2021-11-23 22:14:14 +01:00

608 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as dom from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { IKeyboardEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/keyboardEvent';
import { HoverAction, HoverWidget } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/hover/hoverWidget';
import { Widget } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/widget';
import { coalesce } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { CancellationToken } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { KeyCode } from 'vs/base/common/keyCodes';
import { Disposable, DisposableStore, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { Constants } from 'vs/base/common/uint';
import { IEmptyContentData } from 'vs/editor/browser/controller/mouseTarget';
import { ContentWidgetPositionPreference, IActiveCodeEditor, ICodeEditor, IContentWidget, IContentWidgetPosition, IEditorMouseEvent, MouseTargetType } from 'vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser';
import { ConfigurationChangedEvent, EditorOption } from 'vs/editor/common/config/editorOptions';
import { Position } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position';
import { Range } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range';
import { IModelDecoration } from 'vs/editor/common/model';
import { ModelDecorationOptions } from 'vs/editor/common/model/textModel';
import { TokenizationRegistry } from 'vs/editor/common/modes';
import { ColorPickerWidget } from 'vs/editor/contrib/colorPicker/colorPickerWidget';
import { ColorHoverParticipant } from 'vs/editor/contrib/hover/colorHoverParticipant';
import { HoverOperation, HoverStartMode, IHoverComputer } from 'vs/editor/contrib/hover/hoverOperation';
import { HoverAnchor, HoverAnchorType, HoverRangeAnchor, IEditorHover, IEditorHoverAction, IEditorHoverParticipant, IEditorHoverStatusBar, IHoverPart } from 'vs/editor/contrib/hover/hoverTypes';
import { MarkdownHoverParticipant } from 'vs/editor/contrib/hover/markdownHoverParticipant';
import { MarkerHoverParticipant } from 'vs/editor/contrib/hover/markerHoverParticipant';
import { InlineCompletionsHoverParticipant } from 'vs/editor/contrib/inlineCompletions/inlineCompletionsHoverParticipant';
import { IContextKey, IContextKeyService } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey';
import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding';
import { Context as SuggestContext } from 'vs/editor/contrib/suggest/suggest';
import { UnicodeHighlighterHoverParticipant } from 'vs/editor/contrib/unicodeHighlighter/unicodeHighlighter';
import { AsyncIterableObject } from 'vs/base/common/async';
const $ = dom.$;
class EditorHoverStatusBar extends Disposable implements IEditorHoverStatusBar {
public readonly hoverElement: HTMLElement;
private readonly actionsElement: HTMLElement;
private _hasContent: boolean = false;
public get hasContent() {
return this._hasContent;
@IKeybindingService private readonly _keybindingService: IKeybindingService,
) {
this.hoverElement = $('div.hover-row.status-bar');
this.actionsElement = dom.append(this.hoverElement, $('div.actions'));
public addAction(actionOptions: { label: string, iconClass?: string, run: (target: HTMLElement) => void, commandId: string }): IEditorHoverAction {
const keybinding = this._keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(actionOptions.commandId);
const keybindingLabel = keybinding ? keybinding.getLabel() : null;
this._hasContent = true;
return this._register(HoverAction.render(this.actionsElement, actionOptions, keybindingLabel));
public append(element: HTMLElement): HTMLElement {
const result = dom.append(this.actionsElement, element);
this._hasContent = true;
return result;
class ModesContentComputer implements IHoverComputer<IHoverPart> {
private readonly _editor: ICodeEditor;
private _result: IHoverPart[];
private _anchor: HoverAnchor | null;
editor: ICodeEditor,
private readonly _participants: readonly IEditorHoverParticipant[]
) {
this._editor = editor;
this._result = [];
this._anchor = null;
public setAnchor(anchor: HoverAnchor): void {
this._anchor = anchor;
this._result = [];
public clearResult(): void {
this._result = [];
private static _getLineDecorations(editor: IActiveCodeEditor, anchor: HoverAnchor): IModelDecoration[] {
if (anchor.type !== HoverAnchorType.Range) {
return [];
const model = editor.getModel();
const lineNumber = anchor.range.startLineNumber;
const maxColumn = model.getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber);
return editor.getLineDecorations(lineNumber).filter((d) => {
if (d.options.isWholeLine) {
