Applied English Locale where localization is not expected as in internal recipe handling and IMC handling, basically which interacts with public API where we either require to enforce the incoming text with regex ([a-z0-9]) or just expect proper usage of the API, but with just using upper cases in recipe files it would break in Turkish Locale like
another option would have been to use `equalsIgnoreCase` in some cases, but not all applicable
Removes the improper way to set itself into a public static non-final variable.
Removes the direct access to the IntegrationRegistry from AppEng. Will be added at some later point somewhere else for non-singleton access.
Constructor is set to package private to enable possible construction from unit tests. Are current not runnable sind it is currently tied to the FML Loader instance.
Added an additional map to store all parts and be able to access them if needed.
Added public preconditions
Added private asserts
Excluded public overridden methods, since behaviour can be unexpected
Many exceptions got an improvement due to changed class or description or details it is providing.
Is not complete, needs to be done in patches in the regions, where it is needed, since some are just
Removed total usage of pure RuntimeExceptions to 0.
Deprecates the old usage of the AEItemDefinitions via the direct method access of
* blocks()
* parts()
* items()
* materials()
and thus use the new re-direct via definitions().
All definitions are now initialized, no matter what. But SubItems, Items and Blocks are not registered, if by chance are disabled.
Replaced String concat in loops with StringBuilder (performance)
Replaced for with keySet + Map.get() through for with entrySet (perf)
Changed inner classes to static classes, mostly struct like (memory)