Henning Dieterichs a3895fbd8f
Removes todo.
2021-11-24 13:51:32 +01:00

3213 lines
114 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { CharCode } from 'vs/base/common/charCode';
import { onUnexpectedError } from 'vs/base/common/errors';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { IMarkdownString } from 'vs/base/common/htmlContent';
import { Disposable, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import * as strings from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { EDITOR_MODEL_DEFAULTS } from 'vs/editor/common/config/editorOptions';
import { LineTokens } from 'vs/editor/common/core/lineTokens';
import { IPosition, Position } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position';
import { IRange, Range } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range';
import { Selection } from 'vs/editor/common/core/selection';
import * as model from 'vs/editor/common/model';
import { EditStack } from 'vs/editor/common/model/editStack';
import { guessIndentation } from 'vs/editor/common/model/indentationGuesser';
import { IntervalNode, IntervalTree, recomputeMaxEnd } from 'vs/editor/common/model/intervalTree';
import { PieceTreeTextBufferBuilder } from 'vs/editor/common/model/pieceTreeTextBuffer/pieceTreeTextBufferBuilder';
import { IModelContentChangedEvent, IModelDecorationsChangedEvent, IModelLanguageChangedEvent, IModelLanguageConfigurationChangedEvent, IModelOptionsChangedEvent, IModelTokensChangedEvent, InternalModelContentChangeEvent, LineInjectedText, ModelInjectedTextChangedEvent, ModelRawChange, ModelRawContentChangedEvent, ModelRawEOLChanged, ModelRawFlush, ModelRawLineChanged, ModelRawLinesDeleted, ModelRawLinesInserted } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModelEvents';
import { SearchData, SearchParams, TextModelSearch } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModelSearch';
import { TextModelTokenization } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModelTokens';
import { getWordAtText } from 'vs/editor/common/model/wordHelper';
import { FormattingOptions, StandardTokenType } from 'vs/editor/common/modes';
import { ILanguageConfigurationService, ResolvedLanguageConfiguration } from 'vs/editor/common/modes/languageConfigurationRegistry';
import { NULL_MODE_ID } from 'vs/editor/common/modes/nullMode';
import { ThemeColor } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { VSBufferReadableStream, VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
import { TokensStore, MultilineTokens, countEOL, MultilineTokens2, TokensStore2 } from 'vs/editor/common/model/tokensStore';
import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color';
import { EditorTheme } from 'vs/editor/common/view/viewContext';
import { IUndoRedoService, ResourceEditStackSnapshot } from 'vs/platform/undoRedo/common/undoRedo';
import { TextChange } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textChange';
import { Constants } from 'vs/base/common/uint';
import { PieceTreeTextBuffer } from 'vs/editor/common/model/pieceTreeTextBuffer/pieceTreeTextBuffer';
import { listenStream } from 'vs/base/common/stream';
import { ArrayQueue, findLast } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { BracketPairInfo, IBracketPairs } from 'vs/editor/common/model/bracketPairs/bracketPairs';
import { BracketPairs } from 'vs/editor/common/model/bracketPairs/bracketPairsImpl';
import { ColorizedBracketPairsDecorationProvider } from 'vs/editor/common/model/bracketPairs/colorizedBracketPairsDecorationProvider';
import { DecorationProvider } from 'vs/editor/common/model/decorationProvider';
import { CursorColumns } from 'vs/editor/common/controller/cursorColumns';
import { IModeService } from 'vs/editor/common/services/modeService';
function createTextBufferBuilder() {
return new PieceTreeTextBufferBuilder();
export function createTextBufferFactory(text: string): model.ITextBufferFactory {
const builder = createTextBufferBuilder();
return builder.finish();
interface ITextStream {
on(event: 'data', callback: (data: string) => void): void;
on(event: 'error', callback: (err: Error) => void): void;
on(event: 'end', callback: () => void): void;
on(event: string, callback: any): void;
export function createTextBufferFactoryFromStream(stream: ITextStream): Promise<model.ITextBufferFactory>;
export function createTextBufferFactoryFromStream(stream: VSBufferReadableStream): Promise<model.ITextBufferFactory>;
export function createTextBufferFactoryFromStream(stream: ITextStream | VSBufferReadableStream): Promise<model.ITextBufferFactory> {
return new Promise<model.ITextBufferFactory>((resolve, reject) => {
const builder = createTextBufferBuilder();
let done = false;
listenStream<string | VSBuffer>(stream, {
onData: chunk => {
builder.acceptChunk((typeof chunk === 'string') ? chunk : chunk.toString());
onError: error => {
if (!done) {
done = true;
onEnd: () => {
if (!done) {
done = true;
export function createTextBufferFactoryFromSnapshot(snapshot: model.ITextSnapshot): model.ITextBufferFactory {
let builder = createTextBufferBuilder();
let chunk: string | null;
while (typeof (chunk = snapshot.read()) === 'string') {
return builder.finish();
export function createTextBuffer(value: string | model.ITextBufferFactory, defaultEOL: model.DefaultEndOfLine): { textBuffer: model.ITextBuffer; disposable: IDisposable; } {
const factory = (typeof value === 'string' ? createTextBufferFactory(value) : value);
return factory.create(defaultEOL);
let MODEL_ID = 0;
const LIMIT_FIND_COUNT = 999;
export const LONG_LINE_BOUNDARY = 10000;
class TextModelSnapshot implements model.ITextSnapshot {
private readonly _source: model.ITextSnapshot;
private _eos: boolean;
constructor(source: model.ITextSnapshot) {
this._source = source;
this._eos = false;
public read(): string | null {
if (this._eos) {
return null;
let result: string[] = [], resultCnt = 0, resultLength = 0;
do {
let tmp = this._source.read();
if (tmp === null) {
// end-of-stream
this._eos = true;
if (resultCnt === 0) {
return null;
} else {
return result.join('');
if (tmp.length > 0) {
result[resultCnt++] = tmp;
resultLength += tmp.length;
if (resultLength >= 64 * 1024) {
return result.join('');
} while (true);
const invalidFunc = () => { throw new Error(`Invalid change accessor`); };
const enum StringOffsetValidationType {
* Even allowed in surrogate pairs
Relaxed = 0,
* Not allowed in surrogate pairs
SurrogatePairs = 1,
export const enum BackgroundTokenizationState {
Uninitialized = 0,
InProgress = 1,
Completed = 2,
export class TextModel extends Disposable implements model.ITextModel, IDecorationsTreesHost {
private static readonly MODEL_SYNC_LIMIT = 50 * 1024 * 1024; // 50 MB
private static readonly LARGE_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // 20 MB;
private static readonly LARGE_FILE_LINE_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 300 * 1000; // 300K lines
public static DEFAULT_CREATION_OPTIONS: model.ITextModelCreationOptions = {
isForSimpleWidget: false,
indentSize: EDITOR_MODEL_DEFAULTS.indentSize,
insertSpaces: EDITOR_MODEL_DEFAULTS.insertSpaces,
detectIndentation: false,
defaultEOL: model.DefaultEndOfLine.LF,
trimAutoWhitespace: EDITOR_MODEL_DEFAULTS.trimAutoWhitespace,
largeFileOptimizations: EDITOR_MODEL_DEFAULTS.largeFileOptimizations,
bracketPairColorizationOptions: EDITOR_MODEL_DEFAULTS.bracketPairColorizationOptions,
public static resolveOptions(textBuffer: model.ITextBuffer, options: model.ITextModelCreationOptions): model.TextModelResolvedOptions {
if (options.detectIndentation) {
const guessedIndentation = guessIndentation(textBuffer, options.tabSize, options.insertSpaces);
return new model.TextModelResolvedOptions({
tabSize: guessedIndentation.tabSize,
indentSize: guessedIndentation.tabSize, // TODO@Alex: guess indentSize independent of tabSize
insertSpaces: guessedIndentation.insertSpaces,
trimAutoWhitespace: options.trimAutoWhitespace,
defaultEOL: options.defaultEOL,
bracketPairColorizationOptions: options.bracketPairColorizationOptions,
return new model.TextModelResolvedOptions({
tabSize: options.tabSize,
indentSize: options.indentSize,
insertSpaces: options.insertSpaces,
trimAutoWhitespace: options.trimAutoWhitespace,
defaultEOL: options.defaultEOL,
bracketPairColorizationOptions: options.bracketPairColorizationOptions,
//#region Events
private readonly _onWillDispose: Emitter<void> = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
public readonly onWillDispose: Event<void> = this._onWillDispose.event;
private readonly _onDidChangeDecorations: DidChangeDecorationsEmitter = this._register(new DidChangeDecorationsEmitter(affectedInjectedTextLines => this.handleBeforeFireDecorationsChangedEvent(affectedInjectedTextLines)));
public readonly onDidChangeDecorations: Event<IModelDecorationsChangedEvent> = this._onDidChangeDecorations.event;
private readonly _onDidChangeLanguage: Emitter<IModelLanguageChangedEvent> = this._register(new Emitter<IModelLanguageChangedEvent>());
public readonly onDidChangeLanguage: Event<IModelLanguageChangedEvent> = this._onDidChangeLanguage.event;
private readonly _onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration: Emitter<IModelLanguageConfigurationChangedEvent> = this._register(new Emitter<IModelLanguageConfigurationChangedEvent>());
public readonly onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration: Event<IModelLanguageConfigurationChangedEvent> = this._onDidChangeLanguageConfiguration.event;
private readonly _onDidChangeTokens: Emitter<IModelTokensChangedEvent> = this._register(new Emitter<IModelTokensChangedEvent>());
public readonly onDidChangeTokens: Event<IModelTokensChangedEvent> = this._onDidChangeTokens.event;
private readonly _onDidChangeOptions: Emitter<IModelOptionsChangedEvent> = this._register(new Emitter<IModelOptionsChangedEvent>());
public readonly onDidChangeOptions: Event<IModelOptionsChangedEvent> = this._onDidChangeOptions.event;
private readonly _onDidChangeAttached: Emitter<void> = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
public readonly onDidChangeAttached: Event<void> = this._onDidChangeAttached.event;
private readonly _onDidChangeContentOrInjectedText: Emitter<ModelRawContentChangedEvent | ModelInjectedTextChangedEvent> = this._register(new Emitter<ModelRawContentChangedEvent | ModelInjectedTextChangedEvent>());
public readonly onDidChangeContentOrInjectedText: Event<ModelRawContentChangedEvent | ModelInjectedTextChangedEvent> = this._onDidChangeContentOrInjectedText.event;
private readonly _eventEmitter: DidChangeContentEmitter = this._register(new DidChangeContentEmitter());
public onDidChangeRawContent(listener: (e: ModelRawContentChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable {
return this._eventEmitter.slowEvent((e: InternalModelContentChangeEvent) => listener(e.rawContentChangedEvent));
public onDidChangeContentFast(listener: (e: IModelContentChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable {
return this._eventEmitter.fastEvent((e: InternalModelContentChangeEvent) => listener(e.contentChangedEvent));
public onDidChangeContent(listener: (e: IModelContentChangedEvent) => void): IDisposable {
return this._eventEmitter.slowEvent((e: InternalModelContentChangeEvent) => listener(e.contentChangedEvent));
public readonly id: string;
public readonly isForSimpleWidget: boolean;
private readonly _associatedResource: URI;
private _attachedEditorCount: number;
private _buffer: model.ITextBuffer;
private _bufferDisposable: IDisposable;
private _options: model.TextModelResolvedOptions;
private _isDisposed: boolean;
private _isDisposing: boolean;
private _versionId: number;
* Unlike, versionId, this can go down (via undo) or go to previous values (via redo)
private _alternativeVersionId: number;
private _initialUndoRedoSnapshot: ResourceEditStackSnapshot | null;
private readonly _isTooLargeForSyncing: boolean;
private readonly _isTooLargeForTokenization: boolean;
//#region Editing
private readonly _commandManager: EditStack;
private _isUndoing: boolean;
private _isRedoing: boolean;
private _trimAutoWhitespaceLines: number[] | null;
//#region Decorations
* Used to workaround broken clients that might attempt using a decoration id generated by a different model.
