package appeng.crafting; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; import; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.config.Actionable; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingGrid; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPatternDetails; import; import; import; import appeng.container.ContainerNull; import; import appeng.util.Platform; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; public class CraftingTreeProcess { World world; CraftingTreeNode parent; ICraftingPatternDetails details; CraftingJob job; long crafts = 0; boolean containerItems; boolean limitQty; boolean fullsimulation; private long bytes = 0; final private int depth; Map nodes = new HashMap(); public boolean possible = true; public CraftingTreeProcess(ICraftingGrid cc, CraftingJob job, ICraftingPatternDetails details, CraftingTreeNode craftingTreeNode, int depth, World world) { parent = craftingTreeNode; this.details = details; this.job = job; this.depth = depth; world = job.getWorld(); if ( details.isCraftable() ) { IAEItemStack list[] = details.getInputs(); InventoryCrafting ic = new InventoryCrafting( new ContainerNull(), 3, 3 ); IAEItemStack[] is = details.getInputs(); for (int x = 0; x < ic.getSizeInventory(); x++) ic.setInventorySlotContents( x, is[x] == null ? null : is[x].getItemStack() ); FMLCommonHandler.instance().firePlayerCraftingEvent( Platform.getPlayer( (WorldServer) world ), details.getOutput( ic, world ), ic ); for (int x = 0; x < ic.getSizeInventory(); x++) { ItemStack g = ic.getStackInSlot( x ); if ( g != null && g.stackSize > 1 ) fullsimulation = true; } for ( IAEItemStack part : details.getCondensedInputs() ) { ItemStack g = part.getItemStack(); boolean isAnInput = false; for ( IAEItemStack a : details.getCondensedOutputs() ) { if ( g != null && a != null && a.equals( g ) ) isAnInput = true; } if ( isAnInput ) limitQty = true; if ( g.getItem().hasContainerItem( g ) ) limitQty = containerItems = true; } boolean complicated = false; if ( containerItems || complicated ) { for (int x = 0; x < list.length; x++) { IAEItemStack part = list[x]; if ( part != null ) nodes.put( new CraftingTreeNode( cc, job, part.copy(), this, x, depth + 1 ), part.getStackSize() ); } } else { // this is minorly different then below, this slot uses the pattern, but kinda fudges it. for (IAEItemStack part : details.getCondensedInputs()) { for (int x = 0; x < list.length; x++) { IAEItemStack ppart = list[x]; if ( part != null && part.equals( ppart ) ) { // use the first slot... nodes.put( new CraftingTreeNode( cc, job, part.copy(), this, x, depth + 1 ), part.getStackSize() ); break; } } } } } else { for ( IAEItemStack part : details.getCondensedInputs() ) { ItemStack g = part.getItemStack(); boolean isAnInput = false; for (IAEItemStack a : details.getCondensedOutputs()) { if ( g != null && a != null && a.equals( g ) ) isAnInput = true; } if ( isAnInput ) limitQty = true; } for (IAEItemStack part : details.getCondensedInputs()) { nodes.put( new CraftingTreeNode( cc, job, part.copy(), this, -1, depth + 1 ), part.getStackSize() ); } } } public boolean notRecurive(ICraftingPatternDetails details) { return parent == null || parent.notRecurive( details ); } long getTimes(long remaining, long stackSize) { if ( limitQty || fullsimulation ) return 1; return (remaining / stackSize) + (remaining % stackSize != 0 ? 1 : 0); } IAEItemStack getAmountCrafted(IAEItemStack what2) { for (IAEItemStack is : details.getCondensedOutputs()) { if ( is.equals( what2 ) ) { what2 = what2.copy(); what2.setStackSize( is.getStackSize() ); return what2; } } // more fuzzy! for (IAEItemStack is : details.getCondensedOutputs()) { if ( is.getItem() == what2.getItem() && (is.getItem().isDamageable() || is.getItemDamage() == what2.getItemDamage()) ) { what2 = is.copy(); what2.setStackSize( is.getStackSize() ); return what2; } } throw new RuntimeException( "Crafting Tree construction failed." ); } public void request(MECraftingInventory inv, long i, BaseActionSource src) throws CraftBranchFailure, InterruptedException { job.handlepausing(); if ( fullsimulation ) { InventoryCrafting ic = new InventoryCrafting( new ContainerNull(), 3, 3 ); for (Entry entry : nodes.entrySet()) { IAEItemStack item = entry.getKey().getStack( entry.getValue() ); IAEItemStack stack = entry.getKey().request( inv, item.getStackSize(), src ); ic.setInventorySlotContents( entry.getKey().slot, stack.getItemStack() ); } FMLCommonHandler.instance().firePlayerCraftingEvent( Platform.getPlayer( (WorldServer) world ), details.getOutput( ic, world ), ic ); for (int x = 0; x < ic.getSizeInventory(); x++) { ItemStack is = ic.getStackInSlot( x ); is = Platform.getContainerItem( is ); IAEItemStack o = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( is ); if ( o != null ) { bytes++; inv.injectItems( o, Actionable.MODULATE, src ); } } } else { // request and remove inputs... for (Entry entry : nodes.entrySet()) { IAEItemStack item = entry.getKey().getStack( entry.getValue() ); IAEItemStack stack = entry.getKey().request( inv, item.getStackSize() * i, src ); if ( containerItems ) { ItemStack is = Platform.getContainerItem( stack.getItemStack() ); IAEItemStack o = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( is ); if ( o != null ) { bytes++; inv.injectItems( o, Actionable.MODULATE, src ); } } } } // assume its possible. // add crafting results.. for (IAEItemStack out : details.getCondensedOutputs()) { IAEItemStack o = out.copy(); o.setStackSize( o.getStackSize() * i ); inv.injectItems( o, Actionable.MODULATE, src ); } crafts += i; } public void dive(CraftingJob job) { job.addTask( getAmountCrafted( parent.getStack( 1 ) ), crafts, details, depth ); for (CraftingTreeNode pro : nodes.keySet()) pro.dive( job ); job.addBytes( 8 + crafts + bytes ); } public void setSimulate() { crafts = 0; bytes = 0; for (CraftingTreeNode pro : nodes.keySet()) pro.setSimulate(); } public void setJob(MECraftingInventory storage, CraftingCPUCluster craftingCPUCluster, BaseActionSource src) throws CraftBranchFailure { craftingCPUCluster.addCrafting( details, crafts ); for (CraftingTreeNode pro : nodes.keySet()) pro.setJob( storage, craftingCPUCluster, src ); } public void getPlan(IItemList plan) { for (IAEItemStack i : details.getOutputs()) { i = i.copy(); i.setCountRequestable( i.getStackSize() * crafts ); plan.addRequestable( i ); } for (CraftingTreeNode pro : nodes.keySet()) pro.getPlan( plan ); } }