package; import java.util.EnumSet; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.IIcon; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.networking.GridFlags; import appeng.api.networking.IGridHost; import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import appeng.api.util.AECableType; import appeng.api.util.AEColor; import appeng.block.AEBaseBlock; import appeng.client.texture.CableBusTextures; import appeng.client.texture.FlipableIcon; import appeng.client.texture.OffsetIcon; import appeng.client.texture.TaughtIcon; import appeng.util.Platform; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class PartDenseCable extends PartCable { @Override public BusSupport supportsBuses() { return BusSupport.DENSE_CABLE; } @MENetworkEventSubscribe public void channelUpdated(MENetworkChannelsChanged c) { getHost().markForUpdate(); } @MENetworkEventSubscribe public void powerRender(MENetworkPowerStatusChange c) { getHost().markForUpdate(); } public PartDenseCable(Class c, ItemStack is) { super( c, is ); proxy.setFlags( GridFlags.DENSE_CAPACITY, GridFlags.PREFERED ); } public PartDenseCable(ItemStack is) { this( PartDenseCable.class, is ); } @Override public AECableType getCableConnectionType() { return AECableType.DENSE; } @Override public IIcon getTexture(AEColor c) { if ( c == AEColor.Transparent ) return AEApi.instance().parts().partCableSmart.stack( AEColor.Transparent, 1 ).getIconIndex(); return getSmartTexture( c ); } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void renderInventory(IPartRenderHelper rh, RenderBlocks renderer) { GL11.glTranslated( -0.0, -0.0, 0.3 ); rh.setBounds( 4.0f, 4.0f, 2.0f, 12.0f, 12.0f, 14.0f ); float offu = 0; float offv = 9; OffsetIcon main = new OffsetIcon( getTexture( getCableColor() ), offu, offv ); OffsetIcon ch1 = new OffsetIcon( getChannelTex( 4, false ).getIcon(), offu, offv ); OffsetIcon ch2 = new OffsetIcon( getChannelTex( 4, true ).getIcon(), offu, offv ); for (ForgeDirection side : EnumSet.of( ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.DOWN )) { rh.renderInventoryFace( main, side, renderer ); rh.renderInventoryFace( ch1, side, renderer ); rh.renderInventoryFace( ch2, side, renderer ); } offu = 9; offv = 0; main = new OffsetIcon( getTexture( getCableColor() ), offu, offv ); ch1 = new OffsetIcon( getChannelTex( 4, false ).getIcon(), offu, offv ); ch2 = new OffsetIcon( getChannelTex( 4, true ).getIcon(), offu, offv ); for (ForgeDirection side : EnumSet.of( ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.WEST )) { rh.renderInventoryFace( main, side, renderer ); rh.renderInventoryFace( ch1, side, renderer ); rh.renderInventoryFace( ch2, side, renderer ); } main = new OffsetIcon( getTexture( getCableColor() ), 0, 0 ); ch1 = new OffsetIcon( getChannelTex( 4, false ).getIcon(), 0, 0 ); ch2 = new OffsetIcon( getChannelTex( 4, true ).getIcon(), 0, 0 ); for (ForgeDirection side : EnumSet.of( ForgeDirection.SOUTH, ForgeDirection.NORTH )) { rh.renderInventoryFace( main, side, renderer ); rh.renderInventoryFace( ch1, side, renderer ); rh.renderInventoryFace( ch2, side, renderer ); } rh.setTexture( null ); } @Override public void getBoxes(IPartCollsionHelper bch) { boolean noLadder = !bch.isBBCollision(); double min = noLadder ? 3.0 : 4.9; double max = noLadder ? 