2021-11-19 15:16:27 +09:00

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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import { ResourceQueue } from 'vs/base/common/async';
import { isEqualOrParent, isRootOrDriveLetter } from 'vs/base/common/extpath';
import { normalizeNFC } from 'vs/base/common/normalization';
import { join } from 'vs/base/common/path';
import { isLinux, isMacintosh, isWindows } from 'vs/base/common/platform';
import { extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { generateUuid } from 'vs/base/common/uuid';
//#region rimraf
export enum RimRafMode {
* Slow version that unlinks each file and folder.
* Fast version that first moves the file/folder
* into a temp directory and then deletes that
* without waiting for it.
* Allows to delete the provided path (either file or folder) recursively
* with the options:
* - `UNLINK`: direct removal from disk
* - `MOVE`: faster variant that first moves the target to temp dir and then
* deletes it in the background without waiting for that to finish.
async function rimraf(path: string, mode = RimRafMode.UNLINK): Promise<void> {
if (isRootOrDriveLetter(path)) {
throw new Error('rimraf - will refuse to recursively delete root');
// delete: via rm
if (mode === RimRafMode.UNLINK) {
return rimrafUnlink(path);
// delete: via move
return rimrafMove(path);
async function rimrafMove(path: string): Promise<void> {
try {
const pathInTemp = join(tmpdir(), generateUuid());
try {
await Promises.rename(path, pathInTemp);
} catch (error) {
return rimrafUnlink(path); // if rename fails, delete without tmp dir
// Delete but do not return as promise
rimrafUnlink(pathInTemp).catch(error => {/* ignore */ });
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw error;
async function rimrafUnlink(path: string): Promise<void> {
return promisify(fs.rm)(path, { recursive: true, force: true, maxRetries: 3 });
export function rimrafSync(path: string): void {
if (isRootOrDriveLetter(path)) {
throw new Error('rimraf - will refuse to recursively delete root');
fs.rmSync(path, { recursive: true, force: true, maxRetries: 3 });
//#region readdir with NFC support (macos)
export interface IDirent {
name: string;
isFile(): boolean;
isDirectory(): boolean;
isSymbolicLink(): boolean;
* Drop-in replacement of `fs.readdir` with support
* for converting from macOS NFD unicon form to NFC
* (https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/2165)
async function readdir(path: string): Promise<string[]>;
async function readdir(path: string, options: { withFileTypes: true }): Promise<IDirent[]>;
async function readdir(path: string, options?: { withFileTypes: true }): Promise<(string | IDirent)[]> {
return handleDirectoryChildren(await (options ? safeReaddirWithFileTypes(path) : promisify(fs.readdir)(path)));
async function safeReaddirWithFileTypes(path: string): Promise<IDirent[]> {
try {
return await promisify(fs.readdir)(path, { withFileTypes: true });
} catch (error) {
console.warn('[node.js fs] readdir with filetypes failed with error: ', error);
// Fallback to manually reading and resolving each
// children of the folder in case we hit an error
// previously.
// This can only really happen on exotic file systems
// such as explained in #115645 where we get entries
// from `readdir` that we can later not `lstat`.
const result: IDirent[] = [];
const children = await readdir(path);
for (const child of children) {
let isFile = false;
let isDirectory = false;
let isSymbolicLink = false;
try {
const lstat = await Promises.lstat(join(path, child));
isFile = lstat.isFile();
isDirectory = lstat.isDirectory();
isSymbolicLink = lstat.isSymbolicLink();
} catch (error) {
console.warn('[node.js fs] unexpected error from lstat after readdir: ', error);
name: child,
isFile: () => isFile,
isDirectory: () => isDirectory,
isSymbolicLink: () => isSymbolicLink
return result;
* Drop-in replacement of `fs.readdirSync` with support
* for converting from macOS NFD unicon form to NFC
* (https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/2165)
export function readdirSync(path: string): string[] {
return handleDirectoryChildren(fs.readdirSync(path));
function handleDirectoryChildren(children: string[]): string[];
function handleDirectoryChildren(children: IDirent[]): IDirent[];
function handleDirectoryChildren(children: (string | IDirent)[]): (string | IDirent)[];
function handleDirectoryChildren(children: (string | IDirent)[]): (string | IDirent)[] {
return children.map(child => {
// Mac: uses NFD unicode form on disk, but we want NFC
// See also https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/2165
if (typeof child === 'string') {
return isMacintosh ? normalizeNFC(child) : child;
child.name = isMacintosh ? normalizeNFC(child.name) : child.name;
return child;
* A convenience method to read all children of a path that
* are directories.
async function readDirsInDir(dirPath: string): Promise<string[]> {
const children = await readdir(dirPath);
const directories: string[] = [];
for (const child of children) {
if (await SymlinkSupport.existsDirectory(join(dirPath, child))) {
return directories;
//#region whenDeleted()
* A `Promise` that resolves when the provided `path`
* is deleted from disk.
export function whenDeleted(path: string, intervalMs = 1000): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
let running = false;
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (!running) {
running = true;
fs.access(path, err => {
running = false;
if (err) {
}, intervalMs);
//#region Methods with symbolic links support
export namespace SymlinkSupport {
export interface IStats {
// The stats of the file. If the file is a symbolic
// link, the stats will be of that target file and
// not the link itself.
