2021-11-20 21:01:29 +01:00

803 lines
25 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as arrays from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { escapeRegExpCharacters, isFalsyOrWhitespace } from 'vs/base/common/strings';
import { isArray, withUndefinedAsNull, isUndefinedOrNull } from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { ConfigurationTarget, IConfigurationValue } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration';
import { SettingsTarget } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/browser/preferencesWidgets';
import { ITOCEntry, knownAcronyms, knownTermMappings, tocData } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/browser/settingsLayout';
import { MODIFIED_SETTING_TAG, REQUIRE_TRUSTED_WORKSPACE_SETTING_TAG } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/preferences/common/preferences';
import { IExtensionSetting, ISearchResult, ISetting, SettingValueType } from 'vs/workbench/services/preferences/common/preferences';
import { IWorkbenchEnvironmentService } from 'vs/workbench/services/environment/common/environmentService';
import { FOLDER_SCOPES, WORKSPACE_SCOPES, REMOTE_MACHINE_SCOPES, LOCAL_MACHINE_SCOPES, IWorkbenchConfigurationService } from 'vs/workbench/services/configuration/common/configuration';
import { IJSONSchema } from 'vs/base/common/jsonSchema';
import { Disposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { EditPresentationTypes } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configurationRegistry';
export const ONLINE_SERVICES_SETTING_TAG = 'usesOnlineServices';
export interface ISettingsEditorViewState {
settingsTarget: SettingsTarget;
tagFilters?: Set<string>;
extensionFilters?: Set<string>;
featureFilters?: Set<string>;
idFilters?: Set<string>;
filterToCategory?: SettingsTreeGroupElement;
export abstract class SettingsTreeElement extends Disposable {
id: string;
parent?: SettingsTreeGroupElement;
private _tabbable = false;
protected readonly _onDidChangeTabbable = new Emitter<void>();
readonly onDidChangeTabbable = this._onDidChangeTabbable.event;
constructor(_id: string) {
this.id = _id;
get tabbable(): boolean {
return this._tabbable;
set tabbable(value: boolean) {
this._tabbable = value;
export type SettingsTreeGroupChild = (SettingsTreeGroupElement | SettingsTreeSettingElement | SettingsTreeNewExtensionsElement);
export class SettingsTreeGroupElement extends SettingsTreeElement {
count?: number;
label: string;
level: number;
isFirstGroup: boolean;
private _childSettingKeys: Set<string> = new Set();
private _children: SettingsTreeGroupChild[] = [];
get children(): SettingsTreeGroupChild[] {
return this._children;
set children(newChildren: SettingsTreeGroupChild[]) {
this._children = newChildren;
this._childSettingKeys = new Set();
this._children.forEach(child => {
if (child instanceof SettingsTreeSettingElement) {
constructor(_id: string, count: number | undefined, label: string, level: number, isFirstGroup: boolean) {
this.count = count;
this.label = label;
this.level = level;
this.isFirstGroup = isFirstGroup;
* Returns whether this group contains the given child key (to a depth of 1 only)
containsSetting(key: string): boolean {
return this._childSettingKeys.has(key);
export class SettingsTreeNewExtensionsElement extends SettingsTreeElement {
constructor(_id: string, public readonly extensionIds: string[]) {
export class SettingsTreeSettingElement extends SettingsTreeElement {
private static readonly MAX_DESC_LINES = 20;
setting: ISetting;
private _displayCategory: string | null = null;
private _displayLabel: string | null = null;
* scopeValue || defaultValue, for rendering convenience.
value: any;
* The value in the current settings scope.
scopeValue: any;
* The default value
defaultValue?: any;
* Whether the setting is configured in the selected scope.
