/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see . */ package appeng.fmp; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import codechicken.lib.data.MCDataInput; import codechicken.lib.data.MCDataOutput; import codechicken.lib.raytracer.IndexedCuboid6; import codechicken.lib.vec.Cuboid6; import codechicken.lib.vec.Vector3; import codechicken.multipart.IMaskedRedstonePart; import codechicken.multipart.JCuboidPart; import codechicken.multipart.JNormalOcclusion; import codechicken.multipart.NormalOcclusionTest; import codechicken.multipart.NormallyOccludedPart; import codechicken.multipart.TMultiPart; import codechicken.multipart.scalatraits.TIInventoryTile; import appeng.api.implementations.parts.IPartCable; import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode; import appeng.api.parts.IFacadeContainer; import appeng.api.parts.IFacadePart; import appeng.api.parts.IPart; import appeng.api.parts.IPartCollisionHelper; import appeng.api.parts.IPartItem; import appeng.api.parts.LayerFlags; import appeng.api.parts.PartItemStack; import appeng.api.parts.SelectedPart; import appeng.api.util.AECableType; import appeng.api.util.AEColor; import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord; import appeng.api.util.ForgeDirection; import appeng.client.render.BusRenderHelper; import appeng.client.render.BusRenderer; import appeng.core.AEConfig; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.core.features.AEFeature; import appeng.helpers.AEMultiTile; import appeng.parts.BusCollisionHelper; import appeng.parts.CableBusContainer; import appeng.parts.PartPlacement; import appeng.tile.networking.TileCableBus; import appeng.util.Platform; /** * Implementing these might help improve visuals for hollow covers * * TSlottedPart,ISidedHollowConnect */ public class CableBusPart extends JCuboidPart implements JNormalOcclusion, IMaskedRedstonePart, AEMultiTile { public static final ThreadLocal DISABLE_FACADE_OCCLUSION = new ThreadLocal(); private static final double SHORTER = 6.0 / 16.0; private static final double LONGER = 10.0 / 16.0; private static final double MIN_DIRECTION = 0; private static final double MAX_DIRECTION = 1.0; private static final Cuboid6[] SIDE_TESTS = new Cuboid6[] { // DOWN(0, -1, 0), new Cuboid6( SHORTER, MIN_DIRECTION, SHORTER, LONGER, SHORTER, LONGER ), // UP(0, 1, 0), new Cuboid6( SHORTER, LONGER, SHORTER, LONGER, MAX_DIRECTION, LONGER ), // NORTH(0, 0, -1), new Cuboid6( SHORTER, SHORTER, MIN_DIRECTION, LONGER, LONGER, SHORTER ), // SOUTH(0, 0, 1), new Cuboid6( SHORTER, SHORTER, LONGER, LONGER, LONGER, MAX_DIRECTION ), // WEST(-1, 0, 0), new Cuboid6( MIN_DIRECTION, SHORTER, SHORTER, SHORTER, LONGER, LONGER ), // EAST(1, 0, 0), new Cuboid6( LONGER, SHORTER, SHORTER, MAX_DIRECTION, LONGER, LONGER ), }; /** * Mask for {@link IMaskedRedstonePart#getConnectionMask(int)} * * the bits are derived from the rotation, where 4 is the center */ private static final int CONNECTION_MASK = 0x000010; public CableBusContainer cb = new CableBusContainer( this ); boolean canUpdate = false; @Override public boolean recolourBlock( ForgeDirection side, AEColor colour, EntityPlayer who ) { return this.cb.recolourBlock( side, colour, who ); } @Override public Cuboid6 getBounds() { AxisAlignedBB b = null; for( AxisAlignedBB bx : this.cb.getSelectedBoundingBoxesFromPool( false, true, null, true ) ) { if( b == null ) { b = bx; } else { double minX = Math.min( b.minX, bx.minX ); double minY = Math.min( b.minY, bx.minY ); double minZ = Math.min( b.minZ, bx.minZ ); double maxX = Math.max( b.maxX, bx.maxX ); double maxY = Math.max( b.maxY, bx.maxY ); double maxZ = Math.max( b.maxZ, bx.maxZ ); b.setBounds( minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ ); } } if( b == null ) { return new Cuboid6( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); } return new Cuboid6( b.minX, b.minY, b.minZ, b.maxX, b.maxY, b.maxZ ); } @Override public String getType() { return PartRegistry.CableBusPart.getName(); } @Override public int getLightValue() { return this.cb.getLightValue(); } @Override public void onWorldJoin() { this.canUpdate = true; this.cb.updateConnections(); this.cb.addToWorld(); } @Override public boolean occlusionTest( TMultiPart part ) { return NormalOcclusionTest.apply( this, part ); } @Override public boolean renderStatic( Vector3 pos, int pass ) { if( pass == 0 || ( pass == 1 && AEConfig.instance.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.AlphaPass ) ) ) { BusRenderHelper.INSTANCE.setPass( pass ); BusRenderer.INSTANCE.renderer.renderAllFaces = true; BusRenderer.INSTANCE.renderer.blockAccess = this.world(); BusRenderer.INSTANCE.renderer.overrideBlockTexture = null; this.cb.renderStatic( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z ); return BusRenderHelper.INSTANCE.getItemsRendered() > 0; } return false; } @Override public void renderDynamic( Vector3 pos, float frame, int pass ) { if( pass == 0 || ( pass == 1 && AEConfig.instance.