return true;
const startColumn = (d.range.startLineNumber === lineNumber) ? d.range.startColumn : 1;
const endColumn = (d.range.endLineNumber === lineNumber) ? d.range.endColumn : maxColumn;
if (d.options.showIfCollapsed) {
// Relax check around `showIfCollapsed` decorations to also include +/- 1 character
if (startColumn > anchor.range.startColumn + 1 || anchor.range.endColumn - 1 > endColumn) {
return false;
} else {
if (startColumn > anchor.range.startColumn || anchor.range.endColumn > endColumn) {
return false;
return true;
public computeAsync(token: CancellationToken): AsyncIterableObject<IHoverPart> {
const anchor = this._anchor;
if (!this._editor.hasModel() || !anchor) {
return AsyncIterableObject.EMPTY;
const lineDecorations = ModesContentComputer._getLineDecorations(this._editor, anchor);
return AsyncIterableObject.merge(
this._participants.map(participant => this._computeAsync(participant, lineDecorations, anchor, token))
private _computeAsync(participant: IEditorHoverParticipant, lineDecorations: IModelDecoration[], anchor: HoverAnchor, token: CancellationToken): AsyncIterableObject<IHoverPart> {
if (!participant.computeAsync) {
return AsyncIterableObject.EMPTY;
return participant.computeAsync(anchor, lineDecorations, token);
public computeSync(): IHoverPart[] {
if (!this._editor.hasModel() || !this._anchor) {
return [];
const lineDecorations = ModesContentComputer._getLineDecorations(this._editor, this._anchor);
let result: IHoverPart[] = [];
for (const participant of this._participants) {
result = result.concat(participant.computeSync(this._anchor, lineDecorations));
return coalesce(result);
public onResult(result: IHoverPart[], isFromSynchronousComputation: boolean): void {
// Always put synchronous messages before asynchronous ones
if (isFromSynchronousComputation) {
this._result = result.concat(this._result);
} else {
this._result = this._result.concat(result);
public getResult(): IHoverPart[] {
return this._result.slice(0);
public getResultWithLoadingMessage(): IHoverPart[] {
if (this._anchor) {
for (const participant of this._participants) {
if (participant.createLoadingMessage) {
const loadingMessage = participant.createLoadingMessage(this._anchor);
if (loadingMessage) {
return this._result.slice(0).concat([loadingMessage]);
return this._result.slice(0);
export class ModesContentHoverWidget extends Widget implements IContentWidget, IEditorHover {
static readonly ID = 'editor.contrib.modesContentHoverWidget';
private readonly _participants: IEditorHoverParticipant[];
private readonly _hover: HoverWidget;
private readonly _editor: ICodeEditor;
private _isVisible: boolean;
private _showAtPosition: Position | null;
private _showAtRange: Range | null;
private _stoleFocus: boolean;
// IContentWidget.allowEditorOverflow
public readonly allowEditorOverflow = true;
private _messages: IHoverPart[];
private _messagesAreComplete: boolean;
private _lastAnchor: HoverAnchor | null;
private readonly _computer: ModesContentComputer;
private readonly _hoverOperation: HoverOperation<IHoverPart>;
private _highlightDecorations: string[];
private _isChangingDecorations: boolean;
private _shouldFocus: boolean;
private _colorPicker: ColorPickerWidget | null;
private _renderDisposable: IDisposable | null;
private _preferAbove: boolean;
editor: ICodeEditor,
private readonly _hoverVisibleKey: IContextKey<boolean>,
@IInstantiationService instantiationService: IInstantiationService,
@IKeybindingService private readonly _keybindingService: IKeybindingService,
@IContextKeyService private readonly _contextKeyService: IContextKeyService,
) {
this._participants = [
instantiationService.createInstance(ColorHoverParticipant, editor, this),
instantiationService.createInstance(MarkdownHoverParticipant, editor, this),
instantiationService.createInstance(InlineCompletionsHoverParticipant, editor, this),
instantiationService.createInstance(UnicodeHighlighterHoverParticipant, editor, this),
instantiationService.createInstance(MarkerHoverParticipant, editor, this),
this._editor = editor;
this._isVisible = false;
this._stoleFocus = false;
this._renderDisposable = null;
this._hover = this._register(new HoverWidget());
this._hover.containerDomNode.classList.toggle('hidden', !this._isVisible);
this.onkeydown(this._hover.containerDomNode, (e: IKeyboardEvent) => {
if (e.equals(KeyCode.Escape)) {
this._register(this._editor.onDidChangeConfiguration((e: ConfigurationChangedEvent) => {
if (e.hasChanged(EditorOption.fontInfo)) {
this._editor.onDidLayoutChange(() => this.layout());
this._showAtPosition = null;
this._showAtRange = null;
this._stoleFocus = false;
