
348 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as strings from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { Position } from 'vs/editor/common/core/position';
import { Range } from 'vs/editor/common/core/range';
import { EndOfLinePreference } from 'vs/editor/common/model';
export const _debugComposition = false;
export interface ITextAreaWrapper {
getValue(): string;
setValue(reason: string, value: string): void;
getSelectionStart(): number;
getSelectionEnd(): number;
setSelectionRange(reason: string, selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number): void;
export interface ISimpleModel {
getLineCount(): number;
getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber: number): number;
getValueInRange(range: Range, eol: EndOfLinePreference): string;
export interface ITypeData {
text: string;
replacePrevCharCnt: number;
replaceNextCharCnt: number;
positionDelta: number;
export class TextAreaState {
public static readonly EMPTY = new TextAreaState('', 0, 0, null, null);
public readonly value: string;
public readonly selectionStart: number;
public readonly selectionEnd: number;
public readonly selectionStartPosition: Position | null;
public readonly selectionEndPosition: Position | null;
constructor(value: string, selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionStartPosition: Position | null, selectionEndPosition: Position | null) {
this.value = value;
this.selectionStart = selectionStart;
this.selectionEnd = selectionEnd;
this.selectionStartPosition = selectionStartPosition;
this.selectionEndPosition = selectionEndPosition;
public toString(): string {
return '[ <' + this.value + '>, selectionStart: ' + this.selectionStart + ', selectionEnd: ' + this.selectionEnd + ']';
public static readFromTextArea(textArea: ITextAreaWrapper): TextAreaState {
return new TextAreaState(textArea.getValue(), textArea.getSelectionStart(), textArea.getSelectionEnd(), null, null);
public collapseSelection(): TextAreaState {
return new TextAreaState(this.value, this.value.length, this.value.length, null, null);
public writeToTextArea(reason: string, textArea: ITextAreaWrapper, select: boolean): void {
if (_debugComposition) {
console.log('writeToTextArea ' + reason + ': ' + this.toString());
textArea.setValue(reason, this.value);
if (select) {
textArea.setSelectionRange(reason, this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd);
public deduceEditorPosition(offset: number): [Position | null, number, number] {
if (offset <= this.selectionStart) {
const str = this.value.substring(offset, this.selectionStart);
return this._finishDeduceEditorPosition(this.selectionStartPosition, str, -1);
if (offset >= this.selectionEnd) {
const str = this.value.substring(this.selectionEnd, offset);
return this._finishDeduceEditorPosition(this.selectionEndPosition, str, 1);
const str1 = this.value.substring(this.selectionStart, offset);
if (str1.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(8230)) === -1) {
return this._finishDeduceEditorPosition(this.selectionStartPosition, str1, 1);
const str2 = this.value.substring(offset, this.selectionEnd);
return this._finishDeduceEditorPosition(this.selectionEndPosition, str2, -1);
private _finishDeduceEditorPosition(anchor: Position | null, deltaText: string, signum: number): [Position | null, number, number] {
let lineFeedCnt = 0;
let lastLineFeedIndex = -1;
while ((lastLineFeedIndex = deltaText.indexOf('\n', lastLineFeedIndex + 1)) !== -1) {
return [anchor, signum * deltaText.length, lineFeedCnt];
public static selectedText(text: string): TextAreaState {
return new TextAreaState(text, 0, text.length, null, null);
public static deduceInput(previousState: TextAreaState, currentState: TextAreaState, couldBeEmojiInput: boolean): ITypeData {
if (!previousState) {
// This is the EMPTY state
return {
text: '',
replacePrevCharCnt: 0,
replaceNextCharCnt: 0,
positionDelta: 0
if (_debugComposition) {
console.log('PREVIOUS STATE: ' + previousState.toString());
console.log('CURRENT STATE: ' + currentState.toString());
let previousValue = previousState.value;
let previousSelectionStart = previousState.selectionStart;
let previousSelectionEnd = previousState.selectionEnd;
let currentValue = currentState.value;
let currentSelectionStart = currentState.selectionStart;
let currentSelectionEnd = currentState.selectionEnd;
// Strip the previous suffix from the value (without interfering with the current selection)
