Merge pull request #1486 from yueh/feature-1259

Closes #1259 ETA for crafting jobs
This commit is contained in:
yueh 2015-06-01 19:51:47 +02:00
commit 776d68bb03
5 changed files with 168 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
@ -50,20 +52,45 @@ import appeng.core.localization.GuiText;
import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketValueConfig;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import appeng.util.ReadableNumberConverter;
public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
private final static int GUI_HEIGHT = 184;
private final static int GUI_WIDTH = 238;
final int rows = 6;
private final static int DISPLAYED_ROWS = 6;
IItemList<IAEItemStack> storage = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
IItemList<IAEItemStack> active = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
IItemList<IAEItemStack> pending = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
private final static int TEXT_COLOR = 0x404040;
private final static int BACKGROUND_ALPHA = 0x5A000000;
List<IAEItemStack> visual = new ArrayList<IAEItemStack>();
GuiButton cancel;
int tooltip = -1;
private final static int SECTION_LENGTH = 67;
private final static int SCROLLBAR_TOP = 19;
private final static int SCROLLBAR_LEFT = 218;
private final static int SCROLLBAR_HEIGHT = 137;
private final static int CANCEL_LEFT_OFFSET = 163;
private final static int CANCEL_TOP_OFFSET = 25;
private final static int CANCEL_HEIGHT = 20;
private final static int CANCEL_WIDTH = 50;
private final static int ETA_TOP_OFFSET = 165;
private final static int ETA_LEFT_OFFSET = 8;
private final static int ITEMSTACK_LEFT_OFFSET = 9;
private final static int ITEMSTACK_TOP_OFFSET = 22;
private final ContainerCraftingCPU craftingCpu;
private IItemList<IAEItemStack> storage = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
private IItemList<IAEItemStack> active = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
private IItemList<IAEItemStack> pending = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
private List<IAEItemStack> visual = new ArrayList<IAEItemStack>();
private GuiButton cancel;
private int tooltip = -1;
public GuiCraftingCPU( InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, Object te )
@ -73,8 +100,9 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
protected GuiCraftingCPU( ContainerCraftingCPU container )
super( container );
this.ySize = 184;
this.xSize = 238;
this.craftingCpu = container;
this.ySize = GUI_HEIGHT;
this.xSize = GUI_WIDTH;
this.myScrollBar = new GuiScrollbar();
@ -109,7 +137,7 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
this.cancel = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 163, this.guiTop + this.ySize - 25, 50, 20, GuiText.Cancel.getLocal() );
this.cancel = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + CANCEL_LEFT_OFFSET, this.guiTop + this.ySize - CANCEL_TOP_OFFSET, CANCEL_WIDTH, CANCEL_HEIGHT, GuiText.Cancel.getLocal() );
this.buttonList.add( this.cancel );
@ -117,8 +145,8 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
int size = this.visual.size();
this.myScrollBar.setTop( 19 ).setLeft( 218 ).setHeight( 137 );
this.myScrollBar.setRange( 0, ( size + 2 ) / 3 - this.rows, 1 );
this.myScrollBar.setTop( SCROLLBAR_TOP ).setLeft( SCROLLBAR_LEFT ).setHeight( SCROLLBAR_HEIGHT );
this.myScrollBar.setRange( 0, ( size + 2 ) / 3 - DISPLAYED_ROWS, 1 );
@ -129,9 +157,9 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int gx = ( this.width - this.xSize ) / 2;
int gy = ( this.height - this.ySize ) / 2;
int offY = 23;
final int gx = ( this.width - this.xSize ) / 2;
final int gy = ( this.height - this.ySize ) / 2;
final int offY = 23;
this.tooltip = -1;
@ -164,16 +192,22 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
public void drawFG( int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY )
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( this.getGuiDisplayName( GuiText.CraftingStatus.getLocal() ), 8, 7, 4210752 );
ReadableNumberConverter converter = ReadableNumberConverter.INSTANCE;
int sectionLength = 67;
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( this.getGuiDisplayName( GuiText.CraftingStatus.getLocal() ), 8, 7, TEXT_COLOR );
if( this.craftingCpu.eta > 0 )
final String etaText = this.getGuiDisplayName( GuiText.ETA.getLocal() );
final long etaInMilliseconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert( this.craftingCpu.eta, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS );
final String etaTimeText = DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration( etaInMilliseconds, this.getGuiDisplayName( GuiText.ETAFormat.getLocal() ) );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( String.format( etaText, etaTimeText ), ETA_LEFT_OFFSET, ETA_TOP_OFFSET, TEXT_COLOR );
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int xo = 9;
int yo = 22;
int viewStart = this.myScrollBar.getCurrentScroll() * 3;
int viewEnd = viewStart + 3 * 6;
final int viewStart = this.myScrollBar.getCurrentScroll() * 3;
final int viewEnd = viewStart + 3 * 6;
String dspToolTip = "";
List<String> lineList = new LinkedList<String>();
@ -190,9 +224,9 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
GL11.glScaled( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );
IAEItemStack stored = refStack );
IAEItemStack activeStack = refStack );