this._messages = [];
this._messagesAreComplete = false;
this._lastAnchor = null;
this._computer = new ModesContentComputer(this._editor, this._participants);
this._highlightDecorations = [];
this._isChangingDecorations = false;
this._shouldFocus = false;
this._colorPicker = null;
this._preferAbove = this._editor.getOption(EditorOption.hover).above;
this._hoverOperation = new HoverOperation(
result => this._withResult(result, true),
result => this._withResult(result, false),
this._register(dom.addStandardDisposableListener(this.getDomNode(), dom.EventType.FOCUS, () => {
if (this._colorPicker) {
this._register(dom.addStandardDisposableListener(this.getDomNode(), dom.EventType.BLUR, () => {
this._register(editor.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {
this._preferAbove = this._editor.getOption(EditorOption.hover).above;
this._register(TokenizationRegistry.onDidChange(() => {
if (this._isVisible && this._lastAnchor && this._messages.length > 0) {
this._hover.contentsDomNode.textContent = '';
this._renderMessages(this._lastAnchor, this._messages);
public override dispose(): void {
public getId(): string {
return ModesContentHoverWidget.ID;
public getDomNode(): HTMLElement {
return this._hover.containerDomNode;
private _shouldShowAt(mouseEvent: IEditorMouseEvent): boolean {
const targetType = mouseEvent.target.type;
if (targetType === MouseTargetType.CONTENT_TEXT) {
return true;
if (targetType === MouseTargetType.CONTENT_EMPTY) {
const epsilon = this._editor.getOption(EditorOption.fontInfo).typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth / 2;
const data = <IEmptyContentData>mouseEvent.target.detail;
if (data && !data.isAfterLines && typeof data.horizontalDistanceToText === 'number' && data.horizontalDistanceToText < epsilon) {
// Let hover kick in even when the mouse is technically in the empty area after a line, given the distance is small enough
return true;
return false;
public maybeShowAt(mouseEvent: IEditorMouseEvent): boolean {
const anchorCandidates: HoverAnchor[] = [];
for (const participant of this._participants) {
if (typeof participant.suggestHoverAnchor === 'function') {
const anchor = participant.suggestHoverAnchor(mouseEvent);
if (anchor) {
if (this._shouldShowAt(mouseEvent) && mouseEvent.target.range) {
// TODO@rebornix. This should be removed if we move Color Picker out of Hover component.
// Check if mouse is hovering on color decorator
const hoverOnColorDecorator = [...mouseEvent.target.element?.classList.values() || []].find(className => className.startsWith('ced-colorBox'))
&& mouseEvent.target.range.endColumn - mouseEvent.target.range.startColumn === 1;
const showAtRange = (
hoverOnColorDecorator // shift the mouse focus by one as color decorator is a `before` decoration of next character.
? new Range(mouseEvent.target.range.startLineNumber, mouseEvent.target.range.startColumn + 1, mouseEvent.target.range.endLineNumber, mouseEvent.target.range.endColumn + 1)
: mouseEvent.target.range
anchorCandidates.push(new HoverRangeAnchor(0, showAtRange));
if (anchorCandidates.length === 0) {
return false;
anchorCandidates.sort((a, b) => b.priority - a.priority);
this._startShowingAt(anchorCandidates[0], HoverStartMode.Delayed, false);
return true;
private _showAt(position: Position, range: Range | null, focus: boolean): void {
// Position has changed
this._showAtPosition = position;
this._showAtRange = range;
this._isVisible = true;
this._hover.containerDomNode.classList.toggle('hidden', !this._isVisible);
// Simply force a synchronous render on the editor
// such that the widget does not really render with left = '0px'
this._stoleFocus = focus;
if (focus) {
public getPosition(): IContentWidgetPosition | null {
if (this._isVisible) {
let preferAbove = this._preferAbove;
if (!preferAbove && this._contextKeyService.getContextKeyValue<boolean>(SuggestContext.Visible.key)) {
// Prefer rendering above if the suggest widget is visible
preferAbove = true;
return {
position: this._showAtPosition,
range: this._showAtRange,
preference: preferAbove ? [
] : [
return null;
private _updateFont(): void {
const codeClasses: HTMLElement[] = Array.prototype.slice.call(this._hover.contentsDomNode.getElementsByClassName('code'));
codeClasses.forEach(node => this._editor.applyFontInfo(node));
private _updateContents(node: Node): void {
this._hover.contentsDomNode.textContent = '';
private layout(): void {
const height = Math.max(this._editor.getLayoutInfo().height / 4, 250);
const { fontSize, lineHeight } = this._editor.getOption(EditorOption.fontInfo);
this._hover.contentsDomNode.style.fontSize = `${fontSize}px`;
