
656 lines
26 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
import * as path from 'vs/base/common/path';
import * as semver from 'vs/base/common/semver/semver';
import * as json from 'vs/base/common/json';
import * as arrays from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { getParseErrorMessage } from 'vs/base/common/jsonErrorMessages';
import * as types from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import * as pfs from 'vs/base/node/pfs';
import { getGalleryExtensionId, groupByExtension, ExtensionIdentifierWithVersion, getExtensionId } from 'vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionManagementUtil';
import { isValidExtensionVersion } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensionValidator';
import { ExtensionIdentifier, IExtensionDescription } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions';
import { Translations, ILog } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionPoints';
const MANIFEST_FILE = 'package.json';
export interface NlsConfiguration {
readonly devMode: boolean;
readonly locale: string | undefined;
readonly pseudo: boolean;
readonly translations: Translations;
abstract class ExtensionManifestHandler {
protected readonly _ourVersion: string;
protected readonly _ourProductDate: string | undefined;
protected readonly _log: ILog;
protected readonly _absoluteFolderPath: string;
protected readonly _isBuiltin: boolean;
protected readonly _isUnderDevelopment: boolean;
protected readonly _absoluteManifestPath: string;
constructor(ourVersion: string, ourProductDate: string | undefined, log: ILog, absoluteFolderPath: string, isBuiltin: boolean, isUnderDevelopment: boolean) {
this._ourVersion = ourVersion;
this._ourProductDate = ourProductDate;
this._log = log;
this._absoluteFolderPath = absoluteFolderPath;
this._isBuiltin = isBuiltin;
this._isUnderDevelopment = isUnderDevelopment;
this._absoluteManifestPath = path.join(absoluteFolderPath, MANIFEST_FILE);
class ExtensionManifestParser extends ExtensionManifestHandler {
private static _fastParseJSON(text: string, errors: json.ParseError[]): any {
try {
return JSON.parse(text);
} catch (err) {
// invalid JSON, let's get good errors
return json.parse(text, errors);
public parse(): Promise<IExtensionDescription> {
return pfs.Promises.readFile(this._absoluteManifestPath).then((manifestContents) => {
const errors: json.ParseError[] = [];
const manifest = ExtensionManifestParser._fastParseJSON(manifestContents.toString(), errors);
if (json.getNodeType(manifest) !== 'object') {
this._log.error(this._absoluteFolderPath, nls.localize('jsonParseInvalidType', "Invalid manifest file {0}: Not an JSON object.", this._absoluteManifestPath));
} else if (errors.length === 0) {
if (manifest.__metadata) {
manifest.uuid = manifest.__metadata.id;
manifest.isUserBuiltin = !!manifest.__metadata?.isBuiltin;
delete manifest.__metadata;
return manifest;
} else {
errors.forEach(e => {
this._log.error(this._absoluteFolderPath, nls.localize('jsonParseFail', "Failed to parse {0}: [{1}, {2}] {3}.", this._absoluteManifestPath, e.offset, e.length, getParseErrorMessage(e.error)));
return null;
}, (err) => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return null;
this._log.error(this._absoluteFolderPath, nls.localize('fileReadFail', "Cannot read file {0}: {1}.", this._absoluteManifestPath, err.message));
return null;
interface MessageBag {
[key: string]: string | { message: string; comment: string[] };
interface TranslationBundle {
contents: {
package: MessageBag;
interface LocalizedMessages {
values: MessageBag | undefined;
default: string | null;
class ExtensionManifestNLSReplacer extends ExtensionManifestHandler {
private readonly _nlsConfig: NlsConfiguration;
constructor(ourVersion: string, ourProductDate: string | undefined, log: ILog, absoluteFolderPath: string, isBuiltin: boolean, isUnderDevelopment: boolean, nlsConfig: NlsConfiguration) {
super(ourVersion, ourProductDate, log, absoluteFolderPath, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment);
this._nlsConfig = nlsConfig;
