2021-11-24 13:58:32 +01:00

2068 lines
70 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import 'vs/css!./media/editorgroupview';
import { EditorGroupModel, IEditorOpenOptions, IGroupChangeEvent, IGroupEditorCloseEvent, IGroupEditorMoveEvent, IGroupEditorOpenEvent, ISerializedEditorGroupModel, isGroupEditorCloseEvent, isGroupEditorMoveEvent, isGroupEditorOpenEvent, isSerializedEditorGroupModel } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/editorGroupModel';
import { GroupIdentifier, CloseDirection, IEditorCloseEvent, ActiveEditorDirtyContext, IEditorPane, EditorGroupEditorsCountContext, SaveReason, IEditorPartOptionsChangeEvent, EditorsOrder, IVisibleEditorPane, ActiveEditorStickyContext, ActiveEditorPinnedContext, EditorResourceAccessor, EditorInputCapabilities, IUntypedEditorInput, DEFAULT_EDITOR_ASSOCIATION, ActiveEditorGroupLockedContext, SideBySideEditor, EditorCloseContext, IEditorWillMoveEvent, IEditorWillOpenEvent, GroupChangeKind } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor';
import { EditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/editorInput';
import { SideBySideEditorInput } from 'vs/workbench/common/editor/sideBySideEditorInput';
import { Event, Emitter, Relay } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import { Dimension, trackFocus, addDisposableListener, EventType, EventHelper, findParentWithClass, clearNode, isAncestor, asCSSUrl } from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { ServiceCollection } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/serviceCollection';
import { IContextKeyService } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey';
import { ProgressBar } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/progressbar/progressbar';
import { attachProgressBarStyler } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/styler';
import { IThemeService, registerThemingParticipant, Themable } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { editorBackground, contrastBorder } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry';
import { ICloseEditorsFilter, GroupsOrder, ICloseEditorOptions, ICloseAllEditorsOptions, IEditorReplacement } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorGroupsService';
import { TabsTitleControl } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/tabsTitleControl';
import { EditorPanes } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editorPanes';
import { IEditorProgressService } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress';
import { EditorProgressIndicator } from 'vs/workbench/services/progress/browser/progressIndicator';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { coalesce, firstOrDefault } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { isErrorWithActions, isPromiseCanceledError } from 'vs/base/common/errors';
import { combinedDisposable, dispose, MutableDisposable, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { Severity, INotificationService } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification';
import { toErrorMessage } from 'vs/base/common/errorMessage';
import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry';
import { DeferredPromise, Promises, RunOnceWorker } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { EventType as TouchEventType, GestureEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/touch';
import { TitleControl } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/titleControl';
import { IEditorGroupsAccessor, IEditorGroupView, fillActiveEditorViewState, EditorServiceImpl, IEditorGroupTitleHeight, IInternalEditorOpenOptions, IInternalMoveCopyOptions, IInternalEditorCloseOptions, IInternalEditorTitleControlOptions } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/editor';
import { ActionBar } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/actionbar/actionbar';
import { IKeybindingService } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybinding';
import { IAction } from 'vs/base/common/actions';
import { NoTabsTitleControl } from 'vs/workbench/browser/parts/editor/noTabsTitleControl';
import { IMenuService, MenuId, IMenu } from 'vs/platform/actions/common/actions';
import { StandardMouseEvent } from 'vs/base/browser/mouseEvent';
import { createAndFillInActionBarActions, createAndFillInContextMenuActions } from 'vs/platform/actions/browser/menuEntryActionViewItem';
import { IContextMenuService } from 'vs/platform/contextview/browser/contextView';
import { IEditorService } from 'vs/workbench/services/editor/common/editorService';
import { hash } from 'vs/base/common/hash';
import { guessMimeTypes } from 'vs/base/common/mime';
import { extname, isEqual } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { FileAccess, Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { EditorActivation, EditorOpenContext, IEditorOptions } from 'vs/platform/editor/common/editor';
import { IDialogService, IFileDialogService, ConfirmResult } from 'vs/platform/dialogs/common/dialogs';
import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { IFilesConfigurationService, AutoSaveMode } from 'vs/workbench/services/filesConfiguration/common/filesConfigurationService';
import { withNullAsUndefined } from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { IUriIdentityService } from 'vs/platform/uriIdentity/common/uriIdentity';
import { isLinux, isNative, isWindows } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
export class EditorGroupView extends Themable implements IEditorGroupView {
//#region factory
static createNew(accessor: IEditorGroupsAccessor, index: number, instantiationService: IInstantiationService): IEditorGroupView {
return instantiationService.createInstance(EditorGroupView, accessor, null, index);
static createFromSerialized(serialized: ISerializedEditorGroupModel, accessor: IEditorGroupsAccessor, index: number, instantiationService: IInstantiationService): IEditorGroupView {
return instantiationService.createInstance(EditorGroupView, accessor, serialized, index);
static createCopy(copyFrom: IEditorGroupView, accessor: IEditorGroupsAccessor, index: number, instantiationService: IInstantiationService): IEditorGroupView {
return instantiationService.createInstance(EditorGroupView, accessor, copyFrom, index);
* Access to the context key service scoped to this editor group.
