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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as platform from 'vs/platform/registry/common/platform';
import { IJSONSchema, IJSONSchemaMap } from 'vs/base/common/jsonSchema';
import { Color, RGBA } from 'vs/base/common/color';
import { IColorTheme } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { Event, Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
import { Extensions as JSONExtensions, IJSONContributionRegistry } from 'vs/platform/jsonschemas/common/jsonContributionRegistry';
import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { assertNever } from 'vs/base/common/types';
// ------ API types
export type ColorIdentifier = string;
export interface ColorContribution {
readonly id: ColorIdentifier;
readonly description: string;
readonly defaults: ColorDefaults | null;
readonly needsTransparency: boolean;
readonly deprecationMessage: string | undefined;
export const enum ColorTransformType {
export type ColorTransform =
| { op: ColorTransformType.Darken; value: ColorValue; factor: number }
| { op: ColorTransformType.Lighten; value: ColorValue; factor: number }
| { op: ColorTransformType.Transparent; value: ColorValue; factor: number }
| { op: ColorTransformType.OneOf; values: readonly ColorValue[] }
| { op: ColorTransformType.LessProminent; value: ColorValue; background: ColorValue; factor: number; transparency: number }
| { op: ColorTransformType.IfDefinedThenElse; if: ColorIdentifier; then: ColorValue, else: ColorValue };
export interface ColorDefaults {
light: ColorValue | null;
dark: ColorValue | null;
hc: ColorValue | null;
* A Color Value is either a color literal, a reference to an other color or a derived color
export type ColorValue = Color | string | ColorIdentifier | ColorTransform;
// color registry
export const Extensions = {
ColorContribution: 'base.contributions.colors'
export interface IColorRegistry {
readonly onDidChangeSchema: Event<void>;
* Register a color to the registry.
* @param id The color id as used in theme description files
* @param defaults The default values
* @description the description
registerColor(id: string, defaults: ColorDefaults, description: string): ColorIdentifier;
* Register a color to the registry.
deregisterColor(id: string): void;
* Get all color contributions
getColors(): ColorContribution[];
* Gets the default color of the given id
resolveDefaultColor(id: ColorIdentifier, theme: IColorTheme): Color | undefined;
* JSON schema for an object to assign color values to one of the color contributions.
getColorSchema(): IJSONSchema;
* JSON schema to for a reference to a color contribution.
getColorReferenceSchema(): IJSONSchema;
class ColorRegistry implements IColorRegistry {
private readonly _onDidChangeSchema = new Emitter<void>();
readonly onDidChangeSchema: Event<void> = this._onDidChangeSchema.event;
private colorsById: { [key: string]: ColorContribution };
private colorSchema: IJSONSchema & { properties: IJSONSchemaMap } = { type: 'object', properties: {} };
private colorReferenceSchema: IJSONSchema & { enum: string[], enumDescriptions: string[] } = { type: 'string', enum: [], enumDescriptions: [] };
constructor() {
this.colorsById = {};
public registerColor(id: string, defaults: ColorDefaults | null, description: string, needsTransparency = false, deprecationMessage?: string): ColorIdentifier {
let colorContribution: ColorContribution = { id, description, defaults, needsTransparency, deprecationMessage };
this.colorsById[id] = colorContribution;
let propertySchema: IJSONSchema = { type: 'string', description, format: 'color-hex', defaultSnippets: [{ body: '${1:#ff0000}' }] };
if (deprecationMessage) {
propertySchema.deprecationMessage = deprecationMessage;
this.colorSchema.properties[id] = propertySchema;
return id;
public deregisterColor(id: string): void {
delete this.colorsById[id];
delete this.colorSchema.properties[id];
const index = this.colorReferenceSchema.enum.indexOf(id);
if (index !== -1) {
this.colorReferenceSchema.enum.splice(index, 1);
this.colorReferenceSchema.enumDescriptions.splice(index, 1);
public getColors(): ColorContribution[] {
return Object.keys(this.colorsById).map(id => this.colorsById[id]);
public resolveDefaultColor(id: ColorIdentifier, theme: IColorTheme): Color | undefined {
const colorDesc = this.colorsById[id];
if (colorDesc && colorDesc.defaults) {
const colorValue = colorDesc.defaults[theme.type];
return resolveColorValue(colorValue, theme);
return undefined;
public getColorSchema(): IJSONSchema {
return this.colorSchema;
public getColorReferenceSchema(): IJSONSchema {
return this.colorReferenceSchema;
public toString() {
let sorter = (a: string, b: string) => {
let cat1 = a.indexOf('.') === -1 ? 0 : 1;
let cat2 = b.indexOf('.') === -1 ? 0 : 1;
if (cat1 !== cat2) {
return cat1 - cat2;
return a.localeCompare(b);
return Object.keys(this.colorsById).sort(sorter).map(k => `- \`${k}\`: ${this.colorsById[k].description}`).join('\n');
const colorRegistry = new ColorRegistry();
platform.Registry.add(Extensions.ColorContribution, colorRegistry);
export function registerColor(id: string, defaults: ColorDefaults | null, description: string, needsTransparency?: boolean, deprecationMessage?: string): ColorIdentifier {
return colorRegistry.registerColor(id, defaults, description, needsTransparency, deprecationMessage);
export function getColorRegistry(): IColorRegistry {
return colorRegistry;
// ----- base colors
export const foreground = registerColor('foreground', { dark: '#CCCCCC', light: '#616161', hc: '#FFFFFF' }, nls.localize('foreground', "Overall foreground color. This color is only used if not overridden by a component."));
export const errorForeground = registerColor('errorForeground', { dark: '#F48771', light: '#A1260D', hc: '#F48771' }, nls.localize('errorForeground', "Overall foreground color for error messages. This color is only used if not overridden by a component."));
export const descriptionForeground = registerColor('descriptionForeground', { light: '#717171', dark: transparent(foreground, 0.7), hc: transparent(foreground, 0.7) }, nls.localize('descriptionForeground', "Foreground color for description text providing additional information, for example for a label."));
export const iconForeground = registerColor('icon.foreground', { dark: '#C5C5C5', light: '#424242', hc: '#FFFFFF' }, nls.localize('iconForeground', "The default color for icons in the workbench."));
export const focusBorder = registerColor('focusBorder', { dark: '#007FD4', light: '#0090F1', hc: '#F38518' }, nls.localize('focusBorder', "Overall border color for focused elements. This color is only used if not overridden by a component."));
export const contrastBorder = registerColor('contrastBorder', { light: null, dark: null, hc: '#6FC3DF' }, nls.localize('contrastBorder', "An extra border around elements to separate them from others for greater contrast."));
export const activeContrastBorder = registerColor('contrastActiveBorder', { light: null, dark: null, hc: focusBorder }, nls.localize('activeContrastBorder', "An extra border around active elements to separate them from others for greater contrast."));
