
132 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* can parse a version in form of rv2-beta-8 or rv2.beta.8
public final class VersionParser
private static final Pattern PATTERN_DOT = Pattern.compile( "\\." );
private static final Pattern PATTERN_DASH = Pattern.compile( "-" );
private static final Pattern PATTERN_REVISION = Pattern.compile( "[^0-9]+" );
private static final Pattern PATTERN_BUILD = Pattern.compile( "[^0-9]+" );
private static final Pattern PATTERN_NATURAL = Pattern.compile( "[0-9]+" );
private static final Pattern PATTERN_VALID_REVISION = Pattern.compile( "^rv\\d+$" );
* Parses the {@link Version} out of a String
* @param raw String in form of rv2-beta-8 or rv2.beta.8
* @return {@link Version} encoded in the raw String
* @throws AssertionError if raw String does not match pattern of a {@link Version}
public Version parse( String raw )
final String transformed = this.transformDelimiter( raw );
final String[] split = transformed.split( "_" );
return this.parseVersion( split );
* Replaces all "." and "-" into "_" to make them uniform
* @param raw raw version string containing "." or "-"
* @return transformed raw, where "." and "-" are replaced by "_"
private String transformDelimiter( String raw )
assert raw.contains( "." ) || raw.contains( "-" );
final String withoutDot = PATTERN_DOT.matcher( raw ).replaceAll( "_" );
final String withoutDash = PATTERN_DASH.matcher( withoutDot ).replaceAll( "_" );
return withoutDash;
* parses the {@link Version} out of the split.
* The split must have a length of 3,
* representing revision, channel and build.
* @param splitRaw raw version split with length of 3
* @return {@link Version} represented by the splitRaw
private Version parseVersion( String[] splitRaw )
assert splitRaw.length == 3;
final String rawRevision = splitRaw[0];
final String rawChannel = splitRaw[1];
final String rawBuild = splitRaw[2];
final int revision = this.parseRevision( rawRevision );
final Channel channel = this.parseChannel( rawChannel );
final int build = this.parseBuild( rawBuild );
return new DefaultVersion( revision, channel, build );
* A revision starts with the keyword "rv", followed by a natural number
* @param rawRevision String containing the revision number
* @return revision number
private int parseRevision( String rawRevision )
assert PATTERN_VALID_REVISION.matcher( rawRevision ).matches();
final int revision = new Scanner( rawRevision ).useDelimiter( PATTERN_REVISION ).nextInt();
return revision;
* A channel is atm either one of {@link Channel#Alpha}, {@link Channel#Beta} or {@link Channel#Release}
* @param rawChannel String containing the channel
* @return matching {@link Channel} to the String
private Channel parseChannel( String rawChannel )
assert rawChannel.equalsIgnoreCase( ) || rawChannel.equalsIgnoreCase( ) || rawChannel.equalsIgnoreCase( );
for( Channel channel : Channel.values() )
if( rawChannel ) )
return channel;
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Raw channel " + rawChannel + " did not contain any of the pre-programmed types." );
* A build is just a natural number
* @param rawBuild String containing the build number
* @return build number
private int parseBuild( String rawBuild )
assert PATTERN_NATURAL.matcher( rawBuild ).matches();
final int build = new Scanner( rawBuild ).useDelimiter( PATTERN_BUILD ).nextInt();
return build;