Merge pull request #677 from yueh/feature-remove-annihilation-buffer

Removed buffer from annihilation plane
This commit is contained in:
yueh 2015-01-19 19:47:36 +01:00
commit a5a80b58d5

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@ -18,9 +18,8 @@
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
@ -59,23 +57,27 @@ import;
import appeng.client.texture.CableBusTextures;
import appeng.core.settings.TickRates;
import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketTransitionEffect;
import appeng.hooks.TickHandler;
import appeng.server.ServerHelper;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import appeng.util.item.AEItemStack;
public class PartAnnihilationPlane extends PartBasicState implements IGridTickable, Callable
public class PartAnnihilationPlane extends PartBasicState implements IGridTickable
public PartAnnihilationPlane(ItemStack is) {
private boolean isAccepting = true;
private final BaseActionSource mySrc = new MachineSource( this );
public PartAnnihilationPlane( ItemStack is )
super( PartAnnihilationPlane.class, is );
public void renderInventory(IPartRenderHelper rh, RenderBlocks renderer)
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT )
public void renderInventory( IPartRenderHelper rh, RenderBlocks renderer )
rh.setTexture( CableBusTextures.PartPlaneSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartPlaneSides.getIcon(),
CableBusTextures.PartTransitionPlaneBack.getIcon(),, CableBusTextures.PartPlaneSides.getIcon(),
@ -89,32 +91,40 @@ public class PartAnnihilationPlane extends PartBasicState implements IGridTickab
public void renderStatic(int x, int y, int z, IPartRenderHelper rh, RenderBlocks renderer)
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT )
public void renderStatic( int x, int y, int z, IPartRenderHelper rh, RenderBlocks renderer )
int minX = 1;
int minY = 1;
int maxX = 15;
int maxY = 15;
ForgeDirection e = rh.getWorldX();
ForgeDirection u = rh.getWorldY();
final ForgeDirection e = rh.getWorldX();
final ForgeDirection u = rh.getWorldY();
TileEntity te = this.getHost().getTile();
final TileEntity te = this.getHost().getTile();
if ( this.isTransitionPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x - e.offsetX, y - e.offsetY, z - e.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
if ( this.isAnnihilationPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x - e.offsetX, y - e.offsetY, z - e.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
minX = 0;
if ( this.isTransitionPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + e.offsetX, y + e.offsetY, z + e.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
if ( this.isAnnihilationPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + e.offsetX, y + e.offsetY, z + e.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
maxX = 16;
if ( this.isTransitionPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x - u.offsetX, y - u.offsetY, z - u.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
if ( this.isAnnihilationPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x - u.offsetX, y - u.offsetY, z - u.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
minY = 0;
if ( this.isTransitionPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + u.offsetX, y + u.offsetY, z + u.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
if ( this.isAnnihilationPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + u.offsetX, y + u.offsetY, z + u.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
maxY = 16;
boolean isActive = (this.clientFlags & (this.POWERED_FLAG | this.CHANNEL_FLAG)) == (this.POWERED_FLAG | this.CHANNEL_FLAG);
final boolean isActive = ( this.clientFlags & ( this.POWERED_FLAG | this.CHANNEL_FLAG ) ) == ( this.POWERED_FLAG | this.CHANNEL_FLAG );
this.renderCache = rh.useSimplifiedRendering( x, y, z, this, this.renderCache );
