Implemented spatial pylon rendering.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 831 additions and 217 deletions
@ -20,24 +20,47 @@ package appeng.block.spatial;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockRenderLayer;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import appeng.block.AEBaseTileBlock;
import appeng.client.render.spatial.SpatialPylonStateProperty;
import appeng.helpers.AEGlassMaterial;
import appeng.tile.spatial.TileSpatialPylon;
public class BlockSpatialPylon extends AEBaseTileBlock
public static final SpatialPylonStateProperty STATE = new SpatialPylonStateProperty();
public BlockSpatialPylon()
super( AEGlassMaterial.INSTANCE );
this.setTileEntity( TileSpatialPylon.class );
protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState()
return new ExtendedBlockState( this, getAEStates(), new IUnlistedProperty[] { STATE } );
public IBlockState getExtendedState( IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos )
IExtendedBlockState extState = (IExtendedBlockState) state;
return extState.withProperty( STATE, getDisplayState( world, pos ) );
public void neighborChanged( final IBlockState state, final World w, final BlockPos pos, final Block neighborBlock )
@ -58,4 +81,23 @@ public class BlockSpatialPylon extends AEBaseTileBlock
return super.getLightValue( state, w, pos );
private int getDisplayState( IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos )
TileSpatialPylon te = getTileEntity( world, pos );
if( te == null )
return 0;
return te.getDisplayBits();
public BlockRenderLayer getBlockLayer()
return BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT;
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import javax.vecmath.Vector4f;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
@ -19,257 +21,421 @@ import net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.UnpackedBakedQuad;
* Builds the quads for a cube.
public class CubeBuilder {
public class CubeBuilder
private VertexFormat format;
private VertexFormat format;
private final List<BakedQuad> output;
private final List<BakedQuad> output;
private final EnumMap<EnumFacing, TextureAtlasSprite> textures = new EnumMap<>(EnumFacing.class);
private final EnumMap<EnumFacing, TextureAtlasSprite> textures = new EnumMap<>( EnumFacing.class );
private EnumSet<EnumFacing> drawFaces = EnumSet.allOf(EnumFacing.class);
private EnumSet<EnumFacing> drawFaces = EnumSet.allOf( EnumFacing.class );
private final EnumMap<EnumFacing, Vector4f> customUv = new EnumMap<>(EnumFacing.class);
private final EnumMap<EnumFacing, Vector4f> customUv = new EnumMap<>( EnumFacing.class );
private int color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
private byte[] uvRotations = new byte[EnumFacing.values().length];
private boolean renderFullBright;
private int color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
public CubeBuilder(VertexFormat format, List<BakedQuad> output) {
this.output = output;
this.format = format;
private boolean renderFullBright;
public CubeBuilder(VertexFormat format) {
this(format, new ArrayList<>(6));
public CubeBuilder( VertexFormat format, List<BakedQuad> output )
this.output = output;
this.format = format;
public void addCube(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2) {
x1 /= 16.0f;
y1 /= 16.0f;
z1 /= 16.0f;
x2 /= 16.0f;
y2 /= 16.0f;
z2 /= 16.0f;
public CubeBuilder( VertexFormat format )
this( format, new ArrayList<>( 6 ) );
// If brightness is forced to specific values, extend the vertex format to contain the multi-texturing lightmap offset
VertexFormat savedFormat = null;
if (renderFullBright) {
savedFormat = format;
format = new VertexFormat(savedFormat);
if (!format.getElements().contains(DefaultVertexFormats.TEX_2S)) {
public void addCube( float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2 )
x1 /= 16.0f;
y1 /= 16.0f;
z1 /= 16.0f;
x2 /= 16.0f;
y2 /= 16.0f;
z2 /= 16.0f;
for (EnumFacing face : drawFaces) {
putFace(face, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2);
// If brightness is forced to specific values, extend the vertex format to contain the multi-texturing lightmap offset
VertexFormat savedFormat = null;
if( renderFullBright )
savedFormat = format;
format = new VertexFormat( savedFormat );
if( !format.getElements().contains( DefaultVertexFormats.TEX_2S ) )
format.addElement( DefaultVertexFormats.TEX_2S );
// Restore old format
if (savedFormat != null) {
format = savedFormat;
for( EnumFacing face : drawFaces )
putFace( face, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 );
private void putFace(EnumFacing face,
float x1, float y1, float z1,
float x2, float y2, float z2
) {
// Restore old format
if( savedFormat != null )
format = savedFormat;
TextureAtlasSprite texture = textures.get(face);
private static final class UvVector
float u1;
float u2;
float v1;
float v2;
UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder = new UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder(format);
private void putFace( EnumFacing face,
float x1, float y1, float z1,
float x2, float y2, float z2
float u1 = 0;
float v1 = 0;
float u2 = 0;
float v2 = 0;
TextureAtlasSprite texture = textures.get( face );