const previousSuffix = previousValue.substring(previousSelectionEnd);
const currentSuffix = currentValue.substring(currentSelectionEnd);
const suffixLength = strings.commonSuffixLength(previousSuffix, currentSuffix);
currentValue = currentValue.substring(0, currentValue.length - suffixLength);
previousValue = previousValue.substring(0, previousValue.length - suffixLength);
const previousPrefix = previousValue.substring(0, previousSelectionStart);
const currentPrefix = currentValue.substring(0, currentSelectionStart);
const prefixLength = strings.commonPrefixLength(previousPrefix, currentPrefix);
currentValue = currentValue.substring(prefixLength);
previousValue = previousValue.substring(prefixLength);
currentSelectionStart -= prefixLength;
previousSelectionStart -= prefixLength;
currentSelectionEnd -= prefixLength;
previousSelectionEnd -= prefixLength;
if (_debugComposition) {
console.log('AFTER DIFFING PREVIOUS STATE: <' + previousValue + '>, selectionStart: ' + previousSelectionStart + ', selectionEnd: ' + previousSelectionEnd);
console.log('AFTER DIFFING CURRENT STATE: <' + currentValue + '>, selectionStart: ' + currentSelectionStart + ', selectionEnd: ' + currentSelectionEnd);
if (couldBeEmojiInput && currentSelectionStart === currentSelectionEnd && previousValue.length > 0) {
// on OSX, emojis from the emoji picker are inserted at random locations
// the only hints we can use is that the selection is immediately after the inserted emoji
// and that none of the old text has been deleted
let potentialEmojiInput: string | null = null;
if (currentSelectionStart === currentValue.length) {
// emoji potentially inserted "somewhere" after the previous selection => it should appear at the end of `currentValue`
if (currentValue.startsWith(previousValue)) {
// only if all of the old text is accounted for
potentialEmojiInput = currentValue.substring(previousValue.length);
} else {
// emoji potentially inserted "somewhere" before the previous selection => it should appear at the start of `currentValue`
if (currentValue.endsWith(previousValue)) {
// only if all of the old text is accounted for
potentialEmojiInput = currentValue.substring(0, currentValue.length - previousValue.length);
if (potentialEmojiInput !== null && potentialEmojiInput.length > 0) {
// now we check that this is indeed an emoji
// emojis can grow quite long, so a length check is of no help
// allow-any-unicode-next-line
// e.g. 1F3F4 E0067 E0062 E0065 E006E E0067 E007F ; fully-qualified # 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England
// Oftentimes, emojis use Variation Selector-16 (U+FE0F), so that is a good hint
// http://emojipedia.org/variation-selector-16/
// > An invisible codepoint which specifies that the preceding character
// > should be displayed with emoji presentation. Only required if the
// > preceding character defaults to text presentation.
if (/\uFE0F/.test(potentialEmojiInput) || strings.containsEmoji(potentialEmojiInput)) {
return {
text: potentialEmojiInput,
replacePrevCharCnt: 0,
replaceNextCharCnt: 0,
positionDelta: 0
if (currentSelectionStart === currentSelectionEnd) {
// composition accept case (noticed in FF + Japanese)
// [blahblah] => blahblah|
if (
previousValue === currentValue
&& previousSelectionStart === 0
&& previousSelectionEnd === previousValue.length
&& currentSelectionStart === currentValue.length
&& currentValue.indexOf('\n') === -1
) {
if (strings.containsFullWidthCharacter(currentValue)) {
return {
text: '',
replacePrevCharCnt: 0,
replaceNextCharCnt: 0,
positionDelta: 0
// no current selection
const replacePreviousCharacters = (previousPrefix.length - prefixLength);
if (_debugComposition) {
console.log('REMOVE PREVIOUS: ' + (previousPrefix.length - prefixLength) + ' chars');
return {
text: currentValue,
replacePrevCharCnt: replacePreviousCharacters,
replaceNextCharCnt: 0,
positionDelta: 0
// there is a current selection => composition case
const replacePreviousCharacters = previousSelectionEnd - previousSelectionStart;
return {
text: currentValue,
replacePrevCharCnt: replacePreviousCharacters,
replaceNextCharCnt: 0,
positionDelta: 0
public static deduceAndroidCompositionInput(previousState: TextAreaState, currentState: TextAreaState): ITypeData {
if (!previousState) {
// This is the EMPTY state
return {
text: '',
replacePrevCharCnt: 0,
replaceNextCharCnt: 0,
positionDelta: 0
if (_debugComposition) {
