2021-11-23 15:35:48 -08:00

110 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import minimist = require('minimist');
import { Application } from '../../../../automation';
import { afterSuite, beforeSuite, retry } from '../../utils';
export function setup(opts: minimist.ParsedArgs) {
describe('Search', () => {
after(function () {
const app = this.app as Application;
retry(async () => cp.execSync('git checkout . --quiet', { cwd: app.workspacePathOrFolder }), 0, 5);
retry(async () => cp.execSync('git reset --hard HEAD --quiet', { cwd: app.workspacePathOrFolder }), 0, 5);
// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/124146
it.skip /* https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/124335 */('has a tooltp with a keybinding', async function () {
const app = this.app as Application;
const tooltip: string = await app.workbench.search.getSearchTooltip();
if (!/Search \(.+\)/.test(tooltip)) {
throw Error(`Expected search tooltip to contain keybinding but got ${tooltip}`);
it('searches for body & checks for correct result number', async function () {
const app = this.app as Application;
await app.workbench.search.openSearchViewlet();
await app.workbench.search.searchFor('body');
await app.workbench.search.waitForResultText('16 results in 5 files');
it('searches only for *.js files & checks for correct result number', async function () {
const app = this.app as Application;
await app.workbench.search.searchFor('body');
await app.workbench.search.showQueryDetails();
await app.workbench.search.setFilesToIncludeText('*.js');
await app.workbench.search.submitSearch();
await app.workbench.search.waitForResultText('4 results in 1 file');
await app.workbench.search.setFilesToIncludeText('');
await app.workbench.search.hideQueryDetails();
it.skip('dismisses result & checks for correct result number', async function () {
const app = this.app as Application;
await app.workbench.search.searchFor('body');
await app.workbench.search.removeFileMatch('app.js');
await app.workbench.search.waitForResultText('12 results in 4 files');
it.skip('replaces first search result with a replace term', async function () {
const app = this.app as Application;
await app.workbench.search.searchFor('body');
await app.workbench.search.expandReplace();
await app.workbench.search.setReplaceText('ydob');
await app.workbench.search.replaceFileMatch('app.js');
await app.workbench.search.waitForResultText('12 results in 4 files');
await app.workbench.search.searchFor('ydob');
await app.workbench.search.setReplaceText('body');
await app.workbench.search.replaceFileMatch('app.js');
await app.workbench.search.waitForResultText('0 results in 0 files');
describe('Quick Access', () => {
it('quick access search produces correct result', async function () {
const app = this.app as Application;
const expectedNames = [
await app.workbench.quickaccess.openQuickAccessAndWait('.js');
await app.workbench.quickinput.waitForQuickInputElements(names => expectedNames.every(n => names.some(m => n === m)));
await app.code.dispatchKeybinding('escape');
it('quick access respects fuzzy matching', async function () {
const app = this.app as Application;
const expectedNames = [
await app.workbench.quickaccess.openQuickAccessAndWait('a.s');
await app.workbench.quickinput.waitForQuickInputElements(names => expectedNames.every(n => names.some(m => n === m)));
await app.code.dispatchKeybinding('escape');