// The user might have set specific UV coordinates for this face
Vector4f customUv = this.customUv.get( face );
if( customUv != null )
u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( customUv.x );
v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( customUv.y );
u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( customUv.z );
v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( customUv.w );
UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder = new UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder( format );
builder.setTexture( texture );
builder.setQuadOrientation( face );
switch (face) {
case DOWN:
if (customUv == null)
u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x1 * 16 );
v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( z1 * 16 );
u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x2 * 16 );
v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( z2 * 16 );
UvVector uv = new UvVector();
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y1, z1, u2, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y1, z2, u2, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y1, z2, u1, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y1, z1, u1, v1);
case UP:
if (customUv == null)
u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x1 * 16 );
v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( z1 * 16 );
u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x2 * 16 );
v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( z2 * 16 );
// The user might have set specific UV coordinates for this face
Vector4f customUv = this.customUv.get( face );
if( customUv != null )
uv.u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( customUv.x );
uv.v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( customUv.y );
uv.u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( customUv.z );
uv.v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( customUv.w );
uv = getDefaultUv( face, texture, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 );
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y2, z1, u1, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y2, z2, u1, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y2, z2, u2, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y2, z1, u2, v1);
case NORTH:
if (customUv == null)
u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x1 * 16 );
v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y1 * 16 );
u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x2 * 16 );
v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y2 * 16 );
switch( face )
case DOWN:
putVertexTR( builder, face, x2, y1, z1, uv );
putVertexBR( builder, face, x2, y1, z2, uv );
putVertexBL( builder, face, x1, y1, z2, uv );
putVertexTL( builder, face, x1, y1, z1, uv );
case UP:
putVertexTL( builder, face, x1, y2, z1, uv );
putVertexBL( builder, face, x1, y2, z2, uv );
putVertexBR( builder, face, x2, y2, z2, uv );
putVertexTR( builder, face, x2, y2, z1, uv );
case NORTH:
putVertexBR( builder, face, x2, y2, z1, uv );
putVertexTR( builder, face, x2, y1, z1, uv );
putVertexTL( builder, face, x1, y1, z1, uv );
putVertexBL( builder, face, x1, y2, z1, uv );
case SOUTH:
putVertexBL( builder, face, x1, y2, z2, uv );
putVertexTL( builder, face, x1, y1, z2, uv );
putVertexTR( builder, face, x2, y1, z2, uv );
putVertexBR( builder, face, x2, y2, z2, uv );
case WEST:
putVertexTL( builder, face, x1, y1, z1, uv );
putVertexTR( builder, face, x1, y1, z2, uv );
putVertexBR( builder, face, x1, y2, z2, uv );
putVertexBL( builder, face, x1, y2, z1, uv );
case EAST:
putVertexBR( builder, face, x2, y2, z1, uv );
putVertexBL( builder, face, x2, y2, z2, uv );
putVertexTL( builder, face, x2, y1, z2, uv );
putVertexTR( builder, face, x2, y1, z1, uv );
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y2, z1, u2, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y1, z1, u2, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y1, z1, u1, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y2, z1, u1, v2);
case SOUTH:
if (customUv == null)
u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x1 * 16 );
v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y1 * 16 );
u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x2 * 16 );
v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y2 * 16 );
int[] vertexData =;
output.add( new BakedQuad( vertexData, -1, face, texture, true, format ) );
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y2, z2, u1, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y1, z2, u1, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y1, z2, u2, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y2, z2, u2, v2);
case WEST:
if (customUv == null)
u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( z1 * 16 );
v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y1 * 16 );
u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( z2 * 16 );
v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y2 * 16 );
private UvVector getDefaultUv( EnumFacing face, TextureAtlasSprite texture,
float x1, float y1, float z1,
float x2, float y2, float z2 )