export const selectionBackground = registerColor('selection.background', { light: null, dark: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('selectionBackground', "The background color of text selections in the workbench (e.g. for input fields or text areas). Note that this does not apply to selections within the editor."));
// ------ text colors
export const textSeparatorForeground = registerColor('textSeparator.foreground', { light: '#0000002e', dark: '#ffffff2e', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('textSeparatorForeground', "Color for text separators."));
export const textLinkForeground = registerColor('textLink.foreground', { light: '#006AB1', dark: '#3794FF', hc: '#3794FF' }, nls.localize('textLinkForeground', "Foreground color for links in text."));
export const textLinkActiveForeground = registerColor('textLink.activeForeground', { light: '#006AB1', dark: '#3794FF', hc: '#3794FF' }, nls.localize('textLinkActiveForeground', "Foreground color for links in text when clicked on and on mouse hover."));
export const textPreformatForeground = registerColor('textPreformat.foreground', { light: '#A31515', dark: '#D7BA7D', hc: '#D7BA7D' }, nls.localize('textPreformatForeground', "Foreground color for preformatted text segments."));
export const textBlockQuoteBackground = registerColor('textBlockQuote.background', { light: '#7f7f7f1a', dark: '#7f7f7f1a', hc: null }, nls.localize('textBlockQuoteBackground', "Background color for block quotes in text."));
export const textBlockQuoteBorder = registerColor('textBlockQuote.border', { light: '#007acc80', dark: '#007acc80', hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('textBlockQuoteBorder', "Border color for block quotes in text."));
export const textCodeBlockBackground = registerColor('textCodeBlock.background', { light: '#dcdcdc66', dark: '#0a0a0a66', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('textCodeBlockBackground', "Background color for code blocks in text."));
// ----- widgets
export const widgetShadow = registerColor('widget.shadow', { dark: transparent(Color.black, .36), light: transparent(Color.black, .16), hc: null }, nls.localize('widgetShadow', 'Shadow color of widgets such as find/replace inside the editor.'));
export const inputBackground = registerColor('input.background', { dark: '#3C3C3C', light: Color.white, hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('inputBoxBackground', "Input box background."));
export const inputForeground = registerColor('input.foreground', { dark: foreground, light: foreground, hc: foreground }, nls.localize('inputBoxForeground', "Input box foreground."));
export const inputBorder = registerColor('input.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputBoxBorder', "Input box border."));
export const inputActiveOptionBorder = registerColor('inputOption.activeBorder', { dark: '#007ACC00', light: '#007ACC00', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputBoxActiveOptionBorder', "Border color of activated options in input fields."));
export const inputActiveOptionBackground = registerColor('inputOption.activeBackground', { dark: transparent(focusBorder, 0.4), light: transparent(focusBorder, 0.2), hc: Color.transparent }, nls.localize('inputOption.activeBackground', "Background color of activated options in input fields."));
export const inputActiveOptionForeground = registerColor('inputOption.activeForeground', { dark: Color.white, light: Color.black, hc: null }, nls.localize('inputOption.activeForeground', "Foreground color of activated options in input fields."));
export const inputPlaceholderForeground = registerColor('input.placeholderForeground', { light: transparent(foreground, 0.5), dark: transparent(foreground, 0.5), hc: transparent(foreground, 0.7) }, nls.localize('inputPlaceholderForeground', "Input box foreground color for placeholder text."));
export const inputValidationInfoBackground = registerColor('inputValidation.infoBackground', { dark: '#063B49', light: '#D6ECF2', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('inputValidationInfoBackground', "Input validation background color for information severity."));
export const inputValidationInfoForeground = registerColor('inputValidation.infoForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('inputValidationInfoForeground', "Input validation foreground color for information severity."));
export const inputValidationInfoBorder = registerColor('inputValidation.infoBorder', { dark: '#007acc', light: '#007acc', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputValidationInfoBorder', "Input validation border color for information severity."));
export const inputValidationWarningBackground = registerColor('inputValidation.warningBackground', { dark: '#352A05', light: '#F6F5D2', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('inputValidationWarningBackground', "Input validation background color for warning severity."));
export const inputValidationWarningForeground = registerColor('inputValidation.warningForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('inputValidationWarningForeground', "Input validation foreground color for warning severity."));
export const inputValidationWarningBorder = registerColor('inputValidation.warningBorder', { dark: '#B89500', light: '#B89500', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputValidationWarningBorder', "Input validation border color for warning severity."));
export const inputValidationErrorBackground = registerColor('inputValidation.errorBackground', { dark: '#5A1D1D', light: '#F2DEDE', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('inputValidationErrorBackground', "Input validation background color for error severity."));
export const inputValidationErrorForeground = registerColor('inputValidation.errorForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('inputValidationErrorForeground', "Input validation foreground color for error severity."));
export const inputValidationErrorBorder = registerColor('inputValidation.errorBorder', { dark: '#BE1100', light: '#BE1100', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('inputValidationErrorBorder', "Input validation border color for error severity."));
export const selectBackground = registerColor('dropdown.background', { dark: '#3C3C3C', light: Color.white, hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('dropdownBackground', "Dropdown background."));
export const selectListBackground = registerColor('dropdown.listBackground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('dropdownListBackground', "Dropdown list background."));
export const selectForeground = registerColor('dropdown.foreground', { dark: '#F0F0F0', light: null, hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('dropdownForeground', "Dropdown foreground."));
export const selectBorder = registerColor('dropdown.border', { dark: selectBackground, light: '#CECECE', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('dropdownBorder', "Dropdown border."));
export const simpleCheckboxBackground = registerColor('checkbox.background', { dark: selectBackground, light: selectBackground, hc: selectBackground }, nls.localize('checkbox.background', "Background color of checkbox widget."));
export const simpleCheckboxForeground = registerColor('checkbox.foreground', { dark: selectForeground, light: selectForeground, hc: selectForeground }, nls.localize('checkbox.foreground', "Foreground color of checkbox widget."));
