2021-11-10 12:17:03 +01:00

1037 lines
33 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { $, addDisposableListener, append, scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame } from 'vs/base/browser/dom';
import { ISashEvent as IBaseSashEvent, Orientation, Sash, SashState } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/sash/sash';
import { SmoothScrollableElement } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/scrollbar/scrollableElement';
import { pushToEnd, pushToStart, range } from 'vs/base/common/arrays';
import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { combinedDisposable, Disposable, IDisposable, toDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { clamp } from 'vs/base/common/numbers';
import { Scrollable, ScrollbarVisibility, ScrollEvent } from 'vs/base/common/scrollable';
import * as types from 'vs/base/common/types';
import 'vs/css!./splitview';
export { Orientation } from 'vs/base/browser/ui/sash/sash';
export interface ISplitViewStyles {
separatorBorder: Color;
const defaultStyles: ISplitViewStyles = {
separatorBorder: Color.transparent
export interface ISplitViewOptions<TLayoutContext = undefined> {
readonly orientation?: Orientation; // default Orientation.VERTICAL
readonly styles?: ISplitViewStyles;
readonly orthogonalStartSash?: Sash;
readonly orthogonalEndSash?: Sash;
readonly inverseAltBehavior?: boolean;
readonly proportionalLayout?: boolean; // default true,
readonly descriptor?: ISplitViewDescriptor<TLayoutContext>;
readonly scrollbarVisibility?: ScrollbarVisibility;
readonly getSashOrthogonalSize?: () => number;
* Only used when `proportionalLayout` is false.
export const enum LayoutPriority {
export interface IView<TLayoutContext = undefined> {
readonly element: HTMLElement;
readonly minimumSize: number;
readonly maximumSize: number;
readonly onDidChange: Event<number | undefined>;
readonly priority?: LayoutPriority;
readonly snap?: boolean;
layout(size: number, offset: number, context: TLayoutContext | undefined): void;
setVisible?(visible: boolean): void;
interface ISashEvent {
readonly sash: Sash;
readonly start: number;
readonly current: number;
readonly alt: boolean;
type ViewItemSize = number | { cachedVisibleSize: number };
abstract class ViewItem<TLayoutContext> {
private _size: number;
set size(size: number) {
this._size = size;
get size(): number {
return this._size;
private _cachedVisibleSize: number | undefined = undefined;
get cachedVisibleSize(): number | undefined { return this._cachedVisibleSize; }
get visible(): boolean {
return typeof this._cachedVisibleSize === 'undefined';
setVisible(visible: boolean, size?: number): void {
if (visible === this.visible) {
if (visible) {
this.size = clamp(this._cachedVisibleSize!, this.viewMinimumSize, this.viewMaximumSize);
this._cachedVisibleSize = undefined;
} else {
this._cachedVisibleSize = typeof size === 'number' ? size : this.size;
this.size = 0;
this.container.classList.toggle('visible', visible);
if (this.view.setVisible) {
get minimumSize(): number { return this.visible ? this.view.minimumSize : 0; }
get viewMinimumSize(): number { return this.view.minimumSize; }
get maximumSize(): number { return this.visible ? this.view.maximumSize : 0; }
get viewMaximumSize(): number { return this.view.maximumSize; }
get priority(): LayoutPriority | undefined { return this.view.priority; }
get snap(): boolean { return !!this.view.snap; }
set enabled(enabled: boolean) {
this.container.style.pointerEvents = enabled ? '' : 'none';
protected container: HTMLElement,
private view: IView<TLayoutContext>,
size: ViewItemSize,
private disposable: IDisposable
) {
if (typeof size === 'number') {
this._size = size;
this._cachedVisibleSize = undefined;
} else {
this._size = 0;
this._cachedVisibleSize = size.cachedVisibleSize;
layout(offset: number, layoutContext: TLayoutContext | undefined): void {
