import { app, shell, Menu, BrowserWindow, ipcMain } from "electron"; import { clearCaches } from "../cache"; import { IPC_COMMANDS } from "../constants"; import { isDevMode } from "../utils/devmode"; const LINKS = { homepage: "", repo: "", credits: "", help: "", }; export async function setupMenu() { await createMenu(); ipcMain.on(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_STARTED, () => createMenu({ isRunning: true }) ); ipcMain.on(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_STOPPED, () => createMenu({ isRunning: false }) ); } function send(cmd: string) { const windows = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows(); if (windows[0]) { console.log(`Sending "${cmd}"`); windows[0].webContents.send(cmd); } else { console.log(`Tried to send "${cmd}", but could not find window`); } } async function createMenu({ isRunning } = { isRunning: false }) { const template: Array = [ { label: "View", submenu: [ { label: "Toggle Full Screen", accelerator: (function () { if (process.platform === "darwin") { return "Ctrl+Command+F"; } else { return "F11"; } })(), click: function (_item, focusedWindow) { if (focusedWindow) { focusedWindow.setFullScreen(!focusedWindow.isFullScreen()); } }, }, { label: "Toggle Developer Tools", accelerator: (function () { if (process.platform === "darwin") { return "Alt+Command+I"; } else { return "Ctrl+Shift+I"; } })(), click: function (_item, focusedWindow) { if (focusedWindow) { focusedWindow.webContents.toggleDevTools(); } }, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Toggle Emulator Info", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.TOGGLE_INFO), }, { type: "separator", }, { role: "reload", }, ], }, { role: "editMenu", visible: isDevMode(), }, { label: "Window", role: "window", submenu: [ { label: "Minimize", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+M", role: "minimize", }, { label: "Close", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+W", role: "close", }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Zoom in", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.ZOOM_IN), enabled: isRunning, }, { label: "Zoom out", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.ZOOM_OUT), enabled: isRunning, }, { label: "Reset zoom", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.ZOOM_RESET), enabled: isRunning, }, ], }, { label: "Machine", submenu: [ { label: "Send Ctrl+Alt+Del", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_CTRL_ALT_DEL), enabled: isRunning, }, { label: "Send Alt+F4", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_ALT_F4), enabled: isRunning, }, { label: "Send Alt+Enter", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_ALT_ENTER), enabled: isRunning, }, { label: "Send Esc", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_ESC), enabled: isRunning, }, { type: "separator", }, isRunning ? { label: "Stop", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_STOP), } : { label: "Start", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_START), }, { label: "Restart", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_RESTART), enabled: isRunning, }, { label: "Reset", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.MACHINE_RESET), enabled: isRunning, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Go to Disk Image", click: () => send(IPC_COMMANDS.SHOW_DISK_IMAGE), }, ], }, { label: "Help", role: "help", submenu: [ { label: "Author", click: () => shell.openExternal(LINKS.homepage), }, { label: "windows95 on GitHub", click: () => shell.openExternal(LINKS.repo), }, { label: "Help", click: () => shell.openExternal(, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Troubleshooting", submenu: [ { label: "Clear Cache and Restart", async click() { await clearCaches(); app.relaunch(); app.quit(); }, }, ], }, ], }, ]; if (process.platform === "darwin") { template.unshift({ label: "windows95", submenu: [ { role: "about", }, { type: "separator", }, { role: "services", }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Hide windows95", accelerator: "Command+H", role: "hide", }, { label: "Hide Others", accelerator: "Command+Shift+H", role: "hideothers", }, { role: "unhide", }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Quit", accelerator: "Command+Q", click() { app.quit(); }, }, ], } as any); } Menu.setApplicationMenu(Menu.buildFromTemplate(template as any)); }