* It is not globally unique in order to limit it to one character.
private readonly _instanceId: string;
private _lastDecorationId: number;
private _decorations: { [decorationId: string]: IntervalNode; };
private _decorationsTree: DecorationsTrees;
private readonly _decorationProvider: DecorationProvider;
//#region Tokenization
private _languageId: string;
private readonly _languageRegistryListener: IDisposable;
private readonly _tokens: TokensStore;
private readonly _tokens2: TokensStore2;
private readonly _tokenization: TextModelTokenization;
private readonly _bracketPairColorizer: BracketPairs;
public get bracketPairs(): IBracketPairs { return this._bracketPairColorizer; }
private _backgroundTokenizationState = BackgroundTokenizationState.Uninitialized;
public get backgroundTokenizationState(): BackgroundTokenizationState {
return this._backgroundTokenizationState;
private handleTokenizationProgress(completed: boolean) {
if (this._backgroundTokenizationState === BackgroundTokenizationState.Completed) {
// We already did a full tokenization and don't go back to progressing.
const newState = completed ? BackgroundTokenizationState.Completed : BackgroundTokenizationState.InProgress;
if (this._backgroundTokenizationState !== newState) {
this._backgroundTokenizationState = newState;
private readonly _onBackgroundTokenizationStateChanged = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
public readonly onBackgroundTokenizationStateChanged: Event<void> = this._onBackgroundTokenizationStateChanged.event;
source: string | model.ITextBufferFactory,
creationOptions: model.ITextModelCreationOptions,
languageId: string | null,
associatedResource: URI | null = null,
@IUndoRedoService private readonly _undoRedoService: IUndoRedoService,
@IModeService private readonly _modeService: IModeService,
@ILanguageConfigurationService private readonly _languageConfigurationService: ILanguageConfigurationService,
) {
this._register(this._eventEmitter.fastEvent((e: InternalModelContentChangeEvent) => {
// Generate a new unique model id
this.id = '$model' + MODEL_ID;
this.isForSimpleWidget = creationOptions.isForSimpleWidget;
if (typeof associatedResource === 'undefined' || associatedResource === null) {
this._associatedResource = URI.parse('inmemory://model/' + MODEL_ID);
} else {
this._associatedResource = associatedResource;
this._attachedEditorCount = 0;
const { textBuffer, disposable } = createTextBuffer(source, creationOptions.defaultEOL);
this._buffer = textBuffer;
this._bufferDisposable = disposable;
this._options = TextModel.resolveOptions(this._buffer, creationOptions);
const bufferLineCount = this._buffer.getLineCount();
const bufferTextLength = this._buffer.getValueLengthInRange(new Range(1, 1, bufferLineCount, this._buffer.getLineLength(bufferLineCount) + 1), model.EndOfLinePreference.TextDefined);
// !!! Make a decision in the ctor and permanently respect this decision !!!
// If a model is too large at construction time, it will never get tokenized,
// under no circumstances.
if (creationOptions.largeFileOptimizations) {
this._isTooLargeForTokenization = (
(bufferTextLength > TextModel.LARGE_FILE_SIZE_THRESHOLD)
|| (bufferLineCount > TextModel.LARGE_FILE_LINE_COUNT_THRESHOLD)
} else {
this._isTooLargeForTokenization = false;
this._isTooLargeForSyncing = (bufferTextLength > TextModel.MODEL_SYNC_LIMIT);
this._versionId = 1;
this._alternativeVersionId = 1;
this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot = null;
this._isDisposed = false;
this._isDisposing = false;
this._languageId = languageId || NULL_MODE_ID;
this._languageRegistryListener = this._languageConfigurationService.onDidChange(
e => {
if (e.affects(this._languageId)) {
this._instanceId = strings.singleLetterHash(MODEL_ID);
this._lastDecorationId = 0;
this._decorations = Object.create(null);
this._decorationsTree = new DecorationsTrees();
this._commandManager = new EditStack(this, this._undoRedoService);
this._isUndoing = false;
this._isRedoing = false;
this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines = null;
this._tokens = new TokensStore(this._modeService.languageIdCodec);
this._tokens2 = new TokensStore2(this._modeService.languageIdCodec);
this._tokenization = new TextModelTokenization(this, this._modeService.languageIdCodec);
this._bracketPairColorizer = this._register(new BracketPairs(this, this._languageConfigurationService));
this._decorationProvider = this._register(new ColorizedBracketPairsDecorationProvider(this));
this._register(this._decorationProvider.onDidChange(() => {
public override dispose(): void {
this._isDisposing = true;
this._isDisposed = true;
this._isDisposing = false;
// Manually release reference to previous text buffer to avoid large leaks
// in case someone leaks a TextModel reference
const emptyDisposedTextBuffer = new PieceTreeTextBuffer([], '', '\n', false, false, true, true);
this._buffer = emptyDisposedTextBuffer;
private _assertNotDisposed(): void {
if (this._isDisposed) {
throw new Error('Model is disposed!');
public equalsTextBuffer(other: model.ITextBuffer): boolean {
return this._buffer.equals(other);
public getTextBuffer(): model.ITextBuffer {
return this._buffer;
private _emitContentChangedEvent(rawChange: ModelRawContentChangedEvent, change: IModelContentChangedEvent): void {
if (this._isDisposing) {
// Do not confuse listeners by emitting any event after disposing
this._eventEmitter.fire(new InternalModelContentChangeEvent(rawChange, change));
public setValue(value: string): void {
if (value === null) {
// There's nothing to do
const { textBuffer, disposable } = createTextBuffer(value, this._options.defaultEOL);
this._setValueFromTextBuffer(textBuffer, disposable);
private _createContentChanged2(range: Range, rangeOffset: number, rangeLength: number, text: string, isUndoing: boolean, isRedoing: boolean, isFlush: boolean): IModelContentChangedEvent {
return {
changes: [{
range: range,
rangeOffset: rangeOffset,
rangeLength: rangeLength,
text: text,
eol: this._buffer.getEOL(),
versionId: this.getVersionId(),
isUndoing: isUndoing,
isRedoing: isRedoing,
isFlush: isFlush
private _setValueFromTextBuffer(textBuffer: model.ITextBuffer, textBufferDisposable: IDisposable): void {
const oldFullModelRange = this.getFullModelRange();
const oldModelValueLength = this.getValueLengthInRange(oldFullModelRange);
const endLineNumber = this.getLineCount();
const endColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(endLineNumber);
this._buffer = textBuffer;
this._bufferDisposable = textBufferDisposable;
// Flush all tokens
// Destroy all my decorations
this._decorations = Object.create(null);
this._decorationsTree = new DecorationsTrees();
// Destroy my edit history and settings
this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines = null;
new ModelRawContentChangedEvent(
new ModelRawFlush()
this._createContentChanged2(new Range(1, 1, endLineNumber, endColumn), 0, oldModelValueLength, this.getValue(), false, false, true)
public setEOL(eol: model.EndOfLineSequence): void {
const newEOL = (eol === model.EndOfLineSequence.CRLF ? '\r\n' : '\n');
if (this._buffer.getEOL() === newEOL) {
// Nothing to do
const oldFullModelRange = this.getFullModelRange();
const oldModelValueLength = this.getValueLengthInRange(oldFullModelRange);
const endLineNumber = this.getLineCount();
const endColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(endLineNumber);
new ModelRawContentChangedEvent(
new ModelRawEOLChanged()
this._createContentChanged2(new Range(1, 1, endLineNumber, endColumn), 0, oldModelValueLength, this.getValue(), false, false, false)
private _onBeforeEOLChange(): void {
// Ensure all decorations get their `range` set.
private _onAfterEOLChange(): void {
// Transform back `range` to offsets
const versionId = this.getVersionId();
const allDecorations = this._decorationsTree.collectNodesPostOrder();
for (let i = 0, len = allDecorations.length; i < len; i++) {
const node = allDecorations[i];
const range = node.range!; // the range is defined due to `_onBeforeEOLChange`
const delta = node.cachedAbsoluteStart - node.start;
const startOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn);
const endOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);
node.cachedAbsoluteStart = startOffset;
node.cachedAbsoluteEnd = endOffset;
node.cachedVersionId = versionId;
node.start = startOffset - delta;
node.end = endOffset - delta;
public onBeforeAttached(): void {
if (this._attachedEditorCount === 1) {
public onBeforeDetached(): void {
if (this._attachedEditorCount === 0) {
public isAttachedToEditor(): boolean {
return this._attachedEditorCount > 0;
public getAttachedEditorCount(): number {
return this._attachedEditorCount;
public isTooLargeForSyncing(): boolean {
return this._isTooLargeForSyncing;
public isTooLargeForTokenization(): boolean {
return this._isTooLargeForTokenization;
public isDisposed(): boolean {
return this._isDisposed;
public isDominatedByLongLines(): boolean {
if (this.isTooLargeForTokenization()) {
// Cannot word wrap huge files anyways, so it doesn't really matter
return false;
let smallLineCharCount = 0;
let longLineCharCount = 0;
const lineCount = this._buffer.getLineCount();
for (let lineNumber = 1; lineNumber <= lineCount; lineNumber++) {
const lineLength = this._buffer.getLineLength(lineNumber);
if (lineLength >= LONG_LINE_BOUNDARY) {
longLineCharCount += lineLength;
} else {
smallLineCharCount += lineLength;
return (longLineCharCount > smallLineCharCount);
public get uri(): URI {
return this._associatedResource;
//#region Options
public getOptions(): model.TextModelResolvedOptions {
return this._options;
public getFormattingOptions(): FormattingOptions {
return {
tabSize: this._options.indentSize,
insertSpaces: this._options.insertSpaces
public updateOptions(_newOpts: model.ITextModelUpdateOptions): void {
let tabSize = (typeof _newOpts.tabSize !== 'undefined') ? _newOpts.tabSize : this._options.tabSize;
let indentSize = (typeof _newOpts.indentSize !== 'undefined') ? _newOpts.indentSize : this._options.indentSize;
let insertSpaces = (typeof _newOpts.insertSpaces !== 'undefined') ? _newOpts.insertSpaces : this._options.insertSpaces;
let trimAutoWhitespace = (typeof _newOpts.trimAutoWhitespace !== 'undefined') ? _newOpts.trimAutoWhitespace : this._options.trimAutoWhitespace;
let bracketPairColorizationOptions = (typeof _newOpts.bracketColorizationOptions !== 'undefined') ? _newOpts.bracketColorizationOptions : this._options.bracketPairColorizationOptions;
let newOpts = new model.TextModelResolvedOptions({
tabSize: tabSize,
indentSize: indentSize,
insertSpaces: insertSpaces,
defaultEOL: this._options.defaultEOL,
trimAutoWhitespace: trimAutoWhitespace,
if (this._options.equals(newOpts)) {
let e = this._options.createChangeEvent(newOpts);
this._options = newOpts;
public detectIndentation(defaultInsertSpaces: boolean, defaultTabSize: number): void {
let guessedIndentation = guessIndentation(this._buffer, defaultTabSize, defaultInsertSpaces);
insertSpaces: guessedIndentation.insertSpaces,
tabSize: guessedIndentation.tabSize,
indentSize: guessedIndentation.tabSize, // TODO@Alex: guess indentSize independent of tabSize
private static _normalizeIndentationFromWhitespace(str: string, indentSize: number, insertSpaces: boolean): string {
let spacesCnt = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str.charAt(i) === '\t') {
spacesCnt += indentSize;
} else {
let result = '';
if (!insertSpaces) {
let tabsCnt = Math.floor(spacesCnt / indentSize);
spacesCnt = spacesCnt % indentSize;
for (let i = 0; i < tabsCnt; i++) {
result += '\t';
for (let i = 0; i < spacesCnt; i++) {
result += ' ';
return result;
public static normalizeIndentation(str: string, indentSize: number, insertSpaces: boolean): string {
let firstNonWhitespaceIndex = strings.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(str);
if (firstNonWhitespaceIndex === -1) {
firstNonWhitespaceIndex = str.length;
return TextModel._normalizeIndentationFromWhitespace(str.substring(0, firstNonWhitespaceIndex), indentSize, insertSpaces) + str.substring(firstNonWhitespaceIndex);
public normalizeIndentation(str: string): string {
return TextModel.normalizeIndentation(str, this._options.indentSize, this._options.insertSpaces);
//#region Reading
public getVersionId(): number {
return this._versionId;
public mightContainRTL(): boolean {
return this._buffer.mightContainRTL();
public mightContainUnusualLineTerminators(): boolean {
return this._buffer.mightContainUnusualLineTerminators();
public removeUnusualLineTerminators(selections: Selection[] | null = null): void {
const matches = this.findMatches(strings.UNUSUAL_LINE_TERMINATORS.source, false, true, false, null, false, Constants.MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER);
this.pushEditOperations(selections, matches.map(m => ({ range: m.range, text: null })), () => null);
public mightContainNonBasicASCII(): boolean {
return this._buffer.mightContainNonBasicASCII();
public getAlternativeVersionId(): number {
return this._alternativeVersionId;
public getInitialUndoRedoSnapshot(): ResourceEditStackSnapshot | null {
return this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot;
public getOffsetAt(rawPosition: IPosition): number {
let position = this._validatePosition(rawPosition.lineNumber, rawPosition.column, StringOffsetValidationType.Relaxed);
return this._buffer.getOffsetAt(position.lineNumber, position.column);
public getPositionAt(rawOffset: number): Position {
let offset = (Math.min(this._buffer.getLength(), Math.max(0, rawOffset)));
return this._buffer.getPositionAt(offset);
private _increaseVersionId(): void {
this._versionId = this._versionId + 1;
this._alternativeVersionId = this._versionId;
public _overwriteVersionId(versionId: number): void {
this._versionId = versionId;
public _overwriteAlternativeVersionId(newAlternativeVersionId: number): void {
this._alternativeVersionId = newAlternativeVersionId;
public _overwriteInitialUndoRedoSnapshot(newInitialUndoRedoSnapshot: ResourceEditStackSnapshot | null): void {
this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot = newInitialUndoRedoSnapshot;
public getValue(eol?: model.EndOfLinePreference, preserveBOM: boolean = false): string {
const fullModelRange = this.getFullModelRange();
const fullModelValue = this.getValueInRange(fullModelRange, eol);
if (preserveBOM) {
return this._buffer.getBOM() + fullModelValue;
return fullModelValue;
public createSnapshot(preserveBOM: boolean = false): model.ITextSnapshot {
return new TextModelSnapshot(this._buffer.createSnapshot(preserveBOM));
public getValueLength(eol?: model.EndOfLinePreference, preserveBOM: boolean = false): number {
const fullModelRange = this.getFullModelRange();
const fullModelValue = this.getValueLengthInRange(fullModelRange, eol);
if (preserveBOM) {
return this._buffer.getBOM().length + fullModelValue;
return fullModelValue;
public getValueInRange(rawRange: IRange, eol: model.EndOfLinePreference = model.EndOfLinePreference.TextDefined): string {
return this._buffer.getValueInRange(this.validateRange(rawRange), eol);
public getValueLengthInRange(rawRange: IRange, eol: model.EndOfLinePreference = model.EndOfLinePreference.TextDefined): number {
return this._buffer.getValueLengthInRange(this.validateRange(rawRange), eol);
public getCharacterCountInRange(rawRange: IRange, eol: model.EndOfLinePreference = model.EndOfLinePreference.TextDefined): number {
return this._buffer.getCharacterCountInRange(this.validateRange(rawRange), eol);
public getLineCount(): number {
return this._buffer.getLineCount();
public getLineContent(lineNumber: number): string {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
return this._buffer.getLineContent(lineNumber);
public getLineLength(lineNumber: number): number {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
return this._buffer.getLineLength(lineNumber);
public getLinesContent(): string[] {
return this._buffer.getLinesContent();
public getEOL(): string {
return this._buffer.getEOL();
public getEndOfLineSequence(): model.EndOfLineSequence {
return (
this._buffer.getEOL() === '\n'
? model.EndOfLineSequence.LF
: model.EndOfLineSequence.CRLF
public getLineMinColumn(lineNumber: number): number {
return 1;
public getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber: number): number {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
return this._buffer.getLineLength(lineNumber) + 1;
public getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(lineNumber: number): number {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
return this._buffer.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(lineNumber);
public getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(lineNumber: number): number {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
return this._buffer.getLineLastNonWhitespaceColumn(lineNumber);
* Validates `range` is within buffer bounds, but allows it to sit in between surrogate pairs, etc.