console.log('PREVIOUS STATE: ' + previousState.toString());
console.log('CURRENT STATE: ' + currentState.toString());
if (previousState.value === currentState.value) {
return {
text: '',
replacePrevCharCnt: 0,
replaceNextCharCnt: 0,
positionDelta: currentState.selectionEnd - previousState.selectionEnd
const prefixLength = Math.min(strings.commonPrefixLength(previousState.value, currentState.value), previousState.selectionEnd);
const suffixLength = Math.min(strings.commonSuffixLength(previousState.value, currentState.value), previousState.value.length - previousState.selectionEnd);
const previousValue = previousState.value.substring(prefixLength, previousState.value.length - suffixLength);
const currentValue = currentState.value.substring(prefixLength, currentState.value.length - suffixLength);
const previousSelectionStart = previousState.selectionStart - prefixLength;
const previousSelectionEnd = previousState.selectionEnd - prefixLength;
const currentSelectionStart = currentState.selectionStart - prefixLength;
const currentSelectionEnd = currentState.selectionEnd - prefixLength;
if (_debugComposition) {
console.log('AFTER DIFFING PREVIOUS STATE: <' + previousValue + '>, selectionStart: ' + previousSelectionStart + ', selectionEnd: ' + previousSelectionEnd);
console.log('AFTER DIFFING CURRENT STATE: <' + currentValue + '>, selectionStart: ' + currentSelectionStart + ', selectionEnd: ' + currentSelectionEnd);
return {
text: currentValue,
replacePrevCharCnt: previousSelectionEnd,
replaceNextCharCnt: previousValue.length - previousSelectionEnd,
positionDelta: currentSelectionEnd - currentValue.length
export class PagedScreenReaderStrategy {
private static _getPageOfLine(lineNumber: number, linesPerPage: number): number {
return Math.floor((lineNumber - 1) / linesPerPage);
private static _getRangeForPage(page: number, linesPerPage: number): Range {
const offset = page * linesPerPage;
const startLineNumber = offset + 1;
const endLineNumber = offset + linesPerPage;
return new Range(startLineNumber, 1, endLineNumber + 1, 1);
public static fromEditorSelection(previousState: TextAreaState, model: ISimpleModel, selection: Range, linesPerPage: number, trimLongText: boolean): TextAreaState {
const selectionStartPage = PagedScreenReaderStrategy._getPageOfLine(selection.startLineNumber, linesPerPage);
const selectionStartPageRange = PagedScreenReaderStrategy._getRangeForPage(selectionStartPage, linesPerPage);
const selectionEndPage = PagedScreenReaderStrategy._getPageOfLine(selection.endLineNumber, linesPerPage);
const selectionEndPageRange = PagedScreenReaderStrategy._getRangeForPage(selectionEndPage, linesPerPage);
const pretextRange = selectionStartPageRange.intersectRanges(new Range(1, 1, selection.startLineNumber, selection.startColumn))!;
let pretext = model.getValueInRange(pretextRange, EndOfLinePreference.LF);
const lastLine = model.getLineCount();
const lastLineMaxColumn = model.getLineMaxColumn(lastLine);
const posttextRange = selectionEndPageRange.intersectRanges(new Range(selection.endLineNumber, selection.endColumn, lastLine, lastLineMaxColumn))!;
let posttext = model.getValueInRange(posttextRange, EndOfLinePreference.LF);
let text: string;
if (selectionStartPage === selectionEndPage || selectionStartPage + 1 === selectionEndPage) {
// take full selection
text = model.getValueInRange(selection, EndOfLinePreference.LF);
} else {
const selectionRange1 = selectionStartPageRange.intersectRanges(selection)!;
const selectionRange2 = selectionEndPageRange.intersectRanges(selection)!;
text = (
model.getValueInRange(selectionRange1, EndOfLinePreference.LF)
+ String.fromCharCode(8230)
+ model.getValueInRange(selectionRange2, EndOfLinePreference.LF)
// Chromium handles very poorly text even of a few thousand chars
// Cut text to avoid stalling the entire UI
if (trimLongText) {
const LIMIT_CHARS = 500;
if (pretext.length > LIMIT_CHARS) {
pretext = pretext.substring(pretext.length - LIMIT_CHARS, pretext.length);
if (posttext.length > LIMIT_CHARS) {
posttext = posttext.substring(0, LIMIT_CHARS);
if (text.length > 2 * LIMIT_CHARS) {
text = text.substring(0, LIMIT_CHARS) + String.fromCharCode(8230) + text.substring(text.length - LIMIT_CHARS, text.length);
return new TextAreaState(pretext + text + posttext, pretext.length, pretext.length + text.length, new Position(selection.startLineNumber, selection.startColumn), new Position(selection.endLineNumber, selection.endColumn));