public replaceNLS(extensionDescription: IExtensionDescription): Promise<IExtensionDescription> {
const reportErrors = (localized: string | null, errors: json.ParseError[]): void => {
errors.forEach((error) => {
this._log.error(this._absoluteFolderPath, nls.localize('jsonsParseReportErrors', "Failed to parse {0}: {1}.", localized, getParseErrorMessage(error.error)));
const reportInvalidFormat = (localized: string | null): void => {
this._log.error(this._absoluteFolderPath, nls.localize('jsonInvalidFormat', "Invalid format {0}: JSON object expected.", localized));
let extension = path.extname(this._absoluteManifestPath);
let basename = this._absoluteManifestPath.substr(0, this._absoluteManifestPath.length - extension.length);
const translationId = `${extensionDescription.publisher}.${extensionDescription.name}`;
let translationPath = this._nlsConfig.translations[translationId];
let localizedMessages: Promise<LocalizedMessages | undefined>;
if (translationPath) {
localizedMessages = pfs.Promises.readFile(translationPath, 'utf8').then<LocalizedMessages, LocalizedMessages>((content) => {
let errors: json.ParseError[] = [];
let translationBundle: TranslationBundle = json.parse(content, errors);
if (errors.length > 0) {
reportErrors(translationPath, errors);
return { values: undefined, default: `${basename}.nls.json` };
} else if (json.getNodeType(translationBundle) !== 'object') {
return { values: undefined, default: `${basename}.nls.json` };
} else {
let values = translationBundle.contents ? translationBundle.contents.package : undefined;
return { values: values, default: `${basename}.nls.json` };
}, (error) => {
return { values: undefined, default: `${basename}.nls.json` };
} else {
localizedMessages = pfs.SymlinkSupport.existsFile(basename + '.nls' + extension).then<LocalizedMessages | undefined, LocalizedMessages | undefined>(exists => {
if (!exists) {
return undefined;
return ExtensionManifestNLSReplacer.findMessageBundles(this._nlsConfig, basename).then((messageBundle) => {
if (!messageBundle.localized) {
return { values: undefined, default: messageBundle.original };
return pfs.Promises.readFile(messageBundle.localized, 'utf8').then(messageBundleContent => {
let errors: json.ParseError[] = [];
let messages: MessageBag = json.parse(messageBundleContent, errors);
if (errors.length > 0) {
reportErrors(messageBundle.localized, errors);
return { values: undefined, default: messageBundle.original };
} else if (json.getNodeType(messages) !== 'object') {
return { values: undefined, default: messageBundle.original };
return { values: messages, default: messageBundle.original };
}, (err) => {
return { values: undefined, default: messageBundle.original };
}, (err) => {
return undefined;
return localizedMessages.then((localizedMessages) => {
if (localizedMessages === undefined) {
return extensionDescription;
let errors: json.ParseError[] = [];
// resolveOriginalMessageBundle returns null if localizedMessages.default === undefined;
return ExtensionManifestNLSReplacer.resolveOriginalMessageBundle(localizedMessages.default, errors).then((defaults) => {
if (errors.length > 0) {
reportErrors(localizedMessages.default, errors);
return extensionDescription;
} else if (json.getNodeType(localizedMessages) !== 'object') {
return extensionDescription;
const localized = localizedMessages.values || Object.create(null);
ExtensionManifestNLSReplacer._replaceNLStrings(this._nlsConfig, extensionDescription, localized, defaults, this._log, this._absoluteFolderPath);
return extensionDescription;
}, (err) => {
return extensionDescription;
* Parses original message bundle, returns null if the original message bundle is null.
private static resolveOriginalMessageBundle(originalMessageBundle: string | null, errors: json.ParseError[]) {
return new Promise<{ [key: string]: string; } | null>((c, e) => {
if (originalMessageBundle) {
pfs.Promises.readFile(originalMessageBundle).then(originalBundleContent => {
c(json.parse(originalBundleContent.toString(), errors));
}, (err) => {
} else {
* Finds localized message bundle and the original (unlocalized) one.
