(promise: Promise<T>, token: CancellationToken, defaultValue: T): Promise<T>;
export function raceCancellation<T>(promise: Promise<T>, token: CancellationToken, defaultValue?: T): Promise<T | undefined> {
return Promise.race([promise, new Promise<T | undefined>(resolve => token.onCancellationRequested(() => resolve(defaultValue)))]);
* Returns as soon as one of the promises is resolved and cancels remaining promises
export async function raceCancellablePromises<T>(cancellablePromises: CancelablePromise<T>[]): Promise<T> {
let resolvedPromiseIndex = -1;
const promises = cancellablePromises.map((promise, index) => promise.then(result => { resolvedPromiseIndex = index; return result; }));
const result = await Promise.race(promises);
cancellablePromises.forEach((cancellablePromise, index) => {
if (index !== resolvedPromiseIndex) {
return result;
export function raceTimeout<T>(promise: Promise<T>, timeout: number, onTimeout?: () => void): Promise<T | undefined> {
let promiseResolve: ((value: T | undefined) => void) | undefined = undefined;
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, timeout);
return Promise.race([
promise.finally(() => clearTimeout(timer)),
new Promise<T | undefined>(resolve => promiseResolve = resolve)
export function asPromise<T>(callback: () => T | Thenable<T>): Promise<T> {
return new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
const item = callback();
if (isThenable<T>(item)) {
item.then(resolve, reject);
} else {
export interface ITask<T> {
(): T;
* A helper to prevent accumulation of sequential async tasks.
* Imagine a mail man with the sole task of delivering letters. As soon as
* a letter submitted for delivery, he drives to the destination, delivers it
* and returns to his base. Imagine that during the trip, N more letters were submitted.
* When the mail man returns, he picks those N letters and delivers them all in a
* single trip. Even though N+1 submissions occurred, only 2 deliveries were made.
* The throttler implements this via the queue() method, by providing it a task
* factory. Following the example:
* const throttler = new Throttler();
* const letters = [];
* function deliver() {
* const lettersToDeliver = letters;
* letters = [];
* return makeTheTrip(lettersToDeliver);
* }
* function onLetterReceived(l) {
* letters.push(l);
* throttler.queue(deliver);
* }
export class Throttler {
private activePromise: Promise<any> | null;
private queuedPromise: Promise<any> | null;
private queuedPromiseFactory: ITask<Promise<any>> | null;
constructor() {
this.activePromise = null;
this.queuedPromise = null;
this.queuedPromiseFactory = null;
queue<T>(promiseFactory: ITask<Promise<T>>): Promise<T> {
if (this.activePromise) {
this.queuedPromiseFactory = promiseFactory;
if (!this.queuedPromise) {
const onComplete = () => {
this.queuedPromise = null;
const result = this.queue(this.queuedPromiseFactory!);
this.queuedPromiseFactory = null;
return result;
this.queuedPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
this.activePromise!.then(onComplete, onComplete).then(resolve);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.queuedPromise!.then(resolve, reject);
this.activePromise = promiseFactory();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.activePromise!.then((result: T) => {
this.activePromise = null;
}, (err: unknown) => {
this.activePromise = null;
export class Sequencer {
private current: Promise<unknown> = Promise.resolve(null);
queue<T>(promiseTask: ITask<Promise<T>>): Promise<T> {
return this.current = this.current.then(() => promiseTask(), () => promiseTask());
export class SequencerByKey<TKey> {
private promiseMap = new Map<TKey, Promise<unknown>>();
queue<T>(key: TKey, promiseTask: ITask<Promise<T>>): Promise<T> {
const runningPromise = this.promiseMap.get(key) ?? Promise.resolve();
const newPromise = runningPromise
.catch(() => { })
.finally(() => {
if (this.promiseMap.get(key) === newPromise) {
this.promiseMap.set(key, newPromise);
return newPromise;
* A helper to delay (debounce) execution of a task that is being requested often.