IAEItemStack pendingStack = this.pending.findPrecise( refStack );
final IAEItemStack stored = refStack );
final IAEItemStack activeStack = refStack );
final IAEItemStack pendingStack = this.pending.findPrecise( refStack );
int lines = 0;
boolean active = false;
@ -215,10 +249,10 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
if( AEConfig.instance.useColoredCraftingStatus && ( active || scheduled ) )
int bgColor = ( active ? AEColor.Green.blackVariant : AEColor.Yellow.blackVariant ) | 0x5A000000;
int startX = ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo ) * 2;
int startY = ( ( y * offY + yo ) - 3 ) * 2;
drawRect( startX, startY, startX + ( sectionLength * 2 ), startY + ( offY * 2 ) - 2, bgColor );
int bgColor = ( active ? AEColor.Green.blackVariant : AEColor.Yellow.blackVariant ) | BACKGROUND_ALPHA;
int startX = ( x * ( 1 + SECTION_LENGTH ) + ITEMSTACK_LEFT_OFFSET ) * 2;
int startY = ( ( y * offY + ITEMSTACK_TOP_OFFSET ) - 3 ) * 2;
drawRect( startX, startY, startX + ( SECTION_LENGTH * 2 ), startY + ( offY * 2 ) - 2, bgColor );
int negY = ( ( lines - 1 ) * 5 ) / 2;
@ -226,19 +260,9 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
if( stored != null && stored.getStackSize() > 0 )
String str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() );
if( stored.getStackSize() >= 10000 )
str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k';
if( stored.getStackSize() >= 10000000 )
str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm';
str = GuiText.Stored.getLocal() + ": " + str;
final String str = GuiText.Stored.getLocal() + ": " + converter.toWideReadableForm( stored.getStackSize() );
int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + SECTION_LENGTH ) + ITEMSTACK_LEFT_OFFSET + SECTION_LENGTH - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + ITEMSTACK_TOP_OFFSET + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, TEXT_COLOR );
if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart )
@ -250,19 +274,10 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
if( activeStack != null && activeStack.getStackSize() > 0 )
String str = Long.toString( activeStack.getStackSize() );
if( activeStack.getStackSize() >= 10000 )
str = Long.toString( activeStack.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k';
if( activeStack.getStackSize() >= 10000000 )
str = Long.toString( activeStack.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm';
final String str = GuiText.Crafting.getLocal() + ": " + converter.toWideReadableForm( activeStack.getStackSize() );
final int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str );
str = GuiText.Crafting.getLocal() + ": " + str;
int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + SECTION_LENGTH ) + ITEMSTACK_LEFT_OFFSET + SECTION_LENGTH - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + ITEMSTACK_TOP_OFFSET + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, TEXT_COLOR );
if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart )
@ -274,19 +289,10 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
if( pendingStack != null && pendingStack.getStackSize() > 0 )
String str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() );
if( pendingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000 )
str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k';
if( pendingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000000 )
str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm';
final String str = GuiText.Scheduled.getLocal() + ": " + converter.toWideReadableForm( pendingStack.getStackSize() );
final int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str );
str = GuiText.Scheduled.getLocal() + ": " + str;
int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + SECTION_LENGTH ) + ITEMSTACK_LEFT_OFFSET + SECTION_LENGTH - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + ITEMSTACK_TOP_OFFSET + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, TEXT_COLOR );
if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart )
@ -295,8 +301,8 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
int posX = x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19;
int posY = y * offY + yo;
int posY = y * offY + ITEMSTACK_TOP_OFFSET;
ItemStack is = refStack.copy().getItemStack();
@ -309,8 +315,8 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
dspToolTip = dspToolTip + '\n' + Joiner.on( "\n" ).join( lineList );
toolPosX = x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 8;
toolPosY = y * offY + yo;
toolPosY = y * offY + ITEMSTACK_TOP_OFFSET;
this.drawItem( posX, posY, is );
@ -412,9 +418,9 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
private long getTotal( IAEItemStack is )
IAEItemStack a = is );
IAEItemStack b = is );
IAEItemStack c = this.pending.findPrecise( is );
final IAEItemStack a = is );
final IAEItemStack b = is );
final IAEItemStack c = this.pending.findPrecise( is );
long total = 0;
@ -438,7 +444,8 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
private void deleteVisualStack( IAEItemStack l )
Iterator<IAEItemStack> i = this.visual.iterator();
final Iterator<IAEItemStack> i = this.visual.iterator();
while( i.hasNext() )
IAEItemStack o =;
@ -460,8 +467,9 @@ public class GuiCraftingCPU extends AEBaseGui implements ISortSource
IAEItemStack stack = l.copy();
final IAEItemStack stack = l.copy();
this.visual.add( stack );
return stack;

