Sandeep Somavarapu 4eb6b3832d
Fix #46851
2021-11-24 17:39:40 +01:00

275 lines
8.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import * as types from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { URI, UriComponents } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { createDecorator } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { IWorkspaceFolder } from 'vs/platform/workspace/common/workspace';
export const IConfigurationService = createDecorator<IConfigurationService>('configurationService');
export function isConfigurationOverrides(thing: any): thing is IConfigurationOverrides {
return thing
&& typeof thing === 'object'
&& (!thing.overrideIdentifier || typeof thing.overrideIdentifier === 'string')
&& (!thing.resource || thing.resource instanceof URI);
export interface IConfigurationOverrides {
overrideIdentifier?: string | null;
resource?: URI | null;
export function isConfigurationUpdateOverrides(thing: any): thing is IConfigurationUpdateOverrides {
return thing
&& typeof thing === 'object'
&& (!thing.overrideIdentifiers || types.isArray(thing.overrideIdentifiers))
&& !thing.overrideIdentifier
&& (!thing.resource || thing.resource instanceof URI);
export type IConfigurationUpdateOverrides = Omit<IConfigurationOverrides, 'overrideIdentifier'> & { overrideIdentifiers?: string[] | null; };
export const enum ConfigurationTarget {
USER = 1,
export function ConfigurationTargetToString(configurationTarget: ConfigurationTarget) {
switch (configurationTarget) {
case ConfigurationTarget.USER: return 'USER';
case ConfigurationTarget.USER_LOCAL: return 'USER_LOCAL';
case ConfigurationTarget.USER_REMOTE: return 'USER_REMOTE';
case ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE: return 'WORKSPACE';
case ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE_FOLDER: return 'WORKSPACE_FOLDER';
case ConfigurationTarget.DEFAULT: return 'DEFAULT';
case ConfigurationTarget.MEMORY: return 'MEMORY';
export interface IConfigurationChange {
keys: string[];
overrides: [string, string[]][];
export interface IConfigurationChangeEvent {
readonly source: ConfigurationTarget;
readonly affectedKeys: string[];
readonly change: IConfigurationChange;
affectsConfiguration(configuration: string, overrides?: IConfigurationOverrides): boolean;
// Following data is used for telemetry
readonly sourceConfig: any;
export interface IConfigurationValue<T> {
readonly defaultValue?: T;
readonly userValue?: T;
readonly userLocalValue?: T;
readonly userRemoteValue?: T;
readonly workspaceValue?: T;
readonly workspaceFolderValue?: T;
readonly memoryValue?: T;
readonly value?: T;
readonly default?: { value?: T, override?: T };
readonly user?: { value?: T, override?: T };
readonly userLocal?: { value?: T, override?: T };
readonly userRemote?: { value?: T, override?: T };
readonly workspace?: { value?: T, override?: T };
readonly workspaceFolder?: { value?: T, override?: T };
readonly memory?: { value?: T, override?: T };
readonly overrideIdentifiers?: string[];
export interface IConfigurationService {
readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;
onDidChangeConfiguration: Event<IConfigurationChangeEvent>;
getConfigurationData(): IConfigurationData | null;
* Fetches the value of the section for the given overrides.
* Value can be of native type or an object keyed off the section name.
* @param section - Section of the configuraion. Can be `null` or `undefined`.
