Sandeep Somavarapu 4eb6b3832d
Fix #46851
2021-11-24 17:39:40 +01:00

276 lines
8.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { toLocalISOString } from 'vs/base/common/date';
import { memoize } from 'vs/base/common/decorators';
import { FileAccess } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { dirname, join, normalize, resolve } from 'vs/base/common/path';
import { env } from 'vs/base/common/process';
import { joinPath } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { NativeParsedArgs } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/argv';
import { IDebugParams, IExtensionHostDebugParams, INativeEnvironmentService } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/environment';
import { ExtensionKind } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions';
import { IProductService } from 'vs/platform/product/common/productService';
export interface INativeEnvironmentPaths {
* The user data directory to use for anything that should be
* persisted except for the content that is meant for the `homeDir`.
* Only one instance of VSCode can use the same `userDataDir`.
userDataDir: string
* The user home directory mainly used for persisting extensions
* and global configuration that should be shared across all
* versions.
homeDir: string;
* OS tmp dir.
tmpDir: string,
export abstract class AbstractNativeEnvironmentService implements INativeEnvironmentService {
declare readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;
get appRoot(): string { return dirname(FileAccess.asFileUri('', require).fsPath); }
get userHome(): URI { return URI.file(this.paths.homeDir); }
get userDataPath(): string { return this.paths.userDataDir; }
get appSettingsHome(): URI { return URI.file(join(this.userDataPath, 'User')); }
get tmpDir(): URI { return URI.file(this.paths.tmpDir); }
get cacheHome(): URI { return URI.file(this.userDataPath); }
get userRoamingDataHome(): URI { return this.appSettingsHome; }
get settingsResource(): URI { return joinPath(this.userRoamingDataHome, 'settings.json'); }
get userDataSyncHome(): URI { return joinPath(this.userRoamingDataHome, 'sync'); }
get logsPath(): string {
if (!this.args.logsPath) {
const key = toLocalISOString(new Date()).replace(/-|:|\.\d+Z$/g, '');
this.args.logsPath = join(this.userDataPath, 'logs', key);
return this.args.logsPath;
get userDataSyncLogResource(): URI { return URI.file(join(this.logsPath, 'userDataSync.log')); }
get sync(): 'on' | 'off' | undefined { return this.args.sync; }
get machineSettingsResource(): URI { return joinPath(URI.file(join(this.userDataPath, 'Machine')), 'settings.json'); }
get globalStorageHome(): URI { return URI.joinPath(this.appSettingsHome, 'globalStorage'); }
get workspaceStorageHome(): URI { return URI.joinPath(this.appSettingsHome, 'workspaceStorage'); }
get keybindingsResource(): URI { return joinPath(this.userRoamingDataHome, 'keybindings.json'); }
get keyboardLayoutResource(): URI { return joinPath(this.userRoamingDataHome, 'keyboardLayout.json'); }
get argvResource(): URI {
const vscodePortable = env['VSCODE_PORTABLE'];
if (vscodePortable) {
return URI.file(join(vscodePortable, 'argv.json'));
return joinPath(this.userHome, this.productService.dataFolderName, 'argv.json');
get snippetsHome(): URI { return joinPath(this.userRoamingDataHome, 'snippets'); }
get isExtensionDevelopment(): boolean { return !!this.args.extensionDevelopmentPath; }
get untitledWorkspacesHome(): URI { return URI.file(join(this.userDataPath, 'Workspaces')); }
get installSourcePath(): string { return join(this.userDataPath, 'installSource'); }
get builtinExtensionsPath(): string {
const cliBuiltinExtensionsDir = this.args['builtin-extensions-dir'];
if (cliBuiltinExtensionsDir) {
return resolve(cliBuiltinExtensionsDir);
return normalize(join(FileAccess.asFileUri('', require).fsPath, '..', 'extensions'));
get extensionsDownloadPath(): string {
const cliExtensionsDownloadDir = this.args['extensions-download-dir'];
if (cliExtensionsDownloadDir) {
return resolve(cliExtensionsDownloadDir);
return join(this.userDataPath, 'CachedExtensionVSIXs');
