feat: ME Chest rendering

reference issue: #7
This commit is contained in:
Timo Ley 2023-01-23 20:39:37 +01:00
parent db09e9dff8
commit c1d911e6ed
3 changed files with 89 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import appeng.block.AEBaseBlock;
import appeng.block.AEBaseTileBlock;
import appeng.client.render.BaseBlockRender;
import appeng.client.render.blocks.RenderBlockLegacyChest;
import appeng.client.texture.ExtraBlockTextures;
import appeng.core.features.AEFeature;
import appeng.core.localization.PlayerMessages;
import appeng.core.sync.GuiBridge;
@ -18,6 +19,9 @@ import appeng.util.Platform;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
@ -26,7 +30,7 @@ public class BlockLegacyChest extends AEBaseTileBlock {
public BlockLegacyChest() {
this.isFullSize = this.isOpaque = false;
@ -75,4 +79,22 @@ public class BlockLegacyChest extends AEBaseTileBlock {
return false;
public IIcon getIcon(IBlockAccess w, int x, int y, int z, int s) {
TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (!(te instanceof TileLegacyChest)) {
return super.getIcon(w, x, y, z, s);
TileLegacyChest tlc = (TileLegacyChest) te;
ForgeDirection direction
= this.mapRotation(tlc, ForgeDirection.getOrientation(s));
if (direction == ForgeDirection.UP) {
return ExtraBlockTextures.HDChestTop.getIcon();
return super.getIcon(direction.ordinal(), w.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z));

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@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ package appeng.client.render.blocks;
import appeng.block.legacy.BlockLegacyChest;
import appeng.client.render.BaseBlockRender;
import appeng.client.texture.ExtraBlockTextures;
import appeng.tile.legacy.TileLegacyChest;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon;
import net.minecraft.world.IBlockAccess;
public class RenderBlockLegacyChest extends BaseBlockRender<BlockLegacyChest, TileLegacyChest> {
@ -13,6 +17,65 @@ public class RenderBlockLegacyChest extends BaseBlockRender<BlockLegacyChest, Ti
renderer.setRenderBounds(0.02, 0.0, 0.02, 0.98, 0.98, 0.98);
renderer.renderAllFaces = true;
renderer.renderStandardBlock(block, x, y, z);
TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (tile instanceof TileLegacyChest && ((TileLegacyChest)tile).getCellStatus(0) > 0) {
TileLegacyChest te = (TileLegacyChest)tile;
final int bn = 9;
float u = 6.0f;
float v = 1.0f;
int cheststatus = te.getCellStatus(0);
if (te.isPowered()) {
if (cheststatus == 1) {
u = 1.0f;
v = 9.0f;
else if (cheststatus == 2) {
u = 1.0f;
v = 5.0f;
else {
u = 1.0f;
v = 1.0f;
final IIcon parts = ExtraBlockTextures.HDChestTopParts.getIcon();
final float offsetPerPixel = 0.0625f;
final float[] p1 = new float[5];
final float[] p2 = new float[5];
final float[] p3 = new float[5];
final float[] p4 = new float[5];
p1[0] = 4.0f * offsetPerPixel;
p1[1] = 0.981f;
p1[2] = 4.0f * offsetPerPixel;
p1[3] = u;
p1[4] = v;
p2[0] = p1[0] + offsetPerPixel * 4.0f;
p2[1] = p1[1];
p2[2] = p1[2];
p2[3] = p1[3] + 4.0f;
p2[4] = p1[4];
p3[0] = p1[0] + offsetPerPixel * 4.0f;
p3[1] = p1[1];
p3[2] = p1[2] + offsetPerPixel * 3.0f;
p3[3] = p1[3] + 4.0f;
p3[4] = p1[4] + 3.0f;
p4[0] = p1[0];
p4[1] = p1[1];
p4[2] = p1[2] + offsetPerPixel * 3.0f;
p4[3] = p1[3];
p4[4] = p1[4] + 3.0f;
final Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance;
if (te.isPowered()) {
tess.setBrightness(bn << 20 | bn << 4 | bn << 3);
else {
tess.setBrightness(block.getMixedBrightnessForBlock(world, x, y + 1, z));
tess.addVertexWithUV((double)(x + p4[0]), (double)(y + p4[1]), (double)(z + p4[2]), (double)parts.getInterpolatedU((double)p4[3]), (double)parts.getInterpolatedV((double)p4[4]));
tess.addVertexWithUV((double)(x + p3[0]), (double)(y + p3[1]), (double)(z + p3[2]), (double)parts.getInterpolatedU((double)p3[3]), (double)parts.getInterpolatedV((double)p3[4]));
tess.addVertexWithUV((double)(x + p2[0]), (double)(y + p2[1]), (double)(z + p2[2]), (double)parts.getInterpolatedU((double)p2[3]), (double)parts.getInterpolatedV((double)p2[4]));
tess.addVertexWithUV((double)(x + p1[0]), (double)(y + p1[1]), (double)(z + p1[2]), (double)parts.getInterpolatedU((double)p1[3]), (double)parts.getInterpolatedV((double)p1[4]));
renderer.renderAllFaces = false;
return true;

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@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ public enum ExtraBlockTextures {