* @param overrides - Overrides that has to be applied while fetching
getValue<T>(): T;
getValue<T>(section: string): T;
getValue<T>(overrides: IConfigurationOverrides): T;
getValue<T>(section: string, overrides: IConfigurationOverrides): T;
updateValue(key: string, value: any): Promise<void>;
updateValue(key: string, value: any, overrides: IConfigurationOverrides | IConfigurationUpdateOverrides): Promise<void>;
updateValue(key: string, value: any, target: ConfigurationTarget): Promise<void>;
updateValue(key: string, value: any, overrides: IConfigurationOverrides | IConfigurationUpdateOverrides, target: ConfigurationTarget, donotNotifyError?: boolean): Promise<void>;
inspect<T>(key: string, overrides?: IConfigurationOverrides): IConfigurationValue<Readonly<T>>;
reloadConfiguration(target?: ConfigurationTarget | IWorkspaceFolder): Promise<void>;
keys(): {
default: string[];
user: string[];
workspace: string[];
workspaceFolder: string[];
memory?: string[];
export interface IConfigurationModel {
contents: any;
keys: string[];
overrides: IOverrides[];
export interface IOverrides {
keys: string[];
contents: any;
identifiers: string[];
export interface IConfigurationData {
defaults: IConfigurationModel;
user: IConfigurationModel;
workspace: IConfigurationModel;
folders: [UriComponents, IConfigurationModel][];
export interface IConfigurationCompareResult {
added: string[];
removed: string[];
updated: string[];
overrides: [string, string[]][];
export function toValuesTree(properties: { [qualifiedKey: string]: any }, conflictReporter: (message: string) => void): any {
const root = Object.create(null);
for (let key in properties) {
addToValueTree(root, key, properties[key], conflictReporter);
return root;
export function addToValueTree(settingsTreeRoot: any, key: string, value: any, conflictReporter: (message: string) => void): void {
const segments = key.split('.');
const last = segments.pop()!;
let curr = settingsTreeRoot;
for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
let s = segments[i];
let obj = curr[s];
switch (typeof obj) {
case 'undefined':
obj = curr[s] = Object.create(null);
case 'object':
conflictReporter(`Ignoring ${key} as ${segments.slice(0, i + 1).join('.')} is ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`);
curr = obj;
if (typeof curr === 'object' && curr !== null) {
try {
curr[last] = value; // workaround https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/13606
} catch (e) {
conflictReporter(`Ignoring ${key} as ${segments.join('.')} is ${JSON.stringify(curr)}`);
} else {
conflictReporter(`Ignoring ${key} as ${segments.join('.')} is ${JSON.stringify(curr)}`);
export function removeFromValueTree(valueTree: any, key: string): void {
const segments = key.split('.');
doRemoveFromValueTree(valueTree, segments);
function doRemoveFromValueTree(valueTree: any, segments: string[]): void {
const first = segments.shift()!;
if (segments.length === 0) {
// Reached last segment
delete valueTree[first];
if (Object.keys(valueTree).indexOf(first) !== -1) {
const value = valueTree[first];
if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
doRemoveFromValueTree(value, segments);
if (Object.keys(value).length === 0) {
delete valueTree[first];
* A helper function to get the configuration value with a specific settings path (e.g. config.some.setting)
export function getConfigurationValue<T>(config: any, settingPath: string, defaultValue?: T): T {
function accessSetting(config: any, path: string[]): any {
let current = config;
for (const component of path) {
if (typeof current !== 'object' || current === null) {
return undefined;
current = current[component];
return <T>current;
const path = settingPath.split('.');
const result = accessSetting(config, path);
return typeof result === 'undefined' ? defaultValue : result;
export function merge(base: any, add: any, overwrite: boolean): void {
Object.keys(add).forEach(key => {
if (key !== '__proto__') {
if (key in base) {
if (types.isObject(base[key]) && types.isObject(add[key])) {
merge(base[key], add[key], overwrite);
} else if (overwrite) {
base[key] = add[key];
} else {
base[key] = add[key];
export function getMigratedSettingValue<T>(configurationService: IConfigurationService, currentSettingName: string, legacySettingName: string): T {
const setting = configurationService.inspect<T>(currentSettingName);
const legacySetting = configurationService.inspect<T>(legacySettingName);
if (typeof setting.userValue !== 'undefined' || typeof setting.workspaceValue !== 'undefined' || typeof setting.workspaceFolderValue !== 'undefined') {
return setting.value!;
} else if (typeof legacySetting.userValue !== 'undefined' || typeof legacySetting.workspaceValue !== 'undefined' || typeof legacySetting.workspaceFolderValue !== 'undefined') {
return legacySetting.value!;
} else {
return setting.defaultValue!;