2021-11-22 07:32:21 +01:00

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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// #######################################################################
// ### ###
// ### electron.d.ts types we need in a common layer for reuse ###
// ### (copied from Electron 16.x) ###
// ### ###
// #######################################################################
export interface MessageBoxOptions {
* Content of the message box.
message: string;
* Can be `"none"`, `"info"`, `"error"`, `"question"` or `"warning"`. On Windows,
* `"question"` displays the same icon as `"info"`, unless you set an icon using
* the `"icon"` option. On macOS, both `"warning"` and `"error"` display the same
* warning icon.
type?: string;
* Array of texts for buttons. On Windows, an empty array will result in one button
* labeled "OK".
buttons?: string[];
* Index of the button in the buttons array which will be selected by default when
* the message box opens.
defaultId?: number;
* Pass an instance of AbortSignal to optionally close the message box, the message
* box will behave as if it was cancelled by the user. On macOS, `signal` does not
* work with message boxes that do not have a parent window, since those message
* boxes run synchronously due to platform limitations.
signal?: AbortSignal;
* Title of the message box, some platforms will not show it.
title?: string;
* Extra information of the message.
detail?: string;
* If provided, the message box will include a checkbox with the given label.
checkboxLabel?: string;
* Initial checked state of the checkbox. `false` by default.
checkboxChecked?: boolean;
* Custom width of the text in the message box.
* @platform darwin
textWidth?: number;
* The index of the button to be used to cancel the dialog, via the `Esc` key. By
* default this is assigned to the first button with "cancel" or "no" as the label.
* If no such labeled buttons exist and this option is not set, `0` will be used as
* the return value.
cancelId?: number;
* On Windows Electron will try to figure out which one of the `buttons` are common
* buttons (like "Cancel" or "Yes"), and show the others as command links in the
* dialog. This can make the dialog appear in the style of modern Windows apps. If
* you don't like this behavior, you can set `noLink` to `true`.
noLink?: boolean;
* Normalize the keyboard access keys across platforms. Default is `false`.
* Enabling this assumes `&` is used in the button labels for the placement of the
* keyboard shortcut access key and labels will be converted so they work correctly
* on each platform, `&` characters are removed on macOS, converted to `_` on
* Linux, and left untouched on Windows. For example, a button label of `Vie&w`
* will be converted to `Vie_w` on Linux and `View` on macOS and can be selected
* via `Alt-W` on Windows and Linux.
normalizeAccessKeys?: boolean;
export interface MessageBoxReturnValue {
* The index of the clicked button.
response: number;
* The checked state of the checkbox if `checkboxLabel` was set. Otherwise `false`.
checkboxChecked: boolean;
export interface SaveDialogOptions {
* The dialog title. Cannot be displayed on some _Linux_ desktop environments.
title?: string;
* Absolute directory path, absolute file path, or file name to use by default.
defaultPath?: string;
* Custom label for the confirmation button, when left empty the default label will
* be used.
buttonLabel?: string;
filters?: FileFilter[];
* Message to display above text fields.
* @platform darwin
message?: string;
* Custom label for the text displayed in front of the filename text field.
* @platform darwin
nameFieldLabel?: string;
* Show the tags input box, defaults to `true`.
* @platform darwin
showsTagField?: boolean;
properties?: Array<'showHiddenFiles' | 'createDirectory' | 'treatPackageAsDirectory' | 'showOverwriteConfirmation' | 'dontAddToRecent'>;
* Create a security scoped bookmark when packaged for the Mac App Store. If this
* option is enabled and the file doesn't already exist a blank file will be
* created at the chosen path.
* @platform darwin,mas
securityScopedBookmarks?: boolean;
export interface SaveDialogReturnValue {
* whether or not the dialog was canceled.
canceled: boolean;
* If the dialog is canceled, this will be `undefined`.
filePath?: string;
* Base64 encoded string which contains the security scoped bookmark data for the
* saved file. `securityScopedBookmarks` must be enabled for this to be present.
* (For return values, see table here.)
* @platform darwin,mas
bookmark?: string;
export interface OpenDialogOptions {
title?: string;
defaultPath?: string;
* Custom label for the confirmation button, when left empty the default label will
* be used.
buttonLabel?: string;
filters?: FileFilter[];
* Contains which features the dialog should use. The following values are
* supported:
properties?: Array<'openFile' | 'openDirectory' | 'multiSelections' | 'showHiddenFiles' | 'createDirectory' | 'promptToCreate' | 'noResolveAliases' | 'treatPackageAsDirectory' | 'dontAddToRecent'>;
* Message to display above input boxes.
* @platform darwin
message?: string;
* Create security scoped bookmarks when packaged for the Mac App Store.
* @platform darwin,mas
securityScopedBookmarks?: boolean;
export interface OpenDialogReturnValue {
* whether or not the dialog was canceled.
canceled: boolean;
* An array of file paths chosen by the user. If the dialog is cancelled this will
* be an empty array.
filePaths: string[];
* An array matching the `filePaths` array of base64 encoded strings which contains
* security scoped bookmark data. `securityScopedBookmarks` must be enabled for
* this to be populated. (For return values, see table here.)
* @platform darwin,mas
bookmarks?: string[];
export interface FileFilter {
// Docs: https://electronjs.org/docs/api/structures/file-filter
extensions: string[];
name: string;
export interface OpenDevToolsOptions {
* Opens the devtools with specified dock state, can be `right`, `bottom`,
* `undocked`, `detach`. Defaults to last used dock state. In `undocked` mode it's
* possible to dock back. In `detach` mode it's not.
mode: ('right' | 'bottom' | 'undocked' | 'detach');
* Whether to bring the opened devtools window to the foreground. The default is
* `true`.
activate?: boolean;
export interface InputEvent {
// Docs: https://electronjs.org/docs/api/structures/input-event
* An array of modifiers of the event, can be `shift`, `control`, `ctrl`, `alt`,
* `meta`, `command`, `cmd`, `isKeypad`, `isAutoRepeat`, `leftButtonDown`,
* `middleButtonDown`, `rightButtonDown`, `capsLock`, `numLock`, `left`, `right`.
modifiers?: Array<'shift' | 'control' | 'ctrl' | 'alt' | 'meta' | 'command' | 'cmd' | 'isKeypad' | 'isAutoRepeat' | 'leftButtonDown' | 'middleButtonDown' | 'rightButtonDown' | 'capsLock' | 'numLock' | 'left' | 'right'>;
export interface MouseInputEvent extends InputEvent {
// Docs: https://electronjs.org/docs/api/structures/mouse-input-event
* The button pressed, can be `left`, `middle`, `right`.
button?: ('left' | 'middle' | 'right');
clickCount?: number;
globalX?: number;
globalY?: number;
movementX?: number;
movementY?: number;
* The type of the event, can be `mouseDown`, `mouseUp`, `mouseEnter`,
* `mouseLeave`, `contextMenu`, `mouseWheel` or `mouseMove`.
type: ('mouseDown' | 'mouseUp' | 'mouseEnter' | 'mouseLeave' | 'contextMenu' | 'mouseWheel' | 'mouseMove');
x: number;
y: number;