this.view.layout(this.size, offset, layoutContext);
abstract layoutContainer(offset: number): void;
dispose(): IView<TLayoutContext> {
return this.view;
class VerticalViewItem<TLayoutContext> extends ViewItem<TLayoutContext> {
layoutContainer(offset: number): void {
this.container.style.top = `${offset}px`;
this.container.style.height = `${this.size}px`;
class HorizontalViewItem<TLayoutContext> extends ViewItem<TLayoutContext> {
layoutContainer(offset: number): void {
this.container.style.left = `${offset}px`;
this.container.style.width = `${this.size}px`;
interface ISashItem {
sash: Sash;
disposable: IDisposable;
interface ISashDragSnapState {
readonly index: number;
readonly limitDelta: number;
readonly size: number;
interface ISashDragState {
index: number;
start: number;
current: number;
sizes: number[];
minDelta: number;
maxDelta: number;
alt: boolean;
snapBefore: ISashDragSnapState | undefined;
snapAfter: ISashDragSnapState | undefined;
disposable: IDisposable;
enum State {
export type DistributeSizing = { type: 'distribute' };
export type SplitSizing = { type: 'split', index: number };
export type InvisibleSizing = { type: 'invisible', cachedVisibleSize: number };
export type Sizing = DistributeSizing | SplitSizing | InvisibleSizing;
export namespace Sizing {
export const Distribute: DistributeSizing = { type: 'distribute' };
export function Split(index: number): SplitSizing { return { type: 'split', index }; }
export function Invisible(cachedVisibleSize: number): InvisibleSizing { return { type: 'invisible', cachedVisibleSize }; }
export interface ISplitViewDescriptor<TLayoutContext = undefined> {
size: number;
views: {
visible?: boolean;
size: number;
view: IView<TLayoutContext>;
export class SplitView<TLayoutContext = undefined> extends Disposable {
readonly orientation: Orientation;
readonly el: HTMLElement;
private sashContainer: HTMLElement;
private viewContainer: HTMLElement;
private scrollable: Scrollable;
private scrollableElement: SmoothScrollableElement;
private size = 0;
private layoutContext: TLayoutContext | undefined;
private contentSize = 0;
private proportions: undefined | number[] = undefined;
private viewItems: ViewItem<TLayoutContext>[] = [];
private sashItems: ISashItem[] = [];
private sashDragState: ISashDragState | undefined;
private state: State = State.Idle;
private inverseAltBehavior: boolean;
private proportionalLayout: boolean;
private readonly getSashOrthogonalSize: { (): number } | undefined;
private _onDidSashChange = this._register(new Emitter<number>());
readonly onDidSashChange = this._onDidSashChange.event;
private _onDidSashReset = this._register(new Emitter<number>());
readonly onDidSashReset = this._onDidSashReset.event;
readonly onDidScroll: Event<ScrollEvent>;
get length(): number {
return this.viewItems.length;
get minimumSize(): number {
return this.viewItems.reduce((r, item) => r + item.minimumSize, 0);
get maximumSize(): number {
return this.length === 0 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : this.viewItems.reduce((r, item) => r + item.maximumSize, 0);
private _orthogonalStartSash: Sash | undefined;
get orthogonalStartSash(): Sash | undefined { return this._orthogonalStartSash; }
set orthogonalStartSash(sash: Sash | undefined) {
for (const sashItem of this.sashItems) {
sashItem.sash.orthogonalStartSash = sash;
this._orthogonalStartSash = sash;
private _orthogonalEndSash: Sash | undefined;
get orthogonalEndSash(): Sash | undefined { return this._orthogonalEndSash; }
set orthogonalEndSash(sash: Sash | undefined) {
for (const sashItem of this.sashItems) {
sashItem.sash.orthogonalEndSash = sash;
this._orthogonalEndSash = sash;
get sashes(): Sash[] {
return this.sashItems.map(s => s.sash);
private _startSnappingEnabled = true;
get startSnappingEnabled(): boolean { return this._startSnappingEnabled; }