* If the localized file is not present, returns null for the original and marks original as localized.
private static findMessageBundles(nlsConfig: NlsConfiguration, basename: string): Promise<{ localized: string; original: string | null; }> {
return new Promise<{ localized: string; original: string | null; }>((c, e) => {
function loop(basename: string, locale: string): void {
let toCheck = `${basename}.nls.${locale}.json`;
pfs.SymlinkSupport.existsFile(toCheck).then(exists => {
if (exists) {
c({ localized: toCheck, original: `${basename}.nls.json` });
let index = locale.lastIndexOf('-');
if (index === -1) {
c({ localized: `${basename}.nls.json`, original: null });
} else {
locale = locale.substring(0, index);
loop(basename, locale);
if (nlsConfig.devMode || nlsConfig.pseudo || !nlsConfig.locale) {
return c({ localized: basename + '.nls.json', original: null });
loop(basename, nlsConfig.locale);
* This routine makes the following assumptions:
* The root element is an object literal
private static _replaceNLStrings<T extends object>(nlsConfig: NlsConfiguration, literal: T, messages: MessageBag, originalMessages: MessageBag | null, log: ILog, messageScope: string): void {
function processEntry(obj: any, key: string | number, command?: boolean) {
const value = obj[key];
if (types.isString(value)) {
const str = <string>value;
const length = str.length;
if (length > 1 && str[0] === '%' && str[length - 1] === '%') {
const messageKey = str.substr(1, length - 2);
let translated = messages[messageKey];
// If the messages come from a language pack they might miss some keys
// Fill them from the original messages.
if (translated === undefined && originalMessages) {
translated = originalMessages[messageKey];
let message: string | undefined = typeof translated === 'string' ? translated : (typeof translated?.message === 'string' ? translated.message : undefined);
if (message !== undefined) {
if (nlsConfig.pseudo) {
// FF3B and FF3D is the Unicode zenkaku representation for [ and ]
message = '\uFF3B' + message.replace(/[aouei]/g, '$&$&') + '\uFF3D';
obj[key] = command && (key === 'title' || key === 'category') && originalMessages ? { value: message, original: originalMessages[messageKey] } : message;
} else {
log.warn(messageScope, nls.localize('missingNLSKey', "Couldn't find message for key {0}.", messageKey));
} else if (types.isObject(value)) {
for (let k in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
k === 'commands' ? processEntry(value, k, true) : processEntry(value, k, command);
} else if (types.isArray(value)) {
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
processEntry(value, i, command);
for (let key in literal) {
if (literal.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
processEntry(literal, key);
// Relax the readonly properties here, it is the one place where we check and normalize values
export interface IRelaxedExtensionDescription {
id: string;
uuid?: string;
identifier: ExtensionIdentifier;
name: string;
version: string;
publisher: string;
isBuiltin: boolean;
isUserBuiltin: boolean;
isUnderDevelopment: boolean;
extensionLocation: URI;
engines: {
vscode: string;
main?: string;
class ExtensionManifestValidator extends ExtensionManifestHandler {
validate(_extensionDescription: IExtensionDescription): IExtensionDescription | null {
let extensionDescription = <IRelaxedExtensionDescription>_extensionDescription;
extensionDescription.isBuiltin = this._isBuiltin;
extensionDescription.isUserBuiltin = !this._isBuiltin && !!extensionDescription.isUserBuiltin;
extensionDescription.isUnderDevelopment = this._isUnderDevelopment;
let notices: string[] = [];
if (!ExtensionManifestValidator.isValidExtensionDescription(this._ourVersion, this._ourProductDate, this._absoluteFolderPath, extensionDescription, notices)) {
notices.forEach((error) => {
this._log.error(this._absoluteFolderPath, error);
return null;
// in this case the notices are warnings
notices.forEach((error) => {
this._log.warn(this._absoluteFolderPath, error);
// allow publisher to be undefined to make the initial extension authoring experience smoother
if (!extensionDescription.publisher) {
extensionDescription.publisher = 'undefined_publisher';
// id := `publisher.name`