* Following the throttler, now imagine the mail man wants to optimize the number of
* trips proactively. The trip itself can be long, so he decides not to make the trip
* as soon as a letter is submitted. Instead he waits a while, in case more
* letters are submitted. After said waiting period, if no letters were submitted, he
* decides to make the trip. Imagine that N more letters were submitted after the first
* one, all within a short period of time between each other. Even though N+1
* submissions occurred, only 1 delivery was made.
* The delayer offers this behavior via the trigger() method, into which both the task
* to be executed and the waiting period (delay) must be passed in as arguments. Following
* the example:
* const delayer = new Delayer(WAITING_PERIOD);
* const letters = [];
* function letterReceived(l) {
* letters.push(l);
* delayer.trigger(() => { return makeTheTrip(); });
* }
export class Delayer<T> implements IDisposable {
private timeout: any;
private completionPromise: Promise<any> | null;
private doResolve: ((value?: any | Promise<any>) => void) | null;
private doReject: ((err: any) => void) | null;
private task: ITask<T | Promise<T>> | null;
constructor(public defaultDelay: number) {
this.timeout = null;
this.completionPromise = null;
this.doResolve = null;
this.doReject = null;
this.task = null;
trigger(task: ITask<T | Promise<T>>, delay: number = this.defaultDelay): Promise<T> {
this.task = task;
if (!this.completionPromise) {
this.completionPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.doResolve = resolve;
this.doReject = reject;
}).then(() => {
this.completionPromise = null;
this.doResolve = null;
if (this.task) {
const task = this.task;
this.task = null;
return task();
return undefined;
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.timeout = null;
if (this.doResolve) {
}, delay);
return this.completionPromise;
isTriggered(): boolean {
return this.timeout !== null;
cancel(): void {
if (this.completionPromise) {
if (this.doReject) {
this.completionPromise = null;
private cancelTimeout(): void {
if (this.timeout !== null) {
this.timeout = null;
dispose(): void {
* A helper to delay execution of a task that is being requested often, while
* preventing accumulation of consecutive executions, while the task runs.
* The mail man is clever and waits for a certain amount of time, before going
* out to deliver letters. While the mail man is going out, more letters arrive
* and can only be delivered once he is back. Once he is back the mail man will
* do one more trip to deliver the letters that have accumulated while he was out.
export class ThrottledDelayer<T> {
private delayer: Delayer<Promise<T>>;
private throttler: Throttler;
constructor(defaultDelay: number) {
this.delayer = new Delayer(defaultDelay);
this.throttler = new Throttler();
trigger(promiseFactory: ITask<Promise<T>>, delay?: number): Promise<T> {
return this.delayer.trigger(() => this.throttler.queue(promiseFactory), delay) as unknown as Promise<T>;
isTriggered(): boolean {
return this.delayer.isTriggered();
cancel(): void {
dispose(): void {
* A barrier that is initially closed and then becomes opened permanently.
export class Barrier {
private _isOpen: boolean;
private _promise: Promise<boolean>;
private _completePromise!: (v: boolean) => void;
constructor() {
this._isOpen = false;
this._promise = new Promise<boolean>((c, e) => {
this._completePromise = c;
isOpen(): boolean {
return this._isOpen;
open(): void {
this._isOpen = true;
wait(): Promise<boolean> {
return this._promise;
* A barrier that is initially closed and then becomes opened permanently after a certain period of
* time or when open is called explicitly
export class AutoOpenBarrier extends Barrier {
private readonly _timeout: any;
constructor(autoOpenTimeMs: number) {
this._timeout = setTimeout(() => this.open(), autoOpenTimeMs);
override open(): void {
export function timeout(millis: number): CancelablePromise<void>;
export function timeout(millis: number, token: CancellationToken): Promise<void>;
export function timeout(millis: number, token?: CancellationToken): CancelablePromise<void> | Promise<void> {
if (!token) {
return createCancelablePromise(token => timeout(millis, token));
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const handle = setTimeout(() => {
}, millis);
const disposable = token.onCancellationRequested(() => {
export function disposableTimeout(handler: () => void, timeout = 0): IDisposable {
const timer = setTimeout(handler, timeout);
return toDisposable(() => clearTimeout(timer));
* Runs the provided list of promise factories in sequential order. The returned
* promise will complete to an array of results from each promise.
