
1129 lines
31 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { VSBuffer } from 'vs/base/common/buffer';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { Disposable, dispose, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { IIPCLogger, IMessagePassingProtocol, IPCClient } from 'vs/base/parts/ipc/common/ipc';
export const enum SocketDiagnosticsEventType {
Created = 'created',
Read = 'read',
Write = 'write',
Open = 'open',
Error = 'error',
Close = 'close',
BrowserWebSocketBlobReceived = 'browserWebSocketBlobReceived',
NodeEndReceived = 'nodeEndReceived',
NodeEndSent = 'nodeEndSent',
NodeDrainBegin = 'nodeDrainBegin',
NodeDrainEnd = 'nodeDrainEnd',
zlibInflateError = 'zlibInflateError',
zlibInflateData = 'zlibInflateData',
zlibInflateInitialWrite = 'zlibInflateInitialWrite',
zlibInflateInitialFlushFired = 'zlibInflateInitialFlushFired',
zlibInflateWrite = 'zlibInflateWrite',
zlibInflateFlushFired = 'zlibInflateFlushFired',
zlibDeflateError = 'zlibDeflateError',
zlibDeflateData = 'zlibDeflateData',
zlibDeflateWrite = 'zlibDeflateWrite',
zlibDeflateFlushFired = 'zlibDeflateFlushFired',
WebSocketNodeSocketWrite = 'webSocketNodeSocketWrite',
WebSocketNodeSocketPeekedHeader = 'webSocketNodeSocketPeekedHeader',
WebSocketNodeSocketReadHeader = 'webSocketNodeSocketReadHeader',
WebSocketNodeSocketReadData = 'webSocketNodeSocketReadData',
WebSocketNodeSocketUnmaskedData = 'webSocketNodeSocketUnmaskedData',
WebSocketNodeSocketDrainBegin = 'webSocketNodeSocketDrainBegin',
WebSocketNodeSocketDrainEnd = 'webSocketNodeSocketDrainEnd',
ProtocolHeaderRead = 'protocolHeaderRead',
ProtocolMessageRead = 'protocolMessageRead',
ProtocolHeaderWrite = 'protocolHeaderWrite',
ProtocolMessageWrite = 'protocolMessageWrite',
ProtocolWrite = 'protocolWrite',
export namespace SocketDiagnostics {
export const enableDiagnostics = false;
export interface IRecord {
timestamp: number;
id: string;
label: string;
type: SocketDiagnosticsEventType;
buff?: VSBuffer;
data?: any;
export const records: IRecord[] = [];
const socketIds = new WeakMap<any, string>();
let lastUsedSocketId = 0;
function getSocketId(nativeObject: any, label: string): string {
if (!socketIds.has(nativeObject)) {
const id = String(++lastUsedSocketId);
socketIds.set(nativeObject, id);
return socketIds.get(nativeObject)!;
export function traceSocketEvent(nativeObject: any, socketDebugLabel: string, type: SocketDiagnosticsEventType, data?: VSBuffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | any): void {
if (!enableDiagnostics) {
const id = getSocketId(nativeObject, socketDebugLabel);
if (data instanceof VSBuffer || data instanceof Uint8Array || data instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {
const copiedData = VSBuffer.alloc(data.byteLength);
records.push({ timestamp: Date.now(), id, label: socketDebugLabel, type, buff: copiedData });
} else {
// data is a custom object
records.push({ timestamp: Date.now(), id, label: socketDebugLabel, type, data: data });
export const enum SocketCloseEventType {
NodeSocketCloseEvent = 0,
WebSocketCloseEvent = 1
export interface NodeSocketCloseEvent {
* The type of the event
readonly type: SocketCloseEventType.NodeSocketCloseEvent;
* `true` if the socket had a transmission error.
readonly hadError: boolean;
* Underlying error.
readonly error: Error | undefined
export interface WebSocketCloseEvent {
* The type of the event
readonly type: SocketCloseEventType.WebSocketCloseEvent;
* Returns the WebSocket connection close code provided by the server.