isConfigured = false;
* Whether the setting requires trusted target
isUntrusted = false;
tags?: Set<string>;
overriddenScopeList: string[] = [];
description!: string;
valueType!: SettingValueType;
constructor(setting: ISetting, parent: SettingsTreeGroupElement, inspectResult: IInspectResult, isWorkspaceTrusted: boolean) {
super(sanitizeId(parent.id + '_' + setting.key));
this.setting = setting;
this.parent = parent;
this.update(inspectResult, isWorkspaceTrusted);
get displayCategory(): string {
if (!this._displayCategory) {
return this._displayCategory!;
get displayLabel(): string {
if (!this._displayLabel) {
return this._displayLabel!;
private initLabel(): void {
const displayKeyFormat = settingKeyToDisplayFormat(this.setting.key, this.parent!.id);
this._displayLabel = displayKeyFormat.label;
this._displayCategory = displayKeyFormat.category;
update(inspectResult: IInspectResult, isWorkspaceTrusted: boolean): void {
const { isConfigured, inspected, targetSelector } = inspectResult;
switch (targetSelector) {
case 'workspaceFolderValue':
case 'workspaceValue':
this.isUntrusted = !!this.setting.restricted && !isWorkspaceTrusted;
const displayValue = isConfigured ? inspected[targetSelector] : inspected.defaultValue;
const overriddenScopeList: string[] = [];
if (targetSelector !== 'workspaceValue' && typeof inspected.workspaceValue !== 'undefined') {
overriddenScopeList.push(localize('workspace', "Workspace"));
if (targetSelector !== 'userRemoteValue' && typeof inspected.userRemoteValue !== 'undefined') {
overriddenScopeList.push(localize('remote', "Remote"));
if (targetSelector !== 'userLocalValue' && typeof inspected.userLocalValue !== 'undefined') {
overriddenScopeList.push(localize('user', "User"));
this.value = displayValue;
this.scopeValue = isConfigured && inspected[targetSelector];
this.defaultValue = inspected.defaultValue;
this.isConfigured = isConfigured;
if (isConfigured || this.setting.tags || this.tags || this.setting.restricted) {
// Don't create an empty Set for all 1000 settings, only if needed
this.tags = new Set<string>();
if (isConfigured) {
if (this.setting.tags) {
this.setting.tags.forEach(tag => this.tags!.add(tag));
if (this.setting.restricted) {
this.overriddenScopeList = overriddenScopeList;
if (this.setting.description.length > SettingsTreeSettingElement.MAX_DESC_LINES) {
const truncatedDescLines = this.setting.description.slice(0, SettingsTreeSettingElement.MAX_DESC_LINES);
this.description = truncatedDescLines.join('\n');
} else {
this.description = this.setting.description.join('\n');
if (this.setting.enum && (!this.setting.type || settingTypeEnumRenderable(this.setting.type))) {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Enum;
} else if (this.setting.type === 'string') {
if (this.setting.editPresentation === EditPresentationTypes.Multiline) {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.MultilineString;
} else {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.String;
} else if (isExcludeSetting(this.setting)) {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Exclude;
} else if (this.setting.type === 'integer') {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Integer;
} else if (this.setting.type === 'number') {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Number;
} else if (this.setting.type === 'boolean') {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Boolean;
} else if (this.setting.type === 'array' && this.setting.arrayItemType &&
['string', 'enum', 'number', 'integer'].includes(this.setting.arrayItemType)) {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Array;
} else if (isArray(this.setting.type) && this.setting.type.includes(SettingValueType.Null) && this.setting.type.length === 2) {
if (this.setting.type.includes(SettingValueType.Integer)) {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.NullableInteger;
} else if (this.setting.type.includes(SettingValueType.Number)) {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.NullableNumber;
} else {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Complex;