readonly scopedContextKeyService: IContextKeyService;
//#region events
private readonly _onDidFocus = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
readonly onDidFocus = this._onDidFocus.event;
private readonly _onWillDispose = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
readonly onWillDispose = this._onWillDispose.event;
private readonly _onDidGroupChange = this._register(new Emitter<IGroupChangeEvent>());
readonly onDidGroupChange = this._onDidGroupChange.event;
private readonly _onDidModelChange = this._register(new Emitter<IGroupChangeEvent>());
readonly onDidModelChange = this._onDidModelChange.event;
private readonly _onDidOpenEditorFail = this._register(new Emitter<EditorInput>());
readonly onDidOpenEditorFail = this._onDidOpenEditorFail.event;
private readonly _onWillCloseEditor = this._register(new Emitter<IEditorCloseEvent>());
readonly onWillCloseEditor = this._onWillCloseEditor.event;
private readonly _onDidCloseEditor = this._register(new Emitter<IEditorCloseEvent>());
readonly onDidCloseEditor = this._onDidCloseEditor.event;
private readonly _onWillMoveEditor = this._register(new Emitter<IEditorWillMoveEvent>());
readonly onWillMoveEditor = this._onWillMoveEditor.event;
private readonly _onWillOpenEditor = this._register(new Emitter<IEditorWillOpenEvent>());
readonly onWillOpenEditor = this._onWillOpenEditor.event;
private readonly model: EditorGroupModel;
private active: boolean | undefined;
private dimension: Dimension | undefined;
private readonly scopedInstantiationService: IInstantiationService;
private readonly titleContainer: HTMLElement;
private titleAreaControl: TitleControl;
private readonly progressBar: ProgressBar;
private readonly editorContainer: HTMLElement;
private readonly editorPane: EditorPanes;
private readonly disposedEditorsWorker = this._register(new RunOnceWorker<EditorInput>(editors => this.handleDisposedEditors(editors), 0));
private readonly mapEditorToPendingConfirmation = new Map<EditorInput, Promise<boolean>>();
private readonly containerToolBarMenuDisposable = this._register(new MutableDisposable());
private readonly whenRestoredPromise = new DeferredPromise<void>();
readonly whenRestored = this.whenRestoredPromise.p;
private isRestored = false;
private accessor: IEditorGroupsAccessor,
from: IEditorGroupView | ISerializedEditorGroupModel | null,
private _index: number,
@IInstantiationService private readonly instantiationService: IInstantiationService,
@IContextKeyService private readonly contextKeyService: IContextKeyService,
@IThemeService themeService: IThemeService,
@INotificationService private readonly notificationService: INotificationService,
@IDialogService private readonly dialogService: IDialogService,
@ITelemetryService private readonly telemetryService: ITelemetryService,
@IKeybindingService private readonly keybindingService: IKeybindingService,
@IMenuService private readonly menuService: IMenuService,
@IContextMenuService private readonly contextMenuService: IContextMenuService,
@IFileDialogService private readonly fileDialogService: IFileDialogService,
@ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService,
@IEditorService private readonly editorService: EditorServiceImpl,
@IFilesConfigurationService private readonly filesConfigurationService: IFilesConfigurationService,
@IUriIdentityService private readonly uriIdentityService: IUriIdentityService
) {
if (from instanceof EditorGroupView) {
this.model = this._register(from.model.clone());
} else if (isSerializedEditorGroupModel(from)) {
this.model = this._register(instantiationService.createInstance(EditorGroupModel, from));
} else {
this.model = this._register(instantiationService.createInstance(EditorGroupModel, undefined));
//#region create()
// Scoped context key service
this.scopedContextKeyService = this._register(this.contextKeyService.createScoped(this.element));
// Container
// Container listeners
// Container toolbar
// Container context menu
// Letterpress container
const letterpressContainer = document.createElement('div');
// Progress bar
this.progressBar = this._register(new ProgressBar(this.element));
this._register(attachProgressBarStyler(this.progressBar, this.themeService));
// Scoped instantiation service
this.scopedInstantiationService = this.instantiationService.createChild(new ServiceCollection(
[IContextKeyService, this.scopedContextKeyService],
[IEditorProgressService, this._register(new EditorProgressIndicator(this.progressBar, this))]
// Context keys
// Title container
this.titleContainer = document.createElement('div');
// Title control
this.titleAreaControl = this.createTitleAreaControl();
// Editor container
this.editorContainer = document.createElement('div');
// Editor pane
this.editorPane = this._register(this.scopedInstantiationService.createInstance(EditorPanes, this.editorContainer, this.accessor, this));
this._onDidChange.input = this.editorPane.onDidChangeSizeConstraints;
// Track Focus
// Update containers
// Update styles
// Restore editors if provided
const restoreEditorsPromise = this.restoreEditors(from) ?? Promise.resolve();
// Signal restored once editors have restored
restoreEditorsPromise.finally(() => {
this.isRestored = true;
// Register Listeners
private handleGroupContextKeys(): void {
const groupActiveEditorDirtyContext = ActiveEditorDirtyContext.bindTo(this.scopedContextKeyService);
const groupActiveEditorPinnedContext = ActiveEditorPinnedContext.bindTo(this.scopedContextKeyService);
const groupActiveEditorStickyContext = ActiveEditorStickyContext.bindTo(this.scopedContextKeyService);
const groupEditorsCountContext = EditorGroupEditorsCountContext.bindTo(this.scopedContextKeyService);
const groupLockedContext = ActiveEditorGroupLockedContext.bindTo(this.scopedContextKeyService);
const activeEditorListener = new MutableDisposable();
const observeActiveEditor = () => {
const activeEditor = this.model.activeEditor;
if (activeEditor) {
groupActiveEditorDirtyContext.set(activeEditor.isDirty() && !activeEditor.isSaving());
activeEditorListener.value = activeEditor.onDidChangeDirty(() => {
groupActiveEditorDirtyContext.set(activeEditor.isDirty() && !activeEditor.isSaving());
} else {
// Update group contexts based on group changes
this._register(this.onDidGroupChange(e => {
switch (e.kind) {
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_ACTIVE:
// Track the active editor and update context key that reflects
// the dirty state of this editor
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_PIN:
if (e.editor && e.editor === this.model.activeEditor) {
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_STICKY:
if (e.editor && e.editor === this.model.activeEditor) {
case GroupChangeKind.GROUP_LOCKED:
// Group editors count context
private registerContainerListeners(): void {
// Open new file via doubleclick on empty container
this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.DBLCLICK, e => {
if (this.isEmpty) {
resource: undefined,
options: {
pinned: true,
}, this.id);
// Close empty editor group via middle mouse click
this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.AUXCLICK, e => {
if (this.isEmpty && e.button === 1 /* Middle Button */) {
EventHelper.stop(e, true);
private createContainerToolbar(): void {
// Toolbar Container
const toolbarContainer = document.createElement('div');
// Toolbar
const containerToolbar = this._register(new ActionBar(toolbarContainer, {
ariaLabel: localize('ariaLabelGroupActions', "Empty editor group actions")
// Toolbar actions
const containerToolbarMenu = this._register(this.menuService.createMenu(MenuId.EmptyEditorGroup, this.scopedContextKeyService));
const updateContainerToolbar = () => {
const actions: { primary: IAction[], secondary: IAction[] } = { primary: [], secondary: [] };
this.containerToolBarMenuDisposable.value = combinedDisposable(
// Clear old actions
toDisposable(() => containerToolbar.clear()),
// Create new actions
{ arg: { groupId: this.id }, shouldForwardArgs: true },
for (const action of [...actions.primary, ...actions.secondary]) {
const keybinding = this.keybindingService.lookupKeybinding(action.id);
containerToolbar.push(action, { icon: true, label: false, keybinding: keybinding?.getLabel() });
private createContainerContextMenu(): void {
const menu = this._register(this.menuService.createMenu(MenuId.EmptyEditorGroupContext, this.contextKeyService));
this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, EventType.CONTEXT_MENU, e => this.onShowContainerContextMenu(menu, e)));
this._register(addDisposableListener(this.element, TouchEventType.Contextmenu, () => this.onShowContainerContextMenu(menu)));
private onShowContainerContextMenu(menu: IMenu, e?: MouseEvent): void {
if (!this.isEmpty) {
return; // only for empty editor groups
// Find target anchor
let anchor: HTMLElement | { x: number, y: number } = this.element;