// If the file is a symbolic link pointing to a non
// existing file, the stat will be of the link and
// the `dangling` flag will indicate this.
stat: fs.Stats;
// Will be provided if the resource is a symbolic link
// on disk. Use the `dangling` flag to find out if it
// points to a resource that does not exist on disk.
symbolicLink?: { dangling: boolean };
* Resolves the `fs.Stats` of the provided path. If the path is a
* symbolic link, the `fs.Stats` will be from the target it points
* to. If the target does not exist, `dangling: true` will be returned
* as `symbolicLink` value.
export async function stat(path: string): Promise<IStats> {
// First stat the link
let lstats: fs.Stats | undefined;
try {
lstats = await Promises.lstat(path);
// Return early if the stat is not a symbolic link at all
if (!lstats.isSymbolicLink()) {
return { stat: lstats };
} catch (error) {
/* ignore - use stat() instead */
// If the stat is a symbolic link or failed to stat, use fs.stat()
// which for symbolic links will stat the target they point to
try {
const stats = await Promises.stat(path);
return { stat: stats, symbolicLink: lstats?.isSymbolicLink() ? { dangling: false } : undefined };
} catch (error) {
// If the link points to a nonexistent file we still want
// to return it as result while setting dangling: true flag
if (error.code === 'ENOENT' && lstats) {
return { stat: lstats, symbolicLink: { dangling: true } };
// Windows: workaround a node.js bug where reparse points
// are not supported (https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/36790)
if (isWindows && error.code === 'EACCES') {
try {
const stats = await Promises.stat(await Promises.readlink(path));
return { stat: stats, symbolicLink: { dangling: false } };
} catch (error) {
// If the link points to a nonexistent file we still want
// to return it as result while setting dangling: true flag
if (error.code === 'ENOENT' && lstats) {
return { stat: lstats, symbolicLink: { dangling: true } };
throw error;
throw error;
* Figures out if the `path` exists and is a file with support
* for symlinks.
* Note: this will return `false` for a symlink that exists on
* disk but is dangling (pointing to a nonexistent path).
* Use `exists` if you only care about the path existing on disk
* or not without support for symbolic links.
export async function existsFile(path: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const { stat, symbolicLink } = await SymlinkSupport.stat(path);
return stat.isFile() && symbolicLink?.dangling !== true;
} catch (error) {
// Ignore, path might not exist
return false;
* Figures out if the `path` exists and is a directory with support for
* symlinks.
* Note: this will return `false` for a symlink that exists on
* disk but is dangling (pointing to a nonexistent path).
* Use `exists` if you only care about the path existing on disk
* or not without support for symbolic links.
export async function existsDirectory(path: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const { stat, symbolicLink } = await SymlinkSupport.stat(path);
return stat.isDirectory() && symbolicLink?.dangling !== true;
} catch (error) {
// Ignore, path might not exist
return false;
//#region Write File
// According to node.js docs (https://nodejs.org/docs/v6.5.0/api/fs.html#fs_fs_writefile_file_data_options_callback)
// it is not safe to call writeFile() on the same path multiple times without waiting for the callback to return.
// Therefor we use a Queue on the path that is given to us to sequentialize calls to the same path properly.
const writeQueues = new ResourceQueue();
* Same as `fs.writeFile` but with an additional call to
* `fs.fdatasync` after writing to ensure changes are
* flushed to disk.
* In addition, multiple writes to the same path are queued.
function writeFile(path: string, data: string, options?: IWriteFileOptions): Promise<void>;
function writeFile(path: string, data: Buffer, options?: IWriteFileOptions): Promise<void>;
function writeFile(path: string, data: Uint8Array, options?: IWriteFileOptions): Promise<void>;
function writeFile(path: string, data: string | Buffer | Uint8Array, options?: IWriteFileOptions): Promise<void>;
function writeFile(path: string, data: string | Buffer | Uint8Array, options?: IWriteFileOptions): Promise<void> {
return writeQueues.queueFor(URI.file(path), extUriBiasedIgnorePathCase).queue(() => {
const ensuredOptions = ensureWriteOptions(options);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => doWriteFileAndFlush(path, data, ensuredOptions, error => error ? reject(error) : resolve()));
interface IWriteFileOptions {
mode?: number;
flag?: string;
interface IEnsuredWriteFileOptions extends IWriteFileOptions {
mode: number;
flag: string;
let canFlush = true;
// Calls fs.writeFile() followed by a fs.sync() call to flush the changes to disk
// We do this in cases where we want to make sure the data is really on disk and
// not in some cache.
