package appeng.transformer.asm; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.IClassTransformer; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AnnotationNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode; import appeng.integration.IntegrationRegistry; import appeng.integration.IntegrationSide; import appeng.transformer.annotations.integration; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelaunchLog; public class ASMIntegration implements IClassTransformer { private IntegrationRegistry integrationModules = new IntegrationRegistry(); public ASMIntegration() { /** * Side, Display Name, ModID ClassPostFix */ integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Rotary Craft", "RotaryCraft", "RotaryCraft" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Industrial Craft 2", "IC2", "IC2" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Railcraft", "Railcraft", "RC" ); // integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Thermal Expansion", "ThermalExpansion", "TE" ); // integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Mystcraft", "Mystcraft", "Mystcraft" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "BuildCraft", "BuildCraft|Silicon", "BC" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "BuildCraft5 Power", null, "MJ5" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "BuildCraft6 Power", null, "MJ6" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "RedstoneFlux Power - Tiles", null, "RF" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "RedstoneFlux Power - Items", null, "RFItem" ); // integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Greg Tech", "gregtech_addon", "GT" ); // integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Universal Electricity", null, "UE" ); // integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Logistics Pipes", "LogisticsPipes|Main", "LP" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Mine Factory Reloaded", "MineFactoryReloaded", "MFR" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Deep Storage Unit", null, "DSU" ); // integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Better Storage", "betterstorage" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Factorization", "factorization", "FZ" ); // integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Forestry", "Forestry", "Forestry" ); // integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Mekanism", "Mekanism", "Mekanism" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.CLIENT, "Waila", "Waila", "Waila" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Colored Lights Core", "coloredlightscore", "CLApi" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Rotatable Blocks", "RotatableBlocks", "RB" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.CLIENT, "Inventory Tweaks", "inventorytweaks", "InvTweaks" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.CLIENT, "Not Enough Items", "NotEnoughItems", "NEI" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.CLIENT, "Craft Guide", "craftguide", "CraftGuide" ); integrationModules.add( IntegrationSide.BOTH, "Forge MultiPart", "McMultipart", "FMP" ); } @Override public byte[] transform(String name, String transformedName, byte[] basicClass) { if ( basicClass == null || transformedName.startsWith( "appeng.transformer" ) ) return basicClass; if ( transformedName.startsWith( "appeng." ) ) { // log( "Found " + transformedName ); ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(); ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader( basicClass ); classReader.accept( classNode, 0 ); try { boolean reWrite = removeOptionals( classNode ); if ( reWrite ) { ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter( ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS ); classNode.accept( writer ); return writer.toByteArray(); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } return basicClass; } private boolean removeOptionals(ClassNode classNode) { boolean changed = false; if ( classNode.visibleAnnotations != null ) { for (AnnotationNode an : classNode.visibleAnnotations) { if ( hasAnnotation( an, integration.Interface.class ) ) { if ( stripInterface( classNode, integration.Interface.class, an ) ) changed = true; } else if ( hasAnnotation( an, integration.InterfaceList.class ) ) { for (Object o : ((List) an.values.get( 1 ))) { if ( stripInterface( classNode, integration.InterfaceList.class, (AnnotationNode) o ) ) changed = true; } } } } Iterator i = classNode.methods.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { MethodNode mn =; if ( mn.visibleAnnotations != null ) { for (AnnotationNode an : mn.visibleAnnotations) { if ( hasAnnotation( an, integration.Method.class ) ) { if ( stripMethod( classNode, mn, i, integration.Method.class, an ) ) changed = true; } } } } if ( changed ) log( "Updated " + ); return changed; } private boolean hasAnnotation(AnnotationNode ann, Class anno) { return ann.desc.equals( Type.getDescriptor( anno ) ); } private boolean stripMethod(ClassNode classNode, MethodNode mn, Iterator i, Class class1, AnnotationNode an) { if ( an.values.size() != 2 ) throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to handle Method annotation on " + ); String iName = null; if ( an.values.get( 0 ).equals( "iname" ) ) iName = (String) an.values.get( 1 ); if ( iName != null ) { if ( !IntegrationRegistry.instance.isEnabled( iName ) ) { log( "Removing Method " + + " from " + + " because " + iName + " integration is disabled." ); i.remove(); return true; } else log( "Allowing Method " + + " from " + + " because " + iName + " integration is enabled." ); } else throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to handle Method annotation on " + ); return false; } private boolean stripInterface(ClassNode classNode, Class class1, AnnotationNode an) { if ( an.values.size() != 4 ) throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to handle Interface annotation on " + ); String iFace = null; String iName = null; if ( an.values.get( 0 ).equals( "iface" ) ) iFace = (String) an.values.get( 1 ); else if ( an.values.get( 2 ).equals( "iface" ) ) iFace = (String) an.values.get( 3 ); if ( an.values.get( 0 ).equals( "iname" ) ) iName = (String) an.values.get( 1 ); else if ( an.values.get( 2 ).equals( "iname" ) ) iName = (String) an.values.get( 3 ); if ( iName != null && iFace != null ) { if ( !IntegrationRegistry.instance.isEnabled( iName ) ) { log( "Removing Interface " + iFace + " from " + + " because " + iName + " integration is disabled." ); classNode.interfaces.remove( iFace.replace( '.', '/' ) ); return true; } else log( "Allowing Interface " + iFace + " from " + + " because " + iName + " integration is enabled." ); } else throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to handle Method annotation on " + ); return false; } private void log(String string) { FMLRelaunchLog.log( "AE2-CORE", Level.INFO, string ); } }