/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see . */ package appeng.container.implementations; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import appeng.api.config.Settings; import appeng.api.config.YesNo; import appeng.api.networking.IGrid; import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode; import appeng.api.networking.security.IActionHost; import appeng.container.AEBaseContainer; import appeng.core.sync.network.NetworkHandler; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketCompressedNBT; import appeng.helpers.DualityInterface; import appeng.helpers.IInterfaceHost; import appeng.helpers.InventoryAction; import appeng.items.misc.ItemEncodedPattern; import appeng.parts.misc.PartInterface; import appeng.parts.reporting.PartMonitor; import appeng.tile.inventory.AppEngInternalInventory; import appeng.tile.misc.TileInterface; import appeng.util.InventoryAdaptor; import appeng.util.Platform; import appeng.util.inv.AdaptorIInventory; import appeng.util.inv.AdaptorPlayerHand; import appeng.util.inv.WrapperInvSlot; public class ContainerInterfaceTerminal extends AEBaseContainer { /** * this stuff is all server side.. */ static private long autoBase = Long.MIN_VALUE; final Map diList = new HashMap(); final Map byId = new HashMap(); IGrid g; NBTTagCompound data = new NBTTagCompound(); public ContainerInterfaceTerminal( InventoryPlayer ip, PartMonitor anchor ) { super( ip, anchor ); if( Platform.isServer() ) this.g = anchor.getActionableNode().getGrid(); this.bindPlayerInventory( ip, 0, 222 - /* height of player inventory */82 ); } @Override public void detectAndSendChanges() { if( Platform.isClient() ) return; super.detectAndSendChanges(); if( this.g == null ) return; int total = 0; boolean missing = false; IActionHost host = this.getActionHost(); if( host != null ) { IGridNode agn = host.getActionableNode(); if( agn != null && agn.isActive() ) { for( IGridNode gn : this.g.getMachines( TileInterface.class ) ) { if( gn.isActive() ) { IInterfaceHost ih = (IInterfaceHost) gn.getMachine(); if( ih.getInterfaceDuality().getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.INTERFACE_TERMINAL ) == YesNo.NO ) continue; InvTracker t = this.diList.get( ih ); if( t == null ) missing = true; else { DualityInterface dual = ih.getInterfaceDuality(); if( !t.unlocalizedName.equals( dual.getTermName() ) ) missing = true; } total++; } } for( IGridNode gn : this.g.getMachines( PartInterface.class ) ) { if( gn.isActive() ) { IInterfaceHost ih = (IInterfaceHost) gn.getMachine(); if( ih.getInterfaceDuality().getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.INTERFACE_TERMINAL ) == YesNo.NO ) continue; InvTracker t = this.diList.get( ih ); if( t == null ) missing = true; else { DualityInterface dual = ih.getInterfaceDuality(); if( !t.unlocalizedName.equals( dual.getTermName() ) ) missing = true; } total++; } } } } if( total != this.diList.size() || missing ) this.regenList( this.data ); else { for( Entry en : this.diList.entrySet() ) { InvTracker inv = en.getValue(); for( int x = 0; x < inv.server.getSizeInventory(); x++ ) { if( this.isDifferent( inv.server.getStackInSlot( x ), inv.client.getStackInSlot( x ) ) ) this.addItems( this.data, inv, x, 1 ); } } } if( !this.data.hasNoTags() ) { try { NetworkHandler.instance.sendTo( new PacketCompressedNBT( this.data ), (EntityPlayerMP) this.getPlayerInv().player ); } catch( IOException e ) { // :P } this.data = new NBTTagCompound(); } } @Override public void doAction( EntityPlayerMP player, InventoryAction action, int slot, long id ) { InvTracker inv = this.byId.get( id ); if( inv != null ) { ItemStack is = inv.server.getStackInSlot( slot ); boolean hasItemInHand = player.inventory.getItemStack() != null; InventoryAdaptor playerHand = new AdaptorPlayerHand( player ); WrapperInvSlot slotInv = new PatternInvSlot( inv.server ); IInventory theSlot = slotInv.getWrapper( slot ); InventoryAdaptor interfaceSlot = new AdaptorIInventory( theSlot ); switch( action ) { case PICKUP_OR_SET_DOWN: if( hasItemInHand ) { ItemStack inSlot = theSlot.getStackInSlot( 0 ); if( inSlot == null ) player.inventory.setItemStack( interfaceSlot.addItems( player.inventory.getItemStack() ) ); else { inSlot = inSlot.copy(); ItemStack inHand = player.inventory.getItemStack().copy(); theSlot.setInventorySlotContents( 0, null ); player.inventory.setItemStack( null ); player.inventory.setItemStack( interfaceSlot.addItems( inHand.copy() ) ); if( player.inventory.getItemStack() == null ) player.inventory.setItemStack( inSlot ); else { player.inventory.setItemStack( inHand ); theSlot.setInventorySlotContents( 0, inSlot ); } } } else { IInventory mySlot = slotInv.getWrapper( slot ); mySlot.setInventorySlotContents( 0, playerHand.addItems( mySlot.getStackInSlot( 0 ) ) ); } break; case SPLIT_OR_PLACE_SINGLE: if( hasItemInHand ) { ItemStack extra = playerHand.removeItems( 1, null, null ); if( extra != null ) extra = interfaceSlot.addItems( extra ); if( extra != null ) playerHand.addItems( extra ); } else if( is != null ) { ItemStack extra = interfaceSlot.removeItems( ( is.stackSize + 1 ) / 2, null, null ); if( extra != null ) extra = playerHand.addItems( extra ); if( extra != null ) interfaceSlot.addItems( extra ); } break; case SHIFT_CLICK: IInventory mySlot = slotInv.getWrapper( slot ); InventoryAdaptor playerInv = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor( player, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ); mySlot.setInventorySlotContents( 0, playerInv.addItems( mySlot.getStackInSlot( 0 ) ) ); break; case MOVE_REGION: InventoryAdaptor playerInvAd = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor( player, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ); for( int x = 0; x < inv.server.getSizeInventory(); x++ ) { inv.server.setInventorySlotContents( x, playerInvAd.addItems( inv.server.getStackInSlot( x ) ) ); } break; case CREATIVE_DUPLICATE: if( player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && !hasItemInHand ) { player.inventory.setItemStack( is == null ? null : is.copy() ); } break; default: return; } this.updateHeld( player ); } } private void regenList( NBTTagCompound data ) { this.byId.clear(); this.diList.clear(); IActionHost host = this.getActionHost(); if( host != null ) { IGridNode agn = host.getActionableNode(); if( agn != null && agn.isActive() ) { for( IGridNode gn : this.g.getMachines( TileInterface.class ) ) { IInterfaceHost ih = (IInterfaceHost) gn.getMachine(); DualityInterface dual = ih.getInterfaceDuality(); if( gn.isActive() && dual.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.INTERFACE_TERMINAL ) == YesNo.YES ) this.diList.put( ih, new InvTracker( dual, dual.getPatterns(), dual.getTermName() ) ); } for( IGridNode gn : this.g.getMachines( PartInterface.class ) ) { IInterfaceHost ih = (IInterfaceHost) gn.getMachine(); DualityInterface dual = ih.getInterfaceDuality(); if( gn.isActive() && dual.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.INTERFACE_TERMINAL ) == YesNo.YES ) this.diList.put( ih, new InvTracker( dual, dual.getPatterns(), dual.getTermName() ) ); } } } data.setBoolean( "clear", true ); for( Entry en : this.diList.entrySet() ) { InvTracker inv = en.getValue(); this.byId.put( inv.which, inv ); this.addItems( data, inv, 0, inv.server.getSizeInventory() ); } } private boolean isDifferent( ItemStack a, ItemStack b ) { if( a == null && b == null ) return false; if( a == null || b == null ) return true; return !ItemStack.areItemStacksEqual( a, b ); } private void addItems( NBTTagCompound data, InvTracker inv, int offset, int length ) { String name = '=' + Long.toString( inv.which, Character.MAX_RADIX ); NBTTagCompound tag = data.getCompoundTag( name ); if( tag.hasNoTags() ) { tag.setLong( "sortBy", inv.sortBy ); tag.setString( "un", inv.unlocalizedName ); } for( int x = 0; x < length; x++ ) { NBTTagCompound itemNBT = new NBTTagCompound(); ItemStack is = inv.server.getStackInSlot( x + offset ); // "update" client side. inv.client.setInventorySlotContents( x + offset, is == null ? null : is.copy() ); if( is != null ) is.writeToNBT( itemNBT ); tag.setTag( Integer.toString( x + offset ), itemNBT ); } data.setTag( name, tag ); } static class InvTracker { public final long sortBy; final long which = autoBase++; final String unlocalizedName; final IInventory client; final IInventory server; public InvTracker( DualityInterface dual, IInventory patterns, String unlocalizedName ) { this.server = patterns; this.client = new AppEngInternalInventory( null, this.server.getSizeInventory() ); this.unlocalizedName = unlocalizedName; this.sortBy = dual.getSortValue(); } } static class PatternInvSlot extends WrapperInvSlot { public PatternInvSlot( IInventory inv ) { super( inv ); } @Override public boolean isItemValid( ItemStack itemstack ) { return itemstack != null && itemstack.getItem() instanceof ItemEncodedPattern; } } }