* Will try to not allocate if possible.
public _validateRangeRelaxedNoAllocations(range: IRange): Range {
const linesCount = this._buffer.getLineCount();
const initialStartLineNumber = range.startLineNumber;
const initialStartColumn = range.startColumn;
let startLineNumber = Math.floor((typeof initialStartLineNumber === 'number' && !isNaN(initialStartLineNumber)) ? initialStartLineNumber : 1);
let startColumn = Math.floor((typeof initialStartColumn === 'number' && !isNaN(initialStartColumn)) ? initialStartColumn : 1);
if (startLineNumber < 1) {
startLineNumber = 1;
startColumn = 1;
} else if (startLineNumber > linesCount) {
startLineNumber = linesCount;
startColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(startLineNumber);
} else {
if (startColumn <= 1) {
startColumn = 1;
} else {
const maxColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(startLineNumber);
if (startColumn >= maxColumn) {
startColumn = maxColumn;
const initialEndLineNumber = range.endLineNumber;
const initialEndColumn = range.endColumn;
let endLineNumber = Math.floor((typeof initialEndLineNumber === 'number' && !isNaN(initialEndLineNumber)) ? initialEndLineNumber : 1);
let endColumn = Math.floor((typeof initialEndColumn === 'number' && !isNaN(initialEndColumn)) ? initialEndColumn : 1);
if (endLineNumber < 1) {
endLineNumber = 1;
endColumn = 1;
} else if (endLineNumber > linesCount) {
endLineNumber = linesCount;
endColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(endLineNumber);
} else {
if (endColumn <= 1) {
endColumn = 1;
} else {
const maxColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(endLineNumber);
if (endColumn >= maxColumn) {
endColumn = maxColumn;
if (
initialStartLineNumber === startLineNumber
&& initialStartColumn === startColumn
&& initialEndLineNumber === endLineNumber
&& initialEndColumn === endColumn
&& range instanceof Range
&& !(range instanceof Selection)
) {
return range;
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);
private _isValidPosition(lineNumber: number, column: number, validationType: StringOffsetValidationType): boolean {
if (typeof lineNumber !== 'number' || typeof column !== 'number') {
return false;
if (isNaN(lineNumber) || isNaN(column)) {
return false;
if (lineNumber < 1 || column < 1) {
return false;
if ((lineNumber | 0) !== lineNumber || (column | 0) !== column) {
return false;
const lineCount = this._buffer.getLineCount();
if (lineNumber > lineCount) {
return false;
if (column === 1) {
return true;
const maxColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber);
if (column > maxColumn) {
return false;
if (validationType === StringOffsetValidationType.SurrogatePairs) {
// !!At this point, column > 1
const charCodeBefore = this._buffer.getLineCharCode(lineNumber, column - 2);
if (strings.isHighSurrogate(charCodeBefore)) {
return false;
return true;
private _validatePosition(_lineNumber: number, _column: number, validationType: StringOffsetValidationType): Position {
const lineNumber = Math.floor((typeof _lineNumber === 'number' && !isNaN(_lineNumber)) ? _lineNumber : 1);
const column = Math.floor((typeof _column === 'number' && !isNaN(_column)) ? _column : 1);
const lineCount = this._buffer.getLineCount();
if (lineNumber < 1) {
return new Position(1, 1);
if (lineNumber > lineCount) {
return new Position(lineCount, this.getLineMaxColumn(lineCount));
if (column <= 1) {
return new Position(lineNumber, 1);
const maxColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber);
if (column >= maxColumn) {
return new Position(lineNumber, maxColumn);
if (validationType === StringOffsetValidationType.SurrogatePairs) {
// If the position would end up in the middle of a high-low surrogate pair,
// we move it to before the pair
// !!At this point, column > 1
const charCodeBefore = this._buffer.getLineCharCode(lineNumber, column - 2);
if (strings.isHighSurrogate(charCodeBefore)) {
return new Position(lineNumber, column - 1);
return new Position(lineNumber, column);
public validatePosition(position: IPosition): Position {
const validationType = StringOffsetValidationType.SurrogatePairs;
// Avoid object allocation and cover most likely case
if (position instanceof Position) {
if (this._isValidPosition(position.lineNumber, position.column, validationType)) {
return position;
return this._validatePosition(position.lineNumber, position.column, validationType);
private _isValidRange(range: Range, validationType: StringOffsetValidationType): boolean {
const startLineNumber = range.startLineNumber;
const startColumn = range.startColumn;
const endLineNumber = range.endLineNumber;
const endColumn = range.endColumn;
if (!this._isValidPosition(startLineNumber, startColumn, StringOffsetValidationType.Relaxed)) {
return false;
if (!this._isValidPosition(endLineNumber, endColumn, StringOffsetValidationType.Relaxed)) {
return false;
if (validationType === StringOffsetValidationType.SurrogatePairs) {
const charCodeBeforeStart = (startColumn > 1 ? this._buffer.getLineCharCode(startLineNumber, startColumn - 2) : 0);
const charCodeBeforeEnd = (endColumn > 1 && endColumn <= this._buffer.getLineLength(endLineNumber) ? this._buffer.getLineCharCode(endLineNumber, endColumn - 2) : 0);
const startInsideSurrogatePair = strings.isHighSurrogate(charCodeBeforeStart);
const endInsideSurrogatePair = strings.isHighSurrogate(charCodeBeforeEnd);
if (!startInsideSurrogatePair && !endInsideSurrogatePair) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
public validateRange(_range: IRange): Range {
const validationType = StringOffsetValidationType.SurrogatePairs;
// Avoid object allocation and cover most likely case
if ((_range instanceof Range) && !(_range instanceof Selection)) {
if (this._isValidRange(_range, validationType)) {
return _range;
const start = this._validatePosition(_range.startLineNumber, _range.startColumn, StringOffsetValidationType.Relaxed);
const end = this._validatePosition(_range.endLineNumber, _range.endColumn, StringOffsetValidationType.Relaxed);
const startLineNumber = start.lineNumber;
const startColumn = start.column;
const endLineNumber = end.lineNumber;
const endColumn = end.column;
if (validationType === StringOffsetValidationType.SurrogatePairs) {
const charCodeBeforeStart = (startColumn > 1 ? this._buffer.getLineCharCode(startLineNumber, startColumn - 2) : 0);
const charCodeBeforeEnd = (endColumn > 1 && endColumn <= this._buffer.getLineLength(endLineNumber) ? this._buffer.getLineCharCode(endLineNumber, endColumn - 2) : 0);
const startInsideSurrogatePair = strings.isHighSurrogate(charCodeBeforeStart);
const endInsideSurrogatePair = strings.isHighSurrogate(charCodeBeforeEnd);
if (!startInsideSurrogatePair && !endInsideSurrogatePair) {
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);
if (startLineNumber === endLineNumber && startColumn === endColumn) {
// do not expand a collapsed range, simply move it to a valid location
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn - 1, endLineNumber, endColumn - 1);
if (startInsideSurrogatePair && endInsideSurrogatePair) {
// expand range at both ends
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn - 1, endLineNumber, endColumn + 1);
if (startInsideSurrogatePair) {
// only expand range at the start
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn - 1, endLineNumber, endColumn);
// only expand range at the end
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn + 1);
return new Range(startLineNumber, startColumn, endLineNumber, endColumn);
public modifyPosition(rawPosition: IPosition, offset: number): Position {
let candidate = this.getOffsetAt(rawPosition) + offset;
return this.getPositionAt(Math.min(this._buffer.getLength(), Math.max(0, candidate)));
public getFullModelRange(): Range {
const lineCount = this.getLineCount();
return new Range(1, 1, lineCount, this.getLineMaxColumn(lineCount));
private findMatchesLineByLine(searchRange: Range, searchData: SearchData, captureMatches: boolean, limitResultCount: number): model.FindMatch[] {
return this._buffer.findMatchesLineByLine(searchRange, searchData, captureMatches, limitResultCount);
public findMatches(searchString: string, rawSearchScope: any, isRegex: boolean, matchCase: boolean, wordSeparators: string | null, captureMatches: boolean, limitResultCount: number = LIMIT_FIND_COUNT): model.FindMatch[] {
let searchRanges: Range[] | null = null;
if (rawSearchScope !== null) {
if (!Array.isArray(rawSearchScope)) {
rawSearchScope = [rawSearchScope];
if (rawSearchScope.every((searchScope: Range) => Range.isIRange(searchScope))) {
searchRanges = rawSearchScope.map((searchScope: Range) => this.validateRange(searchScope));
if (searchRanges === null) {
searchRanges = [this.getFullModelRange()];
searchRanges = searchRanges.sort((d1, d2) => d1.startLineNumber - d2.startLineNumber || d1.startColumn - d2.startColumn);
const uniqueSearchRanges: Range[] = [];
uniqueSearchRanges.push(searchRanges.reduce((prev, curr) => {
if (Range.areIntersecting(prev, curr)) {
return prev.plusRange(curr);
return curr;
let matchMapper: (value: Range, index: number, array: Range[]) => model.FindMatch[];
if (!isRegex && searchString.indexOf('\n') < 0) {
// not regex, not multi line
const searchParams = new SearchParams(searchString, isRegex, matchCase, wordSeparators);
const searchData = searchParams.parseSearchRequest();
if (!searchData) {
return [];
matchMapper = (searchRange: Range) => this.findMatchesLineByLine(searchRange, searchData, captureMatches, limitResultCount);
} else {
matchMapper = (searchRange: Range) => TextModelSearch.findMatches(this, new SearchParams(searchString, isRegex, matchCase, wordSeparators), searchRange, captureMatches, limitResultCount);
return uniqueSearchRanges.map(matchMapper).reduce((arr, matches: model.FindMatch[]) => arr.concat(matches), []);
public findNextMatch(searchString: string, rawSearchStart: IPosition, isRegex: boolean, matchCase: boolean, wordSeparators: string, captureMatches: boolean): model.FindMatch | null {
const searchStart = this.validatePosition(rawSearchStart);
if (!isRegex && searchString.indexOf('\n') < 0) {
const searchParams = new SearchParams(searchString, isRegex, matchCase, wordSeparators);
const searchData = searchParams.parseSearchRequest();
if (!searchData) {
return null;
const lineCount = this.getLineCount();
let searchRange = new Range(searchStart.lineNumber, searchStart.column, lineCount, this.getLineMaxColumn(lineCount));
let ret = this.findMatchesLineByLine(searchRange, searchData, captureMatches, 1);
TextModelSearch.findNextMatch(this, new SearchParams(searchString, isRegex, matchCase, wordSeparators), searchStart, captureMatches);
if (ret.length > 0) {
return ret[0];
searchRange = new Range(1, 1, searchStart.lineNumber, this.getLineMaxColumn(searchStart.lineNumber));
ret = this.findMatchesLineByLine(searchRange, searchData, captureMatches, 1);
if (ret.length > 0) {
return ret[0];
return null;
return TextModelSearch.findNextMatch(this, new SearchParams(searchString, isRegex, matchCase, wordSeparators), searchStart, captureMatches);
public findPreviousMatch(searchString: string, rawSearchStart: IPosition, isRegex: boolean, matchCase: boolean, wordSeparators: string, captureMatches: boolean): model.FindMatch | null {
const searchStart = this.validatePosition(rawSearchStart);
return TextModelSearch.findPreviousMatch(this, new SearchParams(searchString, isRegex, matchCase, wordSeparators), searchStart, captureMatches);
//#region Editing
public pushStackElement(): void {
public popStackElement(): void {
public pushEOL(eol: model.EndOfLineSequence): void {