set startSnappingEnabled(startSnappingEnabled: boolean) {
if (this._startSnappingEnabled === startSnappingEnabled) {
this._startSnappingEnabled = startSnappingEnabled;
private _endSnappingEnabled = true;
get endSnappingEnabled(): boolean { return this._endSnappingEnabled; }
set endSnappingEnabled(endSnappingEnabled: boolean) {
if (this._endSnappingEnabled === endSnappingEnabled) {
this._endSnappingEnabled = endSnappingEnabled;
constructor(container: HTMLElement, options: ISplitViewOptions<TLayoutContext> = {}) {
this.orientation = types.isUndefined(options.orientation) ? Orientation.VERTICAL : options.orientation;
this.inverseAltBehavior = !!options.inverseAltBehavior;
this.proportionalLayout = types.isUndefined(options.proportionalLayout) ? true : !!options.proportionalLayout;
this.getSashOrthogonalSize = options.getSashOrthogonalSize;
this.el = document.createElement('div');
this.el.classList.add(this.orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal');
this.sashContainer = append(this.el, $('.sash-container'));
this.viewContainer = $('.split-view-container');
this.scrollable = new Scrollable(125, scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame);
this.scrollableElement = this._register(new SmoothScrollableElement(this.viewContainer, {
vertical: this.orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL ? (options.scrollbarVisibility ?? ScrollbarVisibility.Auto) : ScrollbarVisibility.Hidden,
horizontal: this.orientation === Orientation.HORIZONTAL ? (options.scrollbarVisibility ?? ScrollbarVisibility.Auto) : ScrollbarVisibility.Hidden
}, this.scrollable));
this.onDidScroll = this.scrollableElement.onScroll;
this._register(this.onDidScroll(e => {
this.viewContainer.scrollTop = e.scrollTop;
this.viewContainer.scrollLeft = e.scrollLeft;
append(this.el, this.scrollableElement.getDomNode());
this.style(options.styles || defaultStyles);
// We have an existing set of view, add them now
if (options.descriptor) {
this.size = options.descriptor.size;
options.descriptor.views.forEach((viewDescriptor, index) => {
const sizing = types.isUndefined(viewDescriptor.visible) || viewDescriptor.visible ? viewDescriptor.size : { type: 'invisible', cachedVisibleSize: viewDescriptor.size } as InvisibleSizing;
const view = viewDescriptor.view;
this.doAddView(view, sizing, index, true);
// Initialize content size and proportions for first layout
this.contentSize = this.viewItems.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
style(styles: ISplitViewStyles): void {
if (styles.separatorBorder.isTransparent()) {
} else {
this.el.style.setProperty('--separator-border', styles.separatorBorder.toString());
addView(view: IView<TLayoutContext>, size: number | Sizing, index = this.viewItems.length, skipLayout?: boolean): void {
this.doAddView(view, size, index, skipLayout);
removeView(index: number, sizing?: Sizing): IView<TLayoutContext> {
if (this.state !== State.Idle) {
throw new Error('Cant modify splitview');
this.state = State.Busy;
if (index < 0 || index >= this.viewItems.length) {
throw new Error('Index out of bounds');
// Remove view
const viewItem = this.viewItems.splice(index, 1)[0];
const view = viewItem.dispose();
// Remove sash
if (this.viewItems.length >= 1) {
const sashIndex = Math.max(index - 1, 0);
const sashItem = this.sashItems.splice(sashIndex, 1)[0];
this.state = State.Idle;
if (sizing && sizing.type === 'distribute') {
return view;
moveView(from: number, to: number): void {
if (this.state !== State.Idle) {
throw new Error('Cant modify splitview');
const cachedVisibleSize = this.getViewCachedVisibleSize(from);
const sizing = typeof cachedVisibleSize === 'undefined' ? this.getViewSize(from) : Sizing.Invisible(cachedVisibleSize);
const view = this.removeView(from);
this.addView(view, sizing, to);
swapViews(from: number, to: number): void {