readonly code: number;
* Returns the WebSocket connection close reason provided by the server.
readonly reason: string;
* Returns true if the connection closed cleanly; false otherwise.
readonly wasClean: boolean;
* Underlying event.
readonly event: any | undefined;
export type SocketCloseEvent = NodeSocketCloseEvent | WebSocketCloseEvent | undefined;
export interface ISocket extends IDisposable {
onData(listener: (e: VSBuffer) => void): IDisposable;
onClose(listener: (e: SocketCloseEvent) => void): IDisposable;
onEnd(listener: () => void): IDisposable;
write(buffer: VSBuffer): void;
end(): void;
drain(): Promise<void>;
traceSocketEvent(type: SocketDiagnosticsEventType, data?: VSBuffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | any): void;
let emptyBuffer: VSBuffer | null = null;
function getEmptyBuffer(): VSBuffer {
if (!emptyBuffer) {
emptyBuffer = VSBuffer.alloc(0);
return emptyBuffer;
export class ChunkStream {
private _chunks: VSBuffer[];
private _totalLength: number;
public get byteLength() {
return this._totalLength;
constructor() {
this._chunks = [];
this._totalLength = 0;
public acceptChunk(buff: VSBuffer) {
this._totalLength += buff.byteLength;
public read(byteCount: number): VSBuffer {
return this._read(byteCount, true);
public peek(byteCount: number): VSBuffer {
return this._read(byteCount, false);
private _read(byteCount: number, advance: boolean): VSBuffer {
if (byteCount === 0) {
return getEmptyBuffer();
if (byteCount > this._totalLength) {
throw new Error(`Cannot read so many bytes!`);
if (this._chunks[0].byteLength === byteCount) {
// super fast path, precisely first chunk must be returned
const result = this._chunks[0];
if (advance) {
this._totalLength -= byteCount;
return result;
if (this._chunks[0].byteLength > byteCount) {
// fast path, the reading is entirely within the first chunk
const result = this._chunks[0].slice(0, byteCount);
if (advance) {
this._chunks[0] = this._chunks[0].slice(byteCount);
this._totalLength -= byteCount;
return result;
let result = VSBuffer.alloc(byteCount);
let resultOffset = 0;
let chunkIndex = 0;
while (byteCount > 0) {
const chunk = this._chunks[chunkIndex];
if (chunk.byteLength > byteCount) {
// this chunk will survive
const chunkPart = chunk.slice(0, byteCount);
result.set(chunkPart, resultOffset);
resultOffset += byteCount;
if (advance) {
this._chunks[chunkIndex] = chunk.slice(byteCount);
this._totalLength -= byteCount;
byteCount -= byteCount;
} else {
// this chunk will be entirely read
result.set(chunk, resultOffset);
resultOffset += chunk.byteLength;
if (advance) {
this._totalLength -= chunk.byteLength;
} else {
byteCount -= chunk.byteLength;
return result;
const enum ProtocolMessageType {
None = 0,
Regular = 1,
Control = 2,
Ack = 3,
Disconnect = 5,
ReplayRequest = 6,
Pause = 7,
Resume = 8
function protocolMessageTypeToString(messageType: ProtocolMessageType) {
switch (messageType) {
case ProtocolMessageType.None: return 'None';
case ProtocolMessageType.Regular: return 'Regular';
case ProtocolMessageType.Control: return 'Control';
case ProtocolMessageType.Ack: return 'Ack';
case ProtocolMessageType.Disconnect: return 'Disconnect';
case ProtocolMessageType.ReplayRequest: return 'ReplayRequest';
case ProtocolMessageType.Pause: return 'PauseWriting';
case ProtocolMessageType.Resume: return 'ResumeWriting';
export const enum ProtocolConstants {
HeaderLength = 13,
* Send an Acknowledge message at most 2 seconds later...
AcknowledgeTime = 2000, // 2 seconds
* If there is a sent message that has been unacknowledged for 20 seconds,
* and we didn't see any incoming server data in the past 20 seconds,
* then consider the connection has timed out.
TimeoutTime = 20000, // 20 seconds
* If there is no reconnection within this time-frame, consider the connection permanently closed...