// See https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v5.10.0/lib/fs.js#L1194
function doWriteFileAndFlush(path: string, data: string | Buffer | Uint8Array, options: IEnsuredWriteFileOptions, callback: (error: Error | null) => void): void {
if (!canFlush) {
return fs.writeFile(path, data, { mode: options.mode, flag: options.flag }, callback);
// Open the file with same flags and mode as fs.writeFile()
fs.open(path, options.flag, options.mode, (openError, fd) => {
if (openError) {
return callback(openError);
// It is valid to pass a fd handle to fs.writeFile() and this will keep the handle open!
fs.writeFile(fd, data, writeError => {
if (writeError) {
return fs.close(fd, () => callback(writeError)); // still need to close the handle on error!
// Flush contents (not metadata) of the file to disk
// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/9589
fs.fdatasync(fd, (syncError: Error | null) => {
// In some exotic setups it is well possible that node fails to sync
// In that case we disable flushing and warn to the console
if (syncError) {
console.warn('[node.js fs] fdatasync is now disabled for this session because it failed: ', syncError);
canFlush = false;
return fs.close(fd, closeError => callback(closeError));
* Same as `fs.writeFileSync` but with an additional call to
* `fs.fdatasyncSync` after writing to ensure changes are
* flushed to disk.
export function writeFileSync(path: string, data: string | Buffer, options?: IWriteFileOptions): void {
const ensuredOptions = ensureWriteOptions(options);
if (!canFlush) {
return fs.writeFileSync(path, data, { mode: ensuredOptions.mode, flag: ensuredOptions.flag });
// Open the file with same flags and mode as fs.writeFile()
const fd = fs.openSync(path, ensuredOptions.flag, ensuredOptions.mode);
try {
// It is valid to pass a fd handle to fs.writeFile() and this will keep the handle open!
fs.writeFileSync(fd, data);
// Flush contents (not metadata) of the file to disk
try {
fs.fdatasyncSync(fd); // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/9589
} catch (syncError) {
console.warn('[node.js fs] fdatasyncSync is now disabled for this session because it failed: ', syncError);
canFlush = false;
} finally {
function ensureWriteOptions(options?: IWriteFileOptions): IEnsuredWriteFileOptions {
if (!options) {
return { mode: 0o666 /* default node.js mode for files */, flag: 'w' };
return {
mode: typeof options.mode === 'number' ? options.mode : 0o666 /* default node.js mode for files */,
flag: typeof options.flag === 'string' ? options.flag : 'w'
//#region Move / Copy
* A drop-in replacement for `fs.rename` that:
* - updates the `mtime` of the `source` after the operation
* - allows to move across multiple disks
async function move(source: string, target: string): Promise<void> {
if (source === target) {
return; // simulate node.js behaviour here and do a no-op if paths match
// We have been updating `mtime` for move operations for files since the
// beginning for reasons that are no longer quite clear, but changing
// this could be risky as well. As such, trying to reason about it:
// It is very common as developer to have file watchers enabled that watch
// the current workspace for changes. Updating the `mtime` might make it
// easier for these watchers to recognize an actual change. Since changing
// a source code file also updates the `mtime`, moving a file should do so
// as well because conceptually it is a change of a similar category.
async function updateMtime(path: string): Promise<void> {
try {
const stat = await Promises.lstat(path);
if (stat.isDirectory() || stat.isSymbolicLink()) {
return; // only for files
await Promises.utimes(path, stat.atime, new Date());
} catch (error) {
// Ignore any error
try {
await Promises.rename(source, target);
await updateMtime(target);
} catch (error) {
// In two cases we fallback to classic copy and delete:
// 1.) The EXDEV error indicates that source and target are on different devices
// In this case, fallback to using a copy() operation as there is no way to
// rename() between different devices.
// 2.) The user tries to rename a file/folder that ends with a dot. This is not
// really possible to move then, at least on UNC devices.
if (source.toLowerCase() !== target.toLowerCase() && error.code === 'EXDEV' || source.endsWith('.')) {
await copy(source, target, { preserveSymlinks: false /* copying to another device */ });
await rimraf(source, RimRafMode.MOVE);
await updateMtime(target);
} else {
throw error;
interface ICopyPayload {
readonly root: { source: string, target: string };
readonly options: { preserveSymlinks: boolean };
readonly handledSourcePaths: Set<string>;
* Recursively copies all of `source` to `target`.
