import * as React from "react"; import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import * as path from "path"; import { ipcRenderer, remote, shell } from "electron"; import { CONSTANTS, IPC_COMMANDS } from "../constants"; import { getDiskImageSize } from "../utils/disk-image-size"; import { CardStart } from "./card-start"; import { StartMenu } from "./start-menu"; import { CardFloppy } from "./card-floppy"; import { CardState } from "./card-state"; import { EmulatorInfo } from "./emulator-info"; export interface EmulatorState { currentUiCard: string; emulator?: any; floppyFile?: string; isBootingFresh: boolean; isCursorCaptured: boolean; isInfoDisplayed: boolean; isRunning: boolean; } export class Emulator extends React.Component<{}, EmulatorState> { private isQuitting = false; private isResetting = false; constructor(props: {}) { super(props); this.startEmulator = this.startEmulator.bind(this); this.state = { isBootingFresh: false, isCursorCaptured: false, isRunning: false, currentUiCard: "start", isInfoDisplayed: true }; this.setupInputListeners(); this.setupIpcListeners(); this.setupUnloadListeners(); if (document.location.hash.includes("AUTO_START")) { this.startEmulator(); } } /** * We want to capture and release the mouse at appropriate times. */ public setupInputListeners() { // ESC document.onkeydown = evt => { const { emulator, isCursorCaptured } = this.state; evt = evt || window.event; if (evt.keyCode === 27) { if (isCursorCaptured) { this.setState({ isCursorCaptured: false }); if (emulator) { emulator.mouse_set_status(false); } document.exitPointerLock(); } else { this.setState({ isCursorCaptured: true }); if (emulator) { emulator.lock_mouse(); } } } }; // Click document.addEventListener("click", () => { if (!this.state.isCursorCaptured) { this.setState({ isCursorCaptured: true }); this.state.emulator.mouse_set_status(true); this.state.emulator.lock_mouse(); } }); } /** * Save the emulator's state to disk during exit. */ public setupUnloadListeners() { const handleClose = async () => { await this.saveState(); this.isQuitting = true;; }; window.onbeforeunload = event => { if (this.isQuitting) return; if (this.isResetting) return; handleClose(); event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = false; }; } /** * Setup the various IPC messages sent to the renderer * from the main process */ public setupIpcListeners() { ipcRenderer.on(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_CTRL_ALT_DEL, () => { if (this.state.emulator && this.state.isRunning) { this.state.emulator.keyboard_send_scancodes([ 0x1d, // ctrl 0x38, // alt 0x53, // delete // break codes 0x1d | 0x80, 0x38 | 0x80, 0x53 | 0x80 ]); } }); ipcRenderer.on(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_RESTART, () => { if (this.state.emulator && this.state.isRunning) { this.state.emulator.restart(); } }); ipcRenderer.on(IPC_COMMANDS.TOGGLE_INFO, () => { this.setState({ isInfoDisplayed: !this.state.isInfoDisplayed }); }); ipcRenderer.on(IPC_COMMANDS.SHOW_DISK_IMAGE, () => { this.showDiskImage(); }); } /** * If the emulator isn't running, this is rendering the, erm, UI. * * 🤡 */ public renderUI() { const { isRunning, currentUiCard } = this.state; if (isRunning) { return null; } let card; if (currentUiCard === "floppy") { card = ( this.setState({ floppyFile })} floppyPath={this.state.floppyFile} /> ); } else if (currentUiCard === "state") { card = ; } else { card = ; } return ( <> {card} this.setState({ currentUiCard: target })} /> ); } /** * Yaknow, render things and stuff. */ public render() { return ( <> { this.setState({ isInfoDisplayed: !this.state.isInfoDisplayed }); }} /> {this.renderUI()}
); } /** * Boot the emulator without restoring state */ public bootFromScratch() { this.setState({ isBootingFresh: true }); this.startEmulator(); } /** * Show the disk image on disk */ public showDiskImage() { const imagePath = path .join(__dirname, "images/windows95.img") .replace("app.asar", "app.asar.unpacked"); shell.showItemInFolder(imagePath); } /** * Start the actual emulator */ public async startEmulator() { document.body.classList.remove("paused"); const imageSize = await getDiskImageSize(); const options = { memory_size: 128 * 1024 * 1024, video_memory_size: 32 * 1024 * 1024, screen_container: document.getElementById("emulator"), bios: { url: "../../bios/seabios.bin" }, vga_bios: { url: "../../bios/vgabios.bin" }, hda: { url: "../../images/windows95.img", async: true, size: imageSize }, fda: { buffer: this.state.floppyFile }, boot_order: 0x132 }; console.log(`Starting emulator with options`, options); // New v86 instance this.setState({ emulator: new V86Starter(options), isRunning: true }); // Restore state. We can't do this right away // and randomly chose 500ms as the appropriate // wait time (lol) setTimeout(async () => { if (!this.state.isBootingFresh) { this.restoreState(); } this.state.emulator.lock_mouse();; }, 500); } /** * Reset the emulator by reloading the whole page (lol) */ public async resetEmulator() { this.isResetting = true; document.location.hash = `#AUTO_START`; document.location.reload(); } /** * Take the emulators state and write it to disk. This is possibly * a fairly big file. */ public async saveState(): Promise { const { emulator } = this.state; if (!emulator || !emulator.save_state) { console.log(`restoreState: No emulator present`); return; } return new Promise(resolve => { emulator.save_state(async (error: Error, newState: ArrayBuffer) => { if (error) { console.warn(`saveState: Could not save state`, error); return; } await fs.outputFile(CONSTANTS.STATE_PATH, Buffer.from(newState)); console.log(`saveState: Saved state to ${CONSTANTS.STATE_PATH}`); resolve(); }); }); } /** * Restores state to the emulator. */ public restoreState() { const { emulator } = this.state; const state = this.getState(); // Nothing to do with if we don't have a state if (!state) { console.log(`restoreState: No state present, not restoring.`); } if (!emulator) { console.log(`restoreState: No emulator present`); } try { this.state.emulator.restore_state(state); } catch (error) { console.log( `State: Could not read state file. Maybe none exists?`, error ); } } /** * Returns the current machine's state - either what * we have saved or alternatively the default state. * * @returns {ArrayBuffer} */ public getState(): ArrayBuffer | null { const statePath = fs.existsSync(CONSTANTS.STATE_PATH) ? CONSTANTS.STATE_PATH : CONSTANTS.DEFAULT_STATE_PATH; if (fs.existsSync(statePath)) { return fs.readFileSync(statePath).buffer; } return null; } }