const currentEOL = (this.getEOL() === '\n' ? model.EndOfLineSequence.LF : model.EndOfLineSequence.CRLF);
if (currentEOL === eol) {
try {
if (this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot === null) {
this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot = this._undoRedoService.createSnapshot(this.uri);
} finally {
private _validateEditOperation(rawOperation: model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation): model.ValidAnnotatedEditOperation {
if (rawOperation instanceof model.ValidAnnotatedEditOperation) {
return rawOperation;
return new model.ValidAnnotatedEditOperation(
rawOperation.identifier || null,
rawOperation.forceMoveMarkers || false,
rawOperation.isAutoWhitespaceEdit || false,
rawOperation._isTracked || false
private _validateEditOperations(rawOperations: model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[]): model.ValidAnnotatedEditOperation[] {
const result: model.ValidAnnotatedEditOperation[] = [];
for (let i = 0, len = rawOperations.length; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = this._validateEditOperation(rawOperations[i]);
return result;
public pushEditOperations(beforeCursorState: Selection[] | null, editOperations: model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], cursorStateComputer: model.ICursorStateComputer | null): Selection[] | null {
try {
return this._pushEditOperations(beforeCursorState, this._validateEditOperations(editOperations), cursorStateComputer);
} finally {
private _pushEditOperations(beforeCursorState: Selection[] | null, editOperations: model.ValidAnnotatedEditOperation[], cursorStateComputer: model.ICursorStateComputer | null): Selection[] | null {
if (this._options.trimAutoWhitespace && this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines) {
// Go through each saved line number and insert a trim whitespace edit
// if it is safe to do so (no conflicts with other edits).
let incomingEdits = editOperations.map((op) => {
return {
range: this.validateRange(op.range),
text: op.text
// Sometimes, auto-formatters change ranges automatically which can cause undesired auto whitespace trimming near the cursor
// We'll use the following heuristic: if the edits occur near the cursor, then it's ok to trim auto whitespace
let editsAreNearCursors = true;
if (beforeCursorState) {
for (let i = 0, len = beforeCursorState.length; i < len; i++) {
let sel = beforeCursorState[i];
let foundEditNearSel = false;
for (let j = 0, lenJ = incomingEdits.length; j < lenJ; j++) {
let editRange = incomingEdits[j].range;
let selIsAbove = editRange.startLineNumber > sel.endLineNumber;
let selIsBelow = sel.startLineNumber > editRange.endLineNumber;
if (!selIsAbove && !selIsBelow) {
foundEditNearSel = true;
if (!foundEditNearSel) {
editsAreNearCursors = false;
if (editsAreNearCursors) {
for (let i = 0, len = this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines.length; i < len; i++) {
let trimLineNumber = this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines[i];
let maxLineColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(trimLineNumber);
let allowTrimLine = true;
for (let j = 0, lenJ = incomingEdits.length; j < lenJ; j++) {
let editRange = incomingEdits[j].range;
let editText = incomingEdits[j].text;
if (trimLineNumber < editRange.startLineNumber || trimLineNumber > editRange.endLineNumber) {
// `trimLine` is completely outside this edit
// At this point:
// editRange.startLineNumber <= trimLine <= editRange.endLineNumber
if (
trimLineNumber === editRange.startLineNumber && editRange.startColumn === maxLineColumn
&& editRange.isEmpty() && editText && editText.length > 0 && editText.charAt(0) === '\n'
) {
// This edit inserts a new line (and maybe other text) after `trimLine`
if (
trimLineNumber === editRange.startLineNumber && editRange.startColumn === 1
&& editRange.isEmpty() && editText && editText.length > 0 && editText.charAt(editText.length - 1) === '\n'
) {
// This edit inserts a new line (and maybe other text) before `trimLine`
// Looks like we can't trim this line as it would interfere with an incoming edit
allowTrimLine = false;
if (allowTrimLine) {
const trimRange = new Range(trimLineNumber, 1, trimLineNumber, maxLineColumn);
editOperations.push(new model.ValidAnnotatedEditOperation(null, trimRange, null, false, false, false));
this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines = null;
if (this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot === null) {
this._initialUndoRedoSnapshot = this._undoRedoService.createSnapshot(this.uri);
return this._commandManager.pushEditOperation(beforeCursorState, editOperations, cursorStateComputer);
_applyUndo(changes: TextChange[], eol: model.EndOfLineSequence, resultingAlternativeVersionId: number, resultingSelection: Selection[] | null): void {
const edits = changes.map<model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation>((change) => {
const rangeStart = this.getPositionAt(change.newPosition);
const rangeEnd = this.getPositionAt(change.newEnd);
return {
range: new Range(rangeStart.lineNumber, rangeStart.column, rangeEnd.lineNumber, rangeEnd.column),
text: change.oldText
this._applyUndoRedoEdits(edits, eol, true, false, resultingAlternativeVersionId, resultingSelection);
_applyRedo(changes: TextChange[], eol: model.EndOfLineSequence, resultingAlternativeVersionId: number, resultingSelection: Selection[] | null): void {
const edits = changes.map<model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation>((change) => {
const rangeStart = this.getPositionAt(change.oldPosition);
const rangeEnd = this.getPositionAt(change.oldEnd);
return {
range: new Range(rangeStart.lineNumber, rangeStart.column, rangeEnd.lineNumber, rangeEnd.column),
text: change.newText
this._applyUndoRedoEdits(edits, eol, false, true, resultingAlternativeVersionId, resultingSelection);
private _applyUndoRedoEdits(edits: model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], eol: model.EndOfLineSequence, isUndoing: boolean, isRedoing: boolean, resultingAlternativeVersionId: number, resultingSelection: Selection[] | null): void {
try {
this._isUndoing = isUndoing;
this._isRedoing = isRedoing;
this.applyEdits(edits, false);
} finally {
this._isUndoing = false;
this._isRedoing = false;
public applyEdits(operations: model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[]): void;
public applyEdits(operations: model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], computeUndoEdits: false): void;
public applyEdits(operations: model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], computeUndoEdits: true): model.IValidEditOperation[];
public applyEdits(rawOperations: model.IIdentifiedSingleEditOperation[], computeUndoEdits: boolean = false): void | model.IValidEditOperation[] {
try {
const operations = this._validateEditOperations(rawOperations);
return this._doApplyEdits(operations, computeUndoEdits);
} finally {
private _doApplyEdits(rawOperations: model.ValidAnnotatedEditOperation[], computeUndoEdits: boolean): void | model.IValidEditOperation[] {
const oldLineCount = this._buffer.getLineCount();
const result = this._buffer.applyEdits(rawOperations, this._options.trimAutoWhitespace, computeUndoEdits);
const newLineCount = this._buffer.getLineCount();
const contentChanges = result.changes;
this._trimAutoWhitespaceLines = result.trimAutoWhitespaceLineNumbers;
if (contentChanges.length !== 0) {
// We do a first pass to update tokens and decorations
// because we want to read decorations in the second pass
// where we will emit content change events
// and we want to read the final decorations
for (let i = 0, len = contentChanges.length; i < len; i++) {
const change = contentChanges[i];
const [eolCount, firstLineLength, lastLineLength] = countEOL(change.text);
this._tokens.acceptEdit(change.range, eolCount, firstLineLength);
this._tokens2.acceptEdit(change.range, eolCount, firstLineLength, lastLineLength, change.text.length > 0 ? change.text.charCodeAt(0) : CharCode.Null);
this._decorationsTree.acceptReplace(change.rangeOffset, change.rangeLength, change.text.length, change.forceMoveMarkers);
let rawContentChanges: ModelRawChange[] = [];
let lineCount = oldLineCount;
for (let i = 0, len = contentChanges.length; i < len; i++) {
const change = contentChanges[i];
const [eolCount] = countEOL(change.text);
const startLineNumber = change.range.startLineNumber;
const endLineNumber = change.range.endLineNumber;
const deletingLinesCnt = endLineNumber - startLineNumber;
const insertingLinesCnt = eolCount;
const editingLinesCnt = Math.min(deletingLinesCnt, insertingLinesCnt);
const changeLineCountDelta = (insertingLinesCnt - deletingLinesCnt);
const currentEditStartLineNumber = newLineCount - lineCount - changeLineCountDelta + startLineNumber;
const firstEditLineNumber = currentEditStartLineNumber;
const lastInsertedLineNumber = currentEditStartLineNumber + insertingLinesCnt;
const decorationsWithInjectedTextInEditedRange = this._decorationsTree.getInjectedTextInInterval(
this.getOffsetAt(new Position(firstEditLineNumber, 1)),
this.getOffsetAt(new Position(lastInsertedLineNumber, this.getLineMaxColumn(lastInsertedLineNumber))),
const injectedTextInEditedRange = LineInjectedText.fromDecorations(decorationsWithInjectedTextInEditedRange);
const injectedTextInEditedRangeQueue = new ArrayQueue(injectedTextInEditedRange);
for (let j = editingLinesCnt; j >= 0; j--) {
const editLineNumber = startLineNumber + j;
const currentEditLineNumber = currentEditStartLineNumber + j;
injectedTextInEditedRangeQueue.takeFromEndWhile(r => r.lineNumber > currentEditLineNumber);
const decorationsInCurrentLine = injectedTextInEditedRangeQueue.takeFromEndWhile(r => r.lineNumber === currentEditLineNumber);
new ModelRawLineChanged(
if (editingLinesCnt < deletingLinesCnt) {
// Must delete some lines
const spliceStartLineNumber = startLineNumber + editingLinesCnt;
rawContentChanges.push(new ModelRawLinesDeleted(spliceStartLineNumber + 1, endLineNumber));
if (editingLinesCnt < insertingLinesCnt) {
const injectedTextInEditedRangeQueue = new ArrayQueue(injectedTextInEditedRange);
// Must insert some lines
const spliceLineNumber = startLineNumber + editingLinesCnt;
const cnt = insertingLinesCnt - editingLinesCnt;
const fromLineNumber = newLineCount - lineCount - cnt + spliceLineNumber + 1;
let injectedTexts: (LineInjectedText[] | null)[] = [];
let newLines: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
let lineNumber = fromLineNumber + i;
newLines[i] = this.getLineContent(lineNumber);
injectedTextInEditedRangeQueue.takeWhile(r => r.lineNumber < lineNumber);
injectedTexts[i] = injectedTextInEditedRangeQueue.takeWhile(r => r.lineNumber === lineNumber);
new ModelRawLinesInserted(
spliceLineNumber + 1,
startLineNumber + insertingLinesCnt,
lineCount += changeLineCountDelta;
new ModelRawContentChangedEvent(
changes: contentChanges,
eol: this._buffer.getEOL(),
versionId: this.getVersionId(),
isUndoing: this._isUndoing,
isRedoing: this._isRedoing,
isFlush: false
return (result.reverseEdits === null ? undefined : result.reverseEdits);
public undo(): void | Promise<void> {
return this._undoRedoService.undo(this.uri);
public canUndo(): boolean {
return this._undoRedoService.canUndo(this.uri);
public redo(): void | Promise<void> {
return this._undoRedoService.redo(this.uri);
public canRedo(): boolean {
return this._undoRedoService.canRedo(this.uri);
//#region Decorations
private handleBeforeFireDecorationsChangedEvent(affectedInjectedTextLines: Set<number> | null): void {
// This is called before the decoration changed event is fired.