if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {
const event = new StandardMouseEvent(e);
anchor = { x: event.posx, y: event.posy };
// Fill in contributed actions
const actions: IAction[] = [];
const actionsDisposable = createAndFillInContextMenuActions(menu, undefined, actions);
// Show it
getAnchor: () => anchor,
getActions: () => actions,
onHide: () => {
private doTrackFocus(): void {
// Container
const containerFocusTracker = this._register(trackFocus(this.element));
this._register(containerFocusTracker.onDidFocus(() => {
if (this.isEmpty) {
this._onDidFocus.fire(); // only when empty to prevent accident focus
// Title Container
const handleTitleClickOrTouch = (e: MouseEvent | GestureEvent): void => {
let target: HTMLElement;
if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {
if (e.button !== 0) {
return undefined; // only for left mouse click
target = e.target as HTMLElement;
} else {
target = (e as GestureEvent).initialTarget as HTMLElement;
if (findParentWithClass(target, 'monaco-action-bar', this.titleContainer) ||
findParentWithClass(target, 'monaco-breadcrumb-item', this.titleContainer)
) {
return; // not when clicking on actions or breadcrumbs
// timeout to keep focus in editor after mouse up
setTimeout(() => {
this._register(addDisposableListener(this.titleContainer, EventType.MOUSE_DOWN, e => handleTitleClickOrTouch(e)));
this._register(addDisposableListener(this.titleContainer, TouchEventType.Tap, e => handleTitleClickOrTouch(e)));
// Editor pane
this._register(this.editorPane.onDidFocus(() => {
private updateContainer(): void {
// Empty Container: add some empty container attributes
if (this.isEmpty) {
this.element.tabIndex = 0;
this.element.setAttribute('aria-label', localize('emptyEditorGroup', "{0} (empty)", this.label));
// Non-Empty Container: revert empty container attributes
else {
// Update styles
private updateTitleContainer(): void {
this.titleContainer.classList.toggle('tabs', this.accessor.partOptions.showTabs);
this.titleContainer.classList.toggle('show-file-icons', this.accessor.partOptions.showIcons);
private createTitleAreaControl(): TitleControl {
// Clear old if existing
if (this.titleAreaControl) {
// Create new based on options
if (this.accessor.partOptions.showTabs) {
this.titleAreaControl = this.scopedInstantiationService.createInstance(TabsTitleControl, this.titleContainer, this.accessor, this);
} else {
this.titleAreaControl = this.scopedInstantiationService.createInstance(NoTabsTitleControl, this.titleContainer, this.accessor, this);
return this.titleAreaControl;
private restoreEditors(from: IEditorGroupView | ISerializedEditorGroupModel | null): Promise<void> | undefined {
if (this.count === 0) {
return; // nothing to show
// Determine editor options
let options: IEditorOptions;
if (from instanceof EditorGroupView) {
options = fillActiveEditorViewState(from); // if we copy from another group, ensure to copy its active editor viewstate
} else {
options = Object.create(null);
const activeEditor = this.model.activeEditor;
if (!activeEditor) {
options.pinned = this.model.isPinned(activeEditor); // preserve pinned state
options.sticky = this.model.isSticky(activeEditor); // preserve sticky state
options.preserveFocus = true; // handle focus after editor is opened
const activeElement = document.activeElement;
// Show active editor (intentionally not using async to keep
// `restoreEditors` from executing in same stack)
return this.doShowEditor(activeEditor, { active: true, isNew: false /* restored */ }, options).then(() => {
// Set focused now if this is the active group and focus has
// not changed meanwhile. This prevents focus from being
// stolen accidentally on startup when the user already
// clicked somewhere.
if (this.accessor.activeGroup === this && activeElement === document.activeElement) {
//#region event handling
private registerListeners(): void {
// Model Events
this._register(this.model.onDidModelChange(e => this.onDidGroupModelChange(e)));
// Option Changes
this._register(this.accessor.onDidChangeEditorPartOptions(e => this.onDidChangeEditorPartOptions(e)));
// Visibility
this._register(this.accessor.onDidVisibilityChange(e => this.onDidVisibilityChange(e)));
private onDidGroupModelChange(e: IGroupChangeEvent): void {
// Re-emit to outside
// Handle within
if (e.kind === GroupChangeKind.GROUP_LOCKED) {
if (!e.editor) {
switch (e.kind) {
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_PIN:
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_STICKY:
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_MOVE:
if (isGroupEditorMoveEvent(e)) {
this.onDidMoveEditor(e.editor, e.oldEditorIndex, e.editorIndex);
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_OPEN:
if (isGroupEditorOpenEvent(e)) {
this.onDidOpenEditor(e.editor, e.editorIndex);
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_CLOSE:
if (isGroupEditorCloseEvent(e)) {
this.handleOnDidCloseEditor(e.editor, e.editorIndex, e.context, e.sticky);
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_WILL_DISPOSE:
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_DIRTY:
case GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_LABEL:
private onDidChangeGroupLocked(): void {
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.GROUP_LOCKED });
private onDidChangeEditorPinned(editor: EditorInput): void {
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_PIN, editor });
private onDidChangeEditorSticky(editor: EditorInput): void {
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_STICKY, editor });
private onDidMoveEditor(editor: EditorInput, oldEditorIndex: number, editorIndex: number): void {
const event: IGroupEditorMoveEvent = { kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_MOVE, editor, oldEditorIndex, editorIndex };
private onDidOpenEditor(editor: EditorInput, editorIndex: number): void {
/* __GDPR__
"editorOpened" : {
"${include}": [
this.telemetryService.publicLog('editorOpened', this.toEditorTelemetryDescriptor(editor));
// Update container
// Event
const event: IGroupEditorOpenEvent = { kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_OPEN, editor, editorIndex };
private handleOnDidCloseEditor(editor: EditorInput, editorIndex: number, context: EditorCloseContext, sticky: boolean): void {
// Before close
this._onWillCloseEditor.fire({ groupId: this.id, editor, context, index: editorIndex, sticky });
// Handle event
const editorsToClose: EditorInput[] = [editor];
// Include both sides of side by side editors when being closed
if (editor instanceof SideBySideEditorInput) {
editorsToClose.push(editor.primary, editor.secondary);
// For each editor to close, we call dispose() to free up any resources.
// However, certain editors might be shared across multiple editor groups
// (including being visible in side by side / diff editors) and as such we
// only dispose when they are not opened elsewhere.
for (const editor of editorsToClose) {
if (this.canDispose(editor)) {
/* __GDPR__
"editorClosed" : {
"${include}": [
this.telemetryService.publicLog('editorClosed', this.toEditorTelemetryDescriptor(editor));
// Update container
// Event
this._onDidCloseEditor.fire({ groupId: this.id, editor, context, index: editorIndex, sticky });
const event: IGroupEditorCloseEvent = { kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_CLOSE, editor, editorIndex, context, sticky };
private canDispose(editor: EditorInput): boolean {
for (const groupView of this.accessor.groups) {
if (groupView instanceof EditorGroupView && groupView.model.contains(editor, {
strictEquals: true, // only if this input is not shared across editor groups
supportSideBySide: SideBySideEditor.ANY // include any side of an opened side by side editor
})) {
return false;
return true;
private toEditorTelemetryDescriptor(editor: EditorInput): object {
const descriptor = editor.getTelemetryDescriptor();
const resource = EditorResourceAccessor.getOriginalUri(editor);
const path = resource ? resource.scheme === Schemas.file ? resource.fsPath : resource.path : undefined;
if (resource && path) {
let resourceExt = extname(resource);
// Remove query parameters from the resource extension
const queryStringLocation = resourceExt.indexOf('?');
resourceExt = queryStringLocation !== -1 ? resourceExt.substr(0, queryStringLocation) : resourceExt;
descriptor['resource'] = { mimeType: guessMimeTypes(resource).join(', '), scheme: resource.scheme, ext: resourceExt, path: hash(path) };
"EditorTelemetryDescriptor" : {
"resource": { "${inline}": [ "${URIDescriptor}" ] }
return descriptor;
return descriptor;
private onWillDisposeEditor(editor: EditorInput): void {
// To prevent race conditions, we handle disposed editors in our worker with a timeout
// because it can happen that an input is being disposed with the intent to replace
// it with some other input right after.