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y1, z1, u1, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y1, z2, u2, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y2, z2, u2, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x1, y2, z1, u1, v2);
case EAST:
if (customUv == null)
u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( z2 * 16 );
v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y1 * 16 );
u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( z1 * 16 );
v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y2 * 16 );
UvVector uv = new UvVector();
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y2, z1, u2, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y2, z2, u1, v2);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y1, z2, u1, v1);
putVertex(builder, face, x2, y1, z1, u2, v1);
switch( face )
case DOWN:
uv.u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x1 * 16 );
uv.v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( z1 * 16 );
uv.u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x2 * 16 );
uv.v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( z2 * 16 );
case UP:
uv.u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x1 * 16 );
uv.v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( z1 * 16 );
uv.u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x2 * 16 );
uv.v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( z2 * 16 );
case NORTH:
uv.u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x1 * 16 );
uv.v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y1 * 16 );
uv.u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x2 * 16 );
uv.v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y2 * 16 );
case SOUTH:
uv.u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x1 * 16 );
uv.v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y1 * 16 );
uv.u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( x2 * 16 );
uv.v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y2 * 16 );
case WEST:
uv.u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( z1 * 16 );
uv.v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y1 * 16 );
uv.u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( z2 * 16 );
uv.v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y2 * 16 );
case EAST:
uv.u1 = texture.getInterpolatedU( z2 * 16 );
uv.v1 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y1 * 16 );
uv.u2 = texture.getInterpolatedU( z1 * 16 );
uv.v2 = texture.getInterpolatedV( 16 - y2 * 16 );
int[] vertexData =;
output.add(new BakedQuad(vertexData, -1, face, texture, true, format));
return uv;
private void putVertex(UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder, EnumFacing face, float x, float y, float z, float u, float v) {
VertexFormat format = builder.getVertexFormat();
// uv.u1, uv.v1
private void putVertexTL( UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder, EnumFacing face, float x, float y, float z, UvVector uv )
float u, v;
for (int i = 0; i < format.getElementCount(); i++) {
VertexFormatElement e = format.getElement(i);
switch (e.getUsage()) {
builder.put(i, x, y, z);
case NORMAL:
case COLOR:
// Color format is RGBA
float r = (color >> 16 & 0xFF) / 255f;
float g = (color >> 8 & 0xFF) / 255f;
float b = (color & 0xFF) / 255f;
float a = (color >> 24 & 0xFF) / 255f;
builder.put(i, r, g, b, a);
case UV:
if (e.getIndex() == 0) {
builder.put(i, u, v);
} else {
// Force Brightness to 15, this is for full bright mode
// this vertex element will only be present in that case
final float lightMapU = (float) (15 * 0x20) / 0xFFFF;
final float lightMapV = (float) (15 * 0x20) / 0xFFFF;
builder.put(i, lightMapU, lightMapV);
switch (uvRotations[face.ordinal()]) {
case 0:
u = uv.u1;
v = uv.v1;
case 1: // 90° clockwise
u = uv.u1;
v = uv.v2;
case 2: // 180° clockwise
u = uv.u2;
v = uv.v2;
case 3: // 270° clockwise
u = uv.u2;
v = uv.v1;
public void setTexture(TextureAtlasSprite texture) {
for (EnumFacing face : EnumFacing.values()) {
textures.put(face, texture);
putVertex(builder, face, x, y, z, u, v );
public void setTextures(TextureAtlasSprite up, TextureAtlasSprite down, TextureAtlasSprite north, TextureAtlasSprite south, TextureAtlasSprite east, TextureAtlasSprite west) {
textures.put(EnumFacing.UP, up);
textures.put(EnumFacing.DOWN, down);
textures.put(EnumFacing.NORTH, north);
textures.put(EnumFacing.SOUTH, south);
textures.put(EnumFacing.EAST, east);
textures.put(EnumFacing.WEST, west);
// uv.u2, uv.v1
private void putVertexTR( UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder, EnumFacing face, float x, float y, float z, UvVector uv )
float u;
float v;
public void setDrawFaces(EnumSet<EnumFacing> drawFaces) {
this.drawFaces = drawFaces;
switch (uvRotations[face.ordinal()]) {
case 0:
u = uv.u2;
v = uv.v1;
case 1: // 90° clockwise
u = uv.u1;
v = uv.v1;
case 2: // 180° clockwise
u = uv.u1;
v = uv.v2;
case 3: // 270° clockwise
u = uv.u2;
v = uv.v2;
putVertex(builder, face, x, y, z, u, v );
public void setColor(int color) {
this.color = color;
// uv.u2, uv.v2
private void putVertexBR( UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder, EnumFacing face, float x, float y, float z, UvVector uv )
* Sets the vertex color for future vertices to the given RGB value, and forces the alpha component to 255.