export function sequence<T>(promiseFactories: ITask<Promise<T>>[]): Promise<T[]> {
const results: T[] = [];
let index = 0;
const len = promiseFactories.length;
function next(): Promise<T> | null {
return index < len ? promiseFactories[index++]() : null;
function thenHandler(result: any): Promise<any> {
if (result !== undefined && result !== null) {
const n = next();
if (n) {
return n.then(thenHandler);
return Promise.resolve(results);
return Promise.resolve(null).then(thenHandler);
export function first<T>(promiseFactories: ITask<Promise<T>>[], shouldStop: (t: T) => boolean = t => !!t, defaultValue: T | null = null): Promise<T | null> {
let index = 0;
const len = promiseFactories.length;
const loop: () => Promise<T | null> = () => {
if (index >= len) {
return Promise.resolve(defaultValue);
const factory = promiseFactories[index++];
const promise = Promise.resolve(factory());
return promise.then(result => {
if (shouldStop(result)) {
return Promise.resolve(result);
return loop();
return loop();
* Returns the result of the first promise that matches the "shouldStop",
* running all promises in parallel. Supports cancelable promises.
export function firstParallel<T>(promiseList: Promise<T>[], shouldStop?: (t: T) => boolean, defaultValue?: T | null): Promise<T | null>;
export function firstParallel<T, R extends T>(promiseList: Promise<T>[], shouldStop: (t: T) => t is R, defaultValue?: R | null): Promise<R | null>;
export function firstParallel<T>(promiseList: Promise<T>[], shouldStop: (t: T) => boolean = t => !!t, defaultValue: T | null = null) {
if (promiseList.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve(defaultValue);
let todo = promiseList.length;
const finish = () => {
todo = -1;
for (const promise of promiseList) {
(promise as Partial<CancelablePromise<T>>).cancel?.();
return new Promise<T | null>((resolve, reject) => {
for (const promise of promiseList) {
promise.then(result => {
if (--todo >= 0 && shouldStop(result)) {
} else if (todo === 0) {
.catch(err => {
if (--todo >= 0) {
interface ILimitedTaskFactory<T> {
factory: ITask<Promise<T>>;
c: (value: T | Promise<T>) => void;
e: (error?: unknown) => void;
* A helper to queue N promises and run them all with a max degree of parallelism. The helper
* ensures that at any time no more than M promises are running at the same time.
export class Limiter<T> {
private _size = 0;
private runningPromises: number;
private maxDegreeOfParalellism: number;
private outstandingPromises: ILimitedTaskFactory<T>[];
private readonly _onFinished: Emitter<void>;
constructor(maxDegreeOfParalellism: number) {
this.maxDegreeOfParalellism = maxDegreeOfParalellism;
this.outstandingPromises = [];
this.runningPromises = 0;
this._onFinished = new Emitter<void>();
get onFinished(): Event<void> {
return this._onFinished.event;
get size(): number {
return this._size;
queue(factory: ITask<Promise<T>>): Promise<T> {
return new Promise<T>((c, e) => {
this.outstandingPromises.push({ factory, c, e });
private consume(): void {
while (this.outstandingPromises.length && this.runningPromises < this.maxDegreeOfParalellism) {
const iLimitedTask = this.outstandingPromises.shift()!;
const promise = iLimitedTask.factory();
promise.then(iLimitedTask.c, iLimitedTask.e);
promise.then(() => this.consumed(), () => this.consumed());
private consumed(): void {
if (this.outstandingPromises.length > 0) {
} else {
dispose(): void {
* A queue is handles one promise at a time and guarantees that at any time only one promise is executing.