rh.setTexture( CableBusTextures.PartPlaneSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartPlaneSides.getIcon(),
@ -134,47 +144,55 @@ public class PartAnnihilationPlane extends PartBasicState implements IGridTickab
this.renderLights( x, y, z, rh, renderer );
private boolean isTransitionPlane(TileEntity blockTileEntity, ForgeDirection side)
private boolean isAnnihilationPlane( TileEntity blockTileEntity, ForgeDirection side )
if ( blockTileEntity instanceof IPartHost )
IPart p = ((IPartHost) blockTileEntity).getPart( side );
final IPart p = ( ( IPartHost ) blockTileEntity ).getPart( side );
return p instanceof PartAnnihilationPlane;
return false;
public void getBoxes(IPartCollisionHelper bch)
public void getBoxes( IPartCollisionHelper bch )
int minX = 1;
int minY = 1;
int maxX = 15;
int maxY = 15;
IPartHost host = this.getHost();
final IPartHost host = this.getHost();
if ( host != null )
TileEntity te = host.getTile();
final TileEntity te = host.getTile();
int x = te.xCoord;
int y = te.yCoord;
int z = te.zCoord;
final int x = te.xCoord;
final int y = te.yCoord;
final int z = te.zCoord;
ForgeDirection e = bch.getWorldX();
ForgeDirection u = bch.getWorldY();
final ForgeDirection e = bch.getWorldX();
final ForgeDirection u = bch.getWorldY();
if ( this.isTransitionPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x - e.offsetX, y - e.offsetY, z - e.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
if ( this.isAnnihilationPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x - e.offsetX, y - e.offsetY, z - e.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
minX = 0;
if ( this.isTransitionPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + e.offsetX, y + e.offsetY, z + e.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
if ( this.isAnnihilationPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + e.offsetX, y + e.offsetY, z + e.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
maxX = 16;
if ( this.isTransitionPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x - u.offsetX, y - u.offsetY, z - u.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
if ( this.isAnnihilationPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x - u.offsetX, y - u.offsetY, z - u.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
minY = 0;
if ( this.isTransitionPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + u.offsetX, y + u.offsetY, z + u.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
if ( this.isAnnihilationPlane( te.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + u.offsetX, y + u.offsetY, z + u.offsetZ ), this.side ) )
maxY = 16;
bch.addBox( 5, 5, 14, 11, 11, 15 );
@ -187,56 +205,21 @@ public class PartAnnihilationPlane extends PartBasicState implements IGridTickab
return 1;
boolean breaking = false;
final LinkedList<IAEItemStack> Buffer = new LinkedList<IAEItemStack>();
final BaseActionSource mySrc = new MachineSource( this );
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound data)
super.writeToNBT( data );
data.setInteger( "bufferSize", this.Buffer.size() );
for (int x = 0; x < this.Buffer.size(); x++)
NBTTagCompound pack = new NBTTagCompound();
this.Buffer.get( x ).writeToNBT( pack );
data.setTag( "buffer" + x, pack );
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound data)
super.readFromNBT( data );
int size = data.getInteger( "bufferSize" );
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
NBTTagCompound pack = (NBTTagCompound) data.getTag( "buffer" + x );
IAEItemStack ais = AEItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( pack );
if ( ais != null )
this.Buffer.add( ais );
* If the plane is accepting items.
* This might be improved if a performance problem shows up.
* @return true if planes accepts items.
private boolean isAccepting()
return this.Buffer.isEmpty();
