Provides a new configuration `mods` which can be used on Maven Artifacts. That way, we can install them without affecting them on runtime (less load time)
Put the optional tasks into `optional.gradle` where a install task is just a copy task and the deinstall task a delete task
Added maven local to the repositories, if for some reason somebody uses a local maven
The proper way to use gradle is to actually use the It will be automatically read without using a self defined config slurper.
The adds additional convenient options e.g. regarding the VM options and parallel calculation or daemons
Reworked whole Version Checker with an extensible interface to add any other service later on easier.
The version checker now has its own config file, to collect the different options and extract them from the main config file.
In that you can specify how fine the versions should be checked.
Added temporary(!) API dependencies, will resolved via Maven later on
Added pack.mcmeta template
Added hacked BC jar to use facades indev
Split build logic into several pieces
Update gitignore
Modify build.gradle to match changes