export class Queue<T> extends Limiter<T> {
constructor() {
* A helper to organize queues per resource. The ResourceQueue makes sure to manage queues per resource
* by disposing them once the queue is empty.
export class ResourceQueue implements IDisposable {
private readonly queues = new Map<string, Queue<void>>();
queueFor(resource: URI, extUri: IExtUri = defaultExtUri): Queue<void> {
const key = extUri.getComparisonKey(resource);
let queue = this.queues.get(key);
if (!queue) {
queue = new Queue<void>();
Event.once(queue.onFinished)(() => {
this.queues.set(key, queue);
return queue;
dispose(): void {
this.queues.forEach(queue => queue.dispose());
export class TimeoutTimer implements IDisposable {
private _token: any;
constructor(runner: () => void, timeout: number);
constructor(runner?: () => void, timeout?: number) {
this._token = -1;
if (typeof runner === 'function' && typeof timeout === 'number') {
this.setIfNotSet(runner, timeout);
dispose(): void {
cancel(): void {
if (this._token !== -1) {
this._token = -1;
cancelAndSet(runner: () => void, timeout: number): void {
this._token = setTimeout(() => {
this._token = -1;
}, timeout);
setIfNotSet(runner: () => void, timeout: number): void {
if (this._token !== -1) {
// timer is already set
this._token = setTimeout(() => {
this._token = -1;
}, timeout);
export class IntervalTimer implements IDisposable {
private _token: any;
constructor() {
this._token = -1;
dispose(): void {
cancel(): void {
if (this._token !== -1) {
this._token = -1;
cancelAndSet(runner: () => void, interval: number): void {
this._token = setInterval(() => {
}, interval);
export class RunOnceScheduler {
protected runner: ((...args: unknown[]) => void) | null;
private timeoutToken: any;
private timeout: number;
private timeoutHandler: () => void;
constructor(runner: (...args: any[]) => void, delay: number) {
this.timeoutToken = -1;
this.runner = runner;
this.timeout = delay;
this.timeoutHandler = this.onTimeout.bind(this);
* Dispose RunOnceScheduler
dispose(): void {
this.runner = null;
* Cancel current scheduled runner (if any).
cancel(): void {
if (this.isScheduled()) {
this.timeoutToken = -1;
* Cancel previous runner (if any) & schedule a new runner.
schedule(delay = this.timeout): void {
this.timeoutToken = setTimeout(this.timeoutHandler, delay);
get delay(): number {
return this.timeout;
set delay(value: number) {
this.timeout = value;
* Returns true if scheduled.
isScheduled(): boolean {
return this.timeoutToken !== -1;
private onTimeout() {
this.timeoutToken = -1;
if (this.runner) {
protected doRun(): void {
if (this.runner) {
* Same as `RunOnceScheduler`, but doesn't count the time spent in sleep mode.
* > **NOTE**: Only offers 1s resolution.
* When calling `setTimeout` with 3hrs, and putting the computer immediately to sleep
* for 8hrs, `setTimeout` will fire **as soon as the computer wakes from sleep**. But
* this scheduler will execute 3hrs **after waking the computer from sleep**.
export class ProcessTimeRunOnceScheduler {
private runner: (() => void) | null;
private timeout: number;
private counter: number;
private intervalToken: any;
private intervalHandler: () => void;
constructor(runner: () => void, delay: number) {
if (delay % 1000 !== 0) {
console.warn(`ProcessTimeRunOnceScheduler resolution is 1s, ${delay}ms is not a multiple of 1000ms.`);
this.runner = runner;
this.timeout = delay;
this.counter = 0;
this.intervalToken = -1;
this.intervalHandler = this.onInterval.bind(this);
dispose(): void {
this.runner = null;
cancel(): void {
if (this.isScheduled()) {
this.intervalToken = -1;
* Cancel previous runner (if any) & schedule a new runner.