this._hover.contentsDomNode.style.lineHeight = `${lineHeight / fontSize}`;
this._hover.contentsDomNode.style.maxHeight = `${height}px`;
this._hover.contentsDomNode.style.maxWidth = `${Math.max(this._editor.getLayoutInfo().width * 0.66, 500)}px`;
public onModelDecorationsChanged(): void {
if (this._isChangingDecorations) {
if (this._isVisible) {
// The decorations have changed and the hover is visible,
// we need to recompute the displayed text
if (!this._colorPicker) { // TODO@Michel ensure that displayed text for other decorations is computed even if color picker is in place
public startShowingAtRange(range: Range, mode: HoverStartMode, focus: boolean): void {
this._startShowingAt(new HoverRangeAnchor(0, range), mode, focus);
private _startShowingAt(anchor: HoverAnchor, mode: HoverStartMode, focus: boolean): void {
if (this._lastAnchor && this._lastAnchor.equals(anchor)) {
// We have to show the widget at the exact same range as before, so no work is needed
if (this._isVisible) {
// The range might have changed, but the hover is visible
// Instead of hiding it completely, filter out messages that are still in the new range and
// kick off a new computation
if (!this._showAtPosition || !this._lastAnchor || !anchor.canAdoptVisibleHover(this._lastAnchor, this._showAtPosition)) {
} else {
const filteredMessages = this._messages.filter((m) => m.isValidForHoverAnchor(anchor));
if (filteredMessages.length === 0) {
} else if (filteredMessages.length === this._messages.length && this._messagesAreComplete) {
// no change
} else {
this._renderMessages(anchor, filteredMessages);
this._lastAnchor = anchor;
this._shouldFocus = focus;
public hide(): void {
this._lastAnchor = null;
if (this._isVisible) {
setTimeout(() => {
// Give commands a chance to see the key
if (!this._isVisible) {
}, 0);
this._isVisible = false;
this._hover.containerDomNode.classList.toggle('hidden', !this._isVisible);
if (this._stoleFocus) {
this._isChangingDecorations = true;
this._highlightDecorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._highlightDecorations, []);
this._isChangingDecorations = false;
if (this._renderDisposable) {
this._renderDisposable = null;
this._colorPicker = null;
public isColorPickerVisible(): boolean {
return !!this._colorPicker;
public setColorPicker(widget: ColorPickerWidget): void {
this._colorPicker = widget;
public onContentsChanged(): void {
private _withResult(result: IHoverPart[], complete: boolean): void {
this._messages = result;
this._messagesAreComplete = complete;
if (this._lastAnchor && this._messages.length > 0) {
this._renderMessages(this._lastAnchor, this._messages);
} else if (complete) {
private _renderMessages(anchor: HoverAnchor, messages: IHoverPart[]): void {
if (this._renderDisposable) {
this._renderDisposable = null;
this._colorPicker = null as ColorPickerWidget | null; // TODO: TypeScript thinks this is always null
// update column from which to show
let renderColumn = Constants.MAX_SAFE_SMALL_INTEGER;
let highlightRange: Range = messages[0].range;
let forceShowAtRange: Range | null = null;
let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
const disposables = new DisposableStore();
const hoverParts = new Map<IEditorHoverParticipant, IHoverPart[]>();
for (const msg of messages) {
renderColumn = Math.min(renderColumn, msg.range.startColumn);
highlightRange = Range.plusRange(highlightRange, msg.range);
if (msg.forceShowAtRange) {
forceShowAtRange = msg.range;
if (!hoverParts.has(msg.owner)) {
hoverParts.set(msg.owner, []);
const dest = hoverParts.get(msg.owner)!;
const statusBar = disposables.add(new EditorHoverStatusBar(this._keybindingService));
for (const participant of this._participants) {
if (hoverParts.has(participant)) {
const participantHoverParts = hoverParts.get(participant)!;
disposables.add(participant.renderHoverParts(participantHoverParts, fragment, statusBar));
if (statusBar.hasContent) {
this._renderDisposable = disposables;
// show
if (fragment.hasChildNodes()) {
if (forceShowAtRange) {
this._showAt(forceShowAtRange.getStartPosition(), forceShowAtRange, this._shouldFocus);
} else {
this._showAt(new Position(anchor.range.startLineNumber, renderColumn), highlightRange, this._shouldFocus);
if (this._colorPicker) {
this._isChangingDecorations = true;
this._highlightDecorations = this._editor.deltaDecorations(this._highlightDecorations, highlightRange ? [{
range: highlightRange,
options: ModesContentHoverWidget._DECORATION_OPTIONS
}] : []);
this._isChangingDecorations = false;
private static readonly _DECORATION_OPTIONS = ModelDecorationOptions.register({
description: 'content-hover-highlight',
className: 'hoverHighlight'