ReconnectionGraceTime = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 3hrs
* Maximal grace time between the first and the last reconnection...
ReconnectionShortGraceTime = 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5min
class ProtocolMessage {
public writtenTime: number;
public readonly type: ProtocolMessageType,
public readonly id: number,
public readonly ack: number,
public readonly data: VSBuffer
) {
this.writtenTime = 0;
public get size(): number {
return this.data.byteLength;
class ProtocolReader extends Disposable {
private readonly _socket: ISocket;
private _isDisposed: boolean;
private readonly _incomingData: ChunkStream;
public lastReadTime: number;
private readonly _onMessage = this._register(new Emitter<ProtocolMessage>());
public readonly onMessage: Event<ProtocolMessage> = this._onMessage.event;
private readonly _state = {
readHead: true,
readLen: ProtocolConstants.HeaderLength,
messageType: ProtocolMessageType.None,
id: 0,
ack: 0
constructor(socket: ISocket) {
this._socket = socket;
this._isDisposed = false;
this._incomingData = new ChunkStream();
this._register(this._socket.onData(data => this.acceptChunk(data)));
this.lastReadTime = Date.now();
public acceptChunk(data: VSBuffer | null): void {
if (!data || data.byteLength === 0) {
this.lastReadTime = Date.now();
while (this._incomingData.byteLength >= this._state.readLen) {
const buff = this._incomingData.read(this._state.readLen);
if (this._state.readHead) {
// buff is the header
// save new state => next time will read the body
this._state.readHead = false;
this._state.readLen = buff.readUInt32BE(9);
this._state.messageType = buff.readUInt8(0);
this._state.id = buff.readUInt32BE(1);
this._state.ack = buff.readUInt32BE(5);
this._socket.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.ProtocolHeaderRead, { messageType: protocolMessageTypeToString(this._state.messageType), id: this._state.id, ack: this._state.ack, messageSize: this._state.readLen });
} else {
// buff is the body
const messageType = this._state.messageType;
const id = this._state.id;
const ack = this._state.ack;
// save new state => next time will read the header
this._state.readHead = true;
this._state.readLen = ProtocolConstants.HeaderLength;
this._state.messageType = ProtocolMessageType.None;
this._state.id = 0;
this._state.ack = 0;
this._socket.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.ProtocolMessageRead, buff);
this._onMessage.fire(new ProtocolMessage(messageType, id, ack, buff));
if (this._isDisposed) {
// check if an event listener lead to our disposal
public readEntireBuffer(): VSBuffer {
return this._incomingData.read(this._incomingData.byteLength);
public override dispose(): void {
this._isDisposed = true;
class ProtocolWriter {
private _isDisposed: boolean;
private _isPaused: boolean;
private readonly _socket: ISocket;
private _data: VSBuffer[];
private _totalLength: number;
public lastWriteTime: number;
constructor(socket: ISocket) {
this._isDisposed = false;
this._isPaused = false;
this._socket = socket;
this._data = [];
this._totalLength = 0;
this.lastWriteTime = 0;
public dispose(): void {
try {
} catch (err) {
// ignore error, since the socket could be already closed
this._isDisposed = true;
public drain(): Promise<void> {
return this._socket.drain();
public flush(): void {
// flush
public pause(): void {
this._isPaused = true;
public resume(): void {
this._isPaused = false;
public write(msg: ProtocolMessage) {
if (this._isDisposed) {
// ignore: there could be left-over promises which complete and then
// decide to write a response, etc...