public void setColorRGB(int color) {
setColor(color | 0xFF000000);
float u;
float v;
public void setRenderFullBright(boolean renderFullBright) {
this.renderFullBright = renderFullBright;
switch (uvRotations[face.ordinal()]) {
case 0:
u = uv.u2;
v = uv.v2;
case 1: // 90° clockwise
u = uv.u2;
v = uv.v1;
case 2: // 180° clockwise
u = uv.u1;
v = uv.v1;
case 3: // 270° clockwise
u = uv.u1;
v = uv.v2;
public void setCustomUv( EnumFacing facing, float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2 )
customUv.put( facing, new Vector4f( u1, v1, u2, v2 ) );
putVertex(builder, face, x, y, z, u, v );
public List<BakedQuad> getOutput() {
return output;
// uv.u1, uv.v2
private void putVertexBL( UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder, EnumFacing face, float x, float y, float z, UvVector uv )
float u;
float v;
switch (uvRotations[face.ordinal()]) {
case 0:
u = uv.u1;
v = uv.v2;
case 1: // 90° clockwise
u = uv.u2;
v = uv.v2;
case 2: // 180° clockwise
u = uv.u2;
v = uv.v1;
case 3: // 270° clockwise
u = uv.u1;
v = uv.v1;
putVertex(builder, face, x, y, z, u, v );
private void putVertex( UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder, EnumFacing face, float x, float y, float z, float u, float v )
VertexFormat format = builder.getVertexFormat();
for( int i = 0; i < format.getElementCount(); i++ )
VertexFormatElement e = format.getElement( i );
switch( e.getUsage() )
builder.put( i, x, y, z );
case NORMAL:
builder.put( i,
face.getFrontOffsetZ() );
case COLOR:
// Color format is RGBA
float r = ( color >> 16 & 0xFF ) / 255f;
float g = ( color >> 8 & 0xFF ) / 255f;
float b = ( color & 0xFF ) / 255f;
float a = ( color >> 24 & 0xFF ) / 255f;
builder.put( i, r, g, b, a );
case UV:
if( e.getIndex() == 0 )
builder.put( i, u, v );
// Force Brightness to 15, this is for full bright mode
// this vertex element will only be present in that case
final float lightMapU = (float) ( 15 * 0x20 ) / 0xFFFF;
final float lightMapV = (float) ( 15 * 0x20 ) / 0xFFFF;
builder.put( i, lightMapU, lightMapV );
builder.put( i );
public void setTexture( TextureAtlasSprite texture )
for( EnumFacing face : EnumFacing.values() )
textures.put( face, texture );
public void setTextures( TextureAtlasSprite up, TextureAtlasSprite down, TextureAtlasSprite north, TextureAtlasSprite south, TextureAtlasSprite east, TextureAtlasSprite west )
textures.put( EnumFacing.UP, up );
textures.put( EnumFacing.DOWN, down );
textures.put( EnumFacing.NORTH, north );
textures.put( EnumFacing.SOUTH, south );
textures.put( EnumFacing.EAST, east );
textures.put( EnumFacing.WEST, west );
public void setDrawFaces( EnumSet<EnumFacing> drawFaces )
this.drawFaces = drawFaces;
public void setColor( int color )
this.color = color;
* Sets the vertex color for future vertices to the given RGB value, and forces the alpha component to 255.