if (affectedInjectedTextLines === null || affectedInjectedTextLines.size === 0) {
const affectedLines = [...affectedInjectedTextLines];
const lineChangeEvents = affectedLines.map(lineNumber => new ModelRawLineChanged(lineNumber, this.getLineContent(lineNumber), this._getInjectedTextInLine(lineNumber)));
this._onDidChangeContentOrInjectedText.fire(new ModelInjectedTextChangedEvent(lineChangeEvents));
public changeDecorations<T>(callback: (changeAccessor: model.IModelDecorationsChangeAccessor) => T, ownerId: number = 0): T | null {
try {
return this._changeDecorations(ownerId, callback);
} finally {
private _changeDecorations<T>(ownerId: number, callback: (changeAccessor: model.IModelDecorationsChangeAccessor) => T): T | null {
let changeAccessor: model.IModelDecorationsChangeAccessor = {
addDecoration: (range: IRange, options: model.IModelDecorationOptions): string => {
return this._deltaDecorationsImpl(ownerId, [], [{ range: range, options: options }])[0];
changeDecoration: (id: string, newRange: IRange): void => {
this._changeDecorationImpl(id, newRange);
changeDecorationOptions: (id: string, options: model.IModelDecorationOptions) => {
this._changeDecorationOptionsImpl(id, _normalizeOptions(options));
removeDecoration: (id: string): void => {
this._deltaDecorationsImpl(ownerId, [id], []);
deltaDecorations: (oldDecorations: string[], newDecorations: model.IModelDeltaDecoration[]): string[] => {
if (oldDecorations.length === 0 && newDecorations.length === 0) {
// nothing to do
return [];
return this._deltaDecorationsImpl(ownerId, oldDecorations, newDecorations);
let result: T | null = null;
try {
result = callback(changeAccessor);
} catch (e) {
// Invalidate change accessor
changeAccessor.addDecoration = invalidFunc;
changeAccessor.changeDecoration = invalidFunc;
changeAccessor.changeDecorationOptions = invalidFunc;
changeAccessor.removeDecoration = invalidFunc;
changeAccessor.deltaDecorations = invalidFunc;
return result;
public deltaDecorations(oldDecorations: string[], newDecorations: model.IModelDeltaDecoration[], ownerId: number = 0): string[] {
if (!oldDecorations) {
oldDecorations = [];
if (oldDecorations.length === 0 && newDecorations.length === 0) {
// nothing to do
return [];
try {
return this._deltaDecorationsImpl(ownerId, oldDecorations, newDecorations);
} finally {
_getTrackedRange(id: string): Range | null {
return this.getDecorationRange(id);
_setTrackedRange(id: string | null, newRange: null, newStickiness: model.TrackedRangeStickiness): null;
_setTrackedRange(id: string | null, newRange: Range, newStickiness: model.TrackedRangeStickiness): string;
_setTrackedRange(id: string | null, newRange: Range | null, newStickiness: model.TrackedRangeStickiness): string | null {
const node = (id ? this._decorations[id] : null);
if (!node) {
if (!newRange) {
// node doesn't exist, the request is to delete => nothing to do
return null;
// node doesn't exist, the request is to set => add the tracked range
return this._deltaDecorationsImpl(0, [], [{ range: newRange, options: TRACKED_RANGE_OPTIONS[newStickiness] }])[0];
if (!newRange) {
// node exists, the request is to delete => delete node
delete this._decorations[node.id];
return null;
// node exists, the request is to set => change the tracked range and its options
const range = this._validateRangeRelaxedNoAllocations(newRange);
const startOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn);
const endOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);
node.reset(this.getVersionId(), startOffset, endOffset, range);
return node.id;
public removeAllDecorationsWithOwnerId(ownerId: number): void {
if (this._isDisposed) {
const nodes = this._decorationsTree.collectNodesFromOwner(ownerId);
for (let i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
const node = nodes[i];
delete this._decorations[node.id];
public getDecorationOptions(decorationId: string): model.IModelDecorationOptions | null {
const node = this._decorations[decorationId];
if (!node) {
return null;
return node.options;
public getDecorationRange(decorationId: string): Range | null {
const node = this._decorations[decorationId];
if (!node) {
return null;
return this._decorationsTree.getNodeRange(this, node);
public getLineDecorations(lineNumber: number, ownerId: number = 0, filterOutValidation: boolean = false): model.IModelDecoration[] {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
return [];
return this.getLinesDecorations(lineNumber, lineNumber, ownerId, filterOutValidation);
public getLinesDecorations(_startLineNumber: number, _endLineNumber: number, ownerId: number = 0, filterOutValidation: boolean = false): model.IModelDecoration[] {
let lineCount = this.getLineCount();
let startLineNumber = Math.min(lineCount, Math.max(1, _startLineNumber));
let endLineNumber = Math.min(lineCount, Math.max(1, _endLineNumber));
let endColumn = this.getLineMaxColumn(endLineNumber);
const range = new Range(startLineNumber, 1, endLineNumber, endColumn);
const decorations = this._getDecorationsInRange(range, ownerId, filterOutValidation);
decorations.push(...this._decorationProvider.getDecorationsInRange(range, ownerId, filterOutValidation));
return decorations;
public getDecorationsInRange(range: IRange, ownerId: number = 0, filterOutValidation: boolean = false): model.IModelDecoration[] {
let validatedRange = this.validateRange(range);
const decorations = this._getDecorationsInRange(validatedRange, ownerId, filterOutValidation);
decorations.push(...this._decorationProvider.getDecorationsInRange(validatedRange, ownerId, filterOutValidation));
return decorations;
public getOverviewRulerDecorations(ownerId: number = 0, filterOutValidation: boolean = false): model.IModelDecoration[] {
return this._decorationsTree.getAll(this, ownerId, filterOutValidation, true);
public getInjectedTextDecorations(ownerId: number = 0): model.IModelDecoration[] {
return this._decorationsTree.getAllInjectedText(this, ownerId);
private _getInjectedTextInLine(lineNumber: number): LineInjectedText[] {
const startOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(lineNumber, 1);
const endOffset = startOffset + this._buffer.getLineLength(lineNumber);
const result = this._decorationsTree.getInjectedTextInInterval(this, startOffset, endOffset, 0);
return LineInjectedText.fromDecorations(result).filter(t => t.lineNumber === lineNumber);
public getAllDecorations(ownerId: number = 0, filterOutValidation: boolean = false): model.IModelDecoration[] {
let result = this._decorationsTree.getAll(this, ownerId, filterOutValidation, false);
result = result.concat(this._decorationProvider.getAllDecorations(ownerId, filterOutValidation));
return result;
private _getDecorationsInRange(filterRange: Range, filterOwnerId: number, filterOutValidation: boolean): model.IModelDecoration[] {
const startOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(filterRange.startLineNumber, filterRange.startColumn);
const endOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(filterRange.endLineNumber, filterRange.endColumn);
return this._decorationsTree.getAllInInterval(this, startOffset, endOffset, filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation);
public getRangeAt(start: number, end: number): Range {
return this._buffer.getRangeAt(start, end - start);
private _changeDecorationImpl(decorationId: string, _range: IRange): void {
const node = this._decorations[decorationId];
if (!node) {
if (node.options.after) {
const oldRange = this.getDecorationRange(decorationId);
if (node.options.before) {
const oldRange = this.getDecorationRange(decorationId);
const range = this._validateRangeRelaxedNoAllocations(_range);
const startOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn);
const endOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);
node.reset(this.getVersionId(), startOffset, endOffset, range);
if (node.options.after) {
if (node.options.before) {
private _changeDecorationOptionsImpl(decorationId: string, options: ModelDecorationOptions): void {
const node = this._decorations[decorationId];
if (!node) {
const nodeWasInOverviewRuler = (node.options.overviewRuler && node.options.overviewRuler.color ? true : false);
const nodeIsInOverviewRuler = (options.overviewRuler && options.overviewRuler.color ? true : false);
if (node.options.after || options.after) {
const nodeRange = this._decorationsTree.getNodeRange(this, node);
if (node.options.before || options.before) {
const nodeRange = this._decorationsTree.getNodeRange(this, node);
if (nodeWasInOverviewRuler !== nodeIsInOverviewRuler) {
// Delete + Insert due to an overview ruler status change
} else {
private _deltaDecorationsImpl(ownerId: number, oldDecorationsIds: string[], newDecorations: model.IModelDeltaDecoration[]): string[] {
const versionId = this.getVersionId();
const oldDecorationsLen = oldDecorationsIds.length;
let oldDecorationIndex = 0;
const newDecorationsLen = newDecorations.length;
let newDecorationIndex = 0;
let result = new Array<string>(newDecorationsLen);
while (oldDecorationIndex < oldDecorationsLen || newDecorationIndex < newDecorationsLen) {
let node: IntervalNode | null = null;
if (oldDecorationIndex < oldDecorationsLen) {
// (1) get ourselves an old node
do {
node = this._decorations[oldDecorationsIds[oldDecorationIndex++]];
} while (!node && oldDecorationIndex < oldDecorationsLen);
// (2) remove the node from the tree (if it exists)
if (node) {
if (node.options.after) {
const nodeRange = this._decorationsTree.getNodeRange(this, node);
if (node.options.before) {
const nodeRange = this._decorationsTree.getNodeRange(this, node);
if (newDecorationIndex < newDecorationsLen) {
// (3) create a new node if necessary
if (!node) {
const internalDecorationId = (++this._lastDecorationId);
const decorationId = `${this._instanceId};${internalDecorationId}`;
node = new IntervalNode(decorationId, 0, 0);
this._decorations[decorationId] = node;
// (4) initialize node
const newDecoration = newDecorations[newDecorationIndex];
const range = this._validateRangeRelaxedNoAllocations(newDecoration.range);
const options = _normalizeOptions(newDecoration.options);
const startOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(range.startLineNumber, range.startColumn);
const endOffset = this._buffer.getOffsetAt(range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);
node.ownerId = ownerId;
node.reset(versionId, startOffset, endOffset, range);
if (node.options.after) {
if (node.options.before) {
result[newDecorationIndex] = node.id;
} else {
if (node) {
delete this._decorations[node.id];
return result;
//#region Tokenization
public setLineTokens(lineNumber: number, tokens: Uint32Array | ArrayBuffer | null): void {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
this._tokens.setTokens(this._languageId, lineNumber - 1, this._buffer.getLineLength(lineNumber), tokens, false);
public setTokens(tokens: MultilineTokens[], backgroundTokenizationCompleted: boolean = false): void {
if (tokens.length !== 0) {
let ranges: { fromLineNumber: number; toLineNumber: number; }[] = [];
for (let i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; i++) {
const element = tokens[i];
let minChangedLineNumber = 0;
let maxChangedLineNumber = 0;
let hasChange = false;
for (let j = 0, lenJ = element.tokens.length; j < lenJ; j++) {
const lineNumber = element.startLineNumber + j;
if (hasChange) {
this._tokens.setTokens(this._languageId, lineNumber - 1, this._buffer.getLineLength(lineNumber), element.tokens[j], false);
maxChangedLineNumber = lineNumber;
} else {
const lineHasChange = this._tokens.setTokens(this._languageId, lineNumber - 1, this._buffer.getLineLength(lineNumber), element.tokens[j], true);
if (lineHasChange) {
hasChange = true;
minChangedLineNumber = lineNumber;
maxChangedLineNumber = lineNumber;
if (hasChange) {
ranges.push({ fromLineNumber: minChangedLineNumber, toLineNumber: maxChangedLineNumber });
if (ranges.length > 0) {
tokenizationSupportChanged: false,
semanticTokensApplied: false,
ranges: ranges
public setSemanticTokens(tokens: MultilineTokens2[] | null, isComplete: boolean): void {
this._tokens2.set(tokens, isComplete);
tokenizationSupportChanged: false,
semanticTokensApplied: tokens !== null,
ranges: [{ fromLineNumber: 1, toLineNumber: this.getLineCount() }]
public hasCompleteSemanticTokens(): boolean {
return this._tokens2.isComplete();
public hasSomeSemanticTokens(): boolean {
return !this._tokens2.isEmpty();
public setPartialSemanticTokens(range: Range, tokens: MultilineTokens2[]): void {
if (this.hasCompleteSemanticTokens()) {
const changedRange = this._tokens2.setPartial(range, tokens);
tokenizationSupportChanged: false,
semanticTokensApplied: true,
ranges: [{ fromLineNumber: changedRange.startLineNumber, toLineNumber: changedRange.endLineNumber }]
public tokenizeViewport(startLineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number): void {
startLineNumber = Math.max(1, startLineNumber);
endLineNumber = Math.min(this._buffer.getLineCount(), endLineNumber);
this._tokenization.tokenizeViewport(startLineNumber, endLineNumber);
public clearTokens(): void {
tokenizationSupportChanged: true,
semanticTokensApplied: false,
ranges: [{
fromLineNumber: 1,
toLineNumber: this._buffer.getLineCount()
public clearSemanticTokens(): void {
tokenizationSupportChanged: false,