msg.writtenTime = Date.now();
this.lastWriteTime = Date.now();
const header = VSBuffer.alloc(ProtocolConstants.HeaderLength);
header.writeUInt8(msg.type, 0);
header.writeUInt32BE(msg.id, 1);
header.writeUInt32BE(msg.ack, 5);
header.writeUInt32BE(msg.data.byteLength, 9);
this._socket.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.ProtocolHeaderWrite, { messageType: protocolMessageTypeToString(msg.type), id: msg.id, ack: msg.ack, messageSize: msg.data.byteLength });
this._socket.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.ProtocolMessageWrite, msg.data);
this._writeSoon(header, msg.data);
private _bufferAdd(head: VSBuffer, body: VSBuffer): boolean {
const wasEmpty = this._totalLength === 0;
this._data.push(head, body);
this._totalLength += head.byteLength + body.byteLength;
return wasEmpty;
private _bufferTake(): VSBuffer {
const ret = VSBuffer.concat(this._data, this._totalLength);
this._data.length = 0;
this._totalLength = 0;
return ret;
private _writeSoon(header: VSBuffer, data: VSBuffer): void {
if (this._bufferAdd(header, data)) {
private _writeNowTimeout: any = null;
private _scheduleWriting(): void {
if (this._writeNowTimeout) {
this._writeNowTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._writeNowTimeout = null;
private _writeNow(): void {
if (this._totalLength === 0) {
if (this._isPaused) {
const data = this._bufferTake();
this._socket.traceSocketEvent(SocketDiagnosticsEventType.ProtocolWrite, { byteLength: data.byteLength });
* A message has the following format:
* ```
* /-------------------------------|------\
* | HEADER | |
* |-------------------------------| DATA |
* \-------------------------------|------/
* ```
* The header is 9 bytes and consists of:
* - TYPE is 1 byte (ProtocolMessageType) - the message type
* - ID is 4 bytes (u32be) - the message id (can be 0 to indicate to be ignored)
* - ACK is 4 bytes (u32be) - the acknowledged message id (can be 0 to indicate to be ignored)
* - DATA_LENGTH is 4 bytes (u32be) - the length in bytes of DATA
* Only Regular messages are counted, other messages are not counted, nor acknowledged.
export class Protocol extends Disposable implements IMessagePassingProtocol {
private _socket: ISocket;
private _socketWriter: ProtocolWriter;
private _socketReader: ProtocolReader;
private readonly _onMessage = new Emitter<VSBuffer>();
readonly onMessage: Event<VSBuffer> = this._onMessage.event;
private readonly _onDidDispose = new Emitter<void>();
readonly onDidDispose: Event<void> = this._onDidDispose.event;
constructor(socket: ISocket) {
this._socket = socket;
this._socketWriter = this._register(new ProtocolWriter(this._socket));
this._socketReader = this._register(new ProtocolReader(this._socket));
this._register(this._socketReader.onMessage((msg) => {
if (msg.type === ProtocolMessageType.Regular) {
this._register(this._socket.onClose(() => this._onDidDispose.fire()));
drain(): Promise<void> {
return this._socketWriter.drain();
getSocket(): ISocket {
return this._socket;
sendDisconnect(): void {
// Nothing to do...
send(buffer: VSBuffer): void {
this._socketWriter.write(new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageType.Regular, 0, 0, buffer));
export class Client<TContext = string> extends IPCClient<TContext> {
static fromSocket<TContext = string>(socket: ISocket, id: TContext): Client<TContext> {
return new Client(new Protocol(socket), id);
get onDidDispose(): Event<void> { return this.protocol.onDidDispose; }
constructor(private protocol: Protocol | PersistentProtocol, id: TContext, ipcLogger: IIPCLogger | null = null) {
super(protocol, id, ipcLogger);
override dispose(): void {
const socket = this.protocol.getSocket();
* Will ensure no messages are lost if there are no event listeners.