View file

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import;
import appeng.container.AEBaseContainer;
import appeng.container.guisync.GuiSync;
import appeng.core.AELog;
import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketMEInventoryUpdate;
@ -59,6 +60,9 @@ public class ContainerCraftingCPU extends AEBaseContainer implements IMEMonitorH
String cpuName = null;
int delay = 40;
@GuiSync( 0 )
public long eta = -1;
public ContainerCraftingCPU( InventoryPlayer ip, Object te )
super( ip, te );
@ -126,14 +130,11 @@ public class ContainerCraftingCPU extends AEBaseContainer implements IMEMonitorH
if( c instanceof CraftingCPUCluster )
this.cpuName = c.getName();
this.monitor = (CraftingCPUCluster) c;
if( this.monitor != null )
this.monitor.getListOfItem( this.list, CraftingItemList.ALL );
this.monitor.addListener( this, null );
this.monitor.getListOfItem( this.list, CraftingItemList.ALL );
this.monitor.addListener( this, null );
this.eta = 0;
@ -148,6 +149,7 @@ public class ContainerCraftingCPU extends AEBaseContainer implements IMEMonitorH
this.eta = -1;
@ -178,6 +180,15 @@ public class ContainerCraftingCPU extends AEBaseContainer implements IMEMonitorH
if( this.eta >= 0 )
final long elapsedTime = this.monitor.getElapsedTime();
final double remainingItems = this.monitor.getRemainingItemCount();
final double startItems = this.monitor.getStartItemCount();
final long eta = (long) ( elapsedTime / Math.max( 1d, ( startItems - remainingItems ) ) * remainingItems );
this.eta = eta;
PacketMEInventoryUpdate a = new PacketMEInventoryUpdate( (byte) 0 );
PacketMEInventoryUpdate b = new PacketMEInventoryUpdate( (byte) 1 );
PacketMEInventoryUpdate c = new PacketMEInventoryUpdate( (byte) 2 );