public void getDrops(List<ItemStack> drops, boolean wrenched)
for (IAEItemStack is : this.Buffer)
if ( is != null )
drops.add( is.getItemStack() );
return this.isAccepting;
public void chanRender(MENetworkChannelsChanged c)
public void chanRender( MENetworkChannelsChanged c )
@ -244,107 +227,91 @@ public class PartAnnihilationPlane extends PartBasicState implements IGridTickab
public void powerRender(MENetworkPowerStatusChange c)
public void powerRender( MENetworkPowerStatusChange c )
public TickRateModulation EatBlock(boolean eatForReal)
public TickRateModulation breakblock()
if ( this.isAccepting() && this.proxy.isActive() )
TileEntity te = this.getTile();
WorldServer w = (WorldServer) te.getWorldObj();
final TileEntity te = this.getTile();
final WorldServer w = ( WorldServer ) te.getWorldObj();
int x = te.xCoord + this.side.offsetX;
int y = te.yCoord + this.side.offsetY;
int z = te.zCoord + this.side.offsetZ;
final int x = te.xCoord + this.side.offsetX;
final int y = te.yCoord + this.side.offsetY;
final int z = te.zCoord + this.side.offsetZ;
Block blk = w.getBlock( x, y, z );
final Block blk = w.getBlock( x, y, z );
IStorageGrid storage = this.proxy.getStorage();
IEnergyGrid energy = this.proxy.getEnergy();
final IEnergyGrid energy = this.proxy.getEnergy();
Material mat = blk.getMaterial();
boolean ignore = mat == Material.air || mat == Material.lava || mat == Material.water || mat.isLiquid() || blk == Blocks.bedrock
final Material mat = blk.getMaterial();
final boolean ignore = mat == Material.air || mat == Material.lava || mat == Material.water || mat.isLiquid() || blk == Blocks.bedrock
|| blk == Blocks.end_portal || blk == Blocks.end_portal_frame || blk == Blocks.command_block;
if ( !ignore )
if ( !ignore && !w.isAirBlock( x, y, z ) && w.blockExists( x, y, z ) && w.canMineBlock( Platform.getPlayer( w ), x, y, z ) )
if ( !w.isAirBlock( x, y, z ) && w.blockExists( x, y, z ) && w.canMineBlock( Platform.getPlayer( w ), x, y, z ) )
final float hardness = blk.getBlockHardness( w, x, y, z );
if ( hardness >= 0.0 )
float hardness = blk.getBlockHardness( w, x, y, z );
if ( hardness >= 0.0 )
final ItemStack[] out = Platform.getBlockDrops( w, x, y, z );
float total = 1 + hardness;
for ( final ItemStack is : out )
ItemStack[] out = Platform.getBlockDrops( w, x, y, z );
float total = 1 + hardness;
for (ItemStack is : out)
total += is.stackSize;
total += is.stackSize;
boolean hasPower = energy.extractAEPower( total, Actionable.SIMULATE, PowerMultiplier.CONFIG ) > total - 0.1;
if ( hasPower )
final boolean hasPower = energy.extractAEPower( total, Actionable.SIMULATE, PowerMultiplier.CONFIG ) > total - 0.1;
final boolean canStore = this.canStoreItemStacks( out );
if ( hasPower && canStore )
w.setBlock( x, y, z, Platform.AIR, 0, 3 );
energy.extractAEPower( total, Actionable.MODULATE, PowerMultiplier.CONFIG );
final AxisAlignedBB box = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox( x - 0.2, y - 0.2, z - 0.2, x + 1.2, y + 1.2, z + 1.2 );
for ( final Object ei : w.getEntitiesWithinAABB( EntityItem.class, box ) )
if ( eatForReal )
if ( ei instanceof EntityItem )
energy.extractAEPower( total, Actionable.MODULATE, PowerMultiplier.CONFIG );
w.setBlock( x, y, z, Platform.AIR, 0, 3 );
AxisAlignedBB box = AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox( x - 0.2, y - 0.2, z - 0.2, x + 1.2, y + 1.2, z + 1.2 );
for (Object ei : w.getEntitiesWithinAABB( EntityItem.class, box ))
if ( ei instanceof EntityItem )
EntityItem item = (EntityItem) ei;
if ( !item.isDead )
IAEItemStack storedItem = AEItemStack.create( item.getEntityItem() );
storedItem = Platform.poweredInsert( energy, storage.getItemInventory(), storedItem, this.mySrc );
if ( storedItem != null )
this.Buffer.add( storedItem );
ServerHelper.proxy.sendToAllNearExcept( null, x, y, z, 64, w, new PacketTransitionEffect( x, y, z, this.side, true ) );