public void setColorRGB( int color )
setColor( color | 0xFF000000 );
public void setRenderFullBright( boolean renderFullBright )
this.renderFullBright = renderFullBright;
public void setCustomUv( EnumFacing facing, float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2 )
customUv.put( facing, new Vector4f( u1, v1, u2, v2 ) );
public void setUvRotation( EnumFacing facing, int rotation )
if ( rotation == 2 ) {
rotation = 3;
} else if ( rotation == 3 ) {
rotation = 2;
Preconditions.checkArgument( rotation >= 0 && rotation <= 3, "rotation" );
uvRotations[facing.ordinal()] = (byte) rotation;
public List<BakedQuad> getOutput()
return output;
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
package appeng.client.render.spatial;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.IBakedModel;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemCameraTransforms;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemOverrideList;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import appeng.block.spatial.BlockSpatialPylon;
import appeng.client.render.cablebus.CubeBuilder;
import appeng.tile.spatial.TileSpatialPylon;
* The baked model that will be used for rendering the spatial pylon.
class SpatialPylonBakedModel implements IBakedModel
private final Map<SpatialPylonTextureType, TextureAtlasSprite> textures;
private final VertexFormat format;
SpatialPylonBakedModel( VertexFormat format, Map<SpatialPylonTextureType, TextureAtlasSprite> textures )
this.textures = ImmutableMap.copyOf( textures );
this.format = format;
public List<BakedQuad> getQuads( @Nullable IBlockState state, @Nullable EnumFacing side, long rand )
int flags = getFlags( state );
CubeBuilder builder = new CubeBuilder( format );
if( flags != 0 )
EnumFacing ori = null;
int displayAxis = flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_Z;
if( displayAxis == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_X )
ori = EnumFacing.EAST;
if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MAX )
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.SOUTH, 1 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.NORTH, 1 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.UP, 2 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.DOWN, 1 );
else if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MIN )
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.SOUTH, 2 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.NORTH, 2 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.UP, 1 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.DOWN, 2 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.SOUTH, 1 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.NORTH, 1 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.UP, 1 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.DOWN, 1 );
else if( displayAxis == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_Y )
ori = EnumFacing.UP;
if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MAX )
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.NORTH, 3 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.SOUTH, 3 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.EAST, 3 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.WEST, 3 );
else if( displayAxis == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_Z )
ori = EnumFacing.NORTH;
if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MAX )
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.EAST, 2 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.WEST, 1 );
else if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MIN )
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.EAST, 1 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.WEST, 2 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.UP, 3 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.DOWN, 3 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.EAST, 1 );
builder.setUvRotation( EnumFacing.WEST, 2 );
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideOutside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.UP ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideOutside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.DOWN ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideOutside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.NORTH ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideOutside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.SOUTH ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideOutside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.EAST ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideOutside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.WEST ) )
builder.addCube( 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16 );
if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_POWERED_ENABLED ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_POWERED_ENABLED )
builder.setRenderFullBright( true );
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideInside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.UP ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideInside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.DOWN ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideInside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.NORTH ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideInside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.SOUTH ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideInside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.EAST ) ),
textures.get( getTextureTypeFromSideInside( flags, ori, EnumFacing.WEST ) )
builder.addCube( 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16 );
builder.setTexture( textures.get( SpatialPylonTextureType.BASE ) );
builder.addCube( 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16 );
builder.setTexture( textures.get( SpatialPylonTextureType.DIM ) );
builder.addCube( 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16 );