export class BufferedEmitter<T> {
private _emitter: Emitter<T>;
public readonly event: Event<T>;
private _hasListeners = false;
private _isDeliveringMessages = false;
private _bufferedMessages: T[] = [];
constructor() {
this._emitter = new Emitter<T>({
onFirstListenerAdd: () => {
this._hasListeners = true;
// it is important to deliver these messages after this call, but before
// other messages have a chance to be received (to guarantee in order delivery)
// that's why we're using here queueMicrotask and not other types of timeouts
queueMicrotask(() => this._deliverMessages());
onLastListenerRemove: () => {
this._hasListeners = false;
this.event = this._emitter.event;
private _deliverMessages(): void {
if (this._isDeliveringMessages) {
this._isDeliveringMessages = true;
while (this._hasListeners && this._bufferedMessages.length > 0) {
this._isDeliveringMessages = false;
public fire(event: T): void {
if (this._hasListeners) {
if (this._bufferedMessages.length > 0) {
} else {
} else {
public flushBuffer(): void {
this._bufferedMessages = [];
class QueueElement<T> {
public readonly data: T;
public next: QueueElement<T> | null;
constructor(data: T) {
this.data = data;
this.next = null;
class Queue<T> {
private _first: QueueElement<T> | null;
private _last: QueueElement<T> | null;
constructor() {
this._first = null;
this._last = null;
public peek(): T | null {
if (!this._first) {
return null;
return this._first.data;
public toArray(): T[] {
let result: T[] = [], resultLen = 0;
let it = this._first;
while (it) {
result[resultLen++] = it.data;
it = it.next;
return result;
public pop(): void {
if (!this._first) {
if (this._first === this._last) {
this._first = null;
this._last = null;
this._first = this._first.next;
public push(item: T): void {
const element = new QueueElement(item);
if (!this._first) {
this._first = element;
this._last = element;
this._last!.next = element;
this._last = element;
class LoadEstimator {
private static _HISTORY_LENGTH = 10;
private static _INSTANCE: LoadEstimator | null = null;
public static getInstance(): LoadEstimator {
if (!LoadEstimator._INSTANCE) {
LoadEstimator._INSTANCE = new LoadEstimator();
return LoadEstimator._INSTANCE;
private lastRuns: number[];
constructor() {
this.lastRuns = [];
const now = Date.now();
for (let i = 0; i < LoadEstimator._HISTORY_LENGTH; i++) {
this.lastRuns[i] = now - 1000 * i;
setInterval(() => {
for (let i = LoadEstimator._HISTORY_LENGTH; i >= 1; i--) {
this.lastRuns[i] = this.lastRuns[i - 1];
this.lastRuns[0] = Date.now();
}, 1000);
* returns an estimative number, from 0 (low load) to 1 (high load)
private load(): number {
const now = Date.now();
const historyLimit = (1 + LoadEstimator._HISTORY_LENGTH) * 1000;
let score = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < LoadEstimator._HISTORY_LENGTH; i++) {
if (now - this.lastRuns[i] <= historyLimit) {
return 1 - score / LoadEstimator._HISTORY_LENGTH;
public hasHighLoad(): boolean {
return this.load() >= 0.5;
export interface ILoadEstimator {
hasHighLoad(): boolean;
* Same as Protocol, but will actually track messages and acks.
* Moreover, it will ensure no messages are lost if there are no event listeners.
export class PersistentProtocol implements IMessagePassingProtocol {
private _isReconnecting: boolean;
private _outgoingUnackMsg: Queue<ProtocolMessage>;
private _outgoingMsgId: number;
private _outgoingAckId: number;
private _outgoingAckTimeout: any | null;
private _incomingMsgId: number;
private _incomingAckId: number;
private _incomingMsgLastTime: number;
private _incomingAckTimeout: any | null;
private _lastReplayRequestTime: number;
private _socket: ISocket;
private _socketWriter: ProtocolWriter;
private _socketReader: ProtocolReader;
private _socketDisposables: IDisposable[];
private readonly _loadEstimator: ILoadEstimator;
private readonly _onControlMessage = new BufferedEmitter<VSBuffer>();
readonly onControlMessage: Event<VSBuffer> = this._onControlMessage.event;
private readonly _onMessage = new BufferedEmitter<VSBuffer>();
readonly onMessage: Event<VSBuffer> = this._onMessage.event;
private readonly _onDidDispose = new BufferedEmitter<void>();
readonly onDidDispose: Event<void> = this._onDidDispose.event;
private readonly _onSocketClose = new BufferedEmitter<SocketCloseEvent>();
readonly onSocketClose: Event<SocketCloseEvent> = this._onSocketClose.event;