get extensionsPath(): string {
const cliExtensionsDir = this.args['extensions-dir'];
if (cliExtensionsDir) {
return resolve(cliExtensionsDir);
const vscodeExtensions = env['VSCODE_EXTENSIONS'];
if (vscodeExtensions) {
return vscodeExtensions;
const vscodePortable = env['VSCODE_PORTABLE'];
if (vscodePortable) {
return join(vscodePortable, 'extensions');
return joinPath(this.userHome, this.productService.dataFolderName, 'extensions').fsPath;
get extensionDevelopmentLocationURI(): URI[] | undefined {
const extensionDevelopmentPaths = this.args.extensionDevelopmentPath;
if (Array.isArray(extensionDevelopmentPaths)) {
return extensionDevelopmentPaths.map(extensionDevelopmentPath => {
if (/^[^:/?#]+?:\/\//.test(extensionDevelopmentPath)) {
return URI.parse(extensionDevelopmentPath);
return URI.file(normalize(extensionDevelopmentPath));
return undefined;
get extensionDevelopmentKind(): ExtensionKind[] | undefined {
return this.args.extensionDevelopmentKind?.map(kind => kind === 'ui' || kind === 'workspace' || kind === 'web' ? kind : 'workspace');
get extensionTestsLocationURI(): URI | undefined {
const extensionTestsPath = this.args.extensionTestsPath;
if (extensionTestsPath) {
if (/^[^:/?#]+?:\/\//.test(extensionTestsPath)) {
return URI.parse(extensionTestsPath);
return URI.file(normalize(extensionTestsPath));
return undefined;
get disableExtensions(): boolean | string[] {
if (this.args['disable-extensions']) {
return true;
const disableExtensions = this.args['disable-extension'];
if (disableExtensions) {
if (typeof disableExtensions === 'string') {
return [disableExtensions];
if (Array.isArray(disableExtensions) && disableExtensions.length > 0) {
return disableExtensions;
return false;
get debugExtensionHost(): IExtensionHostDebugParams { return parseExtensionHostPort(this.args, this.isBuilt); }
get debugRenderer(): boolean { return !!this.args.debugRenderer; }
get isBuilt(): boolean { return !env['VSCODE_DEV']; }
get verbose(): boolean { return !!this.args.verbose; }
get logLevel(): string | undefined { return this.args.log; }
get serviceMachineIdResource(): URI { return joinPath(URI.file(this.userDataPath), 'machineid'); }
get crashReporterId(): string | undefined { return this.args['crash-reporter-id']; }
get crashReporterDirectory(): string | undefined { return this.args['crash-reporter-directory']; }
get driverHandle(): string | undefined { return this.args['driver']; }
get telemetryLogResource(): URI { return URI.file(join(this.logsPath, 'telemetry.log')); }
get disableTelemetry(): boolean { return !!this.args['disable-telemetry']; }
get disableWorkspaceTrust(): boolean { return !!this.args['disable-workspace-trust']; }
get args(): NativeParsedArgs { return this._args; }
private readonly _args: NativeParsedArgs,
private readonly paths: INativeEnvironmentPaths,
protected readonly productService: IProductService
) { }
export function parseExtensionHostPort(args: NativeParsedArgs, isBuild: boolean): IExtensionHostDebugParams {
return parseDebugParams(args['inspect-extensions'], args['inspect-brk-extensions'], 5870, isBuild, args.debugId, args.extensionEnvironment);
export function parseSearchPort(args: NativeParsedArgs, isBuild: boolean): IDebugParams {
return parseDebugParams(args['inspect-search'], args['inspect-brk-search'], 5876, isBuild, args.extensionEnvironment);
export function parsePtyHostPort(args: NativeParsedArgs, isBuild: boolean): IDebugParams {
return parseDebugParams(args['inspect-ptyhost'], args['inspect-brk-ptyhost'], 5877, isBuild, args.extensionEnvironment);
function parseDebugParams(debugArg: string | undefined, debugBrkArg: string | undefined, defaultBuildPort: number, isBuild: boolean, debugId?: string, environmentString?: string): IExtensionHostDebugParams {
const portStr = debugBrkArg || debugArg;
const port = Number(portStr) || (!isBuild ? defaultBuildPort : null);
const brk = port ? Boolean(!!debugBrkArg) : false;
let env: Record<string, string> | undefined;
if (environmentString) {
try {
env = JSON.parse(environmentString);
} catch {
// ignore
return { port, break: brk, debugId, env };