export const simpleCheckboxBorder = registerColor('checkbox.border', { dark: selectBorder, light: selectBorder, hc: selectBorder }, nls.localize('checkbox.border', "Border color of checkbox widget."));
export const buttonForeground = registerColor('button.foreground', { dark: Color.white, light: Color.white, hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('buttonForeground', "Button foreground color."));
export const buttonBackground = registerColor('button.background', { dark: '#0E639C', light: '#007ACC', hc: null }, nls.localize('buttonBackground', "Button background color."));
export const buttonHoverBackground = registerColor('button.hoverBackground', { dark: lighten(buttonBackground, 0.2), light: darken(buttonBackground, 0.2), hc: null }, nls.localize('buttonHoverBackground', "Button background color when hovering."));
export const buttonBorder = registerColor('button.border', { dark: contrastBorder, light: contrastBorder, hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('buttonBorder', "Button border color."));
export const buttonSecondaryForeground = registerColor('button.secondaryForeground', { dark: Color.white, light: Color.white, hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('buttonSecondaryForeground', "Secondary button foreground color."));
export const buttonSecondaryBackground = registerColor('button.secondaryBackground', { dark: '#3A3D41', light: '#5F6A79', hc: null }, nls.localize('buttonSecondaryBackground', "Secondary button background color."));
export const buttonSecondaryHoverBackground = registerColor('button.secondaryHoverBackground', { dark: lighten(buttonSecondaryBackground, 0.2), light: darken(buttonSecondaryBackground, 0.2), hc: null }, nls.localize('buttonSecondaryHoverBackground', "Secondary button background color when hovering."));
export const badgeBackground = registerColor('badge.background', { dark: '#4D4D4D', light: '#C4C4C4', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('badgeBackground', "Badge background color. Badges are small information labels, e.g. for search results count."));
export const badgeForeground = registerColor('badge.foreground', { dark: Color.white, light: '#333', hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('badgeForeground', "Badge foreground color. Badges are small information labels, e.g. for search results count."));
export const scrollbarShadow = registerColor('scrollbar.shadow', { dark: '#000000', light: '#DDDDDD', hc: null }, nls.localize('scrollbarShadow', "Scrollbar shadow to indicate that the view is scrolled."));
export const scrollbarSliderBackground = registerColor('scrollbarSlider.background', { dark: Color.fromHex('#797979').transparent(0.4), light: Color.fromHex('#646464').transparent(0.4), hc: transparent(contrastBorder, 0.6) }, nls.localize('scrollbarSliderBackground', "Scrollbar slider background color."));
export const scrollbarSliderHoverBackground = registerColor('scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground', { dark: Color.fromHex('#646464').transparent(0.7), light: Color.fromHex('#646464').transparent(0.7), hc: transparent(contrastBorder, 0.8) }, nls.localize('scrollbarSliderHoverBackground', "Scrollbar slider background color when hovering."));
export const scrollbarSliderActiveBackground = registerColor('scrollbarSlider.activeBackground', { dark: Color.fromHex('#BFBFBF').transparent(0.4), light: Color.fromHex('#000000').transparent(0.6), hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('scrollbarSliderActiveBackground', "Scrollbar slider background color when clicked on."));
export const progressBarBackground = registerColor('progressBar.background', { dark: Color.fromHex('#0E70C0'), light: Color.fromHex('#0E70C0'), hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('progressBarBackground', "Background color of the progress bar that can show for long running operations."));
export const editorErrorBackground = registerColor('editorError.background', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('editorError.background', 'Background color of error text in the editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const editorErrorForeground = registerColor('editorError.foreground', { dark: '#F48771', light: '#E51400', hc: null }, nls.localize('editorError.foreground', 'Foreground color of error squigglies in the editor.'));
export const editorErrorBorder = registerColor('editorError.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: Color.fromHex('#E47777').transparent(0.8) }, nls.localize('errorBorder', 'Border color of error boxes in the editor.'));
export const editorWarningBackground = registerColor('editorWarning.background', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('editorWarning.background', 'Background color of warning text in the editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const editorWarningForeground = registerColor('editorWarning.foreground', { dark: '#CCA700', light: '#BF8803', hc: null }, nls.localize('editorWarning.foreground', 'Foreground color of warning squigglies in the editor.'));
export const editorWarningBorder = registerColor('editorWarning.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: Color.fromHex('#FFCC00').transparent(0.8) }, nls.localize('warningBorder', 'Border color of warning boxes in the editor.'));
export const editorInfoBackground = registerColor('editorInfo.background', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('editorInfo.background', 'Background color of info text in the editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const editorInfoForeground = registerColor('editorInfo.foreground', { dark: '#75BEFF', light: '#75BEFF', hc: null }, nls.localize('editorInfo.foreground', 'Foreground color of info squigglies in the editor.'));
export const editorInfoBorder = registerColor('editorInfo.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: Color.fromHex('#75BEFF').transparent(0.8) }, nls.localize('infoBorder', 'Border color of info boxes in the editor.'));
export const editorHintForeground = registerColor('editorHint.foreground', { dark: Color.fromHex('#eeeeee').transparent(0.7), light: '#6c6c6c', hc: null }, nls.localize('editorHint.foreground', 'Foreground color of hint squigglies in the editor.'));
export const editorHintBorder = registerColor('editorHint.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: Color.fromHex('#eeeeee').transparent(0.8) }, nls.localize('hintBorder', 'Border color of hint boxes in the editor.'));
export const sashHoverBorder = registerColor('sash.hoverBorder', { dark: focusBorder, light: focusBorder, hc: focusBorder }, nls.localize('sashActiveBorder', "Border color of active sashes."));
* Editor background color.
* Because of bug https://monacotools.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/Monaco/_workitems/edit/13254
* we are *not* using the color white (or #ffffff, rgba(255,255,255)) but something very close to white.
export const editorBackground = registerColor('editor.background', { light: '#fffffe', dark: '#1E1E1E', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('editorBackground', "Editor background color."));
* Editor foreground color.