if (this.state !== State.Idle) {
throw new Error('Cant modify splitview');
if (from > to) {
return this.swapViews(to, from);
const fromSize = this.getViewSize(from);
const toSize = this.getViewSize(to);
const toView = this.removeView(to);
const fromView = this.removeView(from);
this.addView(toView, fromSize, from);
this.addView(fromView, toSize, to);
isViewVisible(index: number): boolean {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.viewItems.length) {
throw new Error('Index out of bounds');
const viewItem = this.viewItems[index];
return viewItem.visible;
setViewVisible(index: number, visible: boolean): void {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.viewItems.length) {
throw new Error('Index out of bounds');
const viewItem = this.viewItems[index];
getViewCachedVisibleSize(index: number): number | undefined {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.viewItems.length) {
throw new Error('Index out of bounds');
const viewItem = this.viewItems[index];
return viewItem.cachedVisibleSize;
layout(size: number, layoutContext?: TLayoutContext): void {
const previousSize = Math.max(this.size, this.contentSize);
this.size = size;
this.layoutContext = layoutContext;
if (!this.proportions) {
const indexes = range(this.viewItems.length);
const lowPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(i => this.viewItems[i].priority === LayoutPriority.Low);
const highPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(i => this.viewItems[i].priority === LayoutPriority.High);
this.resize(this.viewItems.length - 1, size - previousSize, undefined, lowPriorityIndexes, highPriorityIndexes);
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < this.viewItems.length; i++) {
const item = this.viewItems[i];
item.size = clamp(Math.round(this.proportions[i] * size), item.minimumSize, item.maximumSize);
private saveProportions(): void {
if (this.proportionalLayout && this.contentSize > 0) {
this.proportions = this.viewItems.map(i => i.size / this.contentSize);
private onSashStart({ sash, start, alt }: ISashEvent): void {
for (const item of this.viewItems) {
item.enabled = false;
const index = this.sashItems.findIndex(item => item.sash === sash);
// This way, we can press Alt while we resize a sash, macOS style!
const disposable = combinedDisposable(
addDisposableListener(document.body, 'keydown', e => resetSashDragState(this.sashDragState!.current, e.altKey)),
addDisposableListener(document.body, 'keyup', () => resetSashDragState(this.sashDragState!.current, false))
const resetSashDragState = (start: number, alt: boolean) => {
const sizes = this.viewItems.map(i => i.size);
let minDelta = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
let maxDelta = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
if (this.inverseAltBehavior) {
alt = !alt;
if (alt) {
// When we're using the last sash with Alt, we're resizing
// the view to the left/up, instead of right/down as usual
// Thus, we must do the inverse of the usual
const isLastSash = index === this.sashItems.length - 1;
if (isLastSash) {
const viewItem = this.viewItems[index];
minDelta = (viewItem.minimumSize - viewItem.size) / 2;
maxDelta = (viewItem.maximumSize - viewItem.size) / 2;
} else {
const viewItem = this.viewItems[index + 1];
minDelta = (viewItem.size - viewItem.maximumSize) / 2;
maxDelta = (viewItem.size - viewItem.minimumSize) / 2;
let snapBefore: ISashDragSnapState | undefined;
let snapAfter: ISashDragSnapState | undefined;
if (!alt) {
const upIndexes = range(index, -1);
const downIndexes = range(index + 1, this.viewItems.length);
const minDeltaUp = upIndexes.reduce((r, i) => r + (this.viewItems[i].minimumSize - sizes[i]), 0);
const maxDeltaUp = upIndexes.reduce((r, i) => r + (this.viewItems[i].viewMaximumSize - sizes[i]), 0);