extensionDescription.id = getExtensionId(extensionDescription.publisher, extensionDescription.name);
extensionDescription.identifier = new ExtensionIdentifier(extensionDescription.id);
extensionDescription.extensionLocation = URI.file(this._absoluteFolderPath);
return extensionDescription;
private static isValidExtensionDescription(version: string, productDate: string | undefined, extensionFolderPath: string, extensionDescription: IExtensionDescription, notices: string[]): boolean {
if (!ExtensionManifestValidator.baseIsValidExtensionDescription(extensionFolderPath, extensionDescription, notices)) {
return false;
if (!semver.valid(extensionDescription.version)) {
notices.push(nls.localize('notSemver', "Extension version is not semver compatible."));
return false;
return isValidExtensionVersion(version, productDate, extensionDescription, notices);
private static baseIsValidExtensionDescription(extensionFolderPath: string, extensionDescription: IExtensionDescription, notices: string[]): boolean {
if (!extensionDescription) {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.empty', "Got empty extension description"));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.publisher !== 'undefined' && typeof extensionDescription.publisher !== 'string') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.publisher', "property publisher must be of type `string`."));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.name !== 'string') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.name', "property `{0}` is mandatory and must be of type `string`", 'name'));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.version !== 'string') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.version', "property `{0}` is mandatory and must be of type `string`", 'version'));
return false;
if (!extensionDescription.engines) {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.engines', "property `{0}` is mandatory and must be of type `object`", 'engines'));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.engines.vscode !== 'string') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.engines.vscode', "property `{0}` is mandatory and must be of type `string`", 'engines.vscode'));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.extensionDependencies !== 'undefined') {
if (!ExtensionManifestValidator._isStringArray(extensionDescription.extensionDependencies)) {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.extensionDependencies', "property `{0}` can be omitted or must be of type `string[]`", 'extensionDependencies'));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.activationEvents !== 'undefined') {
if (!ExtensionManifestValidator._isStringArray(extensionDescription.activationEvents)) {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.activationEvents1', "property `{0}` can be omitted or must be of type `string[]`", 'activationEvents'));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.main === 'undefined' && typeof extensionDescription.browser === 'undefined') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.activationEvents2', "properties `{0}` and `{1}` must both be specified or must both be omitted", 'activationEvents', 'main'));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.main !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof extensionDescription.main !== 'string') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.main1', "property `{0}` can be omitted or must be of type `string`", 'main'));
return false;
} else {
const normalizedAbsolutePath = path.join(extensionFolderPath, extensionDescription.main);
if (!normalizedAbsolutePath.startsWith(extensionFolderPath)) {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.main2', "Expected `main` ({0}) to be included inside extension's folder ({1}). This might make the extension non-portable.", normalizedAbsolutePath, extensionFolderPath));
// not a failure case
if (typeof extensionDescription.activationEvents === 'undefined') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.main3', "properties `{0}` and `{1}` must both be specified or must both be omitted", 'activationEvents', 'main'));
return false;