} else if (isObjectSetting(this.setting)) {
if (this.setting.allKeysAreBoolean) {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.BooleanObject;
} else {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Object;
} else {
this.valueType = SettingValueType.Complex;
matchesAllTags(tagFilters?: Set<string>): boolean {
if (!tagFilters || !tagFilters.size) {
return true;
if (this.tags) {
let hasFilteredTag = true;
tagFilters.forEach(tag => {
hasFilteredTag = hasFilteredTag && this.tags!.has(tag);
return hasFilteredTag;
} else {
return false;
matchesScope(scope: SettingsTarget, isRemote: boolean): boolean {
const configTarget = URI.isUri(scope) ? ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE_FOLDER : scope;
if (!this.setting.scope) {
return true;
if (configTarget === ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE_FOLDER) {
return FOLDER_SCOPES.indexOf(this.setting.scope) !== -1;
if (configTarget === ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE) {
return WORKSPACE_SCOPES.indexOf(this.setting.scope) !== -1;
if (configTarget === ConfigurationTarget.USER_REMOTE) {
return REMOTE_MACHINE_SCOPES.indexOf(this.setting.scope) !== -1;
if (configTarget === ConfigurationTarget.USER_LOCAL && isRemote) {
return LOCAL_MACHINE_SCOPES.indexOf(this.setting.scope) !== -1;
return true;
matchesAnyExtension(extensionFilters?: Set<string>): boolean {
if (!extensionFilters || !extensionFilters.size) {
return true;
if (!this.setting.extensionInfo) {
return false;
return Array.from(extensionFilters).some(extensionId => extensionId.toLowerCase() === this.setting.extensionInfo!.id.toLowerCase());
matchesAnyFeature(featureFilters?: Set<string>): boolean {
if (!featureFilters || !featureFilters.size) {
return true;
const features = tocData.children!.find(child => child.id === 'features');
return Array.from(featureFilters).some(filter => {
if (features && features.children) {
const feature = features.children.find(feature => 'features/' + filter === feature.id);
if (feature) {
const patterns = feature.settings?.map(setting => createSettingMatchRegExp(setting));
return patterns && !this.setting.extensionInfo && patterns.some(pattern => pattern.test(this.setting.key.toLowerCase()));
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
matchesAnyId(idFilters?: Set<string>): boolean {
if (!idFilters || !idFilters.size) {
return true;
return idFilters.has(this.setting.key);
function createSettingMatchRegExp(pattern: string): RegExp {
pattern = escapeRegExpCharacters(pattern)
.replace(/\\\*/g, '.*');
return new RegExp(`^${pattern}$`, 'i');
export class SettingsTreeModel {
protected _root!: SettingsTreeGroupElement;
private _treeElementsBySettingName = new Map<string, SettingsTreeSettingElement[]>();
private _tocRoot!: ITOCEntry<ISetting>;
protected _viewState: ISettingsEditorViewState,
private _isWorkspaceTrusted: boolean,
@IWorkbenchConfigurationService private readonly _configurationService: IWorkbenchConfigurationService,
) {
get root(): SettingsTreeGroupElement {
return this._root;
update(newTocRoot = this._tocRoot): void {
const newRoot = this.createSettingsTreeGroupElement(newTocRoot);
if (newRoot.children[0] instanceof SettingsTreeGroupElement) {
(<SettingsTreeGroupElement>newRoot.children[0]).isFirstGroup = true;
if (this._root) {
this._root.children = newRoot.children;
} else {
this._root = newRoot;
updateWorkspaceTrust(workspaceTrusted: boolean): void {
this._isWorkspaceTrusted = workspaceTrusted;
private disposeChildren(children: SettingsTreeGroupChild[]) {
for (let child of children) {
private recursiveDispose(element: SettingsTreeElement) {
if (element instanceof SettingsTreeGroupElement) {
getElementsByName(name: string): SettingsTreeSettingElement[] | null {
return withUndefinedAsNull(this._treeElementsBySettingName.get(name));
updateElementsByName(name: string): void {
if (!this._treeElementsBySettingName.has(name)) {
private updateRequireTrustedTargetElements(): void {
this.updateSettings(arrays.flatten([...this._treeElementsBySettingName.values()]).filter(s => s.isUntrusted));
