2016-09-13 09:42:11 +02:00

287 lines
6.6 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
const es = require('event-stream');
const debounce = require('debounce');
const filter = require('gulp-filter');
const azure = require('gulp-azure-storage');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const vzip = require('gulp-vinyl-zip');
const util = require('gulp-util');
const _ = require('underscore');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const rimraf = require('rimraf');
const git = require('./git');
const NoCancellationToken = { isCancellationRequested: () => false };
exports.incremental = (streamProvider, initial, supportsCancellation) => {
const input = es.through();
const output = es.through();
let state = 'idle';
let buffer = Object.create(null);
const token = !supportsCancellation ? null : { isCancellationRequested: () => Object.keys(buffer).length > 0 };
const run = (input, isCancellable) => {
state = 'running';
const stream = !supportsCancellation ? streamProvider() : streamProvider(isCancellable ? token : NoCancellationToken);
.pipe(es.through(null, () => {
state = 'idle';
if (initial) {
run(initial, false);
const eventuallyRun = debounce(() => {
const paths = Object.keys(buffer);
if (paths.length === 0) {
const data = paths.map(path => buffer[path]);
buffer = Object.create(null);
run(es.readArray(data), true);
}, 500);
input.on('data', f => {
buffer[f.path] = f;
if (state === 'idle') {
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.fixWin32DirectoryPermissions = () => {
if (!/win32/.test(process.platform)) {
return es.through();
return es.mapSync(f => {
if (f.stat && f.stat.isDirectory && f.stat.isDirectory()) {
f.stat.mode = 16877;
return f;
exports.setExecutableBit = pattern => {
var setBit = es.mapSync(f => {
f.stat.mode = /* 100755 */ 33261;
return f;
if (!pattern) {
return setBit;
var input = es.through();
var _filter = filter(pattern, { restore: true });
var output = input
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.handleAzureJson = env => {
const input = es.through();
const azureJsonFilter = filter('**/*.azure.json', { restore: true });
const allOpts = [];
const result = es.through();
const output = input
.pipe(es.through(f => {
util.log('Downloading binaries from Azure:', util.colors.yellow(f.relative), '...');
const opts = JSON.parse(f.contents.toString());
opts.prefix = _.template(opts.zip || opts.prefix)(env);
opts.output = path.join(path.dirname(f.relative), opts.output);
}, function () {
const streams = allOpts.map(opts => {
let result = azure.download(_.extend(opts, { buffer: true, quiet: true }));
if (opts.zip) {
result = result.pipe(vzip.src());
return result.pipe(rename(p => {
p.dirname = path.join(opts.output, p.dirname);
.pipe(es.through(null, function() {
util.log('Finished downloading from Azure');
return es.duplex(input, es.merge(output, result));
exports.toFileUri = filePath => {
const match = filePath.match(/^([a-z])\:(.*)$/i);
if (match) {
filePath = '/' + match[1].toUpperCase() + ':' + match[2];
return 'file://' + filePath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
exports.skipDirectories = () => {
return es.mapSync(f => {
if (!f.isDirectory()) {
return f;
exports.cleanNodeModule = (name, excludes, includes) => {
const glob = path => '**/node_modules/' + name + (path ? '/' + path : '');
const negate = str => '!' + str;
const allFilter = filter(glob('**'), { restore: true });
const globs = [glob('**')].concat(excludes.map(_.compose(negate, glob)));
const input = es.through();
const nodeModuleInput = input.pipe(allFilter);
let output = nodeModuleInput.pipe(filter(globs));
if (includes) {
const includeGlobs = includes.map(glob);
output = es.merge(output, nodeModuleInput.pipe(filter(includeGlobs)));
output = output.pipe(allFilter.restore);
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.loadSourcemaps = () => {
const input = es.through();
const output = input
.pipe(es.map((f, cb) => {
if (f.sourceMap) {
return cb(null, f);
if (!f.contents) {
return cb(new Error('empty file'));
const contents = f.contents.toString('utf8');
const reg = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/g;
let lastMatch = null, match = null;
while (match = reg.exec(contents)) {
lastMatch = match;
if (!lastMatch) {
f.sourceMap = {
version : 3,
names: [],
mappings: '',
sources: [f.relative.replace(/\//g, '/')],
sourcesContent: [contents]
return cb(null, f);
f.contents = new Buffer(contents.replace(/\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/g, ''), 'utf8');
fs.readFile(path.join(path.dirname(f.path), lastMatch[1]), 'utf8', (err, contents) => {
if (err) { return cb(err); }
f.sourceMap = JSON.parse(contents);
cb(null, f);
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.stripSourceMappingURL = () => {
const input = es.through();
const output = input
.pipe(es.mapSync(f => {
const contents = f.contents.toString('utf8');
f.contents = new Buffer(contents.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/gm, ''), 'utf8');
return f;
return es.duplex(input, output);
exports.rimraf = dir => {
let retries = 0;
const retry = cb => {
rimraf(dir, { maxBusyTries: 1 }, err => {
if (!err) return cb();
if (err.code === 'ENOTEMPTY' && ++retries < 5) return setTimeout(() => retry(cb), 10);
else return cb(err);
return cb => retry(cb);
exports.getVersion = root => {
let version = process.env['BUILD_SOURCEVERSION'];
if (!version || !/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(version)) {
version = git.getVersion(root);
return version;
exports.rebase = count => {
return rename(f => {
const parts = f.dirname.split(/[\/\\]/);
f.dirname = parts.slice(count).join(path.sep);
exports.filter = fn => {
const result = es.through(function(data) {
if (fn(data)) {
this.emit('data', data);
} else {
result.restore = es.through();
return result;