schedule(delay = this.timeout): void {
if (delay % 1000 !== 0) {
console.warn(`ProcessTimeRunOnceScheduler resolution is 1s, ${delay}ms is not a multiple of 1000ms.`);
this.counter = Math.ceil(delay / 1000);
this.intervalToken = setInterval(this.intervalHandler, 1000);
* Returns true if scheduled.
isScheduled(): boolean {
return this.intervalToken !== -1;
private onInterval() {
if (this.counter > 0) {
// still need to wait
// time elapsed
this.intervalToken = -1;
if (this.runner) {
export class RunOnceWorker<T> extends RunOnceScheduler {
private units: T[] = [];
constructor(runner: (units: T[]) => void, timeout: number) {
super(runner, timeout);
work(unit: T): void {
if (!this.isScheduled()) {
protected override doRun(): void {
const units = this.units;
this.units = [];
if (this.runner) {
override dispose(): void {
this.units = [];
* The `ThrottledWorker` will accept units of work `T`
* to handle. The contract is:
* * there is a maximum of units the worker can handle at once (via `chunkSize`)
* * after having handled units, the worker needs to rest (via `throttleDelay`)
export class ThrottledWorker<T> extends Disposable {
private readonly pendingWork: T[] = [];
private readonly throttler = this._register(new MutableDisposable<RunOnceScheduler>());
private disposed = false;
private readonly maxWorkChunkSize: number,
private readonly maxPendingWork: number | undefined,
private readonly throttleDelay: number,
private readonly handler: (units: readonly T[]) => void
) {
* The number of work units that are pending to be processed.
get pending(): number { return this.pendingWork.length; }
* Add units to be worked on. Use `pending` to figure out
* how many units are not yet processed after this method
* was called.
* @returns whether the work was accepted or not. If the
* worker is disposed, it will not accept any more work.
* If the number of pending units would become larger
* than `maxPendingWork`, more work will also not be accepted.
work(units: readonly T[]): boolean {
if (this.disposed) {
return false; // work not accepted: disposed
// Check for reaching maximum of pending work
if (typeof this.maxPendingWork === 'number') {
// Throttled: simple check if pending + units exceeds max pending
if (this.throttler.value) {
if (this.pending + units.length > this.maxPendingWork) {
return false; // work not accepted: too much pending work
// Unthrottled: same as throttled, but account for max chunk getting
// worked on directly without being pending
else {
if (this.pending + units.length - this.maxWorkChunkSize > this.maxPendingWork) {
return false; // work not accepted: too much pending work
// Add to pending units first
// If not throttled, start working directly
// Otherwise, when the throttle delay has
// past, pending work will be worked again.
if (!this.throttler.value) {
return true; // work accepted
private doWork(): void {
// Extract chunk to handle and handle it
this.handler(this.pendingWork.splice(0, this.maxWorkChunkSize));
// If we have remaining work, schedule it after a delay
if (this.pendingWork.length > 0) {
this.throttler.value = new RunOnceScheduler(() => {
}, this.throttleDelay);
override dispose(): void {
this.disposed = true;
//#region -- run on idle tricks ------------
export interface IdleDeadline {
readonly didTimeout: boolean;
timeRemaining(): number;
* Execute the callback the next time the browser is idle
export let runWhenIdle: (callback: (idle: IdleDeadline) => void, timeout?: number) => IDisposable;
declare function requestIdleCallback(callback: (args: IdleDeadline) => void, options?: { timeout: number }): number;
declare function cancelIdleCallback(handle: number): void;
(function () {
if (typeof requestIdleCallback !== 'function' || typeof cancelIdleCallback !== 'function') {
runWhenIdle = (runner) => {
setTimeout0(() => {
if (disposed) {
const end = Date.now() + 3; // yield often
didTimeout: true,
timeRemaining() {
return Math.max(0, end - Date.now());
let disposed = false;
return {
dispose() {
if (disposed) {
disposed = true;
} else {
runWhenIdle = (runner, timeout?) => {
const handle: number = requestIdleCallback(runner, typeof timeout === 'number' ? { timeout } : undefined);
let disposed = false;
return {
dispose() {
if (disposed) {
disposed = true;
* An implementation of the "idle-until-urgent"-strategy as introduced
* here: https://philipwalton.com/articles/idle-until-urgent/
export class IdleValue<T> {
private readonly _executor: () => void;
private readonly _handle: IDisposable;
private _didRun: boolean = false;
private _value?: T;