return builder.getOutput();
private int getFlags( IBlockState state )
if( !( state instanceof IExtendedBlockState ) )
return 0;
IExtendedBlockState extState = (IExtendedBlockState) state;
return extState.getValue( BlockSpatialPylon.STATE );
private static SpatialPylonTextureType getTextureTypeFromSideOutside( int flags, EnumFacing ori, EnumFacing dir )
if( ori == dir || ori.getOpposite() == dir )
return SpatialPylonTextureType.BASE;
if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE )
return SpatialPylonTextureType.BASE_SPANNED;
else if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MIN )
return SpatialPylonTextureType.BASE_END;
else if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MAX )
return SpatialPylonTextureType.BASE_END;
return SpatialPylonTextureType.BASE;
private static SpatialPylonTextureType getTextureTypeFromSideInside( int flags, EnumFacing ori, EnumFacing dir )
final boolean good = ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_ENABLED ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_ENABLED;
if( ori == dir || ori.getOpposite() == dir )
return good ? SpatialPylonTextureType.DIM : SpatialPylonTextureType.RED;
if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE )
return good ? SpatialPylonTextureType.DIM_SPANNED : SpatialPylonTextureType.RED_SPANNED;
else if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MIN )
return good ? SpatialPylonTextureType.DIM_END : SpatialPylonTextureType.RED_END;
else if( ( flags & TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_MIDDLE ) == TileSpatialPylon.DISPLAY_END_MAX )
return good ? SpatialPylonTextureType.DIM_END : SpatialPylonTextureType.RED_END;
return SpatialPylonTextureType.BASE;
public boolean isAmbientOcclusion()
return true;
public boolean isGui3d()
return false;
public boolean isBuiltInRenderer()
return false;
public TextureAtlasSprite getParticleTexture()
return null;
public ItemCameraTransforms getItemCameraTransforms()
return ItemCameraTransforms.DEFAULT;
public ItemOverrideList getOverrides()
return ItemOverrideList.NONE;
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package appeng.client.render.spatial;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.IBakedModel;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.IModel;
import net.minecraftforge.common.model.IModelState;
import net.minecraftforge.common.model.TRSRTransformation;
import appeng.core.AppEng;
class SpatialPylonModel implements IModel
public Collection<ResourceLocation> getDependencies()
return Collections.emptyList();
public Collection<ResourceLocation> getTextures()
return SpatialPylonTextureType.values() )
.map( SpatialPylonModel::getTexturePath )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
public IBakedModel bake( IModelState state, VertexFormat format, Function<ResourceLocation, TextureAtlasSprite> bakedTextureGetter )
Map<SpatialPylonTextureType, TextureAtlasSprite> textures = new EnumMap<>( SpatialPylonTextureType.class );
for( SpatialPylonTextureType type : SpatialPylonTextureType.values() )
ResourceLocation loc = getTexturePath( type );
textures.put( type, bakedTextureGetter.apply( loc ) );
return new SpatialPylonBakedModel( format, textures );
public IModelState getDefaultState()
return TRSRTransformation.identity();
private static ResourceLocation getTexturePath( SpatialPylonTextureType type )
return new ResourceLocation( AppEng.MOD_ID, "blocks/spatial_pylon/" + );
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package appeng.client.render.spatial;
import java.util.Map;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import appeng.bootstrap.BlockRenderingCustomizer;
import appeng.bootstrap.IBlockRendering;
import appeng.bootstrap.IItemRendering;
import appeng.core.AppEng;
public class SpatialPylonRendering extends BlockRenderingCustomizer
private static final ResourceLocation MODEL_ID = new ResourceLocation( AppEng.MOD_ID, "models/blocks/spatial_pylon/builtin" );
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT )
public void customize( IBlockRendering rendering, IItemRendering itemRendering )
rendering.builtInModel( MODEL_ID.getResourcePath(), new SpatialPylonModel() );
rendering.stateMapper( this::mapState );
private Map<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> mapState( Block block )
return ImmutableMap.of(
block.getDefaultState(), new ModelResourceLocation( MODEL_ID, "normal" )
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package appeng.client.render.spatial;
* Models the rendering state of the spatial pylon, which is largely determined by the state of neighboring tiles.
public class SpatialPylonStateProperty implements IUnlistedProperty<Integer>
public String getName()
return "spatial_state";
public boolean isValid( Integer value )
int val = value;
// The lower 6 bits are used
return ( val & ~0x3F ) == 0;
public Class<Integer> getType()
return Integer.class;
public String valueToString( Integer value )
return value.toString();
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package appeng.client.render.spatial;
enum SpatialPylonTextureType
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ import appeng.bootstrap.IBlockRendering;
import appeng.bootstrap.IItemRendering;
import appeng.client.render.crafting.CraftingCubeRendering;
import appeng.client.render.model.GlassModel;
import appeng.client.render.spatial.SpatialPylonRendering;
import appeng.core.AppEng;
import appeng.core.features.AEFeature;
import appeng.core.features.registries.PartModels;
@ -280,6 +281,7 @@ public final class ApiBlocks implements IBlocks
this.spatialPylon = registry.block( "spatial_pylon", BlockSpatialPylon::new )
.features( AEFeature.SpatialIO )
.rendering( new SpatialPylonRendering() )
this.spatialIOPort = registry.block( "spatial_ioport", BlockSpatialIOPort::new ).features( AEFeature.SpatialIO ).build();
this.controller = registry.block( "controller", BlockController::new )
Add table
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