const maxDeltaDown = downIndexes.length === 0 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : downIndexes.reduce((r, i) => r + (sizes[i] - this.viewItems[i].minimumSize), 0);
const minDeltaDown = downIndexes.length === 0 ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : downIndexes.reduce((r, i) => r + (sizes[i] - this.viewItems[i].viewMaximumSize), 0);
const minDelta = Math.max(minDeltaUp, minDeltaDown);
const maxDelta = Math.min(maxDeltaDown, maxDeltaUp);
const snapBeforeIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(upIndexes);
const snapAfterIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(downIndexes);
if (typeof snapBeforeIndex === 'number') {
const viewItem = this.viewItems[snapBeforeIndex];
const halfSize = Math.floor(viewItem.viewMinimumSize / 2);
snapBefore = {
index: snapBeforeIndex,
limitDelta: viewItem.visible ? minDelta - halfSize : minDelta + halfSize,
size: viewItem.size
if (typeof snapAfterIndex === 'number') {
const viewItem = this.viewItems[snapAfterIndex];
const halfSize = Math.floor(viewItem.viewMinimumSize / 2);
snapAfter = {
index: snapAfterIndex,
limitDelta: viewItem.visible ? maxDelta + halfSize : maxDelta - halfSize,
size: viewItem.size
this.sashDragState = { start, current: start, index, sizes, minDelta, maxDelta, alt, snapBefore, snapAfter, disposable };
resetSashDragState(start, alt);
private onSashChange({ current }: ISashEvent): void {
const { index, start, sizes, alt, minDelta, maxDelta, snapBefore, snapAfter } = this.sashDragState!;
this.sashDragState!.current = current;
const delta = current - start;
const newDelta = this.resize(index, delta, sizes, undefined, undefined, minDelta, maxDelta, snapBefore, snapAfter);
if (alt) {
const isLastSash = index === this.sashItems.length - 1;
const newSizes = this.viewItems.map(i => i.size);
const viewItemIndex = isLastSash ? index : index + 1;
const viewItem = this.viewItems[viewItemIndex];
const newMinDelta = viewItem.size - viewItem.maximumSize;
const newMaxDelta = viewItem.size - viewItem.minimumSize;
const resizeIndex = isLastSash ? index - 1 : index + 1;
this.resize(resizeIndex, -newDelta, newSizes, undefined, undefined, newMinDelta, newMaxDelta);
private onSashEnd(index: number): void {
for (const item of this.viewItems) {
item.enabled = true;
private onViewChange(item: ViewItem<TLayoutContext>, size: number | undefined): void {
const index = this.viewItems.indexOf(item);
if (index < 0 || index >= this.viewItems.length) {
size = typeof size === 'number' ? size : item.size;
size = clamp(size, item.minimumSize, item.maximumSize);
if (this.inverseAltBehavior && index > 0) {
// In this case, we want the view to grow or shrink both sides equally
// so we just resize the "left" side by half and let `resize` do the clamping magic
this.resize(index - 1, Math.floor((item.size - size) / 2));
} else {
item.size = size;
this.relayout([index], undefined);
resizeView(index: number, size: number): void {
if (this.state !== State.Idle) {
throw new Error('Cant modify splitview');
this.state = State.Busy;
if (index < 0 || index >= this.viewItems.length) {
const indexes = range(this.viewItems.length).filter(i => i !== index);
const lowPriorityIndexes = [...indexes.filter(i => this.viewItems[i].priority === LayoutPriority.Low), index];
const highPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(i => this.viewItems[i].priority === LayoutPriority.High);
const item = this.viewItems[index];
size = Math.round(size);
size = clamp(size, item.minimumSize, Math.min(item.maximumSize, this.size));
item.size = size;
this.relayout(lowPriorityIndexes, highPriorityIndexes);
this.state = State.Idle;
distributeViewSizes(): void {
const flexibleViewItems: ViewItem<TLayoutContext>[] = [];
let flexibleSize = 0;
for (const item of this.viewItems) {
if (item.maximumSize - item.minimumSize > 0) {
flexibleSize += item.size;
const size = Math.floor(flexibleSize / flexibleViewItems.length);