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.AlphaPass ) ) ) { BusRenderHelper.INSTANCE.setPass( pass ); this.cb.renderDynamic( pos.x, pos.y, pos.z ); } } @Override public void onPartChanged( TMultiPart part ) { this.cb.updateConnections(); } @Override public void onEntityCollision( Entity entity ) { this.cb.onEntityCollision( entity ); } @Override public boolean activate( EntityPlayer player, MovingObjectPosition hit, ItemStack item ) { return this.cb.activate( player, hit.hitVec.addVector( -hit.blockX, -hit.blockY, -hit.blockZ ) ); } @Override public void load( NBTTagCompound tag ) { this.cb.readFromNBT( tag ); } @Override public void onWorldSeparate() { this.canUpdate = false; this.cb.removeFromWorld(); } @Override public void save( NBTTagCompound tag ) { this.cb.writeToNBT( tag ); } @Override public void writeDesc( MCDataOutput packet ) { ByteBuf stream = Unpooled.buffer(); try { this.cb.writeToStream( stream ); packet.writeInt( stream.readableBytes() ); stream.capacity( stream.readableBytes() ); packet.writeByteArray( stream.array() ); } catch( IOException e ) { AELog.error( e ); } } @Override public ItemStack pickItem( MovingObjectPosition hit ) { Vec3 v3 = hit.hitVec.addVector( -hit.blockX, -hit.blockY, -hit.blockZ ); SelectedPart sp = this.cb.selectPart( v3 ); if( sp != null ) { if( sp.part != null ) { return sp.part.getItemStack( PartItemStack.Break ); } if( sp.facade != null ) { return sp.facade.getItemStack(); } } return null; } @Override public Iterable getDrops() { return this.cb.getDrops( new ArrayList() ); } @Override public void onNeighborChanged() { this.cb.onNeighborChanged(); } @Override public boolean doesTick() { return false; } @Override public void invalidateConvertedTile() { this.cb.setHost( this ); } @Override public void readDesc( MCDataInput packet ) { int len = packet.readInt(); byte[] data = packet.readByteArray( len ); try { if( len > 0 ) { ByteBuf byteBuffer = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer( data ); this.cb.readFromStream( byteBuffer ); } } catch( IOException e ) { AELog.error( e ); } } @Override public boolean canConnectRedstone( int side ) { return this.cb.canConnectRedstone( EnumSet.of( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( side ) ) ); } @Override public int weakPowerLevel( int side ) { return this.cb.isProvidingWeakPower( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( side ) ); } @Override public int strongPowerLevel( int side ) { return this.cb.isProvidingStrongPower( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( side ) ); } public void convertFromTile( TileEntity blockTileEntity ) { TileCableBus tcb = (TileCableBus) blockTileEntity; this.cb = tcb.cb; } @Override public Iterable getOcclusionBoxes() { LinkedList l = new LinkedList(); for( AxisAlignedBB b : this.cb.getSelectedBoundingBoxesFromPool( true, DISABLE_FACADE_OCCLUSION.get() == null, null, true ) ) { l.add( new Cuboid6( b.minX, b.minY, b.minZ, b.maxX, b.maxY, b.maxZ ) ); } return l; } @Override public IGridNode getGridNode( ForgeDirection dir ) { return this.cb.getGridNode( dir ); } @Override public AECableType getCableConnectionType( ForgeDirection dir ) { return this.cb.getCableConnectionType( dir ); } @Override public void securityBreak() { this.cb.securityBreak(); } // @Override public int getHollowSize( int side ) { IPartCable cable = (IPartCable) this.getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ); ForgeDirection dir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation( side ); if( cable != null && cable.isConnected( dir ) ) { List boxes = new ArrayList(); BusCollisionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, ForgeDirection.EAST, ForgeDirection.UP, ForgeDirection.SOUTH, null, true ); for( ForgeDirection whichSide : ForgeDirection.values() ) { IPart fPart = this.getPart( whichSide ); if( fPart != null ) { fPart.getBoxes( bch ); } } AxisAlignedBB b = null; AxisAlignedBB pb = Platform.getPrimaryBox( dir, 2 ); for( AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes ) { if( bb.intersectsWith( pb ) ) { if( b == null ) { b = bb; } else { b.maxX = Math.max( b.maxX, bb.maxX ); b.maxY = Math.max( b.maxY, bb.maxY ); b.maxZ = Math.max( b.maxZ, bb.maxZ ); b.minX = Math.min( b.minX, bb.minX ); b.minY = Math.min( b.minY, bb.minY ); b.minZ = Math.min( b.minZ, bb.minZ ); } } } if( b == null ) { return 0; } switch( dir ) { case WEST: case EAST: return this.getSize( b.minZ, b.maxZ, b.minY, b.maxY ); case DOWN: case NORTH: return this.getSize( b.minX, b.maxX, b.minZ, b.maxZ ); case SOUTH: case UP: return this.getSize( b.minX, b.maxX, b.minY, b.maxY ); default: } } return 12; } int getSize( double a, double b, double c, double d ) { double r = Math.abs( a - 0.5 ); r = Math.max( Math.abs( b - 0.5 ), r ); r = Math.max( Math.abs( c - 0.5 ), r ); return ( 8 * (int) Math.max( Math.abs( d - 0.5 ), r ) ); } // @Override public int getSlotMask() { int mask = 0; for( ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.values() ) { if( this.getPart( side ) != null ) { mask |= 1 << side.ordinal(); } else if( side != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN && this.getFacadeContainer().getFacade( side ) != null ) { mask |= 1 << side.ordinal(); } } return mask; } @Override public IFacadeContainer getFacadeContainer() { return this.cb.getFacadeContainer(); } @Override public boolean canAddPart( ItemStack is, ForgeDirection side ) { IFacadePart fp = PartPlacement.isFacade( is, side ); if( fp != null ) { if( !( side == null || side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN || this.tile() == null ) ) { List boxes = new ArrayList(); IPartCollisionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, side, null, true ); fp.getBoxes( bch, null ); for( AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes ) { DISABLE_FACADE_OCCLUSION.set( true ); boolean canAdd = this.tile().canAddPart( new NormallyOccludedPart( new Cuboid6( bb ) ) ); DISABLE_FACADE_OCCLUSION.remove(); if( !canAdd ) { return false; } } } return true; } if( is.getItem() instanceof IPartItem ) { IPartItem bi = (IPartItem) is.getItem(); is = is.copy(); is.stackSize = 1; final IPart bp = bi.createPartFromItemStack( is ); if( !( side == null || side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN || this.tile() == null ) ) { List boxes = new ArrayList(); IPartCollisionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, side, null, true ); if( bp != null ) { bp.getBoxes( bch ); } for( AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes ) { if( !this.tile().canAddPart( new NormallyOccludedPart( new Cuboid6( bb ) ) ) ) { return false; } } } } return this.cb.canAddPart( is, side ); } @Override public ForgeDirection addPart( ItemStack is, ForgeDirection side, EntityPlayer owner ) { return this.cb.addPart( is, side, owner ); } @Override public IPart getPart( ForgeDirection side ) { return this.cb.getPart( side ); } @Override public void removePart( ForgeDirection side, boolean suppressUpdate ) { this.cb.removePart( side, suppressUpdate ); } @Override public void markForUpdate() { if( Platform.isServer() && this.canUpdate ) { this.sendDescUpdate(); } } @Override public DimensionalCoord getLocation() { return new DimensionalCoord( this.tile() ); } @Override public AEColor getColor() { return this.cb.getColor(); } @Override public void clearContainer() { this.cb = new CableBusContainer( this ); } @Override public boolean isBlocked( ForgeDirection side ) { if( side == null || side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN || this.tile() == null ) { return false; } DISABLE_FACADE_OCCLUSION.set( true ); final int ordinal = side.ordinal(); final Cuboid6 sideTest = SIDE_TESTS[ordinal]; final NormallyOccludedPart occludedPart = new NormallyOccludedPart( sideTest ); boolean blocked = !this.tile().canAddPart( occludedPart ); DISABLE_FACADE_OCCLUSION.remove(); return blocked; } @Override public SelectedPart selectPart( Vec3 pos ) { return this.cb.selectPart( pos ); } @Override public void markForSave() { // mark the chunk for save... TileEntity te = this.tile(); if( te != null && te.getWorld() != null ) { te.getWorld().getChunkFromBlockCoords( this.x(), this.z() ).isModified = true; } } @Override public void partChanged() { if( this.isInWorld() ) { this.notifyNeighbors(); } } @Override public boolean hasRedstone( ForgeDirection side ) { return this.cb.hasRedstone( side ); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return this.cb.isEmpty(); } @Override public Set getLayerFlags() { return this.cb.getLayerFlags(); } @Override public void cleanup() { this.tile().remPart( this ); } @Override public void notifyNeighbors() { if( this.tile() instanceof TIInventoryTile ) { ( (TIInventoryTile) this.tile() ).rebuildSlotMap(); } if( this.world() != null && this.world().blockExists( this.x(), this.y(), this.z() ) && !CableBusContainer.isLoading() ) { Platform.notifyBlocksOfNeighbors( this.world(), this.x(), this.y(), this.z() ); } } @Override public boolean isInWorld() { return this.cb.isInWorld(); } @Override public Iterable getCollisionBoxes() { LinkedList l = new LinkedList(); for( AxisAlignedBB b : this.cb.getSelectedBoundingBoxesFromPool( false, true, null, true ) ) { l.add( new Cuboid6( b.minX, b.minY, b.minZ, b.maxX, b.maxY, b.maxZ ) ); } return l; } @Override public Iterable getSubParts() { LinkedList l = new LinkedList(); for( Cuboid6 c : this.getCollisionBoxes() ) { l.add( new IndexedCuboid6( 0, c ) ); } return l; } @Override public int getConnectionMask( int side ) { return CONNECTION_MASK; } }