export const editorForeground = registerColor('editor.foreground', { light: '#333333', dark: '#BBBBBB', hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('editorForeground', "Editor default foreground color."));
* Editor widgets
export const editorWidgetBackground = registerColor('editorWidget.background', { dark: '#252526', light: '#F3F3F3', hc: '#0C141F' }, nls.localize('editorWidgetBackground', 'Background color of editor widgets, such as find/replace.'));
export const editorWidgetForeground = registerColor('editorWidget.foreground', { dark: foreground, light: foreground, hc: foreground }, nls.localize('editorWidgetForeground', 'Foreground color of editor widgets, such as find/replace.'));
export const editorWidgetBorder = registerColor('editorWidget.border', { dark: '#454545', light: '#C8C8C8', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('editorWidgetBorder', 'Border color of editor widgets. The color is only used if the widget chooses to have a border and if the color is not overridden by a widget.'));
export const editorWidgetResizeBorder = registerColor('editorWidget.resizeBorder', { light: null, dark: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('editorWidgetResizeBorder', "Border color of the resize bar of editor widgets. The color is only used if the widget chooses to have a resize border and if the color is not overridden by a widget."));
* Quick pick widget
export const quickInputBackground = registerColor('quickInput.background', { dark: editorWidgetBackground, light: editorWidgetBackground, hc: editorWidgetBackground }, nls.localize('pickerBackground', "Quick picker background color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette."));
export const quickInputForeground = registerColor('quickInput.foreground', { dark: editorWidgetForeground, light: editorWidgetForeground, hc: editorWidgetForeground }, nls.localize('pickerForeground', "Quick picker foreground color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette."));
export const quickInputTitleBackground = registerColor('quickInputTitle.background', { dark: new Color(new RGBA(255, 255, 255, 0.105)), light: new Color(new RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.06)), hc: '#000000' }, nls.localize('pickerTitleBackground', "Quick picker title background color. The quick picker widget is the container for pickers like the command palette."));
export const pickerGroupForeground = registerColor('pickerGroup.foreground', { dark: '#3794FF', light: '#0066BF', hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('pickerGroupForeground', "Quick picker color for grouping labels."));
export const pickerGroupBorder = registerColor('pickerGroup.border', { dark: '#3F3F46', light: '#CCCEDB', hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('pickerGroupBorder', "Quick picker color for grouping borders."));
* Keybinding label
export const keybindingLabelBackground = registerColor('keybindingLabel.background', { dark: new Color(new RGBA(128, 128, 128, 0.17)), light: new Color(new RGBA(221, 221, 221, 0.4)), hc: Color.transparent }, nls.localize('keybindingLabelBackground', "Keybinding label background color. The keybinding label is used to represent a keyboard shortcut."));
export const keybindingLabelForeground = registerColor('keybindingLabel.foreground', { dark: Color.fromHex('#CCCCCC'), light: Color.fromHex('#555555'), hc: Color.white }, nls.localize('keybindingLabelForeground', "Keybinding label foreground color. The keybinding label is used to represent a keyboard shortcut."));
export const keybindingLabelBorder = registerColor('keybindingLabel.border', { dark: new Color(new RGBA(51, 51, 51, 0.6)), light: new Color(new RGBA(204, 204, 204, 0.4)), hc: new Color(new RGBA(111, 195, 223)) }, nls.localize('keybindingLabelBorder', "Keybinding label border color. The keybinding label is used to represent a keyboard shortcut."));
export const keybindingLabelBottomBorder = registerColor('keybindingLabel.bottomBorder', { dark: new Color(new RGBA(68, 68, 68, 0.6)), light: new Color(new RGBA(187, 187, 187, 0.4)), hc: new Color(new RGBA(111, 195, 223)) }, nls.localize('keybindingLabelBottomBorder', "Keybinding label border bottom color. The keybinding label is used to represent a keyboard shortcut."));
* Editor selection colors.
export const editorSelectionBackground = registerColor('editor.selectionBackground', { light: '#ADD6FF', dark: '#264F78', hc: '#f3f518' }, nls.localize('editorSelectionBackground', "Color of the editor selection."));
export const editorSelectionForeground = registerColor('editor.selectionForeground', { light: null, dark: null, hc: '#000000' }, nls.localize('editorSelectionForeground', "Color of the selected text for high contrast."));
export const editorInactiveSelection = registerColor('editor.inactiveSelectionBackground', { light: transparent(editorSelectionBackground, 0.5), dark: transparent(editorSelectionBackground, 0.5), hc: transparent(editorSelectionBackground, 0.5) }, nls.localize('editorInactiveSelection', "Color of the selection in an inactive editor. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true);
export const editorSelectionHighlight = registerColor('editor.selectionHighlightBackground', { light: lessProminent(editorSelectionBackground, editorBackground, 0.3, 0.6), dark: lessProminent(editorSelectionBackground, editorBackground, 0.3, 0.6), hc: null }, nls.localize('editorSelectionHighlight', 'Color for regions with the same content as the selection. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const editorSelectionHighlightBorder = registerColor('editor.selectionHighlightBorder', { light: null, dark: null, hc: activeContrastBorder }, nls.localize('editorSelectionHighlightBorder', "Border color for regions with the same content as the selection."));
* Editor find match colors.
export const editorFindMatch = registerColor('editor.findMatchBackground', { light: '#A8AC94', dark: '#515C6A', hc: null }, nls.localize('editorFindMatch', "Color of the current search match."));
export const editorFindMatchHighlight = registerColor('editor.findMatchHighlightBackground', { light: '#EA5C0055', dark: '#EA5C0055', hc: null }, nls.localize('findMatchHighlight', "Color of the other search matches. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true);
export const editorFindRangeHighlight = registerColor('editor.findRangeHighlightBackground', { dark: '#3a3d4166', light: '#b4b4b44d', hc: null }, nls.localize('findRangeHighlight', "Color of the range limiting the search. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true);
export const editorFindMatchBorder = registerColor('editor.findMatchBorder', { light: null, dark: null, hc: activeContrastBorder }, nls.localize('editorFindMatchBorder', "Border color of the current search match."));
export const editorFindMatchHighlightBorder = registerColor('editor.findMatchHighlightBorder', { light: null, dark: null, hc: activeContrastBorder }, nls.localize('findMatchHighlightBorder', "Border color of the other search matches."));
export const editorFindRangeHighlightBorder = registerColor('editor.findRangeHighlightBorder', { dark: null, light: null, hc: transparent(activeContrastBorder, 0.4) }, nls.localize('findRangeHighlightBorder', "Border color of the range limiting the search. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations."), true);
* Search Editor query match colors.