private handleDisposedEditors(editors: EditorInput[]): void {
// Split between visible and hidden editors
let activeEditor: EditorInput | undefined;
const inactiveEditors: EditorInput[] = [];
for (const editor of editors) {
if (this.model.isActive(editor)) {
activeEditor = editor;
} else if (this.model.contains(editor)) {
// Close all inactive editors first to prevent UI flicker
for (const inactiveEditor of inactiveEditors) {
this.doCloseEditor(inactiveEditor, false);
// Close active one last
if (activeEditor) {
this.doCloseEditor(activeEditor, false);
private onDidChangeEditorPartOptions(event: IEditorPartOptionsChangeEvent): void {
// Title container
// Title control Switch between showing tabs <=> not showing tabs
if (event.oldPartOptions.showTabs !== event.newPartOptions.showTabs) {
// Recreate title control
// Re-layout
// Ensure to show active editor if any
if (this.model.activeEditor) {
// Just update title control
else {
this.titleAreaControl.updateOptions(event.oldPartOptions, event.newPartOptions);
// Styles
// Pin preview editor once user disables preview
if (event.oldPartOptions.enablePreview && !event.newPartOptions.enablePreview) {
if (this.model.previewEditor) {
private onDidChangeEditorDirty(editor: EditorInput): void {
// Always show dirty editors pinned
// Forward to title control
// Event
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_DIRTY, editor });
private onDidChangeEditorLabel(editor: EditorInput): void {
// Forward to title control
// Event
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_LABEL, editor });
private onDidChangeEditorCapabilities(editor: EditorInput): void {
// Event
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_CAPABILITIES, editor });
private onDidVisibilityChange(visible: boolean): void {
// Forward to active editor pane
//#region IEditorGroupView
get index(): number {
return this._index;
get label(): string {
return localize('groupLabel', "Group {0}", this._index + 1);
get ariaLabel(): string {
return localize('groupAriaLabel', "Editor Group {0}", this._index + 1);
private _disposed = false;
get disposed(): boolean {
return this._disposed;
get isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.count === 0;
get titleHeight(): IEditorGroupTitleHeight {
return this.titleAreaControl.getHeight();
get isMinimized(): boolean {
if (!this.dimension) {
return false;
return this.dimension.width === this.minimumWidth || this.dimension.height === this.minimumHeight;
notifyIndexChanged(newIndex: number): void {
if (this._index !== newIndex) {
this._index = newIndex;
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.GROUP_INDEX });
this._onDidModelChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.GROUP_INDEX });
setActive(isActive: boolean): void {
this.active = isActive;
// Update container
this.element.classList.toggle('active', isActive);
this.element.classList.toggle('inactive', !isActive);
// Update title control
// Update styles
// Event
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.GROUP_ACTIVE });
//#region IEditorGroup
//#region basics()
get id(): GroupIdentifier {
return this.model.id;
get editors(): EditorInput[] {
return this.model.getEditors(EditorsOrder.SEQUENTIAL);
get count(): number {
return this.model.count;
get stickyCount(): number {
return this.model.stickyCount;
get activeEditorPane(): IVisibleEditorPane | undefined {
return this.editorPane ? withNullAsUndefined(this.editorPane.activeEditorPane) : undefined;
get activeEditor(): EditorInput | null {
return this.model.activeEditor;
get previewEditor(): EditorInput | null {
return this.model.previewEditor;
isPinned(editor: EditorInput): boolean {
return this.model.isPinned(editor);
isSticky(editorOrIndex: EditorInput | number): boolean {
return this.model.isSticky(editorOrIndex);
isActive(editor: EditorInput | IUntypedEditorInput): boolean {
return this.model.isActive(editor);
contains(candidate: EditorInput | IUntypedEditorInput): boolean {
return this.model.contains(candidate);
getEditors(order: EditorsOrder, options?: { excludeSticky?: boolean }): EditorInput[] {
return this.model.getEditors(order, options);
findEditors(resource: URI): EditorInput[] {
const canonicalResource = this.uriIdentityService.asCanonicalUri(resource);
return this.getEditors(EditorsOrder.SEQUENTIAL).filter(editor => {
return editor.resource && isEqual(editor.resource, canonicalResource);
getEditorByIndex(index: number): EditorInput | undefined {
return this.model.getEditorByIndex(index);
getIndexOfEditor(editor: EditorInput): number {
return this.model.indexOf(editor);
focus(): void {
// Pass focus to editor panes
if (this.activeEditorPane) {
} else {
// Event
pinEditor(candidate: EditorInput | undefined = this.activeEditor || undefined): void {
if (candidate && !this.model.isPinned(candidate)) {
// Update model
const editor = this.model.pin(candidate);
// Forward to title control
if (editor) {
stickEditor(candidate: EditorInput | undefined = this.activeEditor || undefined): void {
this.doStickEditor(candidate, true);
unstickEditor(candidate: EditorInput | undefined = this.activeEditor || undefined): void {
this.doStickEditor(candidate, false);
private doStickEditor(candidate: EditorInput | undefined, sticky: boolean): void {
if (candidate && this.model.isSticky(candidate) !== sticky) {
const oldIndexOfEditor = this.getIndexOfEditor(candidate);
// Update model
const editor = sticky ? this.model.stick(candidate) : this.model.unstick(candidate);
if (!editor) {
// If the index of the editor changed, we need to forward this to
// title control and also make sure to emit this as an event
const newIndexOfEditor = this.getIndexOfEditor(editor);
if (newIndexOfEditor !== oldIndexOfEditor) {
this.titleAreaControl.moveEditor(editor, oldIndexOfEditor, newIndexOfEditor);
// Forward sticky state to title control
if (sticky) {
} else {
//#region openEditor()
async openEditor(editor: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions): Promise<IEditorPane | undefined> {
return this.doOpenEditor(editor, options, {
// Allow to match on a side-by-side editor when same
// editor is opened on both sides. In that case we
// do not want to open a new editor but reuse that one.
supportSideBySide: SideBySideEditor.BOTH
private async doOpenEditor(editor: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions, internalOptions?: IInternalEditorOpenOptions): Promise<IEditorPane | undefined> {
// Guard against invalid editors. Disposed editors
// should never open because they emit no events
// e.g. to indicate dirty changes.
if (!editor || editor.isDisposed()) {
// Fire the event letting everyone know we are about to open an editor
this._onWillOpenEditor.fire({ editor, groupId: this.id });
// Determine options
const openEditorOptions: IEditorOpenOptions = {
index: options ? options.index : undefined,
pinned: options?.sticky || !this.accessor.partOptions.enablePreview || editor.isDirty() || (options?.pinned ?? typeof options?.index === 'number' /* unless specified, prefer to pin when opening with index */) || (typeof options?.index === 'number' && this.model.isSticky(options.index)),
sticky: options?.sticky || (typeof options?.index === 'number' && this.model.isSticky(options.index)),
active: this.count === 0 || !options || !options.inactive,
supportSideBySide: internalOptions?.supportSideBySide
if (options?.sticky && typeof options?.index === 'number' && !this.model.isSticky(options.index)) {
// Special case: we are to open an editor sticky but at an index that is not sticky
// In that case we prefer to open the editor at the index but not sticky. This enables
// to drag a sticky editor to an index that is not sticky to unstick it.
openEditorOptions.sticky = false;
if (!openEditorOptions.active && !openEditorOptions.pinned && this.model.activeEditor && !this.model.isPinned(this.model.activeEditor)) {
// Special case: we are to open an editor inactive and not pinned, but the current active
// editor is also not pinned, which means it will get replaced with this one. As such,
// the editor can only be active.
openEditorOptions.active = true;
let activateGroup = false;
let restoreGroup = false;
if (options?.activation === EditorActivation.ACTIVATE) {
// Respect option to force activate an editor group.
activateGroup = true;
} else if (options?.activation === EditorActivation.RESTORE) {
// Respect option to force restore an editor group.
restoreGroup = true;
} else if (options?.activation === EditorActivation.PRESERVE) {
// Respect option to preserve active editor group.
activateGroup = false;
restoreGroup = false;
} else if (openEditorOptions.active) {
// Finally, we only activate/restore an editor which is
// opening as active editor.
