
372 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as strings from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { createDecorator } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { ILocalization } from 'vs/platform/localizations/common/localizations';
import { getRemoteName } from 'vs/platform/remote/common/remoteHosts';
export const MANIFEST_CACHE_FOLDER = 'CachedExtensions';
export const USER_MANIFEST_CACHE_FILE = 'user';
export const BUILTIN_MANIFEST_CACHE_FILE = 'builtin';
export interface ICommand {
command: string;
title: string;
category?: string;
export interface IConfigurationProperty {
description: string;
type: string | string[];
default?: any;
export interface IConfiguration {
id?: string,
order?: number,
title?: string,
properties: { [key: string]: IConfigurationProperty; };
export interface IDebugger {
label?: string;
type: string;
runtime?: string;
export interface IGrammar {
language: string;
export interface IJSONValidation {
fileMatch: string | string[];
url: string;
export interface IKeyBinding {
command: string;
key: string;
when?: string;
mac?: string;
linux?: string;
win?: string;
export interface ILanguage {
id: string;
extensions: string[];
aliases: string[];
export interface IMenu {
command: string;
alt?: string;
when?: string;
group?: string;
export interface ISnippet {
language: string;
export interface ITheme {
label: string;
export interface IViewContainer {
id: string;
title: string;
export interface IView {
id: string;
name: string;
export interface IColor {
id: string;
description: string;
defaults: { light: string, dark: string, highContrast: string };
export interface IWebviewEditor {
readonly viewType: string;
readonly priority: string;
readonly selector: readonly {
readonly filenamePattern?: string;
export interface ICodeActionContributionAction {
readonly kind: string;
readonly title: string;
readonly description?: string;
export interface ICodeActionContribution {
readonly languages: readonly string[];
readonly actions: readonly ICodeActionContributionAction[];
export interface IAuthenticationContribution {
readonly id: string;
readonly label: string;
export interface IWalkthroughStep {
readonly id: string;
readonly title: string;
readonly description: string | undefined;
readonly media:
| { image: string | { dark: string, light: string, hc: string }, altText: string, markdown?: never, svg?: never }
| { markdown: string, image?: never, svg?: never }
| { svg: string, altText: string, markdown?: never, image?: never }
readonly completionEvents?: string[];
/** @deprecated use `completionEvents: 'onCommand:...'` */
readonly doneOn?: { command: string };
readonly when?: string;
export interface IWalkthrough {
readonly id: string,
readonly title: string;
readonly description: string;
readonly steps: IWalkthroughStep[];
readonly featuredFor: string[] | undefined;
readonly when?: string;
export interface IStartEntry {
readonly title: string;
readonly description: string;
readonly command: string;
readonly when?: string;
readonly category: 'file' | 'folder' | 'notebook';
export interface INotebookEntry {
readonly type: string;
readonly displayName: string;
export interface INotebookRendererContribution {
readonly id: string;
readonly displayName: string;
readonly mimeTypes: string[];
export interface IExtensionContributions {
commands?: ICommand[];
configuration?: IConfiguration | IConfiguration[];
debuggers?: IDebugger[];
grammars?: IGrammar[];
jsonValidation?: IJSONValidation[];
keybindings?: IKeyBinding[];
languages?: ILanguage[];
menus?: { [context: string]: IMenu[] };
snippets?: ISnippet[];
themes?: ITheme[];
iconThemes?: ITheme[];
productIconThemes?: ITheme[];
viewsContainers?: { [location: string]: IViewContainer[] };
views?: { [location: string]: IView[] };
colors?: IColor[];
localizations?: ILocalization[];
readonly customEditors?: readonly IWebviewEditor[];
readonly codeActions?: readonly ICodeActionContribution[];
authentication?: IAuthenticationContribution[];
walkthroughs?: IWalkthrough[];
startEntries?: IStartEntry[];
readonly notebooks?: INotebookEntry[];
readonly notebookRenderer?: INotebookRendererContribution[];
export interface IExtensionCapabilities {
readonly virtualWorkspaces?: ExtensionVirtualWorkspaceSupport;
readonly untrustedWorkspaces?: ExtensionUntrustedWorkspaceSupport;
export const ALL_EXTENSION_KINDS: readonly ExtensionKind[] = ['ui', 'workspace', 'web'];
export type ExtensionKind = 'ui' | 'workspace' | 'web';
export type LimitedWorkspaceSupportType = 'limited';
export type ExtensionUntrustedWorkspaceSupportType = boolean | LimitedWorkspaceSupportType;
export type ExtensionUntrustedWorkspaceSupport = { supported: true; } | { supported: false, description: string } | { supported: LimitedWorkspaceSupportType, description: string, restrictedConfigurations?: string[] };
export type ExtensionVirtualWorkspaceSupportType = boolean | LimitedWorkspaceSupportType;
