/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see . */ package appeng.core; import java.io.File; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Stream; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainer; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput; import appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier; import appeng.api.config.PowerUnits; import appeng.api.config.SearchBoxMode; import appeng.api.config.Settings; import appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle; import appeng.api.config.YesNo; import appeng.api.util.IConfigManager; import appeng.api.util.IConfigurableObject; import appeng.core.features.AEFeature; import appeng.core.settings.TickRates; import appeng.items.materials.MaterialType; import appeng.util.ConfigManager; import appeng.util.IConfigManagerHost; import appeng.util.Platform; public final class AEConfig extends Configuration implements IConfigurableObject, IConfigManagerHost { public static final String VERSION = "@version@"; public static final String CHANNEL = "@aechannel@"; public static final String PACKET_CHANNEL = "AE"; // Config instance private static AEConfig instance; // Default Grindstone ores private static final String[] ORES_VANILLA = { "Obsidian", "Ender", "EnderPearl", "Coal", "Iron", "Gold", "Charcoal", "NetherQuartz" }; private static final String[] ORES_AE = { "CertusQuartz", "Wheat", "Fluix" }; private static final String[] ORES_COMMON = { "Copper", "Tin", "Silver", "Lead", "Bronze" }; private static final String[] ORES_MISC = { "Brass", "Platinum", "Nickel", "Invar", "Aluminium", "Electrum", "Osmium", "Zinc" }; // Default Energy Conversion Rates private static final double DEFAULT_IC2_EXCHANGE = 2.0; private static final double DEFAULT_RF_EXCHANGE = 0.5; private final IConfigManager settings = new ConfigManager( this ); private final EnumSet featureFlags = EnumSet.noneOf( AEFeature.class ); private final File configFile; private boolean updatable = false; // Misc private boolean removeCrashingItemsOnLoad = false; private int formationPlaneEntityLimit = 128; private boolean enableEffects = true; private boolean useLargeFonts = false; private boolean useColoredCraftingStatus; private boolean disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI = true; private int craftingCalculationTimePerTick = 5; private PowerUnits selectedPowerUnit = PowerUnits.AE; // GUI Buttons private final int[] craftByStacks = { 1, 10, 100, 1000 }; private final int[] priorityByStacks = { 1, 10, 100, 1000 }; private final int[] levelByStacks = { 1, 10, 100, 1000 }; // Spatial IO/Dimension private int storageBiomeID = -1; private int storageProviderID = -1; private double spatialPowerExponent = 1.35; private double spatialPowerMultiplier = 1250.0; // Grindstone private String[] grinderOres = Stream.of( ORES_VANILLA, ORES_AE, ORES_COMMON, ORES_MISC ).flatMap( Stream::of ).toArray( String[]::new ); private double oreDoublePercentage = 90.0; // Batteries private int wirelessTerminalBattery = 1600000; private int entropyManipulatorBattery = 200000; private int matterCannonBattery = 200000; private int portableCellBattery = 20000; private int colorApplicatorBattery = 20000; private int chargedStaffBattery = 8000; // Certus quartz private float spawnChargedChance = 0.92f; private int quartzOresPerCluster = 4; private int quartzOresClusterAmount = 15; private int chargedChange = 4; // Meteors private int minMeteoriteDistance = 707; private int minMeteoriteDistanceSq = this.minMeteoriteDistance * this.minMeteoriteDistance; private double meteoriteClusterChance = 0.1; private int meteoriteMaximumSpawnHeight = 180; private int[] meteoriteDimensionWhitelist = { 0 }; // Wireless private double wirelessBaseCost = 8; private double wirelessCostMultiplier = 1; private double wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier = 1; private double wirelessBaseRange = 16; private double wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier = 1; private double wirelessBoosterExp = 1.5; private double wirelessHighWirelessCount = 64; // Tunnels public static final double TUNNEL_POWER_LOSS = 0.05; private AEConfig( final File configFile ) { super( configFile ); this.configFile = configFile; MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register( this ); PowerUnits.EU.conversionRatio = this.get( "PowerRatios", "IC2", DEFAULT_IC2_EXCHANGE ).getDouble( DEFAULT_IC2_EXCHANGE ); PowerUnits.RF.conversionRatio = this.get( "PowerRatios", "Forge Energy", DEFAULT_RF_EXCHANGE ).getDouble( DEFAULT_RF_EXCHANGE ); final double usageEffective = this.get( "PowerRatios", "UsageMultiplier", 1.0 ).getDouble( 1.0 ); PowerMultiplier.CONFIG.multiplier = Math.max( 0.01, usageEffective ); CondenserOutput.MATTER_BALLS.requiredPower = this.get( "Condenser", "MatterBalls", 256 ).getInt( 256 ); CondenserOutput.SINGULARITY.requiredPower = this.get( "Condenser", "Singularity", 256000 ).getInt( 256000 ); this.removeCrashingItemsOnLoad = this.get( "general", "removeCrashingItemsOnLoad", false, "Will auto-remove items that crash when being loaded from storage. This will destroy those items instead of crashing the game!" ).getBoolean(); this.grinderOres = this.get( "GrindStone", "grinderOres", this.grinderOres ).getStringList(); this.oreDoublePercentage = this.get( "GrindStone", "oreDoublePercentage", this.oreDoublePercentage ).getDouble( this.oreDoublePercentage ); this.settings.registerSetting( Settings.SEARCH_TOOLTIPS, YesNo.YES ); this.settings.registerSetting( Settings.TERMINAL_STYLE, TerminalStyle.TALL ); this.settings.registerSetting( Settings.SEARCH_MODE, SearchBoxMode.AUTOSEARCH ); this.spawnChargedChance = (float) ( 1.0 - this.get( "worldGen", "spawnChargedChance", 1.0 - this.spawnChargedChance ).getDouble( 1.0 - this.spawnChargedChance ) ); this.minMeteoriteDistance = this.get( "worldGen", "minMeteoriteDistance", this.minMeteoriteDistance ).getInt( this.minMeteoriteDistance ); this.meteoriteClusterChance = this.get( "worldGen", "meteoriteClusterChance", this.meteoriteClusterChance ).getDouble( this.meteoriteClusterChance ); this.meteoriteMaximumSpawnHeight = this.get( "worldGen", "meteoriteMaximumSpawnHeight", this.meteoriteMaximumSpawnHeight ).getInt( this.meteoriteMaximumSpawnHeight ); this.meteoriteDimensionWhitelist = this.get( "worldGen", "meteoriteDimensionWhitelist", this.meteoriteDimensionWhitelist ).getIntList(); this.quartzOresPerCluster = this.get( "worldGen", "quartzOresPerCluster", this.quartzOresPerCluster ).getInt( this.quartzOresPerCluster ); this.quartzOresClusterAmount = this.get( "worldGen", "quartzOresClusterAmount", this.quartzOresClusterAmount ).getInt( this.quartzOresClusterAmount ); this.minMeteoriteDistanceSq = this.minMeteoriteDistance * this.minMeteoriteDistance; this.addCustomCategoryComment( "wireless", "Range= wirelessBaseRange + wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, wirelessBoosterExp )\nPowerDrain= wirelessBaseCost + wirelessCostMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, 1 + boosters / wirelessHighWirelessCount )" ); this.wirelessBaseCost = this.get( "wireless", "wirelessBaseCost", this.wirelessBaseCost ).getDouble( this.wirelessBaseCost ); this.wirelessCostMultiplier = this.get( "wireless", "wirelessCostMultiplier", this.wirelessCostMultiplier ).getDouble( this.wirelessCostMultiplier ); this.wirelessBaseRange = this.get( "wireless", "wirelessBaseRange", this.wirelessBaseRange ).getDouble( this.wirelessBaseRange ); this.wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier = this.get( "wireless", "wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier", this.wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier ).getDouble( this.wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier ); this.wirelessBoosterExp = this.get( "wireless", "wirelessBoosterExp", this.wirelessBoosterExp ).getDouble( this.wirelessBoosterExp ); this.wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier = this.get( "wireless", "wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier", this.wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier ).getDouble( this.wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier ); this.formationPlaneEntityLimit = this.get( "automation", "formationPlaneEntityLimit", this.formationPlaneEntityLimit ).getInt( this.formationPlaneEntityLimit ); this.wirelessTerminalBattery = this.get( "battery", "wirelessTerminal", this.wirelessTerminalBattery ).getInt( this.wirelessTerminalBattery ); this.chargedStaffBattery = this.get( "battery", "chargedStaff", this.chargedStaffBattery ).getInt( this.chargedStaffBattery ); this.entropyManipulatorBattery = this.get( "battery", "entropyManipulator", this.entropyManipulatorBattery ).getInt( this.entropyManipulatorBattery ); this.portableCellBattery = this.get( "battery", "portableCell", this.portableCellBattery ).getInt( this.portableCellBattery ); this.colorApplicatorBattery = this.get( "battery", "colorApplicator", this.colorApplicatorBattery ).getInt( this.colorApplicatorBattery ); this.matterCannonBattery = this.get( "battery", "matterCannon", this.matterCannonBattery ).getInt( this.matterCannonBattery ); this.clientSync(); for( final AEFeature feature : AEFeature.values() ) { if( feature.isVisible() ) { if( this.get( "Features." + feature.category(), feature.key(), feature.isEnabled() ).getBoolean( feature.isEnabled() ) ) { this.featureFlags.add( feature ); } } else { this.featureFlags.add( feature ); } } final ModContainer imb = net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.instance().getIndexedModList().get( "ImmibisCore" ); if( imb != null ) { final List version = Arrays.asList( "59.0.0", "59.0.1", "59.0.2" ); if( version.contains( imb.getVersion() ) ) { this.featureFlags.remove( AEFeature.ALPHA_PASS ); } } try { this.selectedPowerUnit = PowerUnits.valueOf( this.get( "Client", "PowerUnit", this.selectedPowerUnit.name(), this.getListComment( this.selectedPowerUnit ) ).getString() ); } catch( final Throwable t ) { this.selectedPowerUnit = PowerUnits.AE; } for( final TickRates tr : TickRates.values() ) { tr.Load( this ); } if( this.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.SPATIAL_IO ) ) { this.storageBiomeID = this.get( "spatialio", "storageBiomeID", this.storageBiomeID ).getInt( this.storageBiomeID ); this.storageProviderID = this.get( "spatialio", "storageProviderID", this.storageProviderID ).getInt( this.storageProviderID ); this.spatialPowerMultiplier = this.get( "spatialio", "spatialPowerMultiplier", this.spatialPowerMultiplier ).getDouble( this.spatialPowerMultiplier ); this.spatialPowerExponent = this.get( "spatialio", "spatialPowerExponent", this.spatialPowerExponent ).getDouble( this.spatialPowerExponent ); } if( this.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.CRAFTING_CPU ) ) { this.craftingCalculationTimePerTick = this.get( "craftingCPU", "craftingCalculationTimePerTick", this.craftingCalculationTimePerTick ).getInt( this.craftingCalculationTimePerTick ); } this.updatable = true; } public static void init( final File configFile ) { instance = new AEConfig( configFile ); } public static AEConfig instance() { return instance; } private void clientSync() { this.disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI = this.get( "Client", "disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI", true ).getBoolean( true ); this.enableEffects = this.get( "Client", "enableEffects", true ).getBoolean( true ); this.useLargeFonts = this.get( "Client", "useTerminalUseLargeFont", false ).getBoolean( false ); this.useColoredCraftingStatus = this.get( "Client", "useColoredCraftingStatus", true ).getBoolean( true ); // load buttons.. for( int btnNum = 0; btnNum < 4; btnNum++ ) { final Property cmb = this.get( "Client", "craftAmtButton" + ( btnNum + 1 ), this.craftByStacks[btnNum] ); final Property pmb = this.get( "Client", "priorityAmtButton" + ( btnNum + 1 ), this.priorityByStacks[btnNum] ); final Property lmb = this.get( "Client", "levelAmtButton" + ( btnNum + 1 ), this.levelByStacks[btnNum] ); final int buttonCap = (int) ( Math.pow( 10, btnNum + 1 ) - 1 ); this.craftByStacks[btnNum] = Math.abs( cmb.getInt( this.craftByStacks[btnNum] ) ); this.priorityByStacks[btnNum] = Math.abs( pmb.getInt( this.priorityByStacks[btnNum] ) ); this.levelByStacks[btnNum] = Math.abs( pmb.getInt( this.levelByStacks[btnNum] ) ); cmb.setComment( "Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at " + buttonCap ); pmb.setComment( "Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at " + buttonCap ); lmb.setComment( "Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at " + buttonCap ); this.craftByStacks[btnNum] = Math.min( this.craftByStacks[btnNum], buttonCap ); this.priorityByStacks[btnNum] = Math.min( this.priorityByStacks[btnNum], buttonCap ); this.levelByStacks[btnNum] = Math.min( this.levelByStacks[btnNum], buttonCap ); } for( final Settings e : this.settings.getSettings() ) { final String Category = "Client"; // e.getClass().getSimpleName(); Enum value = this.settings.getSetting( e ); final Property p = this.get( Category, e.name(), value.name(), this.getListComment( value ) ); try { value = Enum.valueOf( value.getClass(), p.getString() ); } catch( final IllegalArgumentException er ) { AELog.info( "Invalid value '" + p.getString() + "' for " + e.name() + " using '" + value.name() + "' instead" ); } this.settings.putSetting( e, value ); } } private String getListComment( final Enum value ) { String comment = null; if( value != null ) { final EnumSet set = EnumSet.allOf( value.getClass() ); for( final Object Oeg : set ) { final Enum eg = (Enum) Oeg; if( comment == null ) { comment = "Possible Values: " + eg.name(); } else { comment += ", " + eg.name(); } } } return comment; } public boolean isFeatureEnabled( final AEFeature f ) { return this.featureFlags.contains( f ); } public boolean areFeaturesEnabled( Collection features ) { return this.featureFlags.containsAll( features ); } public double wireless_getDrainRate( final double range ) { return this.wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier * range; } public double wireless_getMaxRange( final int boosters ) { return this.wirelessBaseRange + this.wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, this.wirelessBoosterExp ); } public double wireless_getPowerDrain( final int boosters ) { return this.wirelessBaseCost + this.wirelessCostMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, 1 + boosters / this.wirelessHighWirelessCount ); } @Override public Property get( final String category, final String key, final String defaultValue, final String comment, final Property.Type type ) { final Property prop = super.get( category, key, defaultValue, comment, type ); if( prop != null ) { if( !category.equals( "Client" ) ) { prop.setRequiresMcRestart( true ); } } return prop; } @Override public void save() { if( this.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.SPATIAL_IO ) ) { this.get( "spatialio", "storageBiomeID", this.storageBiomeID ).set( this.storageBiomeID ); this.get( "spatialio", "storageProviderID", this.storageProviderID ).set( this.storageProviderID ); } this.get( "Client", "PowerUnit", this.selectedPowerUnit.name(), this.getListComment( this.selectedPowerUnit ) ).set( this.selectedPowerUnit.name() ); if( this.hasChanged() ) { super.save(); } } @SubscribeEvent public void onConfigChanged( final ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent eventArgs ) { if( eventArgs.getModID().equals( AppEng.MOD_ID ) ) { this.clientSync(); } } public boolean disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI() { return this.disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI; } public String getFilePath() { return this.configFile.toString(); } public