if (typeof extensionDescription.browser !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof extensionDescription.browser !== 'string') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.browser1', "property `{0}` can be omitted or must be of type `string`", 'browser'));
return false;
} else {
const normalizedAbsolutePath = path.join(extensionFolderPath, extensionDescription.browser);
if (!normalizedAbsolutePath.startsWith(extensionFolderPath)) {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.browser2', "Expected `browser` ({0}) to be included inside extension's folder ({1}). This might make the extension non-portable.", normalizedAbsolutePath, extensionFolderPath));
// not a failure case
if (typeof extensionDescription.activationEvents === 'undefined') {
notices.push(nls.localize('extensionDescription.browser3', "properties `{0}` and `{1}` must both be specified or must both be omitted", 'activationEvents', 'browser'));
return false;
return true;
private static _isStringArray(arr: string[]): boolean {
if (!Array.isArray(arr)) {
return false;
for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
if (typeof arr[i] !== 'string') {
return false;
return true;
export class ExtensionScannerInput {
public mtime: number | undefined;
public readonly ourVersion: string,
public readonly ourProductDate: string | undefined,
public readonly commit: string | undefined,
public readonly locale: string | undefined,
public readonly devMode: boolean,
public readonly absoluteFolderPath: string,
public readonly isBuiltin: boolean,
public readonly isUnderDevelopment: boolean,
public readonly translations: Translations
) {
// Keep empty!! (JSON.parse)
public static createNLSConfig(input: ExtensionScannerInput): NlsConfiguration {
return {
devMode: input.devMode,
locale: input.locale,
pseudo: input.locale === 'pseudo',
translations: input.translations
public static equals(a: ExtensionScannerInput, b: ExtensionScannerInput): boolean {
return (
a.ourVersion === b.ourVersion
&& a.ourProductDate === b.ourProductDate
&& a.commit === b.commit
&& a.locale === b.locale
&& a.devMode === b.devMode
&& a.absoluteFolderPath === b.absoluteFolderPath
&& a.isBuiltin === b.isBuiltin
&& a.isUnderDevelopment === b.isUnderDevelopment
&& a.mtime === b.mtime
&& Translations.equals(a.translations, b.translations)
export interface IExtensionReference {
name: string;
path: string;
export interface IExtensionResolver {
resolveExtensions(): Promise<IExtensionReference[]>;
class DefaultExtensionResolver implements IExtensionResolver {
constructor(private root: string) { }
resolveExtensions(): Promise<IExtensionReference[]> {
return pfs.Promises.readDirsInDir(this.root)
.then(folders => folders.map(name => ({ name, path: path.join(this.root, name) })));
export class ExtensionScanner {
* Read the extension defined in `absoluteFolderPath`
private static scanExtension(version: string, productDate: string | undefined, log: ILog, absoluteFolderPath: string, isBuiltin: boolean, isUnderDevelopment: boolean, nlsConfig: NlsConfiguration): Promise<IExtensionDescription | null> {
absoluteFolderPath = path.normalize(absoluteFolderPath);
let parser = new ExtensionManifestParser(version, productDate, log, absoluteFolderPath, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment);
return parser.parse().then<IExtensionDescription | null>((extensionDescription) => {
if (extensionDescription === null) {
return null;
let nlsReplacer = new ExtensionManifestNLSReplacer(version, productDate, log, absoluteFolderPath, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment, nlsConfig);
return nlsReplacer.replaceNLS(extensionDescription);
}).then((extensionDescription) => {
if (extensionDescription === null) {
return null;
let validator = new ExtensionManifestValidator(version, productDate, log, absoluteFolderPath, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment);
return validator.validate(extensionDescription);
* Scan a list of extensions defined in `absoluteFolderPath`
public static async scanExtensions(input: ExtensionScannerInput, log: ILog, resolver: IExtensionResolver | null = null): Promise<IExtensionDescription[]> {
const absoluteFolderPath = input.absoluteFolderPath;
const isBuiltin = input.isBuiltin;
const isUnderDevelopment = input.isUnderDevelopment;
if (!resolver) {