for (ItemStack snaggedItem : out)
IAEItemStack storedItem = AEItemStack.create( snaggedItem );
storedItem = Platform.poweredInsert( energy, storage.getItemInventory(), storedItem, this.mySrc );
if ( storedItem != null )
this.Buffer.add( storedItem );
return TickRateModulation.URGENT;
this.breaking = true;
TickHandler.INSTANCE.addCallable( this.tile.getWorldObj(), this );
return TickRateModulation.URGENT;
final EntityItem entityItem = ( EntityItem ) ei;
this.storeEntityItem( entityItem );
for ( final ItemStack snaggedItem : out )
if ( this.storeItemStack( snaggedItem ) )
ServerHelper.proxy.sendToAllNearExcept( null, x, y, z, 64, w, new PacketTransitionEffect( x, y, z, this.side, true ) );
return TickRateModulation.URGENT;
catch (GridAccessException e1)
catch ( final GridAccessException e1 )
// :P
// nothing to do here :)
return TickRateModulation.SLEEP;
return TickRateModulation.IDLE;
public TickingRequest getTickingRequest(IGridNode node)
public TickingRequest getTickingRequest( IGridNode node )
return new TickingRequest( TickRates.AnnihilationPlane.min, TickRates.AnnihilationPlane.max, false, true );
@ -352,113 +319,179 @@ public class PartAnnihilationPlane extends PartBasicState implements IGridTickab
public void onNeighborChanged()
this.isAccepting = true;
this.proxy.getTick().alertDevice( this.proxy.getNode() );
catch (GridAccessException e)
catch ( final GridAccessException e )
// :P
public void onEntityCollision(Entity entity)
public void onEntityCollision( Entity entity )
if ( entity instanceof EntityItem && !entity.isDead && this.isAccepting() )
if ( this.isAccepting() && entity instanceof EntityItem && !entity.isDead && Platform.isServer() && this.proxy.isActive() )
boolean capture = false;
switch (this.side)
switch ( this.side )
case DOWN:
case UP:
if ( entity.posX > this.tile.xCoord && entity.posX < this.tile.xCoord + 1 )
case DOWN:
case UP:
if ( entity.posX > this.tile.xCoord && entity.posX < this.tile.xCoord + 1 )
if ( entity.posZ > this.tile.zCoord && entity.posZ < this.tile.zCoord + 1 )
if ( ( entity.posY > this.tile.yCoord + 0.9 && this.side == ForgeDirection.UP ) || ( entity.posY < this.tile.yCoord + 0.1 && this.side == ForgeDirection.DOWN ) )
capture = true;
case SOUTH:
case NORTH:
if ( entity.posX > this.tile.xCoord && entity.posX < this.tile.xCoord + 1 )
if ( entity.posY > this.tile.yCoord && entity.posY < this.tile.yCoord + 1 )
if ( ( entity.posZ > this.tile.zCoord + 0.9 && this.side == ForgeDirection.SOUTH )
|| ( entity.posZ < this.tile.zCoord + 0.1 && this.side == ForgeDirection.NORTH ) )
capture = true;
case EAST:
case WEST:
if ( entity.posZ > this.tile.zCoord && entity.posZ < this.tile.zCoord + 1 )
if ( (entity.posY > this.tile.yCoord + 0.9 && this.side == ForgeDirection.UP) || (entity.posY < this.tile.yCoord + 0.1 && this.side == ForgeDirection.DOWN) )
capture = true;
case SOUTH:
case NORTH:
if ( entity.posX > this.tile.xCoord && entity.posX < this.tile.xCoord + 1 )
if ( entity.posY > this.tile.yCoord && entity.posY < this.tile.yCoord + 1 )
if ( (entity.posZ > this.tile.zCoord + 0.9 && this.side == ForgeDirection.SOUTH)
|| (entity.posZ < this.tile.zCoord + 0.1 && this.side == ForgeDirection.NORTH) )
capture = true;
case EAST:
case WEST:
if ( entity.posZ > this.tile.zCoord && entity.posZ < this.tile.zCoord + 1 )
if ( entity.posY > this.tile.yCoord && entity.posY < this.tile.yCoord + 1 )
if ( (entity.posX > this.tile.xCoord + 0.9 && this.side == ForgeDirection.EAST)
|| (entity.posX < this.tile.xCoord + 0.1 && this.side == ForgeDirection.WEST) )
capture = true;
// umm?
if ( entity.posY > this.tile.yCoord && entity.posY < this.tile.yCoord + 1 )
if ( ( entity.posX > this.tile.xCoord + 0.9 && this.side == ForgeDirection.EAST )
|| ( entity.posX < this.tile.xCoord + 0.1 && this.side == ForgeDirection.WEST ) )
capture = true;
// umm?