for (const item of flexibleViewItems) {
item.size = clamp(size, item.minimumSize, item.maximumSize);
const indexes = range(this.viewItems.length);
const lowPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(i => this.viewItems[i].priority === LayoutPriority.Low);
const highPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(i => this.viewItems[i].priority === LayoutPriority.High);
this.relayout(lowPriorityIndexes, highPriorityIndexes);
getViewSize(index: number): number {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.viewItems.length) {
return -1;
return this.viewItems[index].size;
private doAddView(view: IView<TLayoutContext>, size: number | Sizing, index = this.viewItems.length, skipLayout?: boolean): void {
if (this.state !== State.Idle) {
throw new Error('Cant modify splitview');
this.state = State.Busy;
// Add view
const container = $('.split-view-view');
if (index === this.viewItems.length) {
} else {
this.viewContainer.insertBefore(container, this.viewContainer.children.item(index));
const onChangeDisposable = view.onDidChange(size => this.onViewChange(item, size));
const containerDisposable = toDisposable(() => this.viewContainer.removeChild(container));
const disposable = combinedDisposable(onChangeDisposable, containerDisposable);
let viewSize: ViewItemSize;
if (typeof size === 'number') {
viewSize = size;
} else if (size.type === 'split') {
viewSize = this.getViewSize(size.index) / 2;
} else if (size.type === 'invisible') {
viewSize = { cachedVisibleSize: size.cachedVisibleSize };
} else {
viewSize = view.minimumSize;
const item = this.orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL
? new VerticalViewItem(container, view, viewSize, disposable)
: new HorizontalViewItem(container, view, viewSize, disposable);
this.viewItems.splice(index, 0, item);
// Add sash
if (this.viewItems.length > 1) {
let opts = { orthogonalStartSash: this.orthogonalStartSash, orthogonalEndSash: this.orthogonalEndSash };
const sash = this.orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL
? new Sash(this.sashContainer, { getHorizontalSashTop: s => this.getSashPosition(s), getHorizontalSashWidth: this.getSashOrthogonalSize }, { ...opts, orientation: Orientation.HORIZONTAL })
: new Sash(this.sashContainer, { getVerticalSashLeft: s => this.getSashPosition(s), getVerticalSashHeight: this.getSashOrthogonalSize }, { ...opts, orientation: Orientation.VERTICAL });
const sashEventMapper = this.orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL
? (e: IBaseSashEvent) => ({ sash, start: e.startY, current: e.currentY, alt: e.altKey })
: (e: IBaseSashEvent) => ({ sash, start: e.startX, current: e.currentX, alt: e.altKey });
const onStart = Event.map(sash.onDidStart, sashEventMapper);
const onStartDisposable = onStart(this.onSashStart, this);
const onChange = Event.map(sash.onDidChange, sashEventMapper);
const onChangeDisposable = onChange(this.onSashChange, this);
const onEnd = Event.map(sash.onDidEnd, () => this.sashItems.findIndex(item => item.sash === sash));
const onEndDisposable = onEnd(this.onSashEnd, this);
const onDidResetDisposable = sash.onDidReset(() => {
const index = this.sashItems.findIndex(item => item.sash === sash);
const upIndexes = range(index, -1);
const downIndexes = range(index + 1, this.viewItems.length);
const snapBeforeIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(upIndexes);
const snapAfterIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(downIndexes);
if (typeof snapBeforeIndex === 'number' && !this.viewItems[snapBeforeIndex].visible) {
if (typeof snapAfterIndex === 'number' && !this.viewItems[snapAfterIndex].visible) {
const disposable = combinedDisposable(onStartDisposable, onChangeDisposable, onEndDisposable, onDidResetDisposable, sash);
const sashItem: ISashItem = { sash, disposable };
