2015-11-13 14:39:38 +01:00

72 lines
1.5 KiB

"For Next Loop": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"For ${index} As ${ObjectType} = ${lower} To ${Upper}",
"Next ${index}"
"description": "For Next Loop"
"For Each...Next": {
"prefix": "fore",
"body": [
"For Each ${Variable} As ${ObjectType} In ${Collection}",
"description": "For Each...Next"
"For i...Next i": {
"prefix": "fori",
"body": [
"For i As ${Integer} = ${Lower} To ${Upper}",
"Next i"
"description": "For i...Next i"
"For j...Next j": {
"prefix": "forj",
"body": [
"For j As ${Integer} = ${Lower} To ${Upper}",
"Next j"
"description": "For j...Next j"
"Public Function...": {
"prefix": "pf",
"body": [
"Public Function ${FunctionName}(${ParameterList}) As ${ReturnType}",
"\tCatch ex As Exception",
"\tEnd Try",
"\tReturn ${ReturnValue}",
"End Function"
"description": "Public Function..."
"Public Sub ...": {
"prefix": "ps",
"body": [
"Public Sub ${ProcedureName}(${ParameterList})",
"\tCatch ex As Exception",
"\tEnd Try",
"End Sub"
"description": "Public Sub ..."
"While ... End While": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": [
"While ${Boolean}",
"End While"
"description": "While ... End While"