if ( capture && Platform.isServer() && this.proxy.isActive() )
if ( capture )
IAEItemStack stack = AEItemStack.create( ((EntityItem) entity).getEntityItem() );
if ( stack != null )
ServerHelper.proxy.sendToAllNearExcept( null, this.tile.xCoord, this.tile.yCoord, this.tile.zCoord, 64, this.tile.getWorldObj(),
new PacketTransitionEffect( entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ, this.side, false ) );
this.Buffer.add( stack );
ServerHelper.proxy.sendToAllNearExcept( null, this.tile.xCoord, this.tile.yCoord, this.tile.zCoord, 64, this.tile.getWorldObj(),
new PacketTransitionEffect( entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ, this.side, false ) );
this.storeEntityItem( ( EntityItem ) entity );
public TickRateModulation tickingRequest(IGridNode node, int TicksSinceLastCall)
public TickRateModulation tickingRequest( IGridNode node, int TicksSinceLastCall )
if ( this.breaking )
return TickRateModulation.URGENT;
if ( this.isAccepting() )
return this.EatBlock( false );
return TickRateModulation.IDLE;
this.isAccepting = true;
return this.breakblock();
private void storeBuffer()
* Checks if the network can store the possible drops.
* It also sets isAccepting to false, if the item can not be stored.
* @param itemStacks an array of {@link ItemStack} to test
* @return true, if the network can store at least a single item of all drops or no drops are reported
private boolean canStoreItemStacks( ItemStack[] itemStacks )
boolean canStore = itemStacks.length == 0;
IStorageGrid storage = this.proxy.getStorage();
IEnergyGrid energy = this.proxy.getEnergy();
final IStorageGrid storage = this.proxy.getStorage();
while (!this.Buffer.isEmpty())
for ( final ItemStack itemStack : itemStacks )
IAEItemStack storedItem = this.Buffer.pop();
storedItem = Platform.poweredInsert( energy, storage.getItemInventory(), storedItem, this.mySrc );
if ( storedItem != null )
final IAEItemStack itemToTest = AEItemStack.create( itemStack );
final IAEItemStack overflow = storage.getItemInventory().injectItems( itemToTest, Actionable.SIMULATE, this.mySrc );
if ( overflow == null || itemToTest.getStackSize() > overflow.getStackSize() )
this.Buffer.add( storedItem );
canStore = true;
catch (GridAccessException e1)
catch ( final GridAccessException e )
// :P
this.isAccepting = canStore;
return canStore;
public Object call() throws Exception
* Stores an {@link ItemStack} inside the network.
* @param item {@link ItemStack} to store
* @return null or leftover {@link IAEItemStack}
private boolean storeItemStack( ItemStack item )
this.breaking = false;
return this.EatBlock( true );
final IAEItemStack itemToStore = AEItemStack.create( item );
final IStorageGrid storage = this.proxy.getStorage();
final IEnergyGrid energy = this.proxy.getEnergy();
final IAEItemStack overflow = Platform.poweredInsert( energy, storage.getItemInventory(), itemToStore, this.mySrc );
this.spawnOverflowItemStack( overflow );
this.isAccepting = overflow == null;
return overflow == null || item.stackSize < overflow.getStackSize();
catch ( final GridAccessException e1 )
// :P
return false;
* Stores an {@link EntityItem} inside the network and either marks it as dead or sets it to the leftover stackSize.
* @param entityItem {@link EntityItem} to store
private void storeEntityItem( EntityItem entityItem )
if ( !entityItem.isDead )
this.storeItemStack( entityItem.getEntityItem() );
private void spawnOverflowItemStack( IAEItemStack overflow )
if ( overflow == null )
final TileEntity tileEntity = this.getTile();
final WorldServer world = ( WorldServer ) tileEntity.getWorldObj();
final int x = tileEntity.xCoord + this.side.offsetX;
final int y = tileEntity.yCoord + this.side.offsetY;
final int z = tileEntity.zCoord + this.side.offsetZ;
Platform.spawnDrops( world, x, y, z, Lists.newArrayList( overflow.getItemStack() ) );