2018-04-15 22:04:17 +02:00

18 lines
1.2 KiB

"description": "Extension to add task support for npm scripts.",
"displayName": "Npm support for VSCode",
"config.npm.autoDetect": "Controls whether auto detection of npm scripts is on or off. Default is on.",
"config.npm.runSilent": "Run npm commands with the `--silent` option.",
"config.npm.packageManager": "The package manager used to run scripts.",
"config.npm.exclude": "Configure glob patterns for folders that should be excluded from automatic script detection.",
"npm.parseError": "Npm task detection: failed to parse the file {0}",
"taskdef.script": "The npm script to customize.",
"taskdef.path": "The path to the folder of the package.json file that provides the script. Can be ommitted.",
"view.name": "npm scripts",
"command.refresh": "Refresh",
"command.run": "Run",
"command.debug": "Debug",
"command.openScript": "Open",
"npm.scriptInvalid": "Could not find the script '{0}'. Try to refresh the view.",
"npm.noDebugOptions": "Could not launch '{0}' for debugging, the script needs to include the node debug options: '--nolazy --inspect-brk=port', [learn more](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging#_launch-configuration-support-for-npm-and-other-tools).`"