private readonly _onSocketTimeout = new BufferedEmitter<void>();
readonly onSocketTimeout: Event<void> = this._onSocketTimeout.event;
public get unacknowledgedCount(): number {
return this._outgoingMsgId - this._outgoingAckId;
constructor(socket: ISocket, initialChunk: VSBuffer | null = null, loadEstimator: ILoadEstimator = LoadEstimator.getInstance()) {
this._loadEstimator = loadEstimator;
this._isReconnecting = false;
this._outgoingUnackMsg = new Queue<ProtocolMessage>();
this._outgoingMsgId = 0;
this._outgoingAckId = 0;
this._outgoingAckTimeout = null;
this._incomingMsgId = 0;
this._incomingAckId = 0;
this._incomingMsgLastTime = 0;
this._incomingAckTimeout = null;
this._lastReplayRequestTime = 0;
this._socketDisposables = [];
this._socket = socket;
this._socketWriter = new ProtocolWriter(this._socket);
this._socketReader = new ProtocolReader(this._socket);
this._socketDisposables.push(this._socketReader.onMessage(msg => this._receiveMessage(msg)));
this._socketDisposables.push(this._socket.onClose((e) => this._onSocketClose.fire(e)));
if (initialChunk) {
dispose(): void {
if (this._outgoingAckTimeout) {
this._outgoingAckTimeout = null;
if (this._incomingAckTimeout) {
this._incomingAckTimeout = null;
this._socketDisposables = dispose(this._socketDisposables);
drain(): Promise<void> {
return this._socketWriter.drain();
sendDisconnect(): void {
const msg = new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageType.Disconnect, 0, 0, getEmptyBuffer());
sendPause(): void {
const msg = new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageType.Pause, 0, 0, getEmptyBuffer());
sendResume(): void {
const msg = new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageType.Resume, 0, 0, getEmptyBuffer());
pauseSocketWriting() {
public getSocket(): ISocket {
return this._socket;
public getMillisSinceLastIncomingData(): number {
return Date.now() - this._socketReader.lastReadTime;
public beginAcceptReconnection(socket: ISocket, initialDataChunk: VSBuffer | null): void {
this._isReconnecting = true;
this._socketDisposables = dispose(this._socketDisposables);
this._lastReplayRequestTime = 0;
this._socket = socket;
this._socketWriter = new ProtocolWriter(this._socket);
this._socketReader = new ProtocolReader(this._socket);
this._socketDisposables.push(this._socketReader.onMessage(msg => this._receiveMessage(msg)));
this._socketDisposables.push(this._socket.onClose((e) => this._onSocketClose.fire(e)));
public endAcceptReconnection(): void {
this._isReconnecting = false;
// Send again all unacknowledged messages
const toSend = this._outgoingUnackMsg.toArray();
for (let i = 0, len = toSend.length; i < len; i++) {
public acceptDisconnect(): void {
private _receiveMessage(msg: ProtocolMessage): void {
if (msg.ack > this._outgoingAckId) {
this._outgoingAckId = msg.ack;
do {
const first = this._outgoingUnackMsg.peek();
if (first && first.id <= msg.ack) {
// this message has been confirmed, remove it
} else {
} while (true);
switch (msg.type) {
case ProtocolMessageType.None: {
// N/A
case ProtocolMessageType.Regular: {
if (msg.id > this._incomingMsgId) {
if (msg.id !== this._incomingMsgId + 1) {
// in case we missed some messages we ask the other party to resend them
const now = Date.now();
if (now - this._lastReplayRequestTime > 10000) {
// send a replay request at most once every 10s
this._lastReplayRequestTime = now;
this._socketWriter.write(new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageType.ReplayRequest, 0, 0, getEmptyBuffer()));
} else {
this._incomingMsgId = msg.id;
this._incomingMsgLastTime = Date.now();
case ProtocolMessageType.Control: {
case ProtocolMessageType.Ack: {
// nothing to do
case ProtocolMessageType.Disconnect: {
case ProtocolMessageType.ReplayRequest: {
// Send again all unacknowledged messages
const toSend = this._outgoingUnackMsg.toArray();
for (let i = 0, len = toSend.length; i < len; i++) {
case ProtocolMessageType.Pause: {
case ProtocolMessageType.Resume: {
readEntireBuffer(): VSBuffer {
return this._socketReader.readEntireBuffer();
flush(): void {
send(buffer: VSBuffer): void {
const myId = ++this._outgoingMsgId;
this._incomingAckId = this._incomingMsgId;
const msg = new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageType.Regular, myId, this._incomingAckId, buffer);
if (!this._isReconnecting) {
* Send a message which will not be part of the regular acknowledge flow.