* Distinct from normal editor find match to allow for better differentiation
export const searchEditorFindMatch = registerColor('searchEditor.findMatchBackground', { light: transparent(editorFindMatchHighlight, 0.66), dark: transparent(editorFindMatchHighlight, 0.66), hc: editorFindMatchHighlight }, nls.localize('searchEditor.queryMatch', "Color of the Search Editor query matches."));
export const searchEditorFindMatchBorder = registerColor('searchEditor.findMatchBorder', { light: transparent(editorFindMatchHighlightBorder, 0.66), dark: transparent(editorFindMatchHighlightBorder, 0.66), hc: editorFindMatchHighlightBorder }, nls.localize('searchEditor.editorFindMatchBorder', "Border color of the Search Editor query matches."));
* Editor hover
export const editorHoverHighlight = registerColor('editor.hoverHighlightBackground', { light: '#ADD6FF26', dark: '#264f7840', hc: '#ADD6FF26' }, nls.localize('hoverHighlight', 'Highlight below the word for which a hover is shown. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const editorHoverBackground = registerColor('editorHoverWidget.background', { light: editorWidgetBackground, dark: editorWidgetBackground, hc: editorWidgetBackground }, nls.localize('hoverBackground', 'Background color of the editor hover.'));
export const editorHoverForeground = registerColor('editorHoverWidget.foreground', { light: editorWidgetForeground, dark: editorWidgetForeground, hc: editorWidgetForeground }, nls.localize('hoverForeground', 'Foreground color of the editor hover.'));
export const editorHoverBorder = registerColor('editorHoverWidget.border', { light: editorWidgetBorder, dark: editorWidgetBorder, hc: editorWidgetBorder }, nls.localize('hoverBorder', 'Border color of the editor hover.'));
export const editorHoverStatusBarBackground = registerColor('editorHoverWidget.statusBarBackground', { dark: lighten(editorHoverBackground, 0.2), light: darken(editorHoverBackground, 0.05), hc: editorWidgetBackground }, nls.localize('statusBarBackground', "Background color of the editor hover status bar."));
* Editor link colors
export const editorActiveLinkForeground = registerColor('editorLink.activeForeground', { dark: '#4E94CE', light: Color.blue, hc: Color.cyan }, nls.localize('activeLinkForeground', 'Color of active links.'));
* Inline hints
export const editorInlayHintForeground = registerColor('editorInlayHint.foreground', { dark: editorWidgetBackground, light: editorWidgetForeground, hc: editorWidgetBackground }, nls.localize('editorInlayHintForeground', 'Foreground color of inline hints'));
export const editorInlayHintBackground = registerColor('editorInlayHint.background', { dark: editorWidgetForeground, light: editorWidgetBackground, hc: editorWidgetForeground }, nls.localize('editorInlayHintBackground', 'Background color of inline hints'));
* Editor lighbulb icon colors
export const editorLightBulbForeground = registerColor('editorLightBulb.foreground', { dark: '#FFCC00', light: '#DDB100', hc: '#FFCC00' }, nls.localize('editorLightBulbForeground', "The color used for the lightbulb actions icon."));
export const editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground = registerColor('editorLightBulbAutoFix.foreground', { dark: '#75BEFF', light: '#007ACC', hc: '#75BEFF' }, nls.localize('editorLightBulbAutoFixForeground', "The color used for the lightbulb auto fix actions icon."));
* Diff Editor Colors
export const defaultInsertColor = new Color(new RGBA(155, 185, 85, 0.2));
export const defaultRemoveColor = new Color(new RGBA(255, 0, 0, 0.2));
export const diffInserted = registerColor('diffEditor.insertedTextBackground', { dark: defaultInsertColor, light: defaultInsertColor, hc: null }, nls.localize('diffEditorInserted', 'Background color for text that got inserted. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const diffRemoved = registerColor('diffEditor.removedTextBackground', { dark: defaultRemoveColor, light: defaultRemoveColor, hc: null }, nls.localize('diffEditorRemoved', 'Background color for text that got removed. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const diffInsertedOutline = registerColor('diffEditor.insertedTextBorder', { dark: null, light: null, hc: '#33ff2eff' }, nls.localize('diffEditorInsertedOutline', 'Outline color for the text that got inserted.'));
export const diffRemovedOutline = registerColor('diffEditor.removedTextBorder', { dark: null, light: null, hc: '#FF008F' }, nls.localize('diffEditorRemovedOutline', 'Outline color for text that got removed.'));
export const diffBorder = registerColor('diffEditor.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('diffEditorBorder', 'Border color between the two text editors.'));
export const diffDiagonalFill = registerColor('diffEditor.diagonalFill', { dark: '#cccccc33', light: '#22222233', hc: null }, nls.localize('diffDiagonalFill', "Color of the diff editor's diagonal fill. The diagonal fill is used in side-by-side diff views."));
* List and tree colors
export const listFocusBackground = registerColor('list.focusBackground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listFocusBackground', "List/Tree background color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listFocusForeground = registerColor('list.focusForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listFocusForeground', "List/Tree foreground color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listFocusOutline = registerColor('list.focusOutline', { dark: focusBorder, light: focusBorder, hc: activeContrastBorder }, nls.localize('listFocusOutline', "List/Tree outline color for the focused item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listActiveSelectionBackground = registerColor('list.activeSelectionBackground', { dark: '#094771', light: '#0060C0', hc: null }, nls.localize('listActiveSelectionBackground', "List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listActiveSelectionForeground = registerColor('list.activeSelectionForeground', { dark: Color.white, light: Color.white, hc: null }, nls.localize('listActiveSelectionForeground', "List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listActiveSelectionIconForeground = registerColor('list.activeSelectionIconForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listActiveSelectionIconForeground', "List/Tree icon foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listInactiveSelectionBackground = registerColor('list.inactiveSelectionBackground', { dark: '#37373D', light: '#E4E6F1', hc: null }, nls.localize('listInactiveSelectionBackground', "List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listInactiveSelectionForeground = registerColor('list.inactiveSelectionForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listInactiveSelectionForeground', "List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listInactiveSelectionIconForeground = registerColor('list.inactiveSelectionIconForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listInactiveSelectionIconForeground', "List/Tree icon foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listInactiveFocusBackground = registerColor('list.inactiveFocusBackground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listInactiveFocusBackground', "List/Tree background color for the focused item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listInactiveFocusOutline = registerColor('list.inactiveFocusOutline', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listInactiveFocusOutline', "List/Tree outline color for the focused item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not."));
export const listHoverBackground = registerColor('list.hoverBackground', { dark: '#2A2D2E', light: '#F0F0F0', hc: null }, nls.localize('listHoverBackground', "List/Tree background when hovering over items using the mouse."));