export type ExtensionVirtualWorkspaceSupport = boolean | { supported: true; } | { supported: false | LimitedWorkspaceSupportType, description: string };
export function getWorkspaceSupportTypeMessage(supportType: ExtensionUntrustedWorkspaceSupport | ExtensionVirtualWorkspaceSupport | undefined): string | undefined {
if (typeof supportType === 'object' && supportType !== null) {
if (supportType.supported !== true) {
return supportType.description;
return undefined;
export function isIExtensionIdentifier(thing: any): thing is IExtensionIdentifier {
return thing
&& typeof thing === 'object'
&& typeof thing.id === 'string'
&& (!thing.uuid || typeof thing.uuid === 'string');
export interface IExtensionIdentifier {
id: string;
uuid?: string;
'Data Science',
'Extension Packs',
'Language Packs',
'Machine Learning',
'Programming Languages',
'SCM Providers',
export interface IExtensionManifest {
readonly name: string;
readonly displayName?: string;
readonly publisher: string;
readonly version: string;
readonly engines: { readonly vscode: string };
readonly description?: string;
readonly main?: string;
readonly browser?: string;
readonly icon?: string;
readonly categories?: string[];
readonly keywords?: string[];
readonly activationEvents?: string[];
readonly extensionDependencies?: string[];
readonly extensionPack?: string[];
readonly extensionKind?: ExtensionKind | ExtensionKind[];
readonly contributes?: IExtensionContributions;
readonly repository?: { url: string; };
readonly bugs?: { url: string; };
readonly enabledApiProposals?: readonly string[];
readonly api?: string;
readonly scripts?: { [key: string]: string; };
readonly capabilities?: IExtensionCapabilities;
export const enum ExtensionType {
export interface IExtension {
readonly type: ExtensionType;
readonly isBuiltin: boolean;
readonly identifier: IExtensionIdentifier;
readonly manifest: IExtensionManifest;
readonly location: URI;
readonly readmeUrl?: URI;
readonly changelogUrl?: URI;
* **!Do not construct directly!**
* **!Only static methods because it gets serialized!**
* This represents the "canonical" version for an extension identifier. Extension ids
* have to be case-insensitive (due to the marketplace), but we must ensure case
* preservation because the extension API is already public at this time.
* For example, given an extension with the publisher `"Hello"` and the name `"World"`,
* its canonical extension identifier is `"Hello.World"`. This extension could be
* referenced in some other extension's dependencies using the string `"hello.world"`.
* To make matters more complicated, an extension can optionally have an UUID. When two
* extensions have the same UUID, they are considered equal even if their identifier is different.
export class ExtensionIdentifier {
public readonly value: string;
private readonly _lower: string;
constructor(value: string) {
this.value = value;
this._lower = value.toLowerCase();
public static equals(a: ExtensionIdentifier | string | null | undefined, b: ExtensionIdentifier | string | null | undefined) {
if (typeof a === 'undefined' || a === null) {
return (typeof b === 'undefined' || b === null);
if (typeof b === 'undefined' || b === null) {
return false;
if (typeof a === 'string' || typeof b === 'string') {
// At least one of the arguments is an extension id in string form,
// so we have to use the string comparison which ignores case.
let aValue = (typeof a === 'string' ? a : a.value);
let bValue = (typeof b === 'string' ? b : b.value);
return strings.equalsIgnoreCase(aValue, bValue);
// Now we know both arguments are ExtensionIdentifier
return (a._lower === b._lower);
* Gives the value by which to index (for equality).
public static toKey(id: ExtensionIdentifier | string): string {
if (typeof id === 'string') {
return id.toLowerCase();
return id._lower;
export interface IExtensionDescription extends IExtensionManifest {
readonly identifier: ExtensionIdentifier;
readonly uuid?: string;
readonly isBuiltin: boolean;
readonly isUserBuiltin: boolean;
readonly isUnderDevelopment: boolean;
readonly extensionLocation: URI;
export function isLanguagePackExtension(manifest: IExtensionManifest): boolean {
return manifest.contributes && manifest.contributes.localizations ? manifest.contributes.localizations.length > 0 : false;
export function isAuthenticationProviderExtension(manifest: IExtensionManifest): boolean {
return manifest.contributes && manifest.contributes.authentication ? manifest.contributes.authentication.length > 0 : false;
export function isResolverExtension(manifest: IExtensionManifest, remoteAuthority: string | undefined): boolean {
if (remoteAuthority) {
const activationEvent = `onResolveRemoteAuthority:${getRemoteName(remoteAuthority)}`;
return manifest.activationEvents?.indexOf(activationEvent) !== -1;
return false;
export const IBuiltinExtensionsScannerService = createDecorator<IBuiltinExtensionsScannerService>('IBuiltinExtensionsScannerService');
export interface IBuiltinExtensionsScannerService {
readonly _serviceBrand: undefined;
scanBuiltinExtensions(): Promise<IExtension[]>;