13.0 : 11.1; bch.addBox( min, min, min, max, max, max ); if ( Platform.isServer() ) { IGridNode n = getGridNode(); if ( n != null ) connections = n.getConnectedSides(); else connections.clear(); } for (ForgeDirection of : connections) { if ( isDense( of ) ) { switch (of) { case DOWN: bch.addBox( min, 0.0, min, max, min, max ); break; case EAST: bch.addBox( max, min, min, 16.0, max, max ); break; case NORTH: bch.addBox( min, min, 0.0, max, max, min ); break; case SOUTH: bch.addBox( min, min, max, max, max, 16.0 ); break; case UP: bch.addBox( min, max, min, max, 16.0, max ); break; case WEST: bch.addBox( 0.0, min, min, min, max, max ); break; default: continue; } } else { switch (of) { case DOWN: bch.addBox( 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 11.0, 5.0, 11.0 ); break; case EAST: bch.addBox( 11.0, 5.0, 5.0, 16.0, 11.0, 11.0 ); break; case NORTH: bch.addBox( 5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 11.0, 11.0, 5.0 ); break; case SOUTH: bch.addBox( 5.0, 5.0, 11.0, 11.0, 11.0, 16.0 ); break; case UP: bch.addBox( 5.0, 11.0, 5.0, 11.0, 16.0, 11.0 ); break; case WEST: bch.addBox( 0.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 11.0, 11.0 ); break; default: continue; } } } } private boolean isDense(ForgeDirection of) { TileEntity te = tile.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( tile.xCoord + of.offsetX, tile.yCoord + of.offsetY, tile.zCoord + of.offsetZ ); if ( te instanceof IGridHost ) { AECableType t = ((IGridHost) te).getCableConnectionType( of.getOpposite() ); return t == AECableType.DENSE; } return false; } private boolean isSmart(ForgeDirection of) { TileEntity te = tile.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( tile.xCoord + of.offsetX, tile.yCoord + of.offsetY, tile.zCoord + of.offsetZ ); if ( te instanceof IGridHost ) { AECableType t = ((IGridHost) te).getCableConnectionType( of.getOpposite() ); return t == AECableType.SMART; } return false; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void renderDenseConection(int x, int y, int z, IPartRenderHelper rh, RenderBlocks renderer, int channels, ForgeDirection of) { TileEntity te = this.tile.getWorldObj().getTileEntity( x + of.offsetX, y + of.offsetY, z + of.offsetZ ); IPartHost ccph = te instanceof IPartHost ? (IPartHost) te : null; IGridHost ghh = te instanceof IGridHost ? (IGridHost) te : null; boolean isGlass = false; AEColor myColor = getCableColor(); /* * ( ghh != null && ccph != null && ghh.getCableConnectionType( of ) == AECableType.GLASS && ccph.getPart( * of.getOpposite() ) == null ) { isGlass = true; rh.setTexture( getGlassTexture( myColor = ccph.getColor() ) ); * } else if ( ccph == null && ghh != null && ghh.getCableConnectionType( of ) != AECableType.GLASS ) { * rh.setTexture( getSmartTexture( myColor ) ); switch (of) { case DOWN: rh.setBounds( 3, 0, 3, 13, 4, 13 ); * break; case EAST: rh.setBounds( 12, 3, 3, 16, 13, 13 ); break; case NORTH: rh.setBounds( 3, 3, 0, 13, 13, 4 * ); break; case SOUTH: rh.setBounds( 3, 3, 12, 13, 13, 16 ); break; case UP: rh.setBounds( 3, 12, 3, 13, 16, * 13 ); break; case WEST: rh.setBounds( 0, 3, 3, 4, 13, 13 ); break; default: return; } rh.renderBlock( x, y, * z, renderer ); * * if ( true ) { setSmartConnectionRotations( of, renderer ); IIcon defa = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( * channels, false ).getIcon(), -0.2f ); IIcon defb = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( channels, true ).getIcon(), * -0.2f ); * * if ( of == ForgeDirection.EAST || of == ForgeDirection.WEST ) { AEBaseBlock blk = (AEBaseBlock) * rh.getBlock(); FlipableIcon ico = blk.getRendererInstance().getTexture( ForgeDirection.EAST ); ico.setFlip( * false, true ); } * * Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 15 << 20 | 15 << 5 ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( * myColor.mediumVariant ); rh.setTexture( defa, defa, defa, defa, defa, defa ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) * rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, renderer ); * * Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( myColor.whiteVariant ); rh.setTexture( defb, defb, defb, defb, defb, * defb ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, renderer ); * * renderer.uvRotateBottom = renderer.uvRotateEast = renderer.uvRotateNorth = renderer.uvRotateSouth = * renderer.uvRotateTop = renderer.uvRotateWest = 0; } * * rh.setTexture( getTexture( getCableColor() ) ); } */ rh.setFacesToRender( EnumSet.complementOf( EnumSet.of( of, of.getOpposite() ) ) ); if ( ghh != null && ccph != null && ghh.getCableConnectionType( of ) != AECableType.GLASS && ccph.getColor() != AEColor.Transparent && ccph.getPart( of.getOpposite() ) == null ) rh.setTexture( getTexture( myColor = ccph.getColor() ) ); else rh.setTexture( getTexture( getCableColor() ) ); switch (of) { case DOWN: rh.setBounds( 4, 0, 4, 12, 5, 12 ); break; case EAST: rh.setBounds( 11, 4, 4, 16, 12, 12 ); break; case NORTH: rh.setBounds( 4, 4, 0, 12, 12, 5 ); break; case SOUTH: rh.setBounds( 4, 4, 11, 12, 12, 16 ); break; case UP: rh.setBounds( 4, 11, 4, 12, 16, 12 ); break; case WEST: rh.setBounds( 0, 4, 4, 5, 12, 12 ); break; default: return; } rh.renderBlock( x, y, z, renderer ); rh.setFacesToRender( EnumSet.allOf( ForgeDirection.class ) ); if ( !isGlass ) { setSmartConnectionRotations( of, renderer ); IIcon defa = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( channels, false ).getIcon(), -0.2f ); IIcon defb = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( channels, true ).getIcon(), -0.2f ); Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 15 << 20 | 15 << 4 ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( myColor.blackVariant ); rh.setTexture( defa, defa, defa, defa, defa, defa ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( myColor.whiteVariant ); rh.setTexture( defb, defb, defb, defb, defb, defb ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer ); renderer.uvRotateBottom = renderer.uvRotateEast = renderer.uvRotateNorth = renderer.uvRotateSouth = renderer.uvRotateTop = renderer.uvRotateWest = 0; } } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void renderStatic(int x, int y, int z, IPartRenderHelper rh, RenderBlocks renderer) { renderCache = rh.useSimpliedRendering( x, y, z, this, renderCache ); rh.setTexture( getTexture( getCableColor() ) ); EnumSet sides = connections.clone(); boolean hasBuses = false; for (ForgeDirection of : connections) { if ( !isDense( of ) ) hasBuses = true; } if ( sides.size() != 2 || !nonLinear( sides ) || hasBuses ) { for (ForgeDirection of : connections) { if ( isDense( of ) ) renderDenseConection( x, y, z, rh, renderer, channelsOnSide[of.ordinal()], of ); else if ( isSmart( of ) ) renderSmartConection( x, y, z, rh, renderer, channelsOnSide[of.ordinal()], of ); else renderCoveredConection( x, y, z, rh, renderer, channelsOnSide[of.ordinal()], of ); } rh.setTexture( getDenseTexture( getCableColor() ) ); rh.setBounds( 3, 3, 3, 13, 13, 13 ); rh.renderBlock( x, y, z, renderer ); } else { ForgeDirection selectedSide = ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN; for (ForgeDirection of : connections) { selectedSide = of; break; } int channels = channelsOnSide[selectedSide.ordinal()]; IIcon def = getTexture( getCableColor() ); IIcon off = new OffsetIcon( def, 0, -12 ); IIcon defa = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( channels, false ).getIcon(), -0.2f ); IIcon offa = new OffsetIcon( defa, 0, -12 ); IIcon defb = new TaughtIcon( getChannelTex( channels, true ).getIcon(), -0.2f ); IIcon offb = new OffsetIcon( defb, 0, -12 ); switch (selectedSide) { case DOWN: case UP: renderer.setRenderBounds( 3 / 16.0, 0, 3 / 16.0, 13 / 16.0, 16 / 16.0, 13 / 16.0 ); rh.setTexture( def, def, off, off, off, off ); rh.renderBlockCurrentBounds( x, y, z, renderer ); renderer.uvRotateTop = 0; renderer.uvRotateBottom = 0; renderer.uvRotateSouth = 3; renderer.uvRotateEast = 3; Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 15 << 20 | 15 << 4 ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().blackVariant ); rh.setTexture( defa, defa, offa, offa, offa, offa ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().whiteVariant ); rh.setTexture( defb, defb, offb, offb, offb, offb ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer ); break; case EAST: case WEST: rh.setTexture( off, off, off, off, def, def ); renderer.uvRotateEast = 2; renderer.uvRotateWest = 1; renderer.uvRotateBottom = 2; renderer.uvRotateTop = 1; renderer.uvRotateSouth = 0; renderer.uvRotateNorth = 0; AEBaseBlock blk = (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(); FlipableIcon ico = blk.getRendererInstance().getTexture( ForgeDirection.EAST ); ico.setFlip( false, true ); renderer.setRenderBounds( 0, 3 / 16.0, 3 / 16.0, 16 / 16.0, 13 / 16.0, 13 / 16.0 ); rh.renderBlockCurrentBounds( x, y, z, renderer ); Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 15 << 20 | 15 << 4 ); FlipableIcon fpA = new FlipableIcon( defa ); FlipableIcon fpB = new FlipableIcon( defb ); fpA = new FlipableIcon( defa ); fpB = new FlipableIcon( defb ); fpA.setFlip( true, false ); fpB.setFlip( true, false ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().blackVariant ); rh.setTexture( offa, offa, offa, offa, defa, fpA ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().whiteVariant ); rh.setTexture( offb, offb, offb, offb, defb, fpB ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer ); break; case NORTH: case SOUTH: rh.setTexture( off, off, def, def, off, off ); renderer.uvRotateTop = 3; renderer.uvRotateBottom = 3; renderer.uvRotateNorth = 1; renderer.uvRotateSouth = 2; renderer.uvRotateWest = 1; renderer.setRenderBounds( 3 / 16.0, 3 / 16.0, 0, 13 / 16.0, 13 / 16.0, 16 / 16.0 ); rh.renderBlockCurrentBounds( x, y, z, renderer ); Tessellator.instance.setBrightness( 15 << 20 | 15 << 4 ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().blackVariant ); rh.setTexture( offa, offa, defa, defa, offa, offa ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer ); Tessellator.instance.setColorOpaque_I( getCableColor().whiteVariant ); rh.setTexture( offb, offb, defb, defb, offb, offb ); renderAllFaces( (AEBaseBlock) rh.getBlock(), x, y, z, rh, renderer ); break; default: break; } } renderer.uvRotateBottom = renderer.uvRotateEast = renderer.uvRotateNorth = renderer.uvRotateSouth = renderer.uvRotateTop = renderer.uvRotateWest = 0; rh.setTexture( null ); } private IIcon getDenseTexture(AEColor c) { switch (c) { case Black: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Black.getIcon(); case Blue: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Blue.getIcon(); case Brown: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Brown.getIcon(); case Cyan: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Cyan.getIcon(); case Gray: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Gray.getIcon(); case Green: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Green.getIcon(); case LightBlue: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_LightBlue.getIcon(); case LightGray: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_LightGrey.getIcon(); case Lime: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Lime.getIcon(); case Magenta: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Magenta.getIcon(); case Orange: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Orange.getIcon(); case Pink: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Pink.getIcon(); case Purple: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Purple.getIcon(); case Red: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Red.getIcon(); case White: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_White.getIcon(); case Yellow: return CableBusTextures.MEDense_Yellow.getIcon(); default: } return is.getIconIndex(); } }