private _error: unknown;
constructor(executor: () => T) {
this._executor = () => {
try {
this._value = executor();
} catch (err) {
this._error = err;
} finally {
this._didRun = true;
this._handle = runWhenIdle(() => this._executor());
dispose(): void {
get value(): T {
if (!this._didRun) {
if (this._error) {
throw this._error;
return this._value!;
get isInitialized(): boolean {
return this._didRun;
export async function retry<T>(task: ITask<Promise<T>>, delay: number, retries: number): Promise<T> {
let lastError: Error | undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
try {
return await task();
} catch (error) {
lastError = error;
await timeout(delay);
throw lastError;
//#region Task Sequentializer
interface IPendingTask {
taskId: number;
cancel: () => void;
promise: Promise<void>;
interface ISequentialTask {
promise: Promise<void>;
promiseResolve: () => void;
promiseReject: (error: Error) => void;
run: () => Promise<void>;
export interface ITaskSequentializerWithPendingTask {
readonly pending: Promise<void>;
export class TaskSequentializer {
private _pending?: IPendingTask;
private _next?: ISequentialTask;
hasPending(taskId?: number): this is ITaskSequentializerWithPendingTask {
if (!this._pending) {
return false;
if (typeof taskId === 'number') {
return this._pending.taskId === taskId;
return !!this._pending;
get pending(): Promise<void> | undefined {
return this._pending ? this._pending.promise : undefined;
cancelPending(): void {
setPending(taskId: number, promise: Promise<void>, onCancel?: () => void,): Promise<void> {
this._pending = { taskId, cancel: () => onCancel?.(), promise };
promise.then(() => this.donePending(taskId), () => this.donePending(taskId));
return promise;
private donePending(taskId: number): void {
if (this._pending && taskId === this._pending.taskId) {
// only set pending to done if the promise finished that is associated with that taskId
this._pending = undefined;
// schedule the next task now that we are free if we have any
private triggerNext(): void {
if (this._next) {
const next = this._next;
this._next = undefined;
// Run next task and complete on the associated promise
next.run().then(next.promiseResolve, next.promiseReject);
setNext(run: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {
// this is our first next task, so we create associated promise with it
// so that we can return a promise that completes when the task has
// completed.
if (!this._next) {
let promiseResolve: () => void;
let promiseReject: (error: Error) => void;
const promise = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
promiseResolve = resolve;
promiseReject = reject;
this._next = {
promiseResolve: promiseResolve!,
promiseReject: promiseReject!
// we have a previous next task, just overwrite it
else {
this._next.run = run;
return this._next.promise;
* The `IntervalCounter` allows to count the number
* of calls to `increment()` over a duration of
* `interval`. This utility can be used to conditionally
* throttle a frequent task when a certain threshold
* is reached.
export class IntervalCounter {
private lastIncrementTime = 0;
private value = 0;
constructor(private readonly interval: number, private readonly nowFn = () => Date.now()) { }
increment(): number {
const now = this.nowFn();
// We are outside of the range of `interval` and as such
// start counting from 0 and remember the time
if (now - this.lastIncrementTime > this.interval) {
this.lastIncrementTime = now;
this.value = 0;
return this.value;
export type ValueCallback<T = unknown> = (value: T | Promise<T>) => void;
* Creates a promise whose resolution or rejection can be controlled imperatively.
export class DeferredPromise<T> {
private completeCallback!: ValueCallback<T>;
private errorCallback!: (err: unknown) => void;
private rejected = false;
private resolved = false;
public get isRejected() {
return this.rejected;
public get isResolved() {
return this.resolved;
public get isSettled() {
return this.rejected || this.resolved;
public p: Promise<T>;
constructor() {
this.p = new Promise<T>((c, e) => {
this.completeCallback = c;
this.errorCallback = e;
public complete(value: T) {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
this.resolved = true;
public error(err: unknown) {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
this.rejected = true;
public cancel() {
new Promise<void>(resolve => {
this.rejected = true;
//#region Promises
export namespace Promises {
* A drop-in replacement for `Promise.all` with the only difference
* that the method awaits every promise to either fulfill or reject.
