2013-12-27 16:59:59 -06:00
package appeng.core.features;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
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import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess;
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import appeng.api.util.AEItemDefinition;
import appeng.block.AEBaseBlock;
import appeng.block.AEBaseItemBlock;
2014-02-08 23:08:27 -06:00
import appeng.core.AEConfig;
2014-03-08 21:35:53 -06:00
import appeng.core.CommonHelper;
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import appeng.core.CreativeTab;
2014-02-01 16:24:13 -06:00
import appeng.core.CreativeTabFacade;
import appeng.items.parts.ItemFacade;
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import appeng.util.Platform;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
public class AEFeatureHandler implements AEItemDefinition
private final EnumSet<AEFeature> myFeatures;
private final String subname;
private IAEFeature obj;
private Item ItemData;
private Block BlockData;
public AEFeatureHandler(EnumSet<AEFeature> featureSet, IAEFeature _obj, String _subname) {
myFeatures = featureSet;
obj = _obj;
subname = _subname;
public void register()
if ( isFeatureAvailable() )
if ( obj instanceof Item )
initItem( (Item) obj );
if ( obj instanceof Block )
initBlock( (Block) obj );
public static String getName(Class o, String subname)
String name = o.getSimpleName();
2014-05-06 00:16:29 -05:00
if ( name.startsWith( "ItemMultiPart" ) )
name = name.replace( "ItemMultiPart", "ItemPart" );
else if ( name.startsWith( "ItemMultiMaterial" ) )
name = name.replace( "ItemMultiMaterial", "ItemMaterial" );
2013-12-27 16:59:59 -06:00
if ( subname != null )
// simple hack to allow me to do get nice names for these without
// mode code outside of AEBaseItem
2014-01-20 10:41:37 -06:00
if ( subname.startsWith( "P2PTunnel" ) )
return "ItemPart.P2PTunnel";
2013-12-27 16:59:59 -06:00
if ( subname.equals( "CertusQuartzTools" ) )
return name.replace( "Quartz", "CertusQuartz" );
if ( subname.equals( "NetherQuartzTools" ) )
return name.replace( "Quartz", "NetherQuartz" );
name += "." + subname;
return name;
private void initItem(Item i)
ItemData = i;
String name = getName( i.getClass(), subname );
i.setTextureName( "appliedenergistics2:" + name );
i.setUnlocalizedName( /* "item." */"appliedenergistics2." + name );
2014-02-01 16:24:13 -06:00
if ( i instanceof ItemFacade )
i.setCreativeTab( CreativeTabFacade.instance );
i.setCreativeTab( CreativeTab.instance );
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if ( name.equals( "ItemMaterial" ) )
name = "ItemMultiMaterial";
else if ( name.equals( "ItemPart" ) )
name = "ItemMultiPart";
2013-12-27 16:59:59 -06:00
GameRegistry.registerItem( i, "item." + name );
private void initBlock(Block b)
BlockData = b;
String name = getName( b.getClass(), subname );
b.setCreativeTab( CreativeTab.instance );
2014-02-08 19:34:52 -06:00
b.setBlockName( /* "tile." */"appliedenergistics2." + name );
b.setBlockTextureName( "appliedenergistics2:" + name );
2013-12-27 16:59:59 -06:00
if ( Platform.isClient() && BlockData instanceof AEBaseBlock )
AEBaseBlock bb = (AEBaseBlock) b;
CommonHelper.proxy.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer( bb.getTileEntityClass(), bb );
Class itemBlock = AEBaseItemBlock.class;
if ( b instanceof AEBaseBlock )
itemBlock = ((AEBaseBlock) b).getItemBlockClass();
GameRegistry.registerBlock( b, itemBlock, "tile." + name );
public EnumSet<AEFeature> getFeatures()
return myFeatures.clone();
public boolean isFeatureAvailable()
boolean enabled = true;
for (AEFeature f : myFeatures)
2014-02-08 23:08:27 -06:00
enabled = enabled && AEConfig.instance.isFeatureEnabled( f );
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return enabled;
public Block block()
return BlockData;
public Class<? extends TileEntity> entity()
if ( BlockData instanceof AEBaseBlock )
AEBaseBlock bb = (AEBaseBlock) BlockData;
return bb.getTileEntityClass();
return null;
public Item item()
2014-03-08 21:35:53 -06:00
if ( ItemData == null && BlockData != null )
return Item.getItemFromBlock( BlockData );
2013-12-27 16:59:59 -06:00
return ItemData;
public ItemStack stack(int stackSize)
if ( isFeatureAvailable() )
2014-02-08 19:34:52 -06:00
ItemStack rv = null;
if ( ItemData != null )
rv = new ItemStack( ItemData );
rv = new ItemStack( BlockData );
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rv.stackSize = stackSize;
return rv;
return null;
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public boolean sameAsStack(ItemStack is)
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if ( isFeatureAvailable() )
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return Platform.isSameItemType( is, stack( 1 ) );
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return false;
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public boolean sameAsBlock(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z)
if ( isFeatureAvailable() && BlockData != null )
return world.getBlock( x, y, z ) == block();
return false;
2013-12-27 16:59:59 -06:00