resolver = new DefaultExtensionResolver(absoluteFolderPath);
try {
let obsolete: { [folderName: string]: boolean; } = {};
if (!isBuiltin) {
try {
const obsoleteFileContents = await pfs.Promises.readFile(path.join(absoluteFolderPath, '.obsolete'), 'utf8');
obsolete = JSON.parse(obsoleteFileContents);
} catch (err) {
// Don't care
let refs = await resolver.resolveExtensions();
// Ensure the same extension order
refs.sort((a, b) => a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1);
if (!isBuiltin) {
refs = refs.filter(ref => ref.name.indexOf('.') !== 0); // Do not consider user extension folder starting with `.`
const nlsConfig = ExtensionScannerInput.createNLSConfig(input);
let _extensionDescriptions = await Promise.all(refs.map(r => this.scanExtension(input.ourVersion, input.ourProductDate, log, r.path, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment, nlsConfig)));
let extensionDescriptions = arrays.coalesce(_extensionDescriptions);
extensionDescriptions = extensionDescriptions.filter(item => item !== null && !obsolete[new ExtensionIdentifierWithVersion({ id: getGalleryExtensionId(item.publisher, item.name) }, item.version).key()]);
if (!isBuiltin) {
// Filter out outdated extensions
const byExtension: IExtensionDescription[][] = groupByExtension(extensionDescriptions, e => ({ id: e.identifier.value, uuid: e.uuid }));
extensionDescriptions = byExtension.map(p => p.sort((a, b) => semver.rcompare(a.version, b.version))[0]);
extensionDescriptions.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.extensionLocation.fsPath < b.extensionLocation.fsPath) {
return -1;
return 1;
return extensionDescriptions;
} catch (err) {
log.error(absoluteFolderPath, err);
return [];
* Combination of scanExtension and scanExtensions: If an extension manifest is found at root, we load just this extension,
* otherwise we assume the folder contains multiple extensions.
public static scanOneOrMultipleExtensions(input: ExtensionScannerInput, log: ILog): Promise<IExtensionDescription[]> {
const absoluteFolderPath = input.absoluteFolderPath;
const isBuiltin = input.isBuiltin;
const isUnderDevelopment = input.isUnderDevelopment;
return pfs.SymlinkSupport.existsFile(path.join(absoluteFolderPath, MANIFEST_FILE)).then((exists) => {
if (exists) {
const nlsConfig = ExtensionScannerInput.createNLSConfig(input);
return this.scanExtension(input.ourVersion, input.ourProductDate, log, absoluteFolderPath, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment, nlsConfig).then((extensionDescription) => {
if (extensionDescription === null) {
return [];
return [extensionDescription];
return this.scanExtensions(input, log);
}, (err) => {
log.error(absoluteFolderPath, err);
return [];
public static scanSingleExtension(input: ExtensionScannerInput, log: ILog): Promise<IExtensionDescription | null> {
const absoluteFolderPath = input.absoluteFolderPath;
const isBuiltin = input.isBuiltin;
const isUnderDevelopment = input.isUnderDevelopment;
const nlsConfig = ExtensionScannerInput.createNLSConfig(input);
return this.scanExtension(input.ourVersion, input.ourProductDate, log, absoluteFolderPath, isBuiltin, isUnderDevelopment, nlsConfig);
public static mergeBuiltinExtensions(builtinExtensions: Promise<IExtensionDescription[]>, extraBuiltinExtensions: Promise<IExtensionDescription[]>): Promise<IExtensionDescription[]> {
return Promise.all([builtinExtensions, extraBuiltinExtensions]).then(([builtinExtensions, extraBuiltinExtensions]) => {
let resultMap: { [id: string]: IExtensionDescription; } = Object.create(null);
for (let i = 0, len = builtinExtensions.length; i < len; i++) {
resultMap[ExtensionIdentifier.toKey(builtinExtensions[i].identifier)] = builtinExtensions[i];
// Overwrite with extensions found in extra
for (let i = 0, len = extraBuiltinExtensions.length; i < len; i++) {
resultMap[ExtensionIdentifier.toKey(extraBuiltinExtensions[i].identifier)] = extraBuiltinExtensions[i];
let resultArr = Object.keys(resultMap).map((id) => resultMap[id]);
resultArr.sort((a, b) => {
const aLastSegment = path.basename(a.extensionLocation.fsPath);
const bLastSegment = path.basename(b.extensionLocation.fsPath);
if (aLastSegment < bLastSegment) {
return -1;
if (aLastSegment > bLastSegment) {
return 1;
return 0;
return resultArr;