* Similar to `Promise.all`, only the first error will be returned
* if any.
export async function settled<T>(promises: Promise<T>[]): Promise<T[]> {
let firstError: Error | undefined = undefined;
const result = await Promise.all(promises.map(promise => promise.then(value => value, error => {
if (!firstError) {
firstError = error;
return undefined; // do not rethrow so that other promises can settle
if (typeof firstError !== 'undefined') {
throw firstError;
return result as unknown as T[]; // cast is needed and protected by the `throw` above
* A helper to create a new `Promise<T>` with a body that is a promise
* itself. By default, an error that raises from the async body will
* end up as a unhandled rejection, so this utility properly awaits the
* body and rejects the promise as a normal promise does without async
* body.
* This method should only be used in rare cases where otherwise `async`
* cannot be used (e.g. when callbacks are involved that require this).
export function withAsyncBody<T, E = Error>(bodyFn: (resolve: (value: T) => unknown, reject: (error: E) => unknown) => Promise<unknown>): Promise<T> {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
return new Promise<T>(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
await bodyFn(resolve, reject);
} catch (error) {
const enum AsyncIterableSourceState {
* An object that allows to emit async values asynchronously or bring the iterable to an error state using `reject()`.
* This emitter is valid only for the duration of the executor (until the promise returned by the executor settles).
export interface AsyncIterableEmitter<T> {
* The value will be appended at the end.
* **NOTE** If `reject()` has already been called, this method has no effect.
emitOne(value: T): void;
* The values will be appended at the end.
* **NOTE** If `reject()` has already been called, this method has no effect.
emitMany(values: T[]): void;
* Writing an error will permanently invalidate this iterable.
* The current users will receive an error thrown, as will all future users.
* **NOTE** If `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect.
reject(error: Error): void;
* An executor for the `AsyncIterableObject` that has access to an emitter.
export interface AyncIterableExecutor<T> {
* @param emitter An object that allows to emit async values valid only for the duration of the executor.
(emitter: AsyncIterableEmitter<T>): void | Promise<void>
* A rich implementation for an `AsyncIterable<T>`.
export class AsyncIterableObject<T> implements AsyncIterable<T> {
public static fromArray<T>(items: T[]): AsyncIterableObject<T> {
return new AsyncIterableObject<T>((writer) => {
public static fromPromise<T>(promise: Promise<T[]>): AsyncIterableObject<T> {
return new AsyncIterableObject<T>(async (emitter) => {
emitter.emitMany(await promise);
public static fromPromises<T>(promises: Promise<T>[]): AsyncIterableObject<T> {
return new AsyncIterableObject<T>(async (emitter) => {
await Promise.all(promises.map(async (p) => emitter.emitOne(await p)));
public static merge<T>(iterables: AsyncIterable<T>[]): AsyncIterableObject<T> {
return new AsyncIterableObject(async (emitter) => {
await Promise.all(iterables.map(async (iterable) => {
for await(const item of iterable) {
public static EMPTY = AsyncIterableObject.fromArray<any>([]);
private _state: AsyncIterableSourceState;
private _results: T[];
private _error: Error | null;
private readonly _onStateChanged: Emitter<void>;
constructor(executor: AyncIterableExecutor<T>) {
this._state = AsyncIterableSourceState.Initial;
this._results = [];
this._error = null;
this._onStateChanged = new Emitter<void>();
queueMicrotask(async () => {
const writer: AsyncIterableEmitter<T> = {
emitOne: (item) => this.emitOne(item),
emitMany: (items) => this.emitMany(items),
reject: (error) => this.reject(error)
try {
await Promise.resolve(executor(writer));
} catch (err) {
} finally {
writer.emitOne = undefined!;