// If preserveFocus is enabled, we only restore but never
// activate the group.
activateGroup = !options || !options.preserveFocus;
restoreGroup = !activateGroup;
// Actually move the editor if a specific index is provided and we figure
// out that the editor is already opened at a different index. This
// ensures the right set of events are fired to the outside.
if (typeof openEditorOptions.index === 'number') {
const indexOfEditor = this.model.indexOf(editor);
if (indexOfEditor !== -1 && indexOfEditor !== openEditorOptions.index) {
this.doMoveEditorInsideGroup(editor, openEditorOptions);
// Update model and make sure to continue to use the editor we get from
// the model. It is possible that the editor was already opened and we
// want to ensure that we use the existing instance in that case.
const { editor: openedEditor, isNew } = this.model.openEditor(editor, openEditorOptions);
// Conditionally lock the group
if (
isNew && // only if this editor was new for the group
this.count === 1 && // only when this editor was the first editor in the group
this.accessor.groups.length > 1 // only when there are more than one groups open
) {
// only when the editor identifier is configured as such
if (openedEditor.editorId && this.accessor.partOptions.autoLockGroups?.has(openedEditor.editorId)) {
// Show editor
const showEditorResult = this.doShowEditor(openedEditor, { active: !!openEditorOptions.active, isNew }, options, internalOptions);
// Finally make sure the group is active or restored as instructed
if (activateGroup) {
} else if (restoreGroup) {
return showEditorResult;
private doShowEditor(editor: EditorInput, context: { active: boolean, isNew: boolean }, options?: IEditorOptions, internalOptions?: IInternalEditorOpenOptions): Promise<IEditorPane | undefined> {
// Show in editor control if the active editor changed
let openEditorPromise: Promise<IEditorPane | undefined>;
if (context.active) {
openEditorPromise = (async () => {
const { pane, changed, cancelled, error } = await this.editorPane.openEditor(editor, options, { newInGroup: context.isNew });
// Return early if the operation was cancelled by another operation
if (cancelled) {
return undefined;
// Editor change event
if (changed) {
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_ACTIVE, editor });
// Handle errors but do not bubble them up
if (error) {
await this.doHandleOpenEditorError(error, editor, options);
// Without an editor pane, recover by closing the active editor
// (if the input is still the active one)
if (!pane && this.activeEditor === editor) {
const focusNext = !options || !options.preserveFocus;
this.doCloseEditor(editor, focusNext, { fromError: true });
return pane;
} else {
openEditorPromise = Promise.resolve(undefined); // inactive: return undefined as result to signal this
// Show in title control after editor control because some actions depend on it
// but respect the internal options in case title control updates should skip.
if (!internalOptions?.skipTitleUpdate) {
return openEditorPromise;
private async doHandleOpenEditorError(error: Error, editor: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions): Promise<void> {
// Report error only if we are not told to ignore errors that occur from opening an editor
if (!isPromiseCanceledError(error) && (!options || !options.ignoreError)) {
// Always log the error to figure out what is going on
// Since it is more likely that errors fail to open when restoring them e.g.
// because files got deleted or moved meanwhile, we do not show any notifications
// if we are still restoring editors.
if (this.isRestored) {
// Extract possible error actions from the error
let errorActions: readonly IAction[] | undefined = undefined;
if (isErrorWithActions(error)) {
errorActions = error.actions;
// If the context is USER, we try to show a modal dialog instead of a background notification
if (options?.context === EditorOpenContext.USER) {
const buttons: string[] = [];
if (Array.isArray(errorActions) && errorActions.length > 0) {
for (const errorAction of errorActions) {
} else {
buttons.push(localize('ok', 'OK'));
let cancelId: number | undefined = undefined;
if (buttons.length === 1) {
buttons.push(localize('cancel', "Cancel"));
cancelId = 1;
const result = await this.dialogService.show(
localize('editorOpenErrorDialog', "Unable to open '{0}'", editor.getName()),
detail: toErrorMessage(error),
// Make sure to run any error action if present
if (result.choice !== cancelId && Array.isArray(errorActions)) {
const errorAction = errorActions[result.choice];
if (errorAction) {
// Otherwise, show a background notification.
else {
const actions = { primary: [] as readonly IAction[] };
if (Array.isArray(errorActions)) {
actions.primary = errorActions;
const handle = this.notificationService.notify({
id: `${hash(editor.resource?.toString())}`, // unique per editor
severity: Severity.Error,
message: localize('editorOpenError', "Unable to open '{0}': {1}.", editor.getName(), toErrorMessage(error)),
Event.once(handle.onDidClose)(() => actions.primary && dispose(actions.primary));
// Event
//#region openEditors()
async openEditors(editors: { editor: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions }[]): Promise<IEditorPane | undefined> {
// Guard against invalid editors. Disposed editors
// should never open because they emit no events
// e.g. to indicate dirty changes.
const editorsToOpen = coalesce(editors).filter(({ editor }) => !editor.isDisposed());
// Use the first editor as active editor
const firstEditor = firstOrDefault(editorsToOpen);
if (!firstEditor) {
const openEditorsOptions: IInternalEditorOpenOptions = {
// Allow to match on a side-by-side editor when same
// editor is opened on both sides. In that case we
// do not want to open a new editor but reuse that one.
supportSideBySide: SideBySideEditor.BOTH
await this.doOpenEditor(firstEditor.editor, firstEditor.options, openEditorsOptions);
// Open the other ones inactive
const inactiveEditors = editorsToOpen.slice(1);
const startingIndex = this.getIndexOfEditor(firstEditor.editor) + 1;
await Promises.settled(inactiveEditors.map(({ editor, options }, index) => {
return this.doOpenEditor(editor, {
inactive: true,
pinned: true,
index: startingIndex + index
}, {
// optimization: update the title control later
// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/130634
skipTitleUpdate: true
// Update the title control all at once with all editors
this.titleAreaControl.openEditors(inactiveEditors.map(({ editor }) => editor));
// Opening many editors at once can put any editor to be
// the active one depending on options. As such, we simply
// return the active editor pane after this operation.