* Use this for early control messages which are repeated in case of reconnection.
sendControl(buffer: VSBuffer): void {
const msg = new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageType.Control, 0, 0, buffer);
private _sendAckCheck(): void {
if (this._incomingMsgId <= this._incomingAckId) {
// nothink to acknowledge
if (this._incomingAckTimeout) {
// there will be a check in the near future
const timeSinceLastIncomingMsg = Date.now() - this._incomingMsgLastTime;
if (timeSinceLastIncomingMsg >= ProtocolConstants.AcknowledgeTime) {
// sufficient time has passed since this message has been received,
// and no message from our side needed to be sent in the meantime,
// so we will send a message containing only an ack.
this._incomingAckTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._incomingAckTimeout = null;
}, ProtocolConstants.AcknowledgeTime - timeSinceLastIncomingMsg + 5);
private _recvAckCheck(): void {
if (this._outgoingMsgId <= this._outgoingAckId) {
// everything has been acknowledged
if (this._outgoingAckTimeout) {
// there will be a check in the near future
if (this._isReconnecting) {
// do not cause a timeout during reconnection,
// because messages will not be actually written until `endAcceptReconnection`
const oldestUnacknowledgedMsg = this._outgoingUnackMsg.peek()!;
const timeSinceOldestUnacknowledgedMsg = Date.now() - oldestUnacknowledgedMsg.writtenTime;
const timeSinceLastReceivedSomeData = Date.now() - this._socketReader.lastReadTime;
if (
timeSinceOldestUnacknowledgedMsg >= ProtocolConstants.TimeoutTime
&& timeSinceLastReceivedSomeData >= ProtocolConstants.TimeoutTime
) {
// It's been a long time since our sent message was acknowledged
// and a long time since we received some data
// But this might be caused by the event loop being busy and failing to read messages
if (!this._loadEstimator.hasHighLoad()) {
// Trash the socket
this._outgoingAckTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._outgoingAckTimeout = null;
}, Math.max(ProtocolConstants.TimeoutTime - timeSinceOldestUnacknowledgedMsg, 500));
private _sendAck(): void {
if (this._incomingMsgId <= this._incomingAckId) {
// nothink to acknowledge
this._incomingAckId = this._incomingMsgId;
const msg = new ProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageType.Ack, 0, this._incomingAckId, getEmptyBuffer());
// (() => {
// if (!SocketDiagnostics.enableDiagnostics) {
// return;
// }
// if (typeof require.__$__nodeRequire !== 'function') {
// console.log(`Can only log socket diagnostics on native platforms.`);
// return;
// }
// const type = (
// process.argv.includes('--type=renderer')
// ? 'renderer'
// : (process.argv.includes('--type=extensionHost')
// ? 'extensionHost'
// : (process.argv.some(item => item.includes('server/main'))
// ? 'server'
// : 'unknown'
// )
// )
// );
// setTimeout(() => {
// SocketDiagnostics.records.forEach(r => {
// if (r.buff) {
// r.data = Buffer.from(r.buff.buffer).toString('base64');
// r.buff = undefined;
// }
// });
// const fs = <typeof import('fs')>require.__$__nodeRequire('fs');
// const path = <typeof import('path')>require.__$__nodeRequire('path');
// const logPath = path.join(process.cwd(),`${type}-${process.pid}`);
// console.log(`dumping socket diagnostics at ${logPath}`);
// fs.writeFileSync(logPath, JSON.stringify(SocketDiagnostics.records));
// }, 20000);
// })();