semanticTokensApplied: false,
ranges: [{ fromLineNumber: 1, toLineNumber: this.getLineCount() }]
private _emitModelTokensChangedEvent(e: IModelTokensChangedEvent): void {
if (!this._isDisposing) {
public resetTokenization(): void {
public forceTokenization(lineNumber: number): void {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
public isCheapToTokenize(lineNumber: number): boolean {
return this._tokenization.isCheapToTokenize(lineNumber);
public tokenizeIfCheap(lineNumber: number): void {
if (this.isCheapToTokenize(lineNumber)) {
public getLineTokens(lineNumber: number): LineTokens {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > this.getLineCount()) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
return this._getLineTokens(lineNumber);
private _getLineTokens(lineNumber: number): LineTokens {
const lineText = this.getLineContent(lineNumber);
const syntacticTokens = this._tokens.getTokens(this._languageId, lineNumber - 1, lineText);
return this._tokens2.addSemanticTokens(lineNumber, syntacticTokens);
public getLanguageId(): string {
return this._languageId;
public setMode(languageId: string): void {
if (this._languageId === languageId) {
// There's nothing to do
let e: IModelLanguageChangedEvent = {
oldLanguage: this._languageId,
newLanguage: languageId
this._languageId = languageId;
public getLanguageIdAtPosition(lineNumber: number, column: number): string {
const position = this.validatePosition(new Position(lineNumber, column));
const lineTokens = this.getLineTokens(position.lineNumber);
return lineTokens.getLanguageId(lineTokens.findTokenIndexAtOffset(position.column - 1));
public getTokenTypeIfInsertingCharacter(lineNumber: number, column: number, character: string): StandardTokenType {
const position = this.validatePosition(new Position(lineNumber, column));
return this._tokenization.getTokenTypeIfInsertingCharacter(position, character);
private getLanguageConfiguration(languageId: string): ResolvedLanguageConfiguration {
return this._languageConfigurationService.getLanguageConfiguration(languageId);
// Having tokens allows implementing additional helper methods
public getWordAtPosition(_position: IPosition): model.IWordAtPosition | null {
const position = this.validatePosition(_position);
const lineContent = this.getLineContent(position.lineNumber);
const lineTokens = this._getLineTokens(position.lineNumber);
const tokenIndex = lineTokens.findTokenIndexAtOffset(position.column - 1);
// (1). First try checking right biased word
const [rbStartOffset, rbEndOffset] = TextModel._findLanguageBoundaries(lineTokens, tokenIndex);
const rightBiasedWord = getWordAtText(
lineContent.substring(rbStartOffset, rbEndOffset),
// Make sure the result touches the original passed in position
if (rightBiasedWord && rightBiasedWord.startColumn <= _position.column && _position.column <= rightBiasedWord.endColumn) {
return rightBiasedWord;
// (2). Else, if we were at a language boundary, check the left biased word
if (tokenIndex > 0 && rbStartOffset === position.column - 1) {
// edge case, where `position` sits between two tokens belonging to two different languages
const [lbStartOffset, lbEndOffset] = TextModel._findLanguageBoundaries(lineTokens, tokenIndex - 1);
const leftBiasedWord = getWordAtText(
this.getLanguageConfiguration(lineTokens.getLanguageId(tokenIndex - 1)).getWordDefinition(),
lineContent.substring(lbStartOffset, lbEndOffset),
// Make sure the result touches the original passed in position
if (leftBiasedWord && leftBiasedWord.startColumn <= _position.column && _position.column <= leftBiasedWord.endColumn) {
return leftBiasedWord;
return null;
private static _findLanguageBoundaries(lineTokens: LineTokens, tokenIndex: number): [number, number] {
const languageId = lineTokens.getLanguageId(tokenIndex);
// go left until a different language is hit
let startOffset = 0;
for (let i = tokenIndex; i >= 0 && lineTokens.getLanguageId(i) === languageId; i--) {
startOffset = lineTokens.getStartOffset(i);
// go right until a different language is hit
let endOffset = lineTokens.getLineContent().length;
for (let i = tokenIndex, tokenCount = lineTokens.getCount(); i < tokenCount && lineTokens.getLanguageId(i) === languageId; i++) {
endOffset = lineTokens.getEndOffset(i);
return [startOffset, endOffset];
public getWordUntilPosition(position: IPosition): model.IWordAtPosition {
const wordAtPosition = this.getWordAtPosition(position);
if (!wordAtPosition) {
return {
word: '',
startColumn: position.column,
endColumn: position.column
return {
word: wordAtPosition.word.substr(0, position.column - wordAtPosition.startColumn),
startColumn: wordAtPosition.startColumn,
endColumn: position.column
* Returns:
* - -1 => the line consists of whitespace
* - otherwise => the indent level is returned value
public static computeIndentLevel(line: string, tabSize: number): number {
let indent = 0;
let i = 0;
let len = line.length;
while (i < len) {
let chCode = line.charCodeAt(i);
if (chCode === CharCode.Space) {
} else if (chCode === CharCode.Tab) {
indent = indent - indent % tabSize + tabSize;
} else {
if (i === len) {
return -1; // line only consists of whitespace
return indent;
private _computeIndentLevel(lineIndex: number): number {
return TextModel.computeIndentLevel(this._buffer.getLineContent(lineIndex + 1), this._options.tabSize);
public getActiveIndentGuide(lineNumber: number, minLineNumber: number, maxLineNumber: number): model.IActiveIndentGuideInfo {
const lineCount = this.getLineCount();
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > lineCount) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for lineNumber');
const foldingRules = this.getLanguageConfiguration(this._languageId).foldingRules;
const offSide = Boolean(foldingRules && foldingRules.offSide);
let up_aboveContentLineIndex = -2; /* -2 is a marker for not having computed it */
let up_aboveContentLineIndent = -1;
let up_belowContentLineIndex = -2; /* -2 is a marker for not having computed it */
let up_belowContentLineIndent = -1;
const up_resolveIndents = (lineNumber: number) => {
if (up_aboveContentLineIndex !== -1 && (up_aboveContentLineIndex === -2 || up_aboveContentLineIndex > lineNumber - 1)) {
up_aboveContentLineIndex = -1;
up_aboveContentLineIndent = -1;
// must find previous line with content
for (let lineIndex = lineNumber - 2; lineIndex >= 0; lineIndex--) {
let indent = this._computeIndentLevel(lineIndex);
if (indent >= 0) {
up_aboveContentLineIndex = lineIndex;
up_aboveContentLineIndent = indent;
if (up_belowContentLineIndex === -2) {
up_belowContentLineIndex = -1;
up_belowContentLineIndent = -1;
// must find next line with content
for (let lineIndex = lineNumber; lineIndex < lineCount; lineIndex++) {
let indent = this._computeIndentLevel(lineIndex);
if (indent >= 0) {
up_belowContentLineIndex = lineIndex;
up_belowContentLineIndent = indent;
let down_aboveContentLineIndex = -2; /* -2 is a marker for not having computed it */
let down_aboveContentLineIndent = -1;
let down_belowContentLineIndex = -2; /* -2 is a marker for not having computed it */
let down_belowContentLineIndent = -1;
const down_resolveIndents = (lineNumber: number) => {
if (down_aboveContentLineIndex === -2) {
down_aboveContentLineIndex = -1;
down_aboveContentLineIndent = -1;
// must find previous line with content
for (let lineIndex = lineNumber - 2; lineIndex >= 0; lineIndex--) {
let indent = this._computeIndentLevel(lineIndex);
if (indent >= 0) {
down_aboveContentLineIndex = lineIndex;
down_aboveContentLineIndent = indent;
if (down_belowContentLineIndex !== -1 && (down_belowContentLineIndex === -2 || down_belowContentLineIndex < lineNumber - 1)) {
down_belowContentLineIndex = -1;
down_belowContentLineIndent = -1;
// must find next line with content
for (let lineIndex = lineNumber; lineIndex < lineCount; lineIndex++) {
let indent = this._computeIndentLevel(lineIndex);
if (indent >= 0) {
down_belowContentLineIndex = lineIndex;
down_belowContentLineIndent = indent;
let startLineNumber = 0;
let goUp = true;
let endLineNumber = 0;
let goDown = true;
let indent = 0;
let initialIndent = 0;
for (let distance = 0; goUp || goDown; distance++) {
const upLineNumber = lineNumber - distance;
const downLineNumber = lineNumber + distance;
if (distance > 1 && (upLineNumber < 1 || upLineNumber < minLineNumber)) {
goUp = false;
if (distance > 1 && (downLineNumber > lineCount || downLineNumber > maxLineNumber)) {
goDown = false;
if (distance > 50000) {
// stop processing
goUp = false;
goDown = false;
let upLineIndentLevel: number = -1;
if (goUp) {
// compute indent level going up
const currentIndent = this._computeIndentLevel(upLineNumber - 1);
if (currentIndent >= 0) {
// This line has content (besides whitespace)
// Use the line's indent
up_belowContentLineIndex = upLineNumber - 1;
up_belowContentLineIndent = currentIndent;
upLineIndentLevel = Math.ceil(currentIndent / this._options.indentSize);
} else {
upLineIndentLevel = this._getIndentLevelForWhitespaceLine(offSide, up_aboveContentLineIndent, up_belowContentLineIndent);
let downLineIndentLevel = -1;
if (goDown) {
// compute indent level going down
const currentIndent = this._computeIndentLevel(downLineNumber - 1);
if (currentIndent >= 0) {
// This line has content (besides whitespace)
// Use the line's indent
down_aboveContentLineIndex = downLineNumber - 1;
down_aboveContentLineIndent = currentIndent;
downLineIndentLevel = Math.ceil(currentIndent / this._options.indentSize);
} else {
downLineIndentLevel = this._getIndentLevelForWhitespaceLine(offSide, down_aboveContentLineIndent, down_belowContentLineIndent);
if (distance === 0) {
initialIndent = upLineIndentLevel;
if (distance === 1) {
if (downLineNumber <= lineCount && downLineIndentLevel >= 0 && initialIndent + 1 === downLineIndentLevel) {
// This is the beginning of a scope, we have special handling here, since we want the
// child scope indent to be active, not the parent scope
goUp = false;
startLineNumber = downLineNumber;
endLineNumber = downLineNumber;
indent = downLineIndentLevel;
if (upLineNumber >= 1 && upLineIndentLevel >= 0 && upLineIndentLevel - 1 === initialIndent) {
// This is the end of a scope, just like above
goDown = false;
startLineNumber = upLineNumber;
endLineNumber = upLineNumber;
indent = upLineIndentLevel;
startLineNumber = lineNumber;
endLineNumber = lineNumber;
indent = initialIndent;
if (indent === 0) {
// No need to continue
return { startLineNumber, endLineNumber, indent };
if (goUp) {
if (upLineIndentLevel >= indent) {
startLineNumber = upLineNumber;
} else {
goUp = false;
if (goDown) {
if (downLineIndentLevel >= indent) {
endLineNumber = downLineNumber;
} else {
goDown = false;
return { startLineNumber, endLineNumber, indent };
public getLinesBracketGuides(
startLineNumber: number,
endLineNumber: number,
activePosition: IPosition | null,
options: model.BracketGuideOptions
): model.IndentGuide[][] {
const result: model.IndentGuide[][] = [];
const bracketPairs =
new Range(
let activeBracketPairRange: Range | undefined = undefined;
if (activePosition && bracketPairs.length > 0) {
const bracketsContainingActivePosition =
(startLineNumber <= activePosition.lineNumber && activePosition.lineNumber <= endLineNumber)
// Does active position intersect with the view port? -> Intersect bracket pairs with activePosition
? bracketPairs.filter(bp => Range.strictContainsPosition(bp.range, activePosition))
: this._bracketPairColorizer.getBracketPairsInRange(
activeBracketPairRange = findLast(
/* Exclude single line bracket pairs for cases such as
* ```
* function test() {
* if (true) { | }
* }
* ```
(i) => i.range.startLineNumber !== i.range.endLineNumber
const queue = new ArrayQueue(bracketPairs);
/** Indexed by nesting level */
const activeGuides = new Array<{
nestingLevel: number,
guideVisibleColumn: number,
start: Position,
visibleStartColumn: number,
end: Position,
visibleEndColumn: number,
bracketPair: BracketPairInfo,
renderHorizontalEndLineAtTheBottom: boolean
} | null>();
const nextGuides = new Array<model.IndentGuide>();
const colorProvider = new BracketPairGuidesClassNames();
for (let lineNumber = startLineNumber; lineNumber <= endLineNumber; lineNumber++) {
let guides = new Array<model.IndentGuide>();
if (nextGuides.length > 0) {
guides = guides.concat(nextGuides);
nextGuides.length = 0;
// Update activeGuides
for (const pair of queue.takeWhile(b => b.openingBracketRange.startLineNumber <= lineNumber) || []) {
if (pair.range.startLineNumber === pair.range.endLineNumber) {
// ignore single line brackets
const guideVisibleColumn = Math.min(
this.getVisibleColumnFromPosition(pair.closingBracketRange?.getStartPosition() ?? pair.range.getEndPosition()),
pair.minVisibleColumnIndentation + 1
let renderHorizontalEndLineAtTheBottom = false;
if (pair.closingBracketRange) {
const firstNonWsIndex = strings.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(this.getLineContent(pair.closingBracketRange.startLineNumber));
if (firstNonWsIndex < pair.closingBracketRange.startColumn - 1) {
renderHorizontalEndLineAtTheBottom = true;
const start = pair.openingBracketRange.getStartPosition();
const end = (pair.closingBracketRange?.getStartPosition() ?? pair.range.getEndPosition());
if (pair.closingBracketRange === undefined) {
// Don't show guides for bracket pairs that are not balanced.