* The options `preserveSymlinks` configures how symbolic
* links should be handled when encountered. Set to
* `false` to not preserve them and `true` otherwise.
async function copy(source: string, target: string, options: { preserveSymlinks: boolean }): Promise<void> {
return doCopy(source, target, { root: { source, target }, options, handledSourcePaths: new Set<string>() });
// When copying a file or folder, we want to preserve the mode
// it had and as such provide it when creating. However, modes
// can go beyond what we expect (see link below), so we mask it.
// (https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/3045#issuecomment-4862588)
const COPY_MODE_MASK = 0o777;
async function doCopy(source: string, target: string, payload: ICopyPayload): Promise<void> {
// Keep track of paths already copied to prevent
// cycles from symbolic links to cause issues
if (payload.handledSourcePaths.has(source)) {
} else {
const { stat, symbolicLink } = await SymlinkSupport.stat(source);
// Symlink
if (symbolicLink) {
// Try to re-create the symlink unless `preserveSymlinks: false`
if (payload.options.preserveSymlinks) {
try {
return await doCopySymlink(source, target, payload);
} catch (error) {
// in any case of an error fallback to normal copy via dereferencing
console.warn('[node.js fs] copy of symlink failed: ', error);
if (symbolicLink.dangling) {
return; // skip dangling symbolic links from here on (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/111621)
// Folder
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return doCopyDirectory(source, target, stat.mode & COPY_MODE_MASK, payload);
// File or file-like
else {
return doCopyFile(source, target, stat.mode & COPY_MODE_MASK);
async function doCopyDirectory(source: string, target: string, mode: number, payload: ICopyPayload): Promise<void> {
// Create folder
await Promises.mkdir(target, { recursive: true, mode });
// Copy each file recursively
const files = await readdir(source);
for (const file of files) {
await doCopy(join(source, file), join(target, file), payload);
async function doCopyFile(source: string, target: string, mode: number): Promise<void> {
// Copy file
await Promises.copyFile(source, target);
// restore mode (https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/1104)
await Promises.chmod(target, mode);
async function doCopySymlink(source: string, target: string, payload: ICopyPayload): Promise<void> {
// Figure out link target
let linkTarget = await Promises.readlink(source);
// Special case: the symlink points to a target that is
// actually within the path that is being copied. In that
// case we want the symlink to point to the target and
// not the source
if (isEqualOrParent(linkTarget, payload.root.source, !isLinux)) {
linkTarget = join(payload.root.target, linkTarget.substr(payload.root.source.length + 1));
// Create symlink
await Promises.symlink(linkTarget, target);
//#region Promise based fs methods
* Prefer this helper class over the `fs.promises` API to
* enable `graceful-fs` to function properly. Given issue
* https://github.com/isaacs/node-graceful-fs/issues/160 it
* is evident that the module only takes care of the non-promise
* based fs methods.
* Another reason is `realpath` being entirely different in
* the promise based implementation compared to the other
* one (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/118562)
* Note: using getters for a reason, since `graceful-fs`
* patching might kick in later after modules have been
* loaded we need to defer access to fs methods.
* (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/124176)
export const Promises = new class {
//#region Implemented by node.js
get access() { return promisify(fs.access); }
get stat() { return promisify(fs.stat); }
get lstat() { return promisify(fs.lstat); }
get utimes() { return promisify(fs.utimes); }
get read() { return promisify(fs.read); }
get readFile() { return promisify(fs.readFile); }
get write() { return promisify(fs.write); }
get appendFile() { return promisify(fs.appendFile); }
get fdatasync() { return promisify(fs.fdatasync); }
get truncate() { return promisify(fs.truncate); }
get rename() { return promisify(fs.rename); }
get copyFile() { return promisify(fs.copyFile); }
get open() { return promisify(fs.open); }
get close() { return promisify(fs.close); }
get symlink() { return promisify(fs.symlink); }
get readlink() { return promisify(fs.readlink); }
get chmod() { return promisify(fs.chmod); }
get mkdir() { return promisify(fs.mkdir); }
get unlink() { return promisify(fs.unlink); }
get rmdir() { return promisify(fs.rmdir); }
get realpath() { return promisify(fs.realpath); }
//#region Implemented by us
async exists(path: string): Promise<boolean> {
try {
await Promises.access(path);
return true;
} catch {
return false;
get readdir() { return readdir; }
get readDirsInDir() { return readDirsInDir; }
get writeFile() { return writeFile; }
get rm() { return rimraf; }
get move() { return move; }
get copy() { return copy; }