return withNullAsUndefined(this.editorPane.activeEditorPane);
//#region moveEditor()
moveEditors(editors: { editor: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions }[], target: EditorGroupView): void {
// Optimization: knowing that we move many editors, we
// delay the title update to a later point for this group
// through a method that allows for bulk updates but only
// when moving to a different group where many editors
// are more likely to occur.
const internalOptions: IInternalMoveCopyOptions = {
skipTitleUpdate: this !== target
for (const { editor, options } of editors) {
this.moveEditor(editor, target, options, internalOptions);
// Update the title control all at once with all editors
// in source and target if the title update was skipped
if (internalOptions.skipTitleUpdate) {
const movedEditors = editors.map(({ editor }) => editor);
moveEditor(editor: EditorInput, target: EditorGroupView, options?: IEditorOptions, internalOptions?: IInternalEditorTitleControlOptions): void {
// Move within same group
if (this === target) {
this.doMoveEditorInsideGroup(editor, options);
// Move across groups
else {
this.doMoveOrCopyEditorAcrossGroups(editor, target, options, { ...internalOptions, keepCopy: false });
private doMoveEditorInsideGroup(candidate: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOpenOptions): void {
const moveToIndex = options ? options.index : undefined;
if (typeof moveToIndex !== 'number') {
return; // do nothing if we move into same group without index
const currentIndex = this.model.indexOf(candidate);
if (currentIndex === -1 || currentIndex === moveToIndex) {
return; // do nothing if editor unknown in model or is already at the given index
// Update model and make sure to continue to use the editor we get from
// the model. It is possible that the editor was already opened and we
// want to ensure that we use the existing instance in that case.
const editor = this.model.getEditorByIndex(currentIndex);
if (!editor) {
// Update model
this.model.moveEditor(editor, moveToIndex);
// Forward to title area
this.titleAreaControl.moveEditor(editor, currentIndex, moveToIndex);
private doMoveOrCopyEditorAcrossGroups(editor: EditorInput, target: EditorGroupView, openOptions?: IEditorOpenOptions, internalOptions?: IInternalMoveCopyOptions): void {
const keepCopy = internalOptions?.keepCopy;
// When moving/copying an editor, try to preserve as much view state as possible
// by checking for the editor to be a text editor and creating the options accordingly
// if so
const options = fillActiveEditorViewState(this, editor, {
pinned: true, // always pin moved editor
sticky: !keepCopy && this.model.isSticky(editor) // preserve sticky state only if editor is moved (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/99035)
// Indicate will move event
if (!keepCopy) {
groupId: this.id,
target: target.id
// A move to another group is an open first...
target.doOpenEditor(keepCopy ? editor.copy() : editor, options, internalOptions);
// ...and a close afterwards (unless we copy)
if (!keepCopy) {
this.doCloseEditor(editor, false /* do not focus next one behind if any */, { ...internalOptions, context: EditorCloseContext.MOVE });
//#region copyEditor()
copyEditors(editors: { editor: EditorInput, options?: IEditorOptions }[], target: EditorGroupView): void {
// Optimization: knowing that we move many editors, we
// delay the title update to a later point for this group
// through a method that allows for bulk updates but only
// when moving to a different group where many editors
// are more likely to occur.
const internalOptions: IInternalMoveCopyOptions = {
skipTitleUpdate: this !== target
for (const { editor, options } of editors) {
this.copyEditor(editor, target, options, internalOptions);
// Update the title control all at once with all editors
// in target if the title update was skipped
if (internalOptions.skipTitleUpdate) {
const copiedEditors = editors.map(({ editor }) => editor);
copyEditor(editor: EditorInput, target: EditorGroupView, options?: IEditorOptions, internalOptions?: IInternalEditorTitleControlOptions): void {
// Move within same group because we do not support to show the same editor
// multiple times in the same group
if (this === target) {
this.doMoveEditorInsideGroup(editor, options);
// Copy across groups
else {
this.doMoveOrCopyEditorAcrossGroups(editor, target, options, { ...internalOptions, keepCopy: true });
//#region closeEditor()
async closeEditor(editor: EditorInput | undefined = this.activeEditor || undefined, options?: ICloseEditorOptions): Promise<boolean> {
return this.doCloseEditorWithDirtyHandling(editor, options);
private async doCloseEditorWithDirtyHandling(editor: EditorInput | undefined = this.activeEditor || undefined, options?: ICloseEditorOptions, internalOptions?: IInternalEditorCloseOptions): Promise<boolean> {
if (!editor) {
return false;
// Check for dirty and veto
const veto = await this.handleDirtyClosing([editor]);
if (veto) {
return false;
// Do close
this.doCloseEditor(editor, options?.preserveFocus ? false : undefined, internalOptions);
return true;
private doCloseEditor(editor: EditorInput, focusNext = (this.accessor.activeGroup === this), internalOptions?: IInternalEditorCloseOptions): void {
let index: number | undefined;
// Closing the active editor of the group is a bit more work
if (this.model.isActive(editor)) {
index = this.doCloseActiveEditor(focusNext, internalOptions);
// Closing inactive editor is just a model update
else {
index = this.doCloseInactiveEditor(editor, internalOptions);
// Forward to title control unless skipped via internal options
if (!internalOptions?.skipTitleUpdate) {
this.titleAreaControl.closeEditor(editor, index);
private doCloseActiveEditor(focusNext = (this.accessor.activeGroup === this), internalOptions?: IInternalEditorCloseOptions): number | undefined {
const editorToClose = this.activeEditor;
const restoreFocus = this.shouldRestoreFocus(this.element);
// Optimization: if we are about to close the last editor in this group and settings
// are configured to close the group since it will be empty, we first set the last
// active group as empty before closing the editor. This reduces the amount of editor
// change events that this operation emits and will reduce flicker. Without this
// optimization, this group (if active) would first trigger a active editor change
// event because it became empty, only to then trigger another one when the next
// group gets active.
const closeEmptyGroup = this.accessor.partOptions.closeEmptyGroups;
if (closeEmptyGroup && this.active && this.count === 1) {
const mostRecentlyActiveGroups = this.accessor.getGroups(GroupsOrder.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE);
const nextActiveGroup = mostRecentlyActiveGroups[1]; // [0] will be the current one, so take [1]
if (nextActiveGroup) {
if (restoreFocus) {
} else {
// Update model
let index: number | undefined = undefined;
if (editorToClose) {
index = this.model.closeEditor(editorToClose, internalOptions?.context)?.editorIndex;
// Open next active if there are more to show
const nextActiveEditor = this.model.activeEditor;
if (nextActiveEditor) {
const preserveFocus = !focusNext;
let activation: EditorActivation | undefined = undefined;
if (preserveFocus && this.accessor.activeGroup !== this) {
// If we are opening the next editor in an inactive group
// without focussing it, ensure we preserve the editor
// group sizes in case that group is minimized.
// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/117686
activation = EditorActivation.PRESERVE;
const options: IEditorOptions = {
// When closing an editor due to an error we can end up in a loop where we continue closing
// editors that fail to open (e.g. when the file no longer exists). We do not want to show
// repeated errors in this case to the user. As such, if we open the next editor and we are
// in a scope of a previous editor failing, we silence the input errors until the editor is
// opened by setting ignoreError: true.
ignoreError: internalOptions?.fromError
this.doOpenEditor(nextActiveEditor, options);
// Otherwise we are empty, so clear from editor control and send event
else {
// Forward to editor pane
if (editorToClose) {
// Restore focus to group container as needed unless group gets closed
if (restoreFocus && !closeEmptyGroup) {
// Events
this._onDidGroupChange.fire({ kind: GroupChangeKind.EDITOR_ACTIVE });
// Remove empty group if we should
if (closeEmptyGroup) {
return index;
private shouldRestoreFocus(target: Element): boolean {
const activeElement = document.activeElement;
if (activeElement === document.body) {
return true; // always restore focus if nothing is focused currently
// otherwise check for the active element being an ancestor of the target
return isAncestor(activeElement, target);
private doCloseInactiveEditor(editor: EditorInput, internalOptions?: IInternalEditorCloseOptions): number | undefined {
// Update model
return this.model.closeEditor(editor, internalOptions?.context)?.editorIndex;
private async handleDirtyClosing(editors: EditorInput[]): Promise<boolean /* veto */> {
if (!editors.length) {
return false; // no veto
const editor = editors.shift()!;
// To prevent multiple confirmation dialogs from showing up one after the other
// we check if a pending confirmation is currently showing and if so, join that
let handleDirtyClosingPromise = this.mapEditorToPendingConfirmation.get(editor);
if (!handleDirtyClosingPromise) {
handleDirtyClosingPromise = this.doHandleDirtyClosing(editor);
this.mapEditorToPendingConfirmation.set(editor, handleDirtyClosingPromise);
let veto: boolean;
try {
veto = await handleDirtyClosingPromise;
} finally {
// Return for the first veto we got
if (veto) {
return veto;
// Otherwise continue with the remainders
return this.handleDirtyClosing(editors);
private async doHandleDirtyClosing(editor: EditorInput, options?: { skipAutoSave: boolean }): Promise<boolean /* veto */> {
if (!editor.isDirty() || editor.isSaving()) {
return false; // editor must be dirty and not saving
if (editor instanceof SideBySideEditorInput && this.model.contains(editor.primary)) {
return false; // primary-side of editor is still opened somewhere else
// Note: we explicitly decide to ask for confirm if closing a normal editor even
// if it is opened in a side-by-side editor in the group. This decision is made
// because it may be less obvious that one side of a side by side editor is dirty
// and can still be changed.
if (this.accessor.groups.some(groupView => {
if (groupView === this) {
return false; // skip this group to avoid false assumptions about the editor being opened still
const otherGroup = groupView;
if (otherGroup.contains(editor)) {
return true; // exact editor still opened
if (editor instanceof SideBySideEditorInput && otherGroup.contains(editor.primary)) {
return true; // primary side of side by side editor still opened
return false;
})) {
return false; // editor is still editable somewhere else
// In some cases trigger save before opening the dialog depending
// on auto-save configuration.
// However, make sure to respect `skipAutoSave` option in case the automated
// save fails which would result in the editor never closing.
let confirmation = ConfirmResult.CANCEL;
let saveReason = SaveReason.EXPLICIT;
let autoSave = false;
if (!editor.hasCapability(EditorInputCapabilities.Untitled) && !options?.skipAutoSave) {
// Auto-save on focus change: save, because a dialog would steal focus
// (see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/108752)
if (this.filesConfigurationService.getAutoSaveMode() === AutoSaveMode.ON_FOCUS_CHANGE) {
autoSave = true;
confirmation = ConfirmResult.SAVE;
saveReason = SaveReason.FOCUS_CHANGE;
// Auto-save on window change: save, because on Windows and Linux, a
// native dialog triggers the window focus change
// (see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/134250)
else if ((isNative && (isWindows || isLinux)) && this.filesConfigurationService.getAutoSaveMode() === AutoSaveMode.ON_WINDOW_CHANGE) {
autoSave = true;
confirmation = ConfirmResult.SAVE;
saveReason = SaveReason.WINDOW_CHANGE;
// No auto-save on focus change: ask user
if (!autoSave) {
// Switch to editor that we want to handle and confirm to save/revert
await this.doOpenEditor(editor);
// Let editor handle confirmation if implemented
if (typeof editor.confirm === 'function') {
confirmation = await editor.confirm();
// Show a file specific confirmation
else {
let name: string;
if (editor instanceof SideBySideEditorInput) {
name = editor.primary.getName(); // prefer shorter names by using primary's name in this case
} else {
name = editor.getName();
confirmation = await this.fileDialogService.showSaveConfirm([name]);
// It could be that the editor saved meanwhile or is saving, so we check
// again to see if anything needs to happen before closing for good.
// This can happen for example if autoSave: onFocusChange is configured
// so that the save happens when the dialog opens.
if (!editor.isDirty() || editor.isSaving()) {
return confirmation === ConfirmResult.CANCEL ? true : false;
// Otherwise, handle accordingly
switch (confirmation) {
case ConfirmResult.SAVE:
const result = await editor.save(this.id, { reason: saveReason });
if (!result && autoSave) {
// Save failed and we need to signal this back to the user, so
// we handle the dirty editor again but this time ensuring to
// show the confirm dialog
// (see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/108752)
return this.doHandleDirtyClosing(editor, { skipAutoSave: true });
return editor.isDirty(); // veto if still dirty
case ConfirmResult.DONT_SAVE:
try {
// first try a normal revert where the contents of the editor are restored
await editor.revert(this.id);
return editor.isDirty(); // veto if still dirty
} catch (error) {
// if that fails, since we are about to close the editor, we accept that
// the editor cannot be reverted and instead do a soft revert that just
// enables us to close the editor. With this, a user can always close a
// dirty editor even when reverting fails.
await editor.revert(this.id, { soft: true });
return editor.isDirty(); // veto if still dirty
case ConfirmResult.CANCEL:
return true; // veto
//#region closeEditors()
async closeEditors(args: EditorInput[] | ICloseEditorsFilter, options?: ICloseEditorOptions): Promise<void> {
if (this.isEmpty) {
const editors = this.doGetEditorsToClose(args);
// Check for dirty and veto
const veto = await this.handleDirtyClosing(editors.slice(0));
if (veto) {
// Do close
this.doCloseEditors(editors, options);
private doGetEditorsToClose(args: EditorInput[] | ICloseEditorsFilter): EditorInput[] {
if (Array.isArray(args)) {
return args;
const filter = args;
const hasDirection = typeof filter.direction === 'number';
let editorsToClose = this.model.getEditors(hasDirection ? EditorsOrder.SEQUENTIAL : EditorsOrder.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE, filter); // in MRU order only if direction is not specified
// Filter: saved or saving only
if (filter.savedOnly) {
editorsToClose = editorsToClose.filter(editor => !editor.isDirty() || editor.isSaving());
// Filter: direction (left / right)
else if (hasDirection && filter.except) {
editorsToClose = (filter.direction === CloseDirection.LEFT) ?