private updateSettings(settings: SettingsTreeSettingElement[]): void {
settings.forEach(element => {
const inspectResult = inspectSetting(element.setting.key, this._viewState.settingsTarget, this._configurationService);
element.update(inspectResult, this._isWorkspaceTrusted);
private createSettingsTreeGroupElement(tocEntry: ITOCEntry<ISetting>, parent?: SettingsTreeGroupElement): SettingsTreeGroupElement {
const depth = parent ? this.getDepth(parent) + 1 : 0;
const element = new SettingsTreeGroupElement(tocEntry.id, undefined, tocEntry.label, depth, false);
element.parent = parent;
const children: SettingsTreeGroupChild[] = [];
if (tocEntry.settings) {
const settingChildren = tocEntry.settings.map(s => this.createSettingsTreeSettingElement(s, element))
.filter(el => el.setting.deprecationMessage ? el.isConfigured : true);
if (tocEntry.children) {
const groupChildren = tocEntry.children.map(child => this.createSettingsTreeGroupElement(child, element));
element.children = children;
return element;
private getDepth(element: SettingsTreeElement): number {
if (element.parent) {
return 1 + this.getDepth(element.parent);
} else {
return 0;
private createSettingsTreeSettingElement(setting: ISetting, parent: SettingsTreeGroupElement): SettingsTreeSettingElement {
const inspectResult = inspectSetting(setting.key, this._viewState.settingsTarget, this._configurationService);
const element = new SettingsTreeSettingElement(setting, parent, inspectResult, this._isWorkspaceTrusted);
const nameElements = this._treeElementsBySettingName.get(setting.key) || [];
this._treeElementsBySettingName.set(setting.key, nameElements);
return element;
interface IInspectResult {
isConfigured: boolean;
inspected: IConfigurationValue<unknown>;
targetSelector: 'userLocalValue' | 'userRemoteValue' | 'workspaceValue' | 'workspaceFolderValue';
export function inspectSetting(key: string, target: SettingsTarget, configurationService: IWorkbenchConfigurationService): IInspectResult {
const inspectOverrides = URI.isUri(target) ? { resource: target } : undefined;
const inspected = configurationService.inspect(key, inspectOverrides);
const targetSelector = target === ConfigurationTarget.USER_LOCAL ? 'userLocalValue' :
target === ConfigurationTarget.USER_REMOTE ? 'userRemoteValue' :
target === ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE ? 'workspaceValue' :
let isConfigured = typeof inspected[targetSelector] !== 'undefined';
if (!isConfigured) {
if (target === ConfigurationTarget.USER_LOCAL) {
isConfigured = !!configurationService.restrictedSettings.userLocal?.includes(key);
} else if (target === ConfigurationTarget.USER_REMOTE) {
isConfigured = !!configurationService.restrictedSettings.userRemote?.includes(key);
} else if (target === ConfigurationTarget.WORKSPACE) {
isConfigured = !!configurationService.restrictedSettings.workspace?.includes(key);
} else if (target instanceof URI) {
isConfigured = !!configurationService.restrictedSettings.workspaceFolder?.get(target)?.includes(key);
return { isConfigured, inspected, targetSelector };
function sanitizeId(id: string): string {
return id.replace(/[\.\/]/, '_');
export function settingKeyToDisplayFormat(key: string, groupId = ''): { category: string, label: string; } {
const lastDotIdx = key.lastIndexOf('.');
let category = '';
if (lastDotIdx >= 0) {
category = key.substr(0, lastDotIdx);
key = key.substr(lastDotIdx + 1);
groupId = groupId.replace(/\//g, '.');
category = trimCategoryForGroup(category, groupId);
category = wordifyKey(category);
const label = wordifyKey(key);
return { category, label };
function wordifyKey(key: string): string {
key = key
.replace(/\.([a-z0-9])/g, (_, p1) => ` \u203A ${p1.toUpperCase()}`) // Replace dot with spaced '>'
.replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2') // Camel case to spacing, fooBar => foo Bar
.replace(/^[a-z]/g, match => match.toUpperCase()) // Upper casing all first letters, foo => Foo
.replace(/\b\w+\b/g, match => { // Upper casing known acronyms
return knownAcronyms.has(match.toLowerCase()) ?
match.toUpperCase() :
for (const [k, v] of knownTermMappings) {
key = key.replace(new RegExp(`\\b${k}\\b`, 'gi'), v);
return key;
function trimCategoryForGroup(category: string, groupId: string): string {
const doTrim = (forward: boolean) => {
const parts = groupId.split('.');
while (parts.length) {
const reg = new RegExp(`^${parts.join('\\.')}(\\.|$)`, 'i');
if (reg.test(category)) {
return category.replace(reg, '');
if (forward) {
} else {
return null;
let trimmed = doTrim(true);
if (trimmed === null) {
trimmed = doTrim(false);
if (trimmed === null) {
trimmed = category;
return trimmed;
export function isExcludeSetting(setting: ISetting): boolean {
return setting.key === 'files.exclude' ||
setting.key === 'search.exclude' ||
setting.key === 'files.watcherExclude';
function isObjectRenderableSchema({ type }: IJSONSchema): boolean {
return type === 'string' || type === 'boolean' || type === 'integer' || type === 'number';
function isObjectSetting({
}: ISetting): boolean {
if (type !== 'object') {
return false;
// object can have any shape
if (
isUndefinedOrNull(objectProperties) &&
isUndefinedOrNull(objectPatternProperties) &&
) {
return false;
// objectAdditionalProperties allow the setting to have any shape,
// but if there's a pattern property that handles everything, then every
// property will match that patternProperty, so we don't need to look at
// the value of objectAdditionalProperties in that case.
if ((objectAdditionalProperties === true || objectAdditionalProperties === undefined)
&& !Object.keys(objectPatternProperties ?? {}).includes('.*')) {
return false;
const schemas = [...Object.values(objectProperties ?? {}), ...Object.values(objectPatternProperties ?? {})];
if (objectAdditionalProperties && typeof objectAdditionalProperties === 'object') {
// Flatten anyof schemas
const flatSchemas = arrays.flatten(schemas.map((schema): IJSONSchema[] => {
if (Array.isArray(schema.anyOf)) {
return schema.anyOf;
return [schema];
return flatSchemas.every(isObjectRenderableSchema);
function settingTypeEnumRenderable(_type: string | string[]) {
const enumRenderableSettingTypes = ['string', 'boolean', 'null', 'integer', 'number'];
const type = isArray(_type) ? _type : [_type];
return type.every(type => enumRenderableSettingTypes.includes(type));
export const enum SearchResultIdx {
Local = 0,
Remote = 1,
NewExtensions = 2
export class SearchResultModel extends SettingsTreeModel {
private rawSearchResults: ISearchResult[] | null = null;
private cachedUniqueSearchResults: ISearchResult[] | null = null;
private newExtensionSearchResults: ISearchResult | null = null;
readonly id = 'searchResultModel';
viewState: ISettingsEditorViewState,
isWorkspaceTrusted: boolean,
@IWorkbenchConfigurationService configurationService: IWorkbenchConfigurationService,
@IWorkbenchEnvironmentService private environmentService: IWorkbenchEnvironmentService,
) {
super(viewState, isWorkspaceTrusted, configurationService);
this.update({ id: 'searchResultModel', label: '' });
getUniqueResults(): ISearchResult[] {
if (this.cachedUniqueSearchResults) {
return this.cachedUniqueSearchResults;
if (!this.rawSearchResults) {
return [];
const localMatchKeys = new Set();
const localResult = this.rawSearchResults[SearchResultIdx.Local];
if (localResult) {
localResult.filterMatches.forEach(m => localMatchKeys.add(m.setting.key));
const remoteResult = this.rawSearchResults[SearchResultIdx.Remote];
if (remoteResult) {
remoteResult.filterMatches = remoteResult.filterMatches.filter(m => !localMatchKeys.has(m.setting.key));
if (remoteResult) {
this.newExtensionSearchResults = this.rawSearchResults[SearchResultIdx.NewExtensions];
this.cachedUniqueSearchResults = [localResult, remoteResult];
return this.cachedUniqueSearchResults;
getRawResults(): ISearchResult[] {
return this.rawSearchResults || [];
setResult(order: SearchResultIdx, result: ISearchResult | null): void {
this.cachedUniqueSearchResults = null;
this.newExtensionSearchResults = null;
this.rawSearchResults = this.rawSearchResults || [];
if (!result) {
delete this.rawSearchResults[order];
if (result.exactMatch) {
this.rawSearchResults = [];
this.rawSearchResults[order] = result;
updateChildren(): void {
id: 'searchResultModel',
label: 'searchResultModel',
settings: this.getFlatSettings()
// Save time, filter children in the search model instead of relying on the tree filter, which still requires heights to be calculated.