export const listHoverForeground = registerColor('list.hoverForeground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('listHoverForeground', "List/Tree foreground when hovering over items using the mouse."));
export const listDropBackground = registerColor('list.dropBackground', { dark: '#062F4A', light: '#D6EBFF', hc: null }, nls.localize('listDropBackground', "List/Tree drag and drop background when moving items around using the mouse."));
export const listHighlightForeground = registerColor('list.highlightForeground', { dark: '#18A3FF', light: '#0066BF', hc: focusBorder }, nls.localize('highlight', 'List/Tree foreground color of the match highlights when searching inside the list/tree.'));
export const listFocusHighlightForeground = registerColor('list.focusHighlightForeground', { dark: listHighlightForeground, light: ifDefinedThenElse(listActiveSelectionBackground, listHighlightForeground, '#9DDDFF'), hc: listHighlightForeground }, nls.localize('listFocusHighlightForeground', 'List/Tree foreground color of the match highlights on actively focused items when searching inside the list/tree.'));
export const listInvalidItemForeground = registerColor('list.invalidItemForeground', { dark: '#B89500', light: '#B89500', hc: '#B89500' }, nls.localize('invalidItemForeground', 'List/Tree foreground color for invalid items, for example an unresolved root in explorer.'));
export const listErrorForeground = registerColor('list.errorForeground', { dark: '#F88070', light: '#B01011', hc: null }, nls.localize('listErrorForeground', 'Foreground color of list items containing errors.'));
export const listWarningForeground = registerColor('list.warningForeground', { dark: '#CCA700', light: '#855F00', hc: null }, nls.localize('listWarningForeground', 'Foreground color of list items containing warnings.'));
export const listFilterWidgetBackground = registerColor('listFilterWidget.background', { light: '#efc1ad', dark: '#653723', hc: Color.black }, nls.localize('listFilterWidgetBackground', 'Background color of the type filter widget in lists and trees.'));
export const listFilterWidgetOutline = registerColor('listFilterWidget.outline', { dark: Color.transparent, light: Color.transparent, hc: '#f38518' }, nls.localize('listFilterWidgetOutline', 'Outline color of the type filter widget in lists and trees.'));
export const listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline = registerColor('listFilterWidget.noMatchesOutline', { dark: '#BE1100', light: '#BE1100', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('listFilterWidgetNoMatchesOutline', 'Outline color of the type filter widget in lists and trees, when there are no matches.'));
export const listFilterMatchHighlight = registerColor('list.filterMatchBackground', { dark: editorFindMatchHighlight, light: editorFindMatchHighlight, hc: null }, nls.localize('listFilterMatchHighlight', 'Background color of the filtered match.'));
export const listFilterMatchHighlightBorder = registerColor('list.filterMatchBorder', { dark: editorFindMatchHighlightBorder, light: editorFindMatchHighlightBorder, hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('listFilterMatchHighlightBorder', 'Border color of the filtered match.'));
export const treeIndentGuidesStroke = registerColor('tree.indentGuidesStroke', { dark: '#585858', light: '#a9a9a9', hc: '#a9a9a9' }, nls.localize('treeIndentGuidesStroke', "Tree stroke color for the indentation guides."));
export const tableColumnsBorder = registerColor('tree.tableColumnsBorder', { dark: '#CCCCCC20', light: '#61616120', hc: null }, nls.localize('treeIndentGuidesStroke', "Tree stroke color for the indentation guides."));
export const listDeemphasizedForeground = registerColor('list.deemphasizedForeground', { dark: '#8C8C8C', light: '#8E8E90', hc: '#A7A8A9' }, nls.localize('listDeemphasizedForeground', "List/Tree foreground color for items that are deemphasized. "));
* Quick pick widget (dependent on List and tree colors)
export const _deprecatedQuickInputListFocusBackground = registerColor('quickInput.list.focusBackground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, '', undefined, nls.localize('quickInput.list.focusBackground deprecation', "Please use quickInputList.focusBackground instead"));
export const quickInputListFocusForeground = registerColor('quickInputList.focusForeground', { dark: listActiveSelectionForeground, light: listActiveSelectionForeground, hc: listActiveSelectionForeground }, nls.localize('quickInput.listFocusForeground', "Quick picker foreground color for the focused item."));
export const quickInputListFocusIconForeground = registerColor('quickInputList.focusIconForeground', { dark: listActiveSelectionIconForeground, light: listActiveSelectionIconForeground, hc: listActiveSelectionIconForeground }, nls.localize('quickInput.listFocusIconForeground', "Quick picker icon foreground color for the focused item."));
export const quickInputListFocusBackground = registerColor('quickInputList.focusBackground', { dark: oneOf(_deprecatedQuickInputListFocusBackground, listActiveSelectionBackground), light: oneOf(_deprecatedQuickInputListFocusBackground, listActiveSelectionBackground), hc: null }, nls.localize('quickInput.listFocusBackground', "Quick picker background color for the focused item."));
* Menu colors
export const menuBorder = registerColor('menu.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('menuBorder', "Border color of menus."));
export const menuForeground = registerColor('menu.foreground', { dark: selectForeground, light: foreground, hc: selectForeground }, nls.localize('menuForeground', "Foreground color of menu items."));
export const menuBackground = registerColor('menu.background', { dark: selectBackground, light: selectBackground, hc: selectBackground }, nls.localize('menuBackground', "Background color of menu items."));
export const menuSelectionForeground = registerColor('menu.selectionForeground', { dark: listActiveSelectionForeground, light: listActiveSelectionForeground, hc: listActiveSelectionForeground }, nls.localize('menuSelectionForeground', "Foreground color of the selected menu item in menus."));
export const menuSelectionBackground = registerColor('menu.selectionBackground', { dark: listActiveSelectionBackground, light: listActiveSelectionBackground, hc: listActiveSelectionBackground }, nls.localize('menuSelectionBackground', "Background color of the selected menu item in menus."));
export const menuSelectionBorder = registerColor('menu.selectionBorder', { dark: null, light: null, hc: activeContrastBorder }, nls.localize('menuSelectionBorder', "Border color of the selected menu item in menus."));
export const menuSeparatorBackground = registerColor('menu.separatorBackground', { dark: '#BBBBBB', light: '#888888', hc: contrastBorder }, nls.localize('menuSeparatorBackground', "Color of a separator menu item in menus."));
* Toolbar colors
export const toolbarHoverBackground = registerColor('toolbar.hoverBackground', { dark: '#5a5d5e50', light: '#b8b8b850', hc: null }, nls.localize('toolbarHoverBackground', "Toolbar background when hovering over actions using the mouse"));
export const toolbarHoverOutline = registerColor('toolbar.hoverOutline', { dark: null, light: null, hc: activeContrastBorder }, nls.localize('toolbarHoverOutline', "Toolbar outline when hovering over actions using the mouse"));
export const toolbarActiveBackground = registerColor('toolbar.activeBackground', { dark: lighten(toolbarHoverBackground, 0.1), light: darken(toolbarHoverBackground, 0.1), hc: null }, nls.localize('toolbarActiveBackground', "Toolbar background when holding the mouse over actions"));
* Snippet placeholder colors
