Merge pull request #516 from TheJulianJES/CrankFakePlayer-Fix

Drop the wooden crank if a fake player trys to use it
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thatsIch 2014-11-30 14:20:55 +01:00
commit b317a8a229

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@ -51,17 +51,20 @@ public class BlockCrank extends AEBaseBlock
public boolean onActivated(World w, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer p, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
public boolean onActivated(World w, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
if ( p instanceof FakePlayer || p == null )
if ( player instanceof FakePlayer || player == null )
dropCrank(w, x, y, z);
return true;
AEBaseTile tile = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
if ( tile instanceof TileCrank )
if ( ((TileCrank) tile).power() )
Stats.TurnedCranks.addToPlayer( p, 1 );
Stats.TurnedCranks.addToPlayer( player, 1 );
@ -74,67 +77,77 @@ public class BlockCrank extends AEBaseBlock
return RenderBlockCrank.class;
private boolean isCrankable(World w, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection offset)
private boolean isCrankable( World world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection offset )
TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity( x + offset.offsetX, y + offset.offsetY, z + offset.offsetZ );
TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity( x + offset.offsetX, y + offset.offsetY, z + offset.offsetZ );
return te instanceof ICrankable && ( ( ICrankable ) te ).canCrankAttach( offset.getOpposite() );
private ForgeDirection findCrankable(World w, int x, int y, int z)
private ForgeDirection findCrankable( World world, int x, int y, int z )
for ( ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
if ( isCrankable( world, x, y, z, dir ) )
for (ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if ( isCrankable( w, x, y, z, dir ) )
return dir;
return ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World w, int x, int y, int z)
public boolean canPlaceBlockAt( World world, int x, int y, int z )
return findCrankable( w, x, y, z ) != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
return findCrankable( world , x, y, z ) != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
public boolean isValidOrientation(World w, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection forward, ForgeDirection up)
public boolean isValidOrientation( World world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection forward, ForgeDirection up )
TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity( x, y, z );
return !(te instanceof TileCrank) || isCrankable( w, x, y, z, up.getOpposite() );
TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity( x, y, z );
return !(te instanceof TileCrank) || isCrankable( world, x, y, z, up.getOpposite() );
private void dropCrank(World w, int x, int y, int z)
private void dropCrank( World world, int x, int y, int z )
w.func_147480_a( x, y, z, true ); // w.destroyBlock( x, y, z, true );
w.markBlockForUpdate( x, y, z );
world.func_147480_a( x, y, z, true ); // w.destroyBlock( x, y, z, true );
world.markBlockForUpdate( x, y, z );
public void onBlockPlacedBy(World w, int x, int y, int z, EntityLivingBase p, ItemStack is)
public void onBlockPlacedBy( World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityLivingBase placer, ItemStack itemStack )
AEBaseTile tile = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
AEBaseTile tile = getTileEntity( world, x, y, z );
if ( tile != null )
ForgeDirection mnt = findCrankable( w, x, y, z );
ForgeDirection mnt = findCrankable( world, x, y, z );
ForgeDirection forward = ForgeDirection.UP;
if ( mnt == ForgeDirection.UP || mnt == ForgeDirection.DOWN )
forward = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
tile.setOrientation( forward, mnt.getOpposite() );
dropCrank( w, x, y, z );
dropCrank( world, x, y, z );
public void onNeighborBlockChange(World w, int x, int y, int z, Block id)
public void onNeighborBlockChange (World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block )
AEBaseTile tile = getTileEntity( w, x, y, z );
AEBaseTile tile = getTileEntity( world, x, y, z );
if ( tile != null )
if ( !isCrankable( w, x, y, z, tile.getUp().getOpposite() ) )
dropCrank( w, x, y, z );
if ( !isCrankable( world, x, y, z, tile.getUp().getOpposite() ) )
dropCrank( world, x, y, z );
dropCrank( w, x, y, z );
dropCrank( world, x, y, z );