View file

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public enum GuiText
NoSecondOutput, Stores, Next, SelectAmount, Lumen, Empty,
ConfirmCrafting, Stored, Crafting, Scheduled, CraftingStatus, Cancel,
ConfirmCrafting, Stored, Crafting, Scheduled, CraftingStatus, Cancel, ETA, ETAFormat,
FromStorage, ToCraft, CraftingPlan, CalculatingWait, Start, Bytes,

View file

@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU
private int remainingOperations;
private boolean somethingChanged;
private long lastTime;
private long elapsedTime;
private long startItemCount;
private long remainingItemCount;
public CraftingCPUCluster( WorldCoord min, WorldCoord max )
this.min = min;
@ -272,11 +277,13 @@ public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU
if( is != null && is.getStackSize() > 0 )
this.waiting = false;
this.postChange( (IAEItemStack) input, src );
if( is.getStackSize() >= input.getStackSize() )
is.decStackSize( input.getStackSize() );
this.updateElapsedTime( (IAEItemStack) input );
this.postCraftingStatusChange( is );
@ -406,6 +413,10 @@ public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU
AELog.crafting( "marking job as complete" );
this.remainingItemCount = 0;
this.startItemCount = 0;
this.lastTime = 0;
this.elapsedTime = 0;
this.isComplete = true;
@ -838,6 +849,8 @@ public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU
this.myLastLink = new CraftingLink( this.generateLinkData( craftID, requestingMachine == null, false ), this );
if( requestingMachine == null )
return this.myLastLink;
@ -848,9 +861,8 @@ public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU
this.submitLink( this.myLastLink );
this.submitLink( whatLink );
IItemList<IAEItemStack> list;
this.getListOfItem( list = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(), CraftingItemList.ALL );
IItemList<IAEItemStack> list = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
this.getListOfItem( list, CraftingItemList.ALL );
for( IAEItemStack ge : list )
this.postChange( ge, this.machineSrc );
@ -1097,6 +1109,10 @@ public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU
data.setTag( "tasks", list );
data.setTag( "waitingFor", this.writeList( this.waitingFor ) );
data.setLong( "elapsedTime", this.getElapsedTime() );
data.setLong( "startItemCount", this.getStartItemCount() );
data.setLong( "remainingItemCount", this.getRemainingItemCount() );
private NBTTagCompound writeItem( IAEItemStack finalOutput2 )
@ -1180,6 +1196,11 @@ public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU
this.postCraftingStatusChange( is.copy() );
this.lastTime = System.nanoTime();
this.elapsedTime = data.getLong( "elapsedTime" );
this.startItemCount = data.getLong( "startItemCount" );
this.remainingItemCount = data.getLong( "remainingItemCount" );
public void updateName()
@ -1242,6 +1263,48 @@ public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU
private void prepareElapsedTime()
this.lastTime = System.nanoTime();
this.elapsedTime = 0;
int itemCount = 0;
IItemList<IAEItemStack> list = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
this.getListOfItem( list, CraftingItemList.ACTIVE );
this.getListOfItem( list, CraftingItemList.PENDING );
for( IAEItemStack ge : list )
itemCount += ge.getStackSize();
this.startItemCount = itemCount;
this.remainingItemCount = itemCount;
private void updateElapsedTime( IAEItemStack is )
final long nextStartTime = System.nanoTime();
this.elapsedTime = this.getElapsedTime() + nextStartTime - lastTime;
this.lastTime = nextStartTime;
this.remainingItemCount = this.getRemainingItemCount() - is.getStackSize();
public long getElapsedTime()
return elapsedTime;
public long getRemainingItemCount()
return remainingItemCount;
public long getStartItemCount()
return startItemCount;
static class TaskProgress

View file

@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ gui.appliedenergistics2.Lumen=Lumen
gui.appliedenergistics2.ETA=ETA: %s
gui.appliedenergistics2.CraftingStatus=Crafting Status