this.sashItems.splice(index - 1, 0, sashItem);
let highPriorityIndexes: number[] | undefined;
if (typeof size !== 'number' && size.type === 'split') {
highPriorityIndexes = [size.index];
if (!skipLayout) {
this.relayout([index], highPriorityIndexes);
this.state = State.Idle;
if (!skipLayout && typeof size !== 'number' && size.type === 'distribute') {
private relayout(lowPriorityIndexes?: number[], highPriorityIndexes?: number[]): void {
const contentSize = this.viewItems.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
this.resize(this.viewItems.length - 1, this.size - contentSize, undefined, lowPriorityIndexes, highPriorityIndexes);
private resize(
index: number,
delta: number,
sizes = this.viewItems.map(i => i.size),
lowPriorityIndexes?: number[],
highPriorityIndexes?: number[],
overloadMinDelta: number = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
overloadMaxDelta: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
snapBefore?: ISashDragSnapState,
snapAfter?: ISashDragSnapState
): number {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.viewItems.length) {
return 0;
const upIndexes = range(index, -1);
const downIndexes = range(index + 1, this.viewItems.length);
if (highPriorityIndexes) {
for (const index of highPriorityIndexes) {
pushToStart(upIndexes, index);
pushToStart(downIndexes, index);
if (lowPriorityIndexes) {
for (const index of lowPriorityIndexes) {
pushToEnd(upIndexes, index);
pushToEnd(downIndexes, index);
const upItems = upIndexes.map(i => this.viewItems[i]);
const upSizes = upIndexes.map(i => sizes[i]);
const downItems = downIndexes.map(i => this.viewItems[i]);
const downSizes = downIndexes.map(i => sizes[i]);
const minDeltaUp = upIndexes.reduce((r, i) => r + (this.viewItems[i].minimumSize - sizes[i]), 0);
const maxDeltaUp = upIndexes.reduce((r, i) => r + (this.viewItems[i].maximumSize - sizes[i]), 0);
const maxDeltaDown = downIndexes.length === 0 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : downIndexes.reduce((r, i) => r + (sizes[i] - this.viewItems[i].minimumSize), 0);
const minDeltaDown = downIndexes.length === 0 ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : downIndexes.reduce((r, i) => r + (sizes[i] - this.viewItems[i].maximumSize), 0);
const minDelta = Math.max(minDeltaUp, minDeltaDown, overloadMinDelta);
const maxDelta = Math.min(maxDeltaDown, maxDeltaUp, overloadMaxDelta);
let snapped = false;
if (snapBefore) {
const snapView = this.viewItems[snapBefore.index];
const visible = delta >= snapBefore.limitDelta;
snapped = visible !== snapView.visible;
snapView.setVisible(visible, snapBefore.size);
if (!snapped && snapAfter) {
const snapView = this.viewItems[snapAfter.index];
const visible = delta < snapAfter.limitDelta;
snapped = visible !== snapView.visible;
snapView.setVisible(visible, snapAfter.size);
if (snapped) {
return this.resize(index, delta, sizes, lowPriorityIndexes, highPriorityIndexes, overloadMinDelta, overloadMaxDelta);
delta = clamp(delta, minDelta, maxDelta);
for (let i = 0, deltaUp = delta; i < upItems.length; i++) {
const item = upItems[i];
const size = clamp(upSizes[i] + deltaUp, item.minimumSize, item.maximumSize);
const viewDelta = size - upSizes[i];
deltaUp -= viewDelta;
item.size = size;
for (let i = 0, deltaDown = delta; i < downItems.length; i++) {
const item = downItems[i];
const size = clamp(downSizes[i] - deltaDown, item.minimumSize, item.maximumSize);
const viewDelta = size - downSizes[i];
deltaDown += viewDelta;
item.size = size;
return delta;
private distributeEmptySpace(lowPriorityIndex?: number): void {
const contentSize = this.viewItems.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
let emptyDelta = this.size - contentSize;
const indexes = range(this.viewItems.length - 1, -1);
const lowPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(i => this.viewItems[i].priority === LayoutPriority.Low);