boolean useAEVersion( final MaterialType mt ) { if( this.isFeatureEnabled( AEFeature.WEBSITE_RECIPES ) ) { return true; } this.setCategoryComment( "OreCamouflage", "AE2 Automatically uses alternative ores present in your instance of MC to blend better with its surroundings, if you prefer you can disable this selectively using these flags; Its important to note, that some if these items even if enabled may not be craftable in game because other items are overriding their recipes." ); final Property p = this.get( "OreCamouflage", mt.name(), true ); p.setComment( "OreDictionary Names: " + mt.getOreName() ); return !p.getBoolean( true ); } @Override public void updateSetting( final IConfigManager manager, final Enum setting, final Enum newValue ) { for( final Settings e : this.settings.getSettings() ) { if( e == setting ) { final String Category = "Client"; final Property p = this.get( Category, e.name(), this.settings.getSetting( e ).name(), this.getListComment( newValue ) ); p.set( newValue.name() ); } } if( this.updatable ) { this.save(); } } public int getFreeMaterial( final int varID ) { return this.getFreeIDSLot( varID, "materials" ); } public int getFreeIDSLot( final int varID, final String category ) { boolean alreadyUsed = false; int min = 0; for( final Property p : this.getCategory( category ).getValues().values() ) { final int thisInt = p.getInt(); if( varID == thisInt ) { alreadyUsed = true; } min = Math.max( min, thisInt + 1 ); } if( alreadyUsed ) { if( min < 16383 ) { min = 16383; } return min; } return varID; } public int getFreePart( final int varID ) { return this.getFreeIDSLot( varID, "parts" ); } @Override public IConfigManager getConfigManager() { return this.settings; } public boolean useTerminalUseLargeFont() { return this.useLargeFonts; } public int craftItemsByStackAmounts( final int i ) { return this.craftByStacks[i]; } public int priorityByStacksAmounts( final int i ) { return this.priorityByStacks[i]; } public int levelByStackAmounts( final int i ) { return this.levelByStacks[i]; } public Enum getSetting( final String category, final Class class1, final Enum myDefault ) { final String name = class1.getSimpleName(); final Property p = this.get( category, name, myDefault.name() ); try { return (Enum) class1.getField( p.toString() ).get( class1 ); } catch( final Throwable t ) { // :{ } return myDefault; } public void setSetting( final String category, final Enum s ) { final String name = s.getClass().getSimpleName(); this.get( category, name, s.name() ).set( s.name() ); this.save(); } public PowerUnits selectedPowerUnit() { return this.selectedPowerUnit; } public void nextPowerUnit( final boolean backwards ) { this.selectedPowerUnit = Platform.rotateEnum( this.selectedPowerUnit, backwards, Settings.POWER_UNITS.getPossibleValues() ); this.save(); } // Getters public boolean isRemoveCrashingItemsOnLoad() { return removeCrashingItemsOnLoad; } public int getFormationPlaneEntityLimit() { return formationPlaneEntityLimit; } public boolean isEnableEffects() { return enableEffects; } public boolean isUseLargeFonts() { return useLargeFonts; } public boolean isUseColoredCraftingStatus() { return useColoredCraftingStatus; } public boolean isDisableColoredCableRecipesInJEI() { return disableColoredCableRecipesInJEI; } public int getCraftingCalculationTimePerTick() { return craftingCalculationTimePerTick; } public PowerUnits getSelectedPowerUnit() { return selectedPowerUnit; } public int[] getCraftByStacks() { return craftByStacks; } public int[] getPriorityByStacks() { return priorityByStacks; } public int[] getLevelByStacks() { return levelByStacks; } public int getStorageBiomeID() { return storageBiomeID; } public int getStorageProviderID() { return storageProviderID; } public double getSpatialPowerExponent() { return spatialPowerExponent; } public double getSpatialPowerMultiplier() { return spatialPowerMultiplier; } public String[] getGrinderOