Benjamin Pasero d0df79be50
webview - remove more traces (#128128)
* webview - remove more traces

* more removal
2021-07-07 18:28:53 +02:00

1382 lines
48 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { join } from 'vs/base/common/path';
import { localize } from 'vs/nls';
import { getMarks, mark } from 'vs/base/common/performance';
import { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { screen, BrowserWindow, systemPreferences, app, TouchBar, nativeImage, Rectangle, Display, TouchBarSegmentedControl, NativeImage, BrowserWindowConstructorOptions, SegmentedControlSegment, Event, WebFrameMain } from 'electron';
import { IEnvironmentMainService } from 'vs/platform/environment/electron-main/environmentMainService';
import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { IConfigurationService } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration';
import { NativeParsedArgs } from 'vs/platform/environment/common/argv';
import { IProductService } from 'vs/platform/product/common/productService';
import { WindowMinimumSize, IWindowSettings, MenuBarVisibility, getTitleBarStyle, getMenuBarVisibility, zoomLevelToZoomFactor, INativeWindowConfiguration } from 'vs/platform/windows/common/windows';
import { Disposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { browserCodeLoadingCacheStrategy, isLinux, isMacintosh, isWindows } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { defaultWindowState, ICodeWindow, ILoadEvent, IWindowState, LoadReason, WindowError, WindowMode } from 'vs/platform/windows/electron-main/windows';
import { ISingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier, isSingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier, isWorkspaceIdentifier, IWorkspaceIdentifier } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/common/workspaces';
import { IWorkspacesManagementMainService } from 'vs/platform/workspaces/electron-main/workspacesManagementMainService';
import { IBackupMainService } from 'vs/platform/backup/electron-main/backup';
import { ISerializableCommandAction } from 'vs/platform/actions/common/actions';
import { resolveMarketplaceHeaders } from 'vs/platform/extensionManagement/common/extensionGalleryService';
import { IThemeMainService } from 'vs/platform/theme/electron-main/themeMainService';
import { ITelemetryService } from 'vs/platform/telemetry/common/telemetry';
import { IDialogMainService } from 'vs/platform/dialogs/electron-main/dialogMainService';
import { mnemonicButtonLabel } from 'vs/base/common/labels';
import { ThemeIcon } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { ILifecycleMainService } from 'vs/platform/lifecycle/electron-main/lifecycleMainService';
import { IStorageMainService } from 'vs/platform/storage/electron-main/storageMainService';
import { IFileService } from 'vs/platform/files/common/files';
import { FileAccess, Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { isLaunchedFromCli } from 'vs/platform/environment/node/argvHelper';
import { CancellationToken } from 'vs/base/common/cancellation';
import { IProtocolMainService } from 'vs/platform/protocol/electron-main/protocol';
import { RunOnceScheduler } from 'vs/base/common/async';
export interface IWindowCreationOptions {
state: IWindowState;
extensionDevelopmentPath?: string[];
isExtensionTestHost?: boolean;
interface ITouchBarSegment extends SegmentedControlSegment {
id: string;
interface ILoadOptions {
isReload?: boolean;
disableExtensions?: boolean;
const enum ReadyState {
* This window has not loaded any HTML yet
* This window is loading HTML
* This window is navigating to another HTML
* This window is done loading HTML
export class CodeWindow extends Disposable implements ICodeWindow {
//#region Events
private readonly _onWillLoad = this._register(new Emitter<ILoadEvent>());
readonly onWillLoad = this._onWillLoad.event;
private readonly _onDidSignalReady = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
readonly onDidSignalReady = this._onDidSignalReady.event;
private readonly _onDidClose = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
readonly onDidClose = this._onDidClose.event;
private readonly _onDidDestroy = this._register(new Emitter<void>());
readonly onDidDestroy = this._onDidDestroy.event;
//#region Properties
private _id: number;
get id(): number { return this._id; }
private _win: BrowserWindow;
get win(): BrowserWindow | null { return this._win; }
private _lastFocusTime = -1;
get lastFocusTime(): number { return this._lastFocusTime; }
get backupPath(): string | undefined { return this.currentConfig?.backupPath; }
get openedWorkspace(): IWorkspaceIdentifier | ISingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier | undefined { return this.currentConfig?.workspace; }
get remoteAuthority(): string | undefined { return this.currentConfig?.remoteAuthority; }
private currentConfig: INativeWindowConfiguration | undefined;
get config(): INativeWindowConfiguration | undefined { return this.currentConfig; }
private hiddenTitleBarStyle: boolean | undefined;
get hasHiddenTitleBarStyle(): boolean { return !!this.hiddenTitleBarStyle; }
get isExtensionDevelopmentHost(): boolean { return !!(this.currentConfig?.extensionDevelopmentPath); }
get isExtensionTestHost(): boolean { return !!(this.currentConfig?.extensionTestsPath); }
get isExtensionDevelopmentTestFromCli(): boolean { return this.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && this.isExtensionTestHost && !this.currentConfig?.debugId; }
private readonly windowState: IWindowState;
private currentMenuBarVisibility: MenuBarVisibility | undefined;
private representedFilename: string | undefined;
private documentEdited: boolean | undefined;
private readonly whenReadyCallbacks: { (window: ICodeWindow): void }[] = [];
private readonly touchBarGroups: TouchBarSegmentedControl[] = [];
private marketplaceHeadersPromise: Promise<object>;
private currentHttpProxy: string | undefined = undefined;
private currentNoProxy: string | undefined = undefined;
private readonly configObjectUrl = this._register(this.protocolMainService.createIPCObjectUrl<INativeWindowConfiguration>());
private pendingLoadConfig: INativeWindowConfiguration | undefined;
private wasLoaded = false;
config: IWindowCreationOptions,
@ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService,
@IEnvironmentMainService private readonly environmentMainService: IEnvironmentMainService,
@IFileService private readonly fileService: IFileService,
@IStorageMainService storageMainService: IStorageMainService,
@IConfigurationService private readonly configurationService: IConfigurationService,
@IThemeMainService private readonly themeMainService: IThemeMainService,
@IWorkspacesManagementMainService private readonly workspacesManagementMainService: IWorkspacesManagementMainService,
@IBackupMainService private readonly backupMainService: IBackupMainService,
@ITelemetryService private readonly telemetryService: ITelemetryService,
@IDialogMainService private readonly dialogMainService: IDialogMainService,
@ILifecycleMainService private readonly lifecycleMainService: ILifecycleMainService,
@IProductService private readonly productService: IProductService,
@IProtocolMainService private readonly protocolMainService: IProtocolMainService
) {
//#region create browser window
// Load window state
const [state, hasMultipleDisplays] = this.restoreWindowState(config.state);
this.windowState = state;
this.logService.trace('window#ctor: using window state', state);
// in case we are maximized or fullscreen, only show later after the call to maximize/fullscreen (see below)
const isFullscreenOrMaximized = (this.windowState.mode === WindowMode.Maximized || this.windowState.mode === WindowMode.Fullscreen);
const windowSettings = this.configurationService.getValue<IWindowSettings | undefined>('window');
const options: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = {
width: this.windowState.width,
height: this.windowState.height,
x: this.windowState.x,
y: this.windowState.y,
backgroundColor: this.themeMainService.getBackgroundColor(),
minWidth: WindowMinimumSize.WIDTH,
minHeight: WindowMinimumSize.HEIGHT,
show: !isFullscreenOrMaximized,
title: this.productService.nameLong,
webPreferences: {
preload: FileAccess.asFileUri('vs/base/parts/sandbox/electron-browser/preload.js', require).fsPath,
additionalArguments: this.environmentMainService.sandbox ?
[`--vscode-window-config=${this.configObjectUrl.resource.toString()}`, '--context-isolation' /* TODO@bpasero: Use process.contextIsolateed when 13-x-y is adopted (https://github.com/electron/electron/pull/28030) */] :
v8CacheOptions: browserCodeLoadingCacheStrategy,
enableWebSQL: false,
spellcheck: false,
nativeWindowOpen: true,
zoomFactor: zoomLevelToZoomFactor(windowSettings?.zoomLevel),
...this.environmentMainService.sandbox ?
// Sandbox
sandbox: true
} :
// No Sandbox
nodeIntegration: true,
contextIsolation: false
if (browserCodeLoadingCacheStrategy) {
this.logService.info(`window: using vscode-file:// protocol and V8 cache options: ${browserCodeLoadingCacheStrategy}`);
} else {
this.logService.info(`window: vscode-file:// protocol is explicitly disabled`);
// Apply icon to window
// Linux: always
// Windows: only when running out of sources, otherwise an icon is set by us on the executable
if (isLinux) {
options.icon = join(this.environmentMainService.appRoot, 'resources/linux/code.png');
} else if (isWindows && !this.environmentMainService.isBuilt) {
options.icon = join(this.environmentMainService.appRoot, 'resources/win32/code_150x150.png');
if (isMacintosh && !this.useNativeFullScreen()) {
options.fullscreenable = false; // enables simple fullscreen mode
if (isMacintosh) {
options.acceptFirstMouse = true; // enabled by default
if (windowSettings?.clickThroughInactive === false) {
options.acceptFirstMouse = false;
const useNativeTabs = isMacintosh && windowSettings?.nativeTabs === true;
if (useNativeTabs) {
options.tabbingIdentifier = this.productService.nameShort; // this opts in to sierra tabs
const useCustomTitleStyle = getTitleBarStyle(this.configurationService) === 'custom';
if (useCustomTitleStyle) {
options.titleBarStyle = 'hidden';
this.hiddenTitleBarStyle = true;
if (!isMacintosh) {
options.frame = false;
// Create the browser window
this._win = new BrowserWindow(options);
this._id = this._win.id;
// Open devtools if instructed from command line args
if (this.environmentMainService.args['open-devtools'] === true) {
if (isMacintosh && useCustomTitleStyle) {
this._win.setSheetOffset(22); // offset dialogs by the height of the custom title bar if we have any
// TODO@electron (Electron 4 regression): when running on multiple displays where the target display
// to open the window has a larger resolution than the primary display, the window will not size
// correctly unless we set the bounds again (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/74872)
// However, when running with native tabs with multiple windows we cannot use this workaround
// because there is a potential that the new window will be added as native tab instead of being
// a window on its own. In that case calling setBounds() would cause https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/75830
if (isMacintosh && hasMultipleDisplays && (!useNativeTabs || BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 1)) {
if ([this.windowState.width, this.windowState.height, this.windowState.x, this.windowState.y].every(value => typeof value === 'number')) {
const ensuredWindowState = this.windowState as Required<IWindowState>;
width: ensuredWindowState.width,
height: ensuredWindowState.height,
x: ensuredWindowState.x,
y: ensuredWindowState.y
if (isFullscreenOrMaximized) {
if (this.windowState.mode === WindowMode.Fullscreen) {
if (!this._win.isVisible()) {
this._win.show(); // to reduce flicker from the default window size to maximize, we only show after maximize
this._lastFocusTime = Date.now(); // since we show directly, we need to set the last focus time too
// respect configured menu bar visibility
// macOS: touch bar support
// Request handling
this.marketplaceHeadersPromise = resolveMarketplaceHeaders(this.productService.version, this.environmentMainService, this.fileService, {
get: key => storageMainService.globalStorage.get(key),
store: (key, value) => storageMainService.globalStorage.set(key, value)
// Eventing
setRepresentedFilename(filename: string): void {
if (isMacintosh) {
} else {
this.representedFilename = filename;
getRepresentedFilename(): string | undefined {
if (isMacintosh) {
return this._win.getRepresentedFilename();
return this.representedFilename;
setDocumentEdited(edited: boolean): void {
if (isMacintosh) {
this.documentEdited = edited;
isDocumentEdited(): boolean {
if (isMacintosh) {
return this._win.isDocumentEdited();
return !!this.documentEdited;
focus(options?: { force: boolean }): void {
// macOS: Electron > 7.x changed its behaviour to not
// bring the application to the foreground when a window
// is focused programmatically. Only via `app.focus` and
// the option `steal: true` can you get the previous
// behaviour back. The only reason to use this option is
// when a window is getting focused while the application
// is not in the foreground.
if (isMacintosh && options?.force) {
app.focus({ steal: true });
if (!this._win) {
if (this._win.isMinimized()) {
private readyState = ReadyState.NONE;
setReady(): void {
this.readyState = ReadyState.READY;
// inform all waiting promises that we are ready now
while (this.whenReadyCallbacks.length) {
// Events
ready(): Promise<ICodeWindow> {
return new Promise<ICodeWindow>(resolve => {
if (this.isReady) {
return resolve(this);
// otherwise keep and call later when we are ready
get isReady(): boolean {
return this.readyState === ReadyState.READY;
get whenClosedOrLoaded(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
function handle() {
const closeListener = this.onDidClose(() => handle());
const loadListener = this.onWillLoad(() => handle());
private registerListeners(): void {
// Crashes & Unresponsive & Failed to load
this._win.on('unresponsive', () => this.onWindowError(WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE));
this._win.webContents.on('render-process-gone', (event, details) => this.onWindowError(WindowError.CRASHED, details));
this._win.webContents.on('did-fail-load', (event, exitCode, reason) => this.onWindowError(WindowError.LOAD, { reason, exitCode }));
// Prevent windows/iframes from blocking the unload
// through DOM events. We have our own logic for
// unloading a window that should not be confused
// with the DOM way.
// (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/122736)
this._win.webContents.on('will-prevent-unload', event => {
// Window close
this._win.on('closed', () => {
// Block all SVG requests from unsupported origins
const supportedSvgSchemes = new Set([Schemas.file, Schemas.vscodeFileResource, Schemas.vscodeRemoteResource, 'devtools']); // TODO@mjbvz: handle webview origin
// But allow them if the are made from inside an webview
const isSafeFrame = (requestFrame: WebFrameMain | undefined): boolean => {
for (let frame: WebFrameMain | null | undefined = requestFrame; frame; frame = frame.parent) {
if (frame.url.startsWith(`${Schemas.vscodeWebview}://`)) {
return true;
return false;
const isRequestFromSafeContext = (details: Electron.OnBeforeRequestListenerDetails | Electron.OnHeadersReceivedListenerDetails): boolean => {
return details.resourceType === 'xhr' || isSafeFrame(details.frame);
this._win.webContents.session.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, callback) => {
const uri = URI.parse(details.url);
if (uri.path.endsWith('.svg')) {
const isSafeResourceUrl = supportedSvgSchemes.has(uri.scheme) || uri.path.includes(Schemas.vscodeRemoteResource);
if (!isSafeResourceUrl) {
return callback({ cancel: !isRequestFromSafeContext(details) });
return callback({ cancel: false });
// Configure SVG header content type properly
// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/97564
this._win.webContents.session.webRequest.onHeadersReceived((details, callback) => {
const responseHeaders = details.responseHeaders as Record<string, (string) | (string[])>;
const contentTypes = (responseHeaders['content-type'] || responseHeaders['Content-Type']);
if (contentTypes && Array.isArray(contentTypes)) {
const uri = URI.parse(details.url);
if (uri.path.endsWith('.svg')) {
if (supportedSvgSchemes.has(uri.scheme)) {
responseHeaders['Content-Type'] = ['image/svg+xml'];
return callback({ cancel: false, responseHeaders });
// remote extension schemes have the following format
if (!uri.path.includes(Schemas.vscodeRemoteResource) && contentTypes.some(contentType => contentType.toLowerCase().includes('image/svg'))) {
return callback({ cancel: !isRequestFromSafeContext(details) });
return callback({ cancel: false });
// Remember that we loaded
this._win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
this.readyState = ReadyState.LOADING;
// Associate properties from the load request if provided
if (this.pendingLoadConfig) {
this.currentConfig = this.pendingLoadConfig;
this.pendingLoadConfig = undefined;
// Window Focus
this._win.on('focus', () => {
this._lastFocusTime = Date.now();
// Window (Un)Maximize
this._win.on('maximize', (e: Event) => {
if (this.currentConfig) {
this.currentConfig.maximized = true;
app.emit('browser-window-maximize', e, this._win);
this._win.on('unmaximize', (e: Event) => {
if (this.currentConfig) {
this.currentConfig.maximized = false;
app.emit('browser-window-unmaximize', e, this._win);
// Window Fullscreen
this._win.on('enter-full-screen', () => {
this.sendWhenReady('vscode:enterFullScreen', CancellationToken.None);
this._win.on('leave-full-screen', () => {
this.sendWhenReady('vscode:leaveFullScreen', CancellationToken.None);
// Handle configuration changes
this._register(this.configurationService.onDidChangeConfiguration(() => this.onConfigurationUpdated()));
// Handle Workspace events
this._register(this.workspacesManagementMainService.onDidDeleteUntitledWorkspace(e => this.onDidDeleteUntitledWorkspace(e)));
// Inject headers when requests are incoming
const urls = ['https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/*', 'https://*.vsassets.io/*'];
this._win.webContents.session.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders({ urls }, async (details, cb) => {
const headers = await this.marketplaceHeadersPromise;
cb({ cancel: false, requestHeaders: Object.assign(details.requestHeaders, headers) });
private async onWindowError(error: WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE): Promise<void>;
private async onWindowError(error: WindowError.CRASHED, details: { reason: string, exitCode: number }): Promise<void>;
private async onWindowError(error: WindowError.LOAD, details: { reason: string, exitCode: number }): Promise<void>;
private async onWindowError(type: WindowError, details?: { reason: string, exitCode: number }): Promise<void> {
switch (type) {
case WindowError.CRASHED:
this.logService.error(`CodeWindow: renderer process crashed (reason: ${details?.reason || '<unknown>'}, code: ${details?.exitCode || '<unknown>'})`);
case WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE:
this.logService.error('CodeWindow: detected unresponsive');
case WindowError.LOAD:
this.logService.error(`CodeWindow: failed to load (reason: ${details?.reason || '<unknown>'}, code: ${details?.exitCode || '<unknown>'})`);
// Telemetry
type WindowErrorClassification = {
type: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
reason: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
code: { classification: 'SystemMetaData', purpose: 'PerformanceAndHealth', isMeasurement: true };
type WindowErrorEvent = {
type: WindowError;
reason: string | undefined;
code: number | undefined;
this.telemetryService.publicLog2<WindowErrorEvent, WindowErrorClassification>('windowerror', { type, reason: details?.reason, code: details?.exitCode });
// Inform User if non-recoverable
switch (type) {
case WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE:
case WindowError.CRASHED:
// If we run extension tests from CLI, showing a dialog is not
// very helpful in this case. Rather, we bring down the test run
// to signal back a failing run.
if (this.isExtensionDevelopmentTestFromCli) {
// Unresponsive
if (type === WindowError.UNRESPONSIVE) {
if (this.isExtensionDevelopmentHost || this.isExtensionTestHost || (this._win && this._win.webContents && this._win.webContents.isDevToolsOpened())) {
// TODO@electron Workaround for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/56994
// In certain cases the window can report unresponsiveness because a breakpoint was hit
// and the process is stopped executing. The most typical cases are:
// - devtools are opened and debugging happens
// - window is an extensions development host that is being debugged
// - window is an extension test development host that is being debugged
// Show Dialog
const result = await this.dialogMainService.showMessageBox({
title: this.productService.nameLong,
type: 'warning',
buttons: [
mnemonicButtonLabel(localize({ key: 'reopen', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Reopen")),
mnemonicButtonLabel(localize({ key: 'wait', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Keep Waiting")),
mnemonicButtonLabel(localize({ key: 'close', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Close"))
message: localize('appStalled', "The window is not responding"),
detail: localize('appStalledDetail', "You can reopen or close the window or keep waiting."),
noLink: true,
defaultId: 0,
cancelId: 1
}, this._win);
if (!this._win) {
return; // Return early if the window has been going down already
if (result.response === 0) {
this._win.webContents.forcefullyCrashRenderer(); // Calling reload() immediately after calling this method will force the reload to occur in a new process
} else if (result.response === 2) {
// Crashed
else if (type === WindowError.CRASHED) {
let message: string;
if (!details) {
message = localize('appCrashed', "The window has crashed");
} else {
message = localize('appCrashedDetails', "The window has crashed (reason: '{0}', code: '{1}')", details.reason, details.exitCode ?? '<unknown>');
const result = await this.dialogMainService.showMessageBox({
title: this.productService.nameLong,
type: 'warning',
buttons: [
mnemonicButtonLabel(localize({ key: 'reopen', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Reopen")),
mnemonicButtonLabel(localize({ key: 'close', comment: ['&& denotes a mnemonic'] }, "&&Close"))
detail: localize('appCrashedDetail', "We are sorry for the inconvenience. You can reopen the window to continue where you left off."),
noLink: true,
defaultId: 0
}, this._win);
if (!this._win) {
return; // Return early if the window has been going down already
if (result.response === 0) {
} else if (result.response === 1) {
private destroyWindow(): void {
this._onDidDestroy.fire(); // 'close' event will not be fired on destroy(), so signal crash via explicit event
this._win.destroy(); // make sure to destroy the window as it has crashed
private onDidDeleteUntitledWorkspace(workspace: IWorkspaceIdentifier): void {
// Make sure to update our workspace config if we detect that it
// was deleted
if (this.openedWorkspace?.id === workspace.id && this.currentConfig) {
this.currentConfig.workspace = undefined;
private onConfigurationUpdated(): void {
// Menubar
const newMenuBarVisibility = this.getMenuBarVisibility();
if (newMenuBarVisibility !== this.currentMenuBarVisibility) {
this.currentMenuBarVisibility = newMenuBarVisibility;
// Proxy
let newHttpProxy = (this.configurationService.getValue<string>('http.proxy') || '').trim()
|| (process.env['https_proxy'] || process.env['HTTPS_PROXY'] || process.env['http_proxy'] || process.env['HTTP_PROXY'] || '').trim() // Not standardized.
|| undefined;
if (newHttpProxy?.endsWith('/')) {
newHttpProxy = newHttpProxy.substr(0, newHttpProxy.length - 1);
const newNoProxy = (process.env['no_proxy'] || process.env['NO_PROXY'] || '').trim() || undefined; // Not standardized.
if ((newHttpProxy || '').indexOf('@') === -1 && (newHttpProxy !== this.currentHttpProxy || newNoProxy !== this.currentNoProxy)) {
this.currentHttpProxy = newHttpProxy;
this.currentNoProxy = newNoProxy;
const proxyRules = newHttpProxy || '';
const proxyBypassRules = newNoProxy ? `${newNoProxy},<local>` : '<local>';
this.logService.trace(`Setting proxy to '${proxyRules}', bypassing '${proxyBypassRules}'`);
this._win.webContents.session.setProxy({ proxyRules, proxyBypassRules, pacScript: '' });
addTabbedWindow(window: ICodeWindow): void {
if (isMacintosh && window.win) {
load(configuration: INativeWindowConfiguration, options: ILoadOptions = Object.create(null)): void {
// Clear Document Edited if needed
if (this.isDocumentEdited()) {
if (!options.isReload || !this.backupMainService.isHotExitEnabled()) {
// Clear Title and Filename if needed
if (!options.isReload) {
if (this.getRepresentedFilename()) {
// Update configuration values based on our window context
// and set it into the config object URL for usage.
this.updateConfiguration(configuration, options);
// If this is the first time the window is loaded, we associate the paths
// directly with the window because we assume the loading will just work
if (this.readyState === ReadyState.NONE) {
this.currentConfig = configuration;
// Otherwise, the window is currently showing a folder and if there is an
// unload handler preventing the load, we cannot just associate the paths
// because the loading might be vetoed. Instead we associate it later when
// the window load event has fired.
else {
this.pendingLoadConfig = configuration;
this.readyState = ReadyState.NAVIGATING;
// Load URL
this._win.loadURL(FileAccess.asBrowserUri(this.environmentMainService.sandbox ?
'vs/code/electron-sandbox/workbench/workbench.html' :
'vs/code/electron-browser/workbench/workbench.html', require
// Remember that we did load
const wasLoaded = this.wasLoaded;
this.wasLoaded = true;
// Make window visible if it did not open in N seconds because this indicates an error
// Only do this when running out of sources and not when running tests
if (!this.environmentMainService.isBuilt && !this.environmentMainService.extensionTestsLocationURI) {
this._register(new RunOnceScheduler(() => {
if (this._win && !this._win.isVisible() && !this._win.isMinimized()) {
this.focus({ force: true });
}, 10000)).schedule();
// Event
this._onWillLoad.fire({ workspace: configuration.workspace, reason: options.isReload ? LoadReason.RELOAD : wasLoaded ? LoadReason.LOAD : LoadReason.INITIAL });
private updateConfiguration(configuration: INativeWindowConfiguration, options: ILoadOptions): void {
// If this window was loaded before from the command line
// (as indicated by VSCODE_CLI environment), make sure to
// preserve that user environment in subsequent loads,
// unless the new configuration context was also a CLI
// (for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/108571)
const currentUserEnv = (this.currentConfig ?? this.pendingLoadConfig)?.userEnv;
if (currentUserEnv && isLaunchedFromCli(currentUserEnv) && !isLaunchedFromCli(configuration.userEnv)) {
configuration.userEnv = { ...currentUserEnv, ...configuration.userEnv }; // still allow to override certain environment as passed in
// If named pipe was instantiated for the crashpad_handler process, reuse the same
// pipe for new app instances connecting to the original app instance.
// Ref: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/115874
if (process.env['CHROME_CRASHPAD_PIPE_NAME']) {
Object.assign(configuration.userEnv, {
// Add disable-extensions to the config, but do not preserve it on currentConfig or
// pendingLoadConfig so that it is applied only on this load
if (options.disableExtensions !== undefined) {
configuration['disable-extensions'] = options.disableExtensions;
// Update window related properties
configuration.fullscreen = this.isFullScreen;
configuration.maximized = this._win.isMaximized();
configuration.partsSplash = this.themeMainService.getWindowSplash();
// Update with latest perf marks
configuration.perfMarks = getMarks();
// Update in config object URL for usage in renderer
async reload(cli?: NativeParsedArgs): Promise<void> {
// Copy our current config for reuse
const configuration = Object.assign({}, this.currentConfig);
// Validate workspace
configuration.workspace = await this.validateWorkspaceBeforeReload(configuration);
// Delete some properties we do not want during reload
delete configuration.filesToOpenOrCreate;
delete configuration.filesToDiff;
delete configuration.filesToWait;
// Some configuration things get inherited if the window is being reloaded and we are
// in extension development mode. These options are all development related.
if (this.isExtensionDevelopmentHost && cli) {
configuration.verbose = cli.verbose;
configuration.debugId = cli.debugId;
configuration['inspect-extensions'] = cli['inspect-extensions'];
configuration['inspect-brk-extensions'] = cli['inspect-brk-extensions'];
configuration['extensions-dir'] = cli['extensions-dir'];
configuration.isInitialStartup = false; // since this is a reload
// Load config
this.load(configuration, { isReload: true, disableExtensions: cli?.['disable-extensions'] });
private async validateWorkspaceBeforeReload(configuration: INativeWindowConfiguration): Promise<IWorkspaceIdentifier | ISingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier | undefined> {
// Multi folder
if (isWorkspaceIdentifier(configuration.workspace)) {
const configPath = configuration.workspace.configPath;
if (configPath.scheme === Schemas.file) {
const workspaceExists = await this.fileService.exists(configPath);
if (!workspaceExists) {
return undefined;
// Single folder
else if (isSingleFolderWorkspaceIdentifier(configuration.workspace)) {
const uri = configuration.workspace.uri;
if (uri.scheme === Schemas.file) {
const folderExists = await this.fileService.exists(uri);
if (!folderExists) {
return undefined;
// Workspace is valid
return configuration.workspace;
serializeWindowState(): IWindowState {
if (!this._win) {
return defaultWindowState();
// fullscreen gets special treatment
if (this.isFullScreen) {
let display: Display | undefined;
try {
display = screen.getDisplayMatching(this.getBounds());
} catch (error) {
// Electron has weird conditions under which it throws errors
// e.g. https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/100334 when
// large numbers are passed in
const defaultState = defaultWindowState();
const res = {
mode: WindowMode.Fullscreen,
display: display ? display.id : undefined,
// Still carry over window dimensions from previous sessions
// if we can compute it in fullscreen state.
// does not seem possible in all cases on Linux for example
// (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/58218) so we
// fallback to the defaults in that case.
width: this.windowState.width || defaultState.width,
height: this.windowState.height || defaultState.height,
x: this.windowState.x || 0,
y: this.windowState.y || 0
return res;
const state: IWindowState = Object.create(null);
let mode: WindowMode;
// get window mode
if (!isMacintosh && this._win.isMaximized()) {
mode = WindowMode.Maximized;
} else {
mode = WindowMode.Normal;
// we don't want to save minimized state, only maximized or normal
if (mode === WindowMode.Maximized) {
state.mode = WindowMode.Maximized;
} else {
state.mode = WindowMode.Normal;
// only consider non-minimized window states
if (mode === WindowMode.Normal || mode === WindowMode.Maximized) {
let bounds: Rectangle;
if (mode === WindowMode.Normal) {
bounds = this.getBounds();
} else {
bounds = this._win.getNormalBounds(); // make sure to persist the normal bounds when maximized to be able to restore them
state.x = bounds.x;
state.y = bounds.y;
state.width = bounds.width;
state.height = bounds.height;
return state;
private restoreWindowState(state?: IWindowState): [IWindowState, boolean? /* has multiple displays */] {
let hasMultipleDisplays = false;
if (state) {
try {
const displays = screen.getAllDisplays();
hasMultipleDisplays = displays.length > 1;
state = this.validateWindowState(state, displays);
} catch (err) {
this.logService.warn(`Unexpected error validating window state: ${err}\n${err.stack}`); // somehow display API can be picky about the state to validate
return [state || defaultWindowState(), hasMultipleDisplays];
private validateWindowState(state: IWindowState, displays: Display[]): IWindowState | undefined {
this.logService.trace(`window#validateWindowState: validating window state on ${displays.length} display(s)`, state);
if (typeof state.x !== 'number'
|| typeof state.y !== 'number'
|| typeof state.width !== 'number'
|| typeof state.height !== 'number'
) {
this.logService.trace('window#validateWindowState: unexpected type of state values');
return undefined;
if (state.width <= 0 || state.height <= 0) {
this.logService.trace('window#validateWindowState: unexpected negative values');
return undefined;
// Single Monitor: be strict about x/y positioning
// macOS & Linux: these OS seem to be pretty good in ensuring that a window is never outside of it's bounds.
// Windows: it is possible to have a window with a size that makes it fall out of the window. our strategy
// is to try as much as possible to keep the window in the monitor bounds. we are not as strict as
// macOS and Linux and allow the window to exceed the monitor bounds as long as the window is still
// some pixels (128) visible on the screen for the user to drag it back.
if (displays.length === 1) {
const displayWorkingArea = this.getWorkingArea(displays[0]);
if (displayWorkingArea) {
this.logService.trace('window#validateWindowState: 1 monitor working area', displayWorkingArea);
function ensureStateInDisplayWorkingArea(): void {
if (!state || typeof state.x !== 'number' || typeof state.y !== 'number' || !displayWorkingArea) {
if (state.x < displayWorkingArea.x) {
// prevent window from falling out of the screen to the left
state.x = displayWorkingArea.x;
if (state.y < displayWorkingArea.y) {
// prevent window from falling out of the screen to the top
state.y = displayWorkingArea.y;
// ensure state is not outside display working area (top, left)
if (state.width > displayWorkingArea.width) {
// prevent window from exceeding display bounds width
state.width = displayWorkingArea.width;
if (state.height > displayWorkingArea.height) {
// prevent window from exceeding display bounds height
state.height = displayWorkingArea.height;
if (state.x > (displayWorkingArea.x + displayWorkingArea.width - 128)) {
// prevent window from falling out of the screen to the right with
// 128px margin by positioning the window to the far right edge of
// the screen
state.x = displayWorkingArea.x + displayWorkingArea.width - state.width;
if (state.y > (displayWorkingArea.y + displayWorkingArea.height - 128)) {
// prevent window from falling out of the screen to the bottom with
// 128px margin by positioning the window to the far bottom edge of
// the screen
state.y = displayWorkingArea.y + displayWorkingArea.height - state.height;
// again ensure state is not outside display working area
// (it may have changed from the previous validation step)
return state;
// Multi Montior (fullscreen): try to find the previously used display
if (state.display && state.mode === WindowMode.Fullscreen) {
const display = displays.find(d => d.id === state.display);
if (display && typeof display.bounds?.x === 'number' && typeof display.bounds?.y === 'number') {
this.logService.trace('window#validateWindowState: restoring fullscreen to previous display');
const defaults = defaultWindowState(WindowMode.Fullscreen); // make sure we have good values when the user restores the window
defaults.x = display.bounds.x; // carefull to use displays x/y position so that the window ends up on the correct monitor
defaults.y = display.bounds.y;
return defaults;
// Multi Monitor (non-fullscreen): ensure window is within display bounds
let display: Display | undefined;
let displayWorkingArea: Rectangle | undefined;
try {
display = screen.getDisplayMatching({ x: state.x, y: state.y, width: state.width, height: state.height });
displayWorkingArea = this.getWorkingArea(display);
} catch (error) {
// Electron has weird conditions under which it throws errors
// e.g. https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/100334 when
// large numbers are passed in
if (
display && // we have a display matching the desired bounds
displayWorkingArea && // we have valid working area bounds
state.x + state.width > displayWorkingArea.x && // prevent window from falling out of the screen to the left
state.y + state.height > displayWorkingArea.y && // prevent window from falling out of the screen to the top
state.x < displayWorkingArea.x + displayWorkingArea.width && // prevent window from falling out of the screen to the right
state.y < displayWorkingArea.y + displayWorkingArea.height // prevent window from falling out of the screen to the bottom
) {
this.logService.trace('window#validateWindowState: multi-monitor working area', displayWorkingArea);
return state;
return undefined;
private getWorkingArea(display: Display): Rectangle | undefined {
// Prefer the working area of the display to account for taskbars on the
// desktop being positioned somewhere (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/50830).
// Linux X11 sessions sometimes report wrong display bounds, so we validate
// the reported sizes are positive.
if (display.workArea.width > 0 && display.workArea.height > 0) {
return display.workArea;
if (display.bounds.width > 0 && display.bounds.height > 0) {
return display.bounds;
return undefined;
getBounds(): Rectangle {
const [x, y] = this._win.getPosition();
const [width, height] = this._win.getSize();
return { x, y, width, height };
toggleFullScreen(): void {
private setFullScreen(fullscreen: boolean): void {
// Set fullscreen state
if (this.useNativeFullScreen()) {
} else {
// Events
this.sendWhenReady(fullscreen ? 'vscode:enterFullScreen' : 'vscode:leaveFullScreen', CancellationToken.None);
// Respect configured menu bar visibility or default to toggle if not set
if (this.currentMenuBarVisibility) {
this.setMenuBarVisibility(this.currentMenuBarVisibility, false);
get isFullScreen(): boolean { return this._win.isFullScreen() || this._win.isSimpleFullScreen(); }
private setNativeFullScreen(fullscreen: boolean): void {
if (this._win.isSimpleFullScreen()) {
private setSimpleFullScreen(fullscreen: boolean): void {
if (this._win.isFullScreen()) {
this._win.webContents.focus(); // workaround issue where focus is not going into window
private useNativeFullScreen(): boolean {
const windowConfig = this.configurationService.getValue<IWindowSettings | undefined>('window');
if (!windowConfig || typeof windowConfig.nativeFullScreen !== 'boolean') {
return true; // default
if (windowConfig.nativeTabs) {
return true; // https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/16142
return windowConfig.nativeFullScreen !== false;
isMinimized(): boolean {
return this._win.isMinimized();
private getMenuBarVisibility(): MenuBarVisibility {
let menuBarVisibility = getMenuBarVisibility(this.configurationService);
if (['visible', 'toggle', 'hidden'].indexOf(menuBarVisibility) < 0) {
menuBarVisibility = 'classic';
return menuBarVisibility;
private setMenuBarVisibility(visibility: MenuBarVisibility, notify: boolean = true): void {
if (isMacintosh) {
return; // ignore for macOS platform
if (visibility === 'toggle') {
if (notify) {
this.send('vscode:showInfoMessage', localize('hiddenMenuBar', "You can still access the menu bar by pressing the Alt-key."));
if (visibility === 'hidden') {
// for some weird reason that I have no explanation for, the menu bar is not hiding when calling
// this without timeout (see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/19777). there seems to be
// a timing issue with us opening the first window and the menu bar getting created. somehow the
// fact that we want to hide the menu without being able to bring it back via Alt key makes Electron
// still show the menu. Unable to reproduce from a simple Hello World application though...
setTimeout(() => {
} else {
private doSetMenuBarVisibility(visibility: MenuBarVisibility): void {
const isFullscreen = this.isFullScreen;
switch (visibility) {
case ('classic'):
this._win.autoHideMenuBar = isFullscreen;
case ('visible'):
this._win.autoHideMenuBar = false;
case ('toggle'):
this._win.autoHideMenuBar = true;
case ('hidden'):
this._win.autoHideMenuBar = false;
handleTitleDoubleClick(): void {
// Respect system settings on mac with regards to title click on windows title
if (isMacintosh) {
const action = systemPreferences.getUserDefault('AppleActionOnDoubleClick', 'string');
switch (action) {
case 'Minimize':
case 'None':
case 'Maximize':
if (this._win.isMaximized()) {
} else {
// Linux/Windows: just toggle maximize/minimized state
else {
if (this._win.isMaximized()) {
} else {
close(): void {
if (this._win) {
sendWhenReady(channel: string, token: CancellationToken, ...args: any[]): void {
if (this.isReady) {
this.send(channel, ...args);
} else {
this.ready().then(() => {
if (!token.isCancellationRequested) {
this.send(channel, ...args);
send(channel: string, ...args: any[]): void {
if (this._win) {
if (this._win.isDestroyed() || this._win.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
this.logService.warn(`Sending IPC message to channel ${channel} for window that is destroyed`);
this._win.webContents.send(channel, ...args);
updateTouchBar(groups: ISerializableCommandAction[][]): void {
if (!isMacintosh) {
return; // only supported on macOS
// Update segments for all groups. Setting the segments property
// of the group directly prevents ugly flickering from happening
this.touchBarGroups.forEach((touchBarGroup, index) => {
const commands = groups[index];
touchBarGroup.segments = this.createTouchBarGroupSegments(commands);
private createTouchBar(): void {
if (!isMacintosh) {
return; // only supported on macOS
// To avoid flickering, we try to reuse the touch bar group
// as much as possible by creating a large number of groups
// for reusing later.
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const groupTouchBar = this.createTouchBarGroup();
this._win.setTouchBar(new TouchBar({ items: this.touchBarGroups }));
private createTouchBarGroup(items: ISerializableCommandAction[] = []): TouchBarSegmentedControl {
// Group Segments
const segments = this.createTouchBarGroupSegments(items);
// Group Control
const control = new TouchBar.TouchBarSegmentedControl({
mode: 'buttons',
segmentStyle: 'automatic',
change: (selectedIndex) => {
this.sendWhenReady('vscode:runAction', CancellationToken.None, { id: (control.segments[selectedIndex] as ITouchBarSegment).id, from: 'touchbar' });
return control;
private createTouchBarGroupSegments(items: ISerializableCommandAction[] = []): ITouchBarSegment[] {
const segments: ITouchBarSegment[] = items.map(item => {
let icon: NativeImage | undefined;
if (item.icon && !ThemeIcon.isThemeIcon(item.icon) && item.icon?.dark?.scheme === Schemas.file) {
icon = nativeImage.createFromPath(URI.revive(item.icon.dark).fsPath);
if (icon.isEmpty()) {
icon = undefined;
let title: string;
if (typeof item.title === 'string') {
title = item.title;
} else {
title = item.title.value;
return {
id: item.id,
label: !icon ? title : undefined,
return segments;
override dispose(): void {
this._win = null!; // Important to dereference the window object to allow for GC