const highPriorityIndexes = indexes.filter(i => this.viewItems[i].priority === LayoutPriority.High);
for (const index of highPriorityIndexes) {
pushToStart(indexes, index);
for (const index of lowPriorityIndexes) {
pushToEnd(indexes, index);
if (typeof lowPriorityIndex === 'number') {
pushToEnd(indexes, lowPriorityIndex);
for (let i = 0; emptyDelta !== 0 && i < indexes.length; i++) {
const item = this.viewItems[indexes[i]];
const size = clamp(item.size + emptyDelta, item.minimumSize, item.maximumSize);
const viewDelta = size - item.size;
emptyDelta -= viewDelta;
item.size = size;
private layoutViews(): void {
// Save new content size
this.contentSize = this.viewItems.reduce((r, i) => r + i.size, 0);
// Layout views
let offset = 0;
for (const viewItem of this.viewItems) {
viewItem.layout(offset, this.layoutContext);
offset += viewItem.size;
// Layout sashes
this.sashItems.forEach(item => item.sash.layout());
private updateScrollableElement(): void {
if (this.orientation === Orientation.VERTICAL) {
height: this.size,
scrollHeight: this.contentSize
} else {
width: this.size,
scrollWidth: this.contentSize
private updateSashEnablement(): void {
let previous = false;
const collapsesDown = this.viewItems.map(i => previous = (i.size - i.minimumSize > 0) || previous);
previous = false;
const expandsDown = this.viewItems.map(i => previous = (i.maximumSize - i.size > 0) || previous);
const reverseViews = [...this.viewItems].reverse();
previous = false;
const collapsesUp = reverseViews.map(i => previous = (i.size - i.minimumSize > 0) || previous).reverse();
previous = false;
const expandsUp = reverseViews.map(i => previous = (i.maximumSize - i.size > 0) || previous).reverse();
let position = 0;
for (let index = 0; index < this.sashItems.length; index++) {
const { sash } = this.sashItems[index];
const viewItem = this.viewItems[index];
position += viewItem.size;
const min = !(collapsesDown[index] && expandsUp[index + 1]);
const max = !(expandsDown[index] && collapsesUp[index + 1]);
if (min && max) {
const upIndexes = range(index, -1);
const downIndexes = range(index + 1, this.viewItems.length);
const snapBeforeIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(upIndexes);
const snapAfterIndex = this.findFirstSnapIndex(downIndexes);
const snappedBefore = typeof snapBeforeIndex === 'number' && !this.viewItems[snapBeforeIndex].visible;
const snappedAfter = typeof snapAfterIndex === 'number' && !this.viewItems[snapAfterIndex].visible;
if (snappedBefore && collapsesUp[index] && (position > 0 || this.startSnappingEnabled)) {
sash.state = SashState.AtMinimum;
} else if (snappedAfter && collapsesDown[index] && (position < this.contentSize || this.endSnappingEnabled)) {
sash.state = SashState.AtMaximum;
} else {
sash.state = SashState.Disabled;
} else if (min && !max) {
sash.state = SashState.AtMinimum;
} else if (!min && max) {
sash.state = SashState.AtMaximum;
} else {
sash.state = SashState.Enabled;
private getSashPosition(sash: Sash): number {
let position = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.sashItems.length; i++) {
position += this.viewItems[i].size;
if (this.sashItems[i].sash === sash) {
return position;
return 0;
private findFirstSnapIndex(indexes: number[]): number | undefined {
// visible views first
for (const index of indexes) {
const viewItem = this.viewItems[index];
if (!viewItem.visible) {
if (viewItem.snap) {
return index;
// then, hidden views
for (const index of indexes) {
const viewItem = this.viewItems[index];
if (viewItem.visible && viewItem.maximumSize - viewItem.minimumSize > 0) {
return undefined;
if (!viewItem.visible && viewItem.snap) {
return index;
return undefined;
override dispose(): void {
this.viewItems.forEach(i => i.dispose());
this.viewItems = [];
this.sashItems.forEach(i => i.disposable.dispose());
this.sashItems = [];