// See #135125.
activeGuides[pair.nestingLevel] = null;
} else {
activeGuides[pair.nestingLevel] = {
nestingLevel: pair.nestingLevel,
visibleStartColumn: this.getVisibleColumnFromPosition(start),
visibleEndColumn: this.getVisibleColumnFromPosition(end),
bracketPair: pair,
for (const line of activeGuides) {
if (!line) {
const isActive = activeBracketPairRange && line.bracketPair.range.equalsRange(activeBracketPairRange);
const className =
colorProvider.getInlineClassNameOfLevel(line.nestingLevel) +
(options.highlightActive && isActive ? ' ' + colorProvider.activeClassName : '');
if (
(isActive && options.horizontalGuides !== model.HorizontalGuidesState.Disabled)
|| (options.includeInactive && options.horizontalGuides === model.HorizontalGuidesState.Enabled)
) {
if (line.start.lineNumber === lineNumber) {
if (line.guideVisibleColumn < line.visibleStartColumn) {
guides.push(new model.IndentGuide(line.guideVisibleColumn, className,
new model.IndentGuideHorizontalLine(false, line.start.column)));
if (line.end.lineNumber === lineNumber + 1) {
// The next line might have horizontal guides.
// However, the next line might also have a new bracket pair with the same indentation,
// so the current bracket pair might get replaced. That's why we push the guide to nextGuides one line ahead.
if (line.guideVisibleColumn < line.visibleEndColumn) {
nextGuides.push(new model.IndentGuide(line.guideVisibleColumn, className,
new model.IndentGuideHorizontalLine(!line.renderHorizontalEndLineAtTheBottom, line.end.column)));
let lastVisibleColumnCount = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
// Going backwards, so the last guide potentially replaces others
for (let i = activeGuides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const line = activeGuides[i];
if (!line) {
const isActive = options.highlightActive && activeBracketPairRange &&
const className =
colorProvider.getInlineClassNameOfLevel(line.nestingLevel) +
(isActive ? ' ' + colorProvider.activeClassName : '');
if (isActive || options.includeInactive) {
if (line.renderHorizontalEndLineAtTheBottom && line.end.lineNumber === lineNumber + 1) {
nextGuides.push(new model.IndentGuide(line.guideVisibleColumn, className, null));
if (line.end.lineNumber <= lineNumber
|| line.start.lineNumber >= lineNumber) {
if (line.guideVisibleColumn >= lastVisibleColumnCount && !isActive) {
// Don't render a guide on top of an existing guide, unless it is active.
lastVisibleColumnCount = line.guideVisibleColumn;
if (isActive || options.includeInactive) {
guides.push(new model.IndentGuide(line.guideVisibleColumn, className, null));
guides.sort((a, b) => a.visibleColumn - b.visibleColumn);
return result;
private getVisibleColumnFromPosition(position: Position): number {
return CursorColumns.visibleColumnFromColumn(this.getLineContent(position.lineNumber), position.column, this._options.tabSize) + 1;
public getLinesIndentGuides(startLineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number): number[] {
const lineCount = this.getLineCount();
if (startLineNumber < 1 || startLineNumber > lineCount) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for startLineNumber');
if (endLineNumber < 1 || endLineNumber > lineCount) {
throw new Error('Illegal value for endLineNumber');
const foldingRules = this.getLanguageConfiguration(this._languageId).foldingRules;
const offSide = Boolean(foldingRules && foldingRules.offSide);
let result: number[] = new Array<number>(endLineNumber - startLineNumber + 1);
let aboveContentLineIndex = -2; /* -2 is a marker for not having computed it */
let aboveContentLineIndent = -1;
let belowContentLineIndex = -2; /* -2 is a marker for not having computed it */
let belowContentLineIndent = -1;
for (let lineNumber = startLineNumber; lineNumber <= endLineNumber; lineNumber++) {
let resultIndex = lineNumber - startLineNumber;
const currentIndent = this._computeIndentLevel(lineNumber - 1);
if (currentIndent >= 0) {
// This line has content (besides whitespace)
// Use the line's indent
aboveContentLineIndex = lineNumber - 1;
aboveContentLineIndent = currentIndent;
result[resultIndex] = Math.ceil(currentIndent / this._options.indentSize);
if (aboveContentLineIndex === -2) {
aboveContentLineIndex = -1;
aboveContentLineIndent = -1;
// must find previous line with content
for (let lineIndex = lineNumber - 2; lineIndex >= 0; lineIndex--) {
let indent = this._computeIndentLevel(lineIndex);
if (indent >= 0) {
aboveContentLineIndex = lineIndex;
aboveContentLineIndent = indent;
if (belowContentLineIndex !== -1 && (belowContentLineIndex === -2 || belowContentLineIndex < lineNumber - 1)) {
belowContentLineIndex = -1;
belowContentLineIndent = -1;
// must find next line with content
for (let lineIndex = lineNumber; lineIndex < lineCount; lineIndex++) {
let indent = this._computeIndentLevel(lineIndex);
if (indent >= 0) {
belowContentLineIndex = lineIndex;
belowContentLineIndent = indent;
result[resultIndex] = this._getIndentLevelForWhitespaceLine(offSide, aboveContentLineIndent, belowContentLineIndent);
return result;
private _getIndentLevelForWhitespaceLine(offSide: boolean, aboveContentLineIndent: number, belowContentLineIndent: number): number {
if (aboveContentLineIndent === -1 || belowContentLineIndent === -1) {
// At the top or bottom of the file
return 0;
} else if (aboveContentLineIndent < belowContentLineIndent) {
// we are inside the region above
return (1 + Math.floor(aboveContentLineIndent / this._options.indentSize));
} else if (aboveContentLineIndent === belowContentLineIndent) {
// we are in between two regions
return Math.ceil(belowContentLineIndent / this._options.indentSize);
} else {
if (offSide) {
// same level as region below
return Math.ceil(belowContentLineIndent / this._options.indentSize);
} else {
// we are inside the region that ends below
return (1 + Math.floor(belowContentLineIndent / this._options.indentSize));
normalizePosition(position: Position, affinity: model.PositionAffinity): Position {
return position;
* Gets the column at which indentation stops at a given line.
* @internal
public getLineIndentColumn(lineNumber: number): number {
// Columns start with 1.
return indentOfLine(this.getLineContent(lineNumber)) + 1;
function indentOfLine(line: string): number {
let indent = 0;
for (const c of line) {
if (c === ' ' || c === '\t') {
} else {
return indent;
export class BracketPairGuidesClassNames {
public readonly activeClassName = 'indent-active';
getInlineClassNameOfLevel(level: number): string {
// To support a dynamic amount of colors up to 6 colors,
// we use a number that is a lcm of all numbers from 1 to 6.
return `bracket-indent-guide lvl-${level % 30}`;
//#region Decorations
function isNodeInOverviewRuler(node: IntervalNode): boolean {
return (node.options.overviewRuler && node.options.overviewRuler.color ? true : false);
function isNodeInjectedText(node: IntervalNode): boolean {
return !!node.options.after || !!node.options.before;
export interface IDecorationsTreesHost {
getVersionId(): number;
getRangeAt(start: number, end: number): Range;
class DecorationsTrees {
* This tree holds decorations that do not show up in the overview ruler.
private readonly _decorationsTree0: IntervalTree;
* This tree holds decorations that show up in the overview ruler.
private readonly _decorationsTree1: IntervalTree;
* This tree holds decorations that contain injected text.