export const snippetTabstopHighlightBackground = registerColor('editor.snippetTabstopHighlightBackground', { dark: new Color(new RGBA(124, 124, 124, 0.3)), light: new Color(new RGBA(10, 50, 100, 0.2)), hc: new Color(new RGBA(124, 124, 124, 0.3)) }, nls.localize('snippetTabstopHighlightBackground', "Highlight background color of a snippet tabstop."));
export const snippetTabstopHighlightBorder = registerColor('editor.snippetTabstopHighlightBorder', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('snippetTabstopHighlightBorder', "Highlight border color of a snippet tabstop."));
export const snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBackground = registerColor('editor.snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBackground', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBackground', "Highlight background color of the final tabstop of a snippet."));
export const snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBorder = registerColor('editor.snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBorder', { dark: '#525252', light: new Color(new RGBA(10, 50, 100, 0.5)), hc: '#525252' }, nls.localize('snippetFinalTabstopHighlightBorder', "Highlight border color of the final tabstop of a snippet."));
* Breadcrumb colors
export const breadcrumbsForeground = registerColor('breadcrumb.foreground', { light: transparent(foreground, 0.8), dark: transparent(foreground, 0.8), hc: transparent(foreground, 0.8) }, nls.localize('breadcrumbsFocusForeground', "Color of focused breadcrumb items."));
export const breadcrumbsBackground = registerColor('breadcrumb.background', { light: editorBackground, dark: editorBackground, hc: editorBackground }, nls.localize('breadcrumbsBackground', "Background color of breadcrumb items."));
export const breadcrumbsFocusForeground = registerColor('breadcrumb.focusForeground', { light: darken(foreground, 0.2), dark: lighten(foreground, 0.1), hc: lighten(foreground, 0.1) }, nls.localize('breadcrumbsFocusForeground', "Color of focused breadcrumb items."));
export const breadcrumbsActiveSelectionForeground = registerColor('breadcrumb.activeSelectionForeground', { light: darken(foreground, 0.2), dark: lighten(foreground, 0.1), hc: lighten(foreground, 0.1) }, nls.localize('breadcrumbsSelectedForegound', "Color of selected breadcrumb items."));
export const breadcrumbsPickerBackground = registerColor('breadcrumbPicker.background', { light: editorWidgetBackground, dark: editorWidgetBackground, hc: editorWidgetBackground }, nls.localize('breadcrumbsSelectedBackground', "Background color of breadcrumb item picker."));
* Merge-conflict colors
const headerTransparency = 0.5;
const currentBaseColor = Color.fromHex('#40C8AE').transparent(headerTransparency);
const incomingBaseColor = Color.fromHex('#40A6FF').transparent(headerTransparency);
const commonBaseColor = Color.fromHex('#606060').transparent(0.4);
const contentTransparency = 0.4;
const rulerTransparency = 1;
export const mergeCurrentHeaderBackground = registerColor('merge.currentHeaderBackground', { dark: currentBaseColor, light: currentBaseColor, hc: null }, nls.localize('mergeCurrentHeaderBackground', 'Current header background in inline merge-conflicts. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const mergeCurrentContentBackground = registerColor('merge.currentContentBackground', { dark: transparent(mergeCurrentHeaderBackground, contentTransparency), light: transparent(mergeCurrentHeaderBackground, contentTransparency), hc: transparent(mergeCurrentHeaderBackground, contentTransparency) }, nls.localize('mergeCurrentContentBackground', 'Current content background in inline merge-conflicts. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const mergeIncomingHeaderBackground = registerColor('merge.incomingHeaderBackground', { dark: incomingBaseColor, light: incomingBaseColor, hc: null }, nls.localize('mergeIncomingHeaderBackground', 'Incoming header background in inline merge-conflicts. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const mergeIncomingContentBackground = registerColor('merge.incomingContentBackground', { dark: transparent(mergeIncomingHeaderBackground, contentTransparency), light: transparent(mergeIncomingHeaderBackground, contentTransparency), hc: transparent(mergeIncomingHeaderBackground, contentTransparency) }, nls.localize('mergeIncomingContentBackground', 'Incoming content background in inline merge-conflicts. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const mergeCommonHeaderBackground = registerColor('merge.commonHeaderBackground', { dark: commonBaseColor, light: commonBaseColor, hc: null }, nls.localize('mergeCommonHeaderBackground', 'Common ancestor header background in inline merge-conflicts. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const mergeCommonContentBackground = registerColor('merge.commonContentBackground', { dark: transparent(mergeCommonHeaderBackground, contentTransparency), light: transparent(mergeCommonHeaderBackground, contentTransparency), hc: transparent(mergeCommonHeaderBackground, contentTransparency) }, nls.localize('mergeCommonContentBackground', 'Common ancestor content background in inline merge-conflicts. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const mergeBorder = registerColor('merge.border', { dark: null, light: null, hc: '#C3DF6F' }, nls.localize('mergeBorder', 'Border color on headers and the splitter in inline merge-conflicts.'));
export const overviewRulerCurrentContentForeground = registerColor('editorOverviewRuler.currentContentForeground', { dark: transparent(mergeCurrentHeaderBackground, rulerTransparency), light: transparent(mergeCurrentHeaderBackground, rulerTransparency), hc: mergeBorder }, nls.localize('overviewRulerCurrentContentForeground', 'Current overview ruler foreground for inline merge-conflicts.'));
export const overviewRulerIncomingContentForeground = registerColor('editorOverviewRuler.incomingContentForeground', { dark: transparent(mergeIncomingHeaderBackground, rulerTransparency), light: transparent(mergeIncomingHeaderBackground, rulerTransparency), hc: mergeBorder }, nls.localize('overviewRulerIncomingContentForeground', 'Incoming overview ruler foreground for inline merge-conflicts.'));
export const overviewRulerCommonContentForeground = registerColor('editorOverviewRuler.commonContentForeground', { dark: transparent(mergeCommonHeaderBackground, rulerTransparency), light: transparent(mergeCommonHeaderBackground, rulerTransparency), hc: mergeBorder }, nls.localize('overviewRulerCommonContentForeground', 'Common ancestor overview ruler foreground for inline merge-conflicts.'));
export const overviewRulerFindMatchForeground = registerColor('editorOverviewRuler.findMatchForeground', { dark: '#d186167e', light: '#d186167e', hc: '#AB5A00' }, nls.localize('overviewRulerFindMatchForeground', 'Overview ruler marker color for find matches. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const overviewRulerSelectionHighlightForeground = registerColor('editorOverviewRuler.selectionHighlightForeground', { dark: '#A0A0A0CC', light: '#A0A0A0CC', hc: '#A0A0A0CC' }, nls.localize('overviewRulerSelectionHighlightForeground', 'Overview ruler marker color for selection highlights. The color must not be opaque so as not to hide underlying decorations.'), true);
export const minimapFindMatch = registerColor('minimap.findMatchHighlight', { light: '#d18616', dark: '#d18616', hc: '#AB5A00' }, nls.localize('minimapFindMatchHighlight', 'Minimap marker color for find matches.'), true);
export const minimapSelection = registerColor('minimap.selectionHighlight', { light: '#ADD6FF', dark: '#264F78', hc: '#ffffff' }, nls.localize('minimapSelectionHighlight', 'Minimap marker color for the editor selection.'), true);