const isRemote = !!this.environmentService.remoteAuthority;
this.root.children = this.root.children
.filter(child => child instanceof SettingsTreeSettingElement && child.matchesAllTags(this._viewState.tagFilters) && child.matchesScope(this._viewState.settingsTarget, isRemote) && child.matchesAnyExtension(this._viewState.extensionFilters) && child.matchesAnyId(this._viewState.idFilters) && child.matchesAnyFeature(this._viewState.featureFilters));
if (this.newExtensionSearchResults && this.newExtensionSearchResults.filterMatches.length) {
const resultExtensionIds = this.newExtensionSearchResults.filterMatches
.map(result => (<IExtensionSetting>result.setting))
.filter(setting => setting.extensionName && setting.extensionPublisher)
.map(setting => `${setting.extensionPublisher}.${setting.extensionName}`);
const newExtElement = new SettingsTreeNewExtensionsElement('newExtensions', arrays.distinct(resultExtensionIds));
newExtElement.parent = this._root;
private getFlatSettings(): ISetting[] {
const flatSettings: ISetting[] = [];
.forEach(r => {
...r.filterMatches.map(m => m.setting));
return flatSettings;
export interface IParsedQuery {
tags: string[];
query: string;
extensionFilters: string[];
idFilters: string[];
featureFilters: string[];
const tagRegex = /(^|\s)@tag:("([^"]*)"|[^"]\S*)/g;
const extensionRegex = /(^|\s)@ext:("([^"]*)"|[^"]\S*)?/g;
const featureRegex = /(^|\s)@feature:("([^"]*)"|[^"]\S*)?/g;
const idRegex = /(^|\s)@id:("([^"]*)"|[^"]\S*)?/g;
export function parseQuery(query: string): IParsedQuery {
const tags: string[] = [];
const extensions: string[] = [];
const features: string[] = [];
const ids: string[] = [];
query = query.replace(tagRegex, (_, __, quotedTag, tag) => {
tags.push(tag || quotedTag);
return '';
query = query.replace(`@${MODIFIED_SETTING_TAG}`, () => {
return '';
query = query.replace(extensionRegex, (_, __, quotedExtensionId, extensionId) => {
const extensionIdQuery: string = extensionId || quotedExtensionId;
if (extensionIdQuery) {
extensions.push(...extensionIdQuery.split(',').map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => !isFalsyOrWhitespace(s)));
return '';
query = query.replace(featureRegex, (_, __, quotedFeature, feature) => {
const featureQuery: string = feature || quotedFeature;
if (featureQuery) {
features.push(...featureQuery.split(',').map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => !isFalsyOrWhitespace(s)));
return '';
query = query.replace(idRegex, (_, __, quotedId, id) => {
const idRegex: string = id || quotedId;
if (idRegex) {
ids.push(...idRegex.split(',').map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => !isFalsyOrWhitespace(s)));
return '';
query = query.trim();
return {
extensionFilters: extensions,
featureFilters: features,
idFilters: ids,