package appeng.integration; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import appeng.api.exceptions.ModNotInstalled; import appeng.core.AEConfig; import appeng.core.AELog; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader; public class IntegrationNode { IntegrationStage state = IntegrationStage.PREINIT; IntegrationStage failedStage = IntegrationStage.PREINIT; Throwable exception = null; String displayName; String modID; IntegrationType shortName; String name = null; Class classValue = null; Object instance; IIntegrationModule mod = null; public IntegrationNode(String dspname, String _modID, IntegrationType sName, String n) { displayName = dspname; shortName = sName; modID = _modID; name = n; } @Override public String toString() { return + ":" +; } void Call(IntegrationStage stage) { if ( state != IntegrationStage.FAILED ) { if ( state.ordinal() > stage.ordinal() ) return; try { switch (stage) { case PREINIT: boolean enabled = modID == null || Loader.isModLoaded( modID ); AEConfig.instance .addCustomCategoryComment( "ModIntegration", "Valid Values are 'AUTO', 'ON', or 'OFF' - defaults to 'AUTO' ; Suggested that you leave this alone unless your experiencing an issue, or wish to disable the integration for a reason." ); String Mode = AEConfig.instance.get( "ModIntegration", displayName.replace( " ", "" ), "AUTO" ).getString(); if ( Mode.toUpperCase().equals( "ON" ) ) enabled = true; if ( Mode.toUpperCase().equals( "OFF" ) ) enabled = false; if ( enabled ) { classValue = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( name ); mod = (IIntegrationModule) classValue.getConstructor().newInstance(); Field f = classValue.getField( "instance" ); f.set( classValue, instance = mod ); } else throw new ModNotInstalled( modID ); state = IntegrationStage.INIT; break; case INIT: mod.Init(); state = IntegrationStage.POSTINIT; break; case POSTINIT: mod.PostInit(); state = IntegrationStage.READY; break; case FAILED: default: break; } } catch (Throwable t) { failedStage = stage; exception = t; state = IntegrationStage.FAILED; } } if ( stage == IntegrationStage.POSTINIT ) { if ( state == IntegrationStage.FAILED ) { displayName + " - Integration Disabled" ); if ( !(exception instanceof ModNotInstalled) ) AELog.integration( exception ); } else { displayName + " - Integration Enable" ); } } } public boolean isActive() { if ( state == IntegrationStage.PREINIT ) Call( IntegrationStage.PREINIT ); return state != IntegrationStage.FAILED; } }