editorsToClose.slice(0, this.model.indexOf(filter.except, editorsToClose)) :
editorsToClose.slice(this.model.indexOf(filter.except, editorsToClose) + 1);
// Filter: except
else if (filter.except) {
editorsToClose = editorsToClose.filter(editor => filter.except && !editor.matches(filter.except));
return editorsToClose;
private doCloseEditors(editors: EditorInput[], options?: ICloseEditorOptions): void {
// Close all inactive editors first
let closeActiveEditor = false;
for (const editor of editors) {
if (!this.isActive(editor)) {
} else {
closeActiveEditor = true;
// Close active editor last if contained in editors list to close
if (closeActiveEditor) {
this.doCloseActiveEditor(options?.preserveFocus ? false : undefined);
// Forward to title control
if (editors.length) {
//#region closeAllEditors()
async closeAllEditors(options?: ICloseAllEditorsOptions): Promise<void> {
if (this.isEmpty) {
// If the group is empty and the request is to close all editors, we still close
// the editor group is the related setting to close empty groups is enabled for
// a convenient way of removing empty editor groups for the user.
if (this.accessor.partOptions.closeEmptyGroups) {
// Check for dirty and veto
const veto = await this.handleDirtyClosing(this.model.getEditors(EditorsOrder.MOST_RECENTLY_ACTIVE, options));
if (veto) {
// Do close
private doCloseAllEditors(options?: ICloseAllEditorsOptions): void {
// Close all inactive editors first
const editorsToClose: EditorInput[] = [];
for (const editor of this.model.getEditors(EditorsOrder.SEQUENTIAL, options)) {
if (!this.isActive(editor)) {
// Close active editor last (unless we skip it, e.g. because it is sticky)
if (this.activeEditor && editorsToClose.includes(this.activeEditor)) {
// Forward to title control
if (editorsToClose.length) {
//#region replaceEditors()
async replaceEditors(editors: EditorReplacement[]): Promise<void> {
// Extract active vs. inactive replacements
let activeReplacement: EditorReplacement | undefined;
const inactiveReplacements: EditorReplacement[] = [];
for (let { editor, replacement, forceReplaceDirty, options } of editors) {
const index = this.getIndexOfEditor(editor);
if (index >= 0) {
const isActiveEditor = this.isActive(editor);
// make sure we respect the index of the editor to replace
if (options) {
options.index = index;
} else {
options = { index };
options.inactive = !isActiveEditor;
options.pinned = options.pinned ?? true; // unless specified, prefer to pin upon replace
const editorToReplace = { editor, replacement, forceReplaceDirty, options };
if (isActiveEditor) {
activeReplacement = editorToReplace;
} else {
// Handle inactive first
for (const { editor, replacement, forceReplaceDirty, options } of inactiveReplacements) {
// Open inactive editor
await this.doOpenEditor(replacement, options);
// Close replaced inactive editor unless they match
if (!editor.matches(replacement)) {
let closed = false;
if (forceReplaceDirty) {
this.doCloseEditor(editor, false, { context: EditorCloseContext.REPLACE });
closed = true;
} else {
closed = await this.doCloseEditorWithDirtyHandling(editor, { preserveFocus: true }, { context: EditorCloseContext.REPLACE });
if (!closed) {
return; // canceled
// Handle active last
if (activeReplacement) {
// Open replacement as active editor
const openEditorResult = this.doOpenEditor(activeReplacement.replacement, activeReplacement.options);
// Close replaced active editor unless they match
if (!activeReplacement.editor.matches(activeReplacement.replacement)) {
if (activeReplacement.forceReplaceDirty) {
this.doCloseEditor(activeReplacement.editor, false, { context: EditorCloseContext.REPLACE });
} else {
await this.doCloseEditorWithDirtyHandling(activeReplacement.editor, { preserveFocus: true }, { context: EditorCloseContext.REPLACE });
await openEditorResult;
//#region Locking
get isLocked(): boolean {
if (this.accessor.groups.length === 1) {
// Special case: if only 1 group is opened, never report it as locked
// to ensure editors can always open in the "default" editor group
return false;
return this.model.isLocked;
lock(locked: boolean): void {
if (this.accessor.groups.length === 1) {
// Special case: if only 1 group is opened, never allow to lock
// to ensure editors can always open in the "default" editor group
locked = false;
//#region Themable
protected override updateStyles(): void {
const isEmpty = this.isEmpty;
// Container
if (isEmpty) {
this.element.style.backgroundColor = this.getColor(EDITOR_GROUP_EMPTY_BACKGROUND) || '';
} else {
this.element.style.backgroundColor = '';
// Title control
const borderColor = this.getColor(EDITOR_GROUP_HEADER_BORDER) || this.getColor(contrastBorder);
if (!isEmpty && borderColor) {
this.titleContainer.style.setProperty('--title-border-bottom-color', borderColor.toString());
} else {
const { showTabs } = this.accessor.partOptions;
this.titleContainer.style.backgroundColor = this.getColor(showTabs ? EDITOR_GROUP_HEADER_TABS_BACKGROUND : EDITOR_GROUP_HEADER_NO_TABS_BACKGROUND) || '';
// Editor container
this.editorContainer.style.backgroundColor = this.getColor(editorBackground) || '';
//#region ISerializableView
readonly element: HTMLElement = document.createElement('div');
get minimumWidth(): number { return this.editorPane.minimumWidth; }
get minimumHeight(): number { return this.editorPane.minimumHeight; }
get maximumWidth(): number { return this.editorPane.maximumWidth; }
get maximumHeight(): number { return this.editorPane.maximumHeight; }
private _onDidChange = this._register(new Relay<{ width: number; height: number; } | undefined>());
readonly onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;
layout(width: number, height: number): void {
this.dimension = new Dimension(width, height);
// Layout the title area first to receive the size it occupies
const titleAreaSize = this.titleAreaControl.layout({
container: this.dimension,
available: new Dimension(width, height - this.editorPane.minimumHeight)
// Pass the container width and remaining height to the editor layout
const editorHeight = Math.max(0, height - titleAreaSize.height);
this.editorContainer.style.height = `${editorHeight}px`;
this.editorPane.layout(new Dimension(width, editorHeight));
relayout(): void {
if (this.dimension) {
const { width, height } = this.dimension;
this.layout(width, height);
toJSON(): ISerializedEditorGroupModel {
return this.model.serialize();
override dispose(): void {
this._disposed = true;
export interface EditorReplacement extends IEditorReplacement {
readonly editor: EditorInput;
readonly replacement: EditorInput;
readonly options?: IEditorOptions;
registerThemingParticipant((theme, collector) => {
// Letterpress
const letterpress = `./media/letterpress${theme.type === 'dark' ? '-dark' : theme.type === 'hc' ? '-hc' : ''}.svg`;
.monaco-workbench .part.editor > .content .editor-group-container.empty .editor-group-letterpress {
background-image: ${asCSSUrl(FileAccess.asBrowserUri(letterpress, require))}
// Focused Empty Group Border
const focusedEmptyGroupBorder = theme.getColor(EDITOR_GROUP_FOCUSED_EMPTY_BORDER);
if (focusedEmptyGroupBorder) {
.monaco-workbench .part.editor > .content:not(.empty) .editor-group-container.empty.active:focus {
outline-width: 1px;
outline-color: ${focusedEmptyGroupBorder};
outline-offset: -2px;
outline-style: solid;
.monaco-workbench .part.editor > .content.empty .editor-group-container.empty.active:focus {
outline: none; /* never show outline for empty group if it is the last */
} else {
.monaco-workbench .part.editor > .content .editor-group-container.empty.active:focus {
outline: none; /* disable focus outline unless active empty group border is defined */