private readonly _injectedTextDecorationsTree: IntervalTree;
constructor() {
this._decorationsTree0 = new IntervalTree();
this._decorationsTree1 = new IntervalTree();
this._injectedTextDecorationsTree = new IntervalTree();
public ensureAllNodesHaveRanges(host: IDecorationsTreesHost): void {
this.getAll(host, 0, false, false);
private _ensureNodesHaveRanges(host: IDecorationsTreesHost, nodes: IntervalNode[]): model.IModelDecoration[] {
for (const node of nodes) {
if (node.range === null) {
node.range = host.getRangeAt(node.cachedAbsoluteStart, node.cachedAbsoluteEnd);
return <model.IModelDecoration[]>nodes;
public getAllInInterval(host: IDecorationsTreesHost, start: number, end: number, filterOwnerId: number, filterOutValidation: boolean): model.IModelDecoration[] {
const versionId = host.getVersionId();
const result = this._intervalSearch(start, end, filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, versionId);
return this._ensureNodesHaveRanges(host, result);
private _intervalSearch(start: number, end: number, filterOwnerId: number, filterOutValidation: boolean, cachedVersionId: number): IntervalNode[] {
const r0 = this._decorationsTree0.intervalSearch(start, end, filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, cachedVersionId);
const r1 = this._decorationsTree1.intervalSearch(start, end, filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, cachedVersionId);
const r2 = this._injectedTextDecorationsTree.intervalSearch(start, end, filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, cachedVersionId);
return r0.concat(r1).concat(r2);
public getInjectedTextInInterval(host: IDecorationsTreesHost, start: number, end: number, filterOwnerId: number): model.IModelDecoration[] {
const versionId = host.getVersionId();
const result = this._injectedTextDecorationsTree.intervalSearch(start, end, filterOwnerId, false, versionId);
return this._ensureNodesHaveRanges(host, result).filter((i) => i.options.showIfCollapsed || !i.range.isEmpty());
public getAllInjectedText(host: IDecorationsTreesHost, filterOwnerId: number): model.IModelDecoration[] {
const versionId = host.getVersionId();
const result = this._injectedTextDecorationsTree.search(filterOwnerId, false, versionId);
return this._ensureNodesHaveRanges(host, result).filter((i) => i.options.showIfCollapsed || !i.range.isEmpty());
public getAll(host: IDecorationsTreesHost, filterOwnerId: number, filterOutValidation: boolean, overviewRulerOnly: boolean): model.IModelDecoration[] {
const versionId = host.getVersionId();
const result = this._search(filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, overviewRulerOnly, versionId);
return this._ensureNodesHaveRanges(host, result);
private _search(filterOwnerId: number, filterOutValidation: boolean, overviewRulerOnly: boolean, cachedVersionId: number): IntervalNode[] {
if (overviewRulerOnly) {
return this._decorationsTree1.search(filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, cachedVersionId);
} else {
const r0 = this._decorationsTree0.search(filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, cachedVersionId);
const r1 = this._decorationsTree1.search(filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, cachedVersionId);
const r2 = this._injectedTextDecorationsTree.search(filterOwnerId, filterOutValidation, cachedVersionId);
return r0.concat(r1).concat(r2);
public collectNodesFromOwner(ownerId: number): IntervalNode[] {
const r0 = this._decorationsTree0.collectNodesFromOwner(ownerId);
const r1 = this._decorationsTree1.collectNodesFromOwner(ownerId);
const r2 = this._injectedTextDecorationsTree.collectNodesFromOwner(ownerId);
return r0.concat(r1).concat(r2);
public collectNodesPostOrder(): IntervalNode[] {
const r0 = this._decorationsTree0.collectNodesPostOrder();
const r1 = this._decorationsTree1.collectNodesPostOrder();
const r2 = this._injectedTextDecorationsTree.collectNodesPostOrder();
return r0.concat(r1).concat(r2);
public insert(node: IntervalNode): void {
if (isNodeInjectedText(node)) {
} else if (isNodeInOverviewRuler(node)) {
} else {
public delete(node: IntervalNode): void {
if (isNodeInjectedText(node)) {
} else if (isNodeInOverviewRuler(node)) {
} else {
public getNodeRange(host: IDecorationsTreesHost, node: IntervalNode): Range {
const versionId = host.getVersionId();
if (node.cachedVersionId !== versionId) {
this._resolveNode(node, versionId);
if (node.range === null) {
node.range = host.getRangeAt(node.cachedAbsoluteStart, node.cachedAbsoluteEnd);
return node.range;
private _resolveNode(node: IntervalNode, cachedVersionId: number): void {
if (isNodeInjectedText(node)) {
this._injectedTextDecorationsTree.resolveNode(node, cachedVersionId);
} else if (isNodeInOverviewRuler(node)) {
this._decorationsTree1.resolveNode(node, cachedVersionId);
} else {
this._decorationsTree0.resolveNode(node, cachedVersionId);
public acceptReplace(offset: number, length: number, textLength: number, forceMoveMarkers: boolean): void {
this._decorationsTree0.acceptReplace(offset, length, textLength, forceMoveMarkers);
this._decorationsTree1.acceptReplace(offset, length, textLength, forceMoveMarkers);
this._injectedTextDecorationsTree.acceptReplace(offset, length, textLength, forceMoveMarkers);
function cleanClassName(className: string): string {
return className.replace(/[^a-z0-9\-_]/gi, ' ');
class DecorationOptions implements model.IDecorationOptions {
readonly color: string | ThemeColor;
readonly darkColor: string | ThemeColor;
constructor(options: model.IDecorationOptions) {
this.color = options.color || '';
this.darkColor = options.darkColor || '';
export class ModelDecorationOverviewRulerOptions extends DecorationOptions {
readonly position: model.OverviewRulerLane;
private _resolvedColor: string | null;
constructor(options: model.IModelDecorationOverviewRulerOptions) {
this._resolvedColor = null;
this.position = (typeof options.position === 'number' ? options.position : model.OverviewRulerLane.Center);
public getColor(theme: EditorTheme): string {
if (!this._resolvedColor) {
if (theme.type !== 'light' && this.darkColor) {
this._resolvedColor = this._resolveColor(this.darkColor, theme);
} else {
this._resolvedColor = this._resolveColor(this.color, theme);
return this._resolvedColor;
public invalidateCachedColor(): void {
this._resolvedColor = null;
private _resolveColor(color: string | ThemeColor, theme: EditorTheme): string {
if (typeof color === 'string') {
return color;
let c = color ? theme.getColor(color.id) : null;
if (!c) {
return '';
return c.toString();
export class ModelDecorationMinimapOptions extends DecorationOptions {
readonly position: model.MinimapPosition;
private _resolvedColor: Color | undefined;
constructor(options: model.IModelDecorationMinimapOptions) {
this.position = options.position;
public getColor(theme: EditorTheme): Color | undefined {
if (!this._resolvedColor) {
if (theme.type !== 'light' && this.darkColor) {
this._resolvedColor = this._resolveColor(this.darkColor, theme);
} else {
this._resolvedColor = this._resolveColor(this.color, theme);
return this._resolvedColor;
public invalidateCachedColor(): void {
this._resolvedColor = undefined;
private _resolveColor(color: string | ThemeColor, theme: EditorTheme): Color | undefined {
if (typeof color === 'string') {
return Color.fromHex(color);
return theme.getColor(color.id);
export class ModelDecorationInjectedTextOptions implements model.InjectedTextOptions {
public static from(options: model.InjectedTextOptions): ModelDecorationInjectedTextOptions {
if (options instanceof ModelDecorationInjectedTextOptions) {
return options;
return new ModelDecorationInjectedTextOptions(options);
public readonly content: string;
readonly inlineClassName: string | null;
readonly inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing: boolean;
private constructor(options: model.InjectedTextOptions) {
this.content = options.content || '';
this.inlineClassName = options.inlineClassName || null;
this.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing = options.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing || false;
export class ModelDecorationOptions implements model.IModelDecorationOptions {
public static EMPTY: ModelDecorationOptions;
public static register(options: model.IModelDecorationOptions): ModelDecorationOptions {
return new ModelDecorationOptions(options);
public static createDynamic(options: model.IModelDecorationOptions): ModelDecorationOptions {
return new ModelDecorationOptions(options);
readonly description: string;
readonly stickiness: model.TrackedRangeStickiness;
readonly zIndex: number;
readonly className: string | null;
readonly hoverMessage: IMarkdownString | IMarkdownString[] | null;
readonly glyphMarginHoverMessage: IMarkdownString | IMarkdownString[] | null;
readonly isWholeLine: boolean;
readonly showIfCollapsed: boolean;
readonly collapseOnReplaceEdit: boolean;
readonly overviewRuler: ModelDecorationOverviewRulerOptions | null;
readonly minimap: ModelDecorationMinimapOptions | null;
readonly glyphMarginClassName: string | null;
readonly linesDecorationsClassName: string | null;
readonly firstLineDecorationClassName: string | null;
readonly marginClassName: string | null;
readonly inlineClassName: string | null;
readonly inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing: boolean;
readonly beforeContentClassName: string | null;
readonly afterContentClassName: string | null;
readonly after: ModelDecorationInjectedTextOptions | null;
readonly before: ModelDecorationInjectedTextOptions | null;
readonly hideInCommentTokens: boolean | null;
private constructor(options: model.IModelDecorationOptions) {
this.description = options.description;
this.stickiness = options.stickiness || model.TrackedRangeStickiness.AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges;
this.zIndex = options.zIndex || 0;
this.className = options.className ? cleanClassName(options.className) : null;
this.hoverMessage = options.hoverMessage || null;
this.glyphMarginHoverMessage = options.glyphMarginHoverMessage || null;
this.isWholeLine = options.isWholeLine || false;
this.showIfCollapsed = options.showIfCollapsed || false;
this.collapseOnReplaceEdit = options.collapseOnReplaceEdit || false;
this.overviewRuler = options.overviewRuler ? new ModelDecorationOverviewRulerOptions(options.overviewRuler) : null;
this.minimap = options.minimap ? new ModelDecorationMinimapOptions(options.minimap) : null;
this.glyphMarginClassName = options.glyphMarginClassName ? cleanClassName(options.glyphMarginClassName) : null;
this.linesDecorationsClassName = options.linesDecorationsClassName ? cleanClassName(options.linesDecorationsClassName) : null;
this.firstLineDecorationClassName = options.firstLineDecorationClassName ? cleanClassName(options.firstLineDecorationClassName) : null;
this.marginClassName = options.marginClassName ? cleanClassName(options.marginClassName) : null;
this.inlineClassName = options.inlineClassName ? cleanClassName(options.inlineClassName) : null;
this.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing = options.inlineClassNameAffectsLetterSpacing || false;
this.beforeContentClassName = options.beforeContentClassName ? cleanClassName(options.beforeContentClassName) : null;
this.afterContentClassName = options.afterContentClassName ? cleanClassName(options.afterContentClassName) : null;
this.after = options.after ? ModelDecorationInjectedTextOptions.from(options.after) : null;
this.before = options.before ? ModelDecorationInjectedTextOptions.from(options.before) : null;
this.hideInCommentTokens = options.hideInCommentTokens ?? false;
ModelDecorationOptions.EMPTY = ModelDecorationOptions.register({ description: 'empty' });
* The order carefully matches the values of the enum.
ModelDecorationOptions.register({ description: 'tracked-range-always-grows-when-typing-at-edges', stickiness: model.TrackedRangeStickiness.AlwaysGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges }),
ModelDecorationOptions.register({ description: 'tracked-range-never-grows-when-typing-at-edges', stickiness: model.TrackedRangeStickiness.NeverGrowsWhenTypingAtEdges }),
ModelDecorationOptions.register({ description: 'tracked-range-grows-only-when-typing-before', stickiness: model.TrackedRangeStickiness.GrowsOnlyWhenTypingBefore }),
ModelDecorationOptions.register({ description: 'tracked-range-grows-only-when-typing-after', stickiness: model.TrackedRangeStickiness.GrowsOnlyWhenTypingAfter }),
function _normalizeOptions(options: model.IModelDecorationOptions): ModelDecorationOptions {
if (options instanceof ModelDecorationOptions) {
return options;
return ModelDecorationOptions.createDynamic(options);
export class DidChangeDecorationsEmitter extends Disposable {
private readonly _actual: Emitter<IModelDecorationsChangedEvent> = this._register(new Emitter<IModelDecorationsChangedEvent>());
public readonly event: Event<IModelDecorationsChangedEvent> = this._actual.event;
private _deferredCnt: number;
private _shouldFire: boolean;
private _affectsMinimap: boolean;
private _affectsOverviewRuler: boolean;
private _affectedInjectedTextLines: Set<number> | null = null;
constructor(private readonly handleBeforeFire: (affectedInjectedTextLines: Set<number> | null) => void) {
this._deferredCnt = 0;
this._shouldFire = false;
this._affectsMinimap = false;
this._affectsOverviewRuler = false;
public beginDeferredEmit(): void {
public endDeferredEmit(): void {
if (this._deferredCnt === 0) {
if (this._shouldFire) {
const event: IModelDecorationsChangedEvent = {
affectsMinimap: this._affectsMinimap,
affectsOverviewRuler: this._affectsOverviewRuler
this._shouldFire = false;
this._affectsMinimap = false;
this._affectsOverviewRuler = false;
this._affectedInjectedTextLines = null;
public recordLineAffectedByInjectedText(lineNumber: number): void {
if (!this._affectedInjectedTextLines) {
this._affectedInjectedTextLines = new Set();
public checkAffectedAndFire(options: ModelDecorationOptions): void {
if (!this._affectsMinimap) {
this._affectsMinimap = options.minimap && options.minimap.position ? true : false;
if (!this._affectsOverviewRuler) {
this._affectsOverviewRuler = options.overviewRuler && options.overviewRuler.color ? true : false;
this._shouldFire = true;
public fire(): void {
this._affectsMinimap = true;
this._affectsOverviewRuler = true;
this._shouldFire = true;
export class DidChangeContentEmitter extends Disposable {
* Both `fastEvent` and `slowEvent` work the same way and contain the same events, but first we invoke `fastEvent` and then `slowEvent`.
private readonly _fastEmitter: Emitter<InternalModelContentChangeEvent> = this._register(new Emitter<InternalModelContentChangeEvent>());
public readonly fastEvent: Event<InternalModelContentChangeEvent> = this._fastEmitter.event;
private readonly _slowEmitter: Emitter<InternalModelContentChangeEvent> = this._register(new Emitter<InternalModelContentChangeEvent>());
public readonly slowEvent: Event<InternalModelContentChangeEvent> = this._slowEmitter.event;
private _deferredCnt: number;
private _deferredEvent: InternalModelContentChangeEvent | null;
constructor() {
this._deferredCnt = 0;
this._deferredEvent = null;
public beginDeferredEmit(): void {
public endDeferredEmit(resultingSelection: Selection[] | null = null): void {
if (this._deferredCnt === 0) {
if (this._deferredEvent !== null) {
this._deferredEvent.rawContentChangedEvent.resultingSelection = resultingSelection;
const e = this._deferredEvent;
this._deferredEvent = null;
public fire(e: InternalModelContentChangeEvent): void {
if (this._deferredCnt > 0) {
if (this._deferredEvent) {
this._deferredEvent = this._deferredEvent.merge(e);
} else {
this._deferredEvent = e;