export const minimapError = registerColor('minimap.errorHighlight', { dark: new Color(new RGBA(255, 18, 18, 0.7)), light: new Color(new RGBA(255, 18, 18, 0.7)), hc: new Color(new RGBA(255, 50, 50, 1)) }, nls.localize('minimapError', 'Minimap marker color for errors.'));
export const minimapWarning = registerColor('minimap.warningHighlight', { dark: editorWarningForeground, light: editorWarningForeground, hc: editorWarningBorder }, nls.localize('overviewRuleWarning', 'Minimap marker color for warnings.'));
export const minimapBackground = registerColor('minimap.background', { dark: null, light: null, hc: null }, nls.localize('minimapBackground', "Minimap background color."));
export const minimapSliderBackground = registerColor('minimapSlider.background', { light: transparent(scrollbarSliderBackground, 0.5), dark: transparent(scrollbarSliderBackground, 0.5), hc: transparent(scrollbarSliderBackground, 0.5) }, nls.localize('minimapSliderBackground', "Minimap slider background color."));
export const minimapSliderHoverBackground = registerColor('minimapSlider.hoverBackground', { light: transparent(scrollbarSliderHoverBackground, 0.5), dark: transparent(scrollbarSliderHoverBackground, 0.5), hc: transparent(scrollbarSliderHoverBackground, 0.5) }, nls.localize('minimapSliderHoverBackground', "Minimap slider background color when hovering."));
export const minimapSliderActiveBackground = registerColor('minimapSlider.activeBackground', { light: transparent(scrollbarSliderActiveBackground, 0.5), dark: transparent(scrollbarSliderActiveBackground, 0.5), hc: transparent(scrollbarSliderActiveBackground, 0.5) }, nls.localize('minimapSliderActiveBackground', "Minimap slider background color when clicked on."));
export const problemsErrorIconForeground = registerColor('problemsErrorIcon.foreground', { dark: editorErrorForeground, light: editorErrorForeground, hc: editorErrorForeground }, nls.localize('problemsErrorIconForeground', "The color used for the problems error icon."));
export const problemsWarningIconForeground = registerColor('problemsWarningIcon.foreground', { dark: editorWarningForeground, light: editorWarningForeground, hc: editorWarningForeground }, nls.localize('problemsWarningIconForeground', "The color used for the problems warning icon."));
export const problemsInfoIconForeground = registerColor('problemsInfoIcon.foreground', { dark: editorInfoForeground, light: editorInfoForeground, hc: editorInfoForeground }, nls.localize('problemsInfoIconForeground', "The color used for the problems info icon."));
* Chart colors
export const chartsForeground = registerColor('charts.foreground', { dark: foreground, light: foreground, hc: foreground }, nls.localize('chartsForeground', "The foreground color used in charts."));
export const chartsLines = registerColor('charts.lines', { dark: transparent(foreground, .5), light: transparent(foreground, .5), hc: transparent(foreground, .5) }, nls.localize('chartsLines', "The color used for horizontal lines in charts."));
export const chartsRed = registerColor('charts.red', { dark: editorErrorForeground, light: editorErrorForeground, hc: editorErrorForeground }, nls.localize('chartsRed', "The red color used in chart visualizations."));
export const chartsBlue = registerColor('charts.blue', { dark: editorInfoForeground, light: editorInfoForeground, hc: editorInfoForeground }, nls.localize('chartsBlue', "The blue color used in chart visualizations."));
export const chartsYellow = registerColor('charts.yellow', { dark: editorWarningForeground, light: editorWarningForeground, hc: editorWarningForeground }, nls.localize('chartsYellow', "The yellow color used in chart visualizations."));
export const chartsOrange = registerColor('charts.orange', { dark: minimapFindMatch, light: minimapFindMatch, hc: minimapFindMatch }, nls.localize('chartsOrange', "The orange color used in chart visualizations."));
export const chartsGreen = registerColor('charts.green', { dark: '#89D185', light: '#388A34', hc: '#89D185' }, nls.localize('chartsGreen', "The green color used in chart visualizations."));
export const chartsPurple = registerColor('charts.purple', { dark: '#B180D7', light: '#652D90', hc: '#B180D7' }, nls.localize('chartsPurple', "The purple color used in chart visualizations."));
// ----- color functions
export function executeTransform(transform: ColorTransform, theme: IColorTheme) {
switch (transform.op) {
case ColorTransformType.Darken:
return resolveColorValue(transform.value, theme)?.darken(transform.factor);
case ColorTransformType.Lighten:
return resolveColorValue(transform.value, theme)?.lighten(transform.factor);
case ColorTransformType.Transparent:
return resolveColorValue(transform.value, theme)?.transparent(transform.factor);
case ColorTransformType.OneOf:
for (const candidate of transform.values) {
const color = resolveColorValue(candidate, theme);
if (color) {
return color;
return undefined;
case ColorTransformType.IfDefinedThenElse:
return resolveColorValue(theme.defines(transform.if) ? transform.then : transform.else, theme);
case ColorTransformType.LessProminent:
const from = resolveColorValue(transform.value, theme);
if (!from) {
return undefined;
const backgroundColor = resolveColorValue(transform.background, theme);
if (!backgroundColor) {
return from.transparent(transform.factor * transform.transparency);
return from.isDarkerThan(backgroundColor)
? Color.getLighterColor(from, backgroundColor, transform.factor).transparent(transform.transparency)
: Color.getDarkerColor(from, backgroundColor, transform.factor).transparent(transform.transparency);
throw assertNever(transform);
export function darken(colorValue: ColorValue, factor: number): ColorTransform {
return { op: ColorTransformType.Darken, value: colorValue, factor };
export function lighten(colorValue: ColorValue, factor: number): ColorTransform {
return { op: ColorTransformType.Lighten, value: colorValue, factor };
export function transparent(colorValue: ColorValue, factor: number): ColorTransform {
return { op: ColorTransformType.Transparent, value: colorValue, factor };
export function oneOf(...colorValues: ColorValue[]): ColorTransform {
return { op: ColorTransformType.OneOf, values: colorValues };
export function ifDefinedThenElse(ifArg: ColorIdentifier, thenArg: ColorValue, elseArg: ColorValue): ColorTransform {
return { op: ColorTransformType.IfDefinedThenElse, if: ifArg, then: thenArg, else: elseArg };
function lessProminent(colorValue: ColorValue, backgroundColorValue: ColorValue, factor: number, transparency: number): ColorTransform {
return { op: ColorTransformType.LessProminent, value: colorValue, background: backgroundColorValue, factor, transparency };
// ----- implementation
* @param colorValue Resolve a color value in the context of a theme
export function resolveColorValue(colorValue: ColorValue | null, theme: IColorTheme): Color | undefined {
if (colorValue === null) {
return undefined;
} else if (typeof colorValue === 'string') {
if (colorValue[0] === '#') {
return Color.fromHex(colorValue);
return theme.getColor(colorValue);
} else if (colorValue instanceof Color) {
return colorValue;
} else if (typeof colorValue === 'object') {
return executeTransform(colorValue, theme);
return undefined;
export const workbenchColorsSchemaId = 'vscode://schemas/workbench-colors';
let schemaRegistry = platform.Registry.as<IJSONContributionRegistry>(JSONExtensions.JSONContribution);
schemaRegistry.registerSchema(workbenchColorsSchemaId, colorRegistry.getColorSchema());
const delayer = new RunOnceScheduler(() => schemaRegistry.notifySchemaChanged(workbenchColorsSchemaId), 200);
colorRegistry.onDidChangeSchema(() => {
if (!delayer.isScheduled()) {
// setTimeout(_ => console.log(colorRegistry.toString()), 5000);