writer.emitMany = undefined!;
writer.reject = undefined!;
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<T, undefined, undefined> {
let i = 0;
return {
next: async () => {
do {
if (this._state === AsyncIterableSourceState.DoneError) {
throw this._error;
if (i < this._results.length) {
return { done: false, value: this._results[i++] };
if (this._state === AsyncIterableSourceState.DoneOK) {
return { done: true, value: undefined };
await Event.toPromise(this._onStateChanged.event);
} while (true);
public static map<T, R>(iterable: AsyncIterable<T>, mapFn: (item: T) => R): AsyncIterableObject<R> {
return new AsyncIterableObject<R>(async (emitter) => {
for await(const item of iterable) {
public map<R>(mapFn: (item: T) => R): AsyncIterableObject<R> {
return AsyncIterableObject.map(this, mapFn);
public static filter<T>(iterable: AsyncIterable<T>, filterFn: (item: T) => boolean): AsyncIterableObject<T> {
return new AsyncIterableObject<T>(async (emitter) => {
for await(const item of iterable) {
if (filterFn(item)) {
public filter(filterFn: (item: T) => boolean): AsyncIterableObject<T> {
return AsyncIterableObject.filter(this, filterFn);
public static coalesce<T>(iterable: AsyncIterable<T | undefined | null>): AsyncIterableObject<T> {
return <AsyncIterableObject<T>>AsyncIterableObject.filter(iterable, item => !!item);
public coalesce(): AsyncIterableObject<NonNullable<T>> {
return AsyncIterableObject.coalesce(this) as AsyncIterableObject<NonNullable<T>>;
public static async toPromise<T>(iterable: AsyncIterable<T>): Promise<T[]> {
const result: T[] = [];
for await (const item of iterable) {
return result;
public toPromise(): Promise<T[]> {
return AsyncIterableObject.toPromise(this);
* The value will be appended at the end.
* **NOTE** If `resolve()` or `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect.
private emitOne(value: T): void {
if (this._state !== AsyncIterableSourceState.Initial) {
// it is important to add new values at the end,
// as we may have iterators already running on the array
* The values will be appended at the end.
* **NOTE** If `resolve()` or `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect.
private emitMany(values: T[]): void {
if (this._state !== AsyncIterableSourceState.Initial) {
// it is important to add new values at the end,
// as we may have iterators already running on the array
this._results = this._results.concat(values);
* Calling `resolve()` will mark the result array as complete.
* **NOTE** `resolve()` must be called, otherwise all consumers of this iterable will hang indefinitely, similar to a non-resolved promise.
* **NOTE** If `resolve()` or `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect.
private resolve(): void {
if (this._state !== AsyncIterableSourceState.Initial) {
this._state = AsyncIterableSourceState.DoneOK;
* Writing an error will permanently invalidate this iterable.
* The current users will receive an error thrown, as will all future users.
* **NOTE** If `resolve()` or `reject()` have already been called, this method has no effect.
private reject(error: Error) {
if (this._state !== AsyncIterableSourceState.Initial) {
this._state = AsyncIterableSourceState.DoneError;
this._error = error;
export class CancelableAsyncIterableObject<T> extends AsyncIterableObject<T> {
private readonly _source: CancellationTokenSource,
executor: AyncIterableExecutor<T>
) {
cancel(): void {
export function createCancelableAsyncIterable<T>(callback: (token: CancellationToken) => AsyncIterable<T>): CancelableAsyncIterableObject<T> {
const source = new CancellationTokenSource();
const innerIterable = callback(source.token);
return new CancelableAsyncIterableObject<T>(source, async (emitter) => {
const subscription = source.token.onCancellationRequested(() => {
try {
for await (const item of innerIterable) {
if (source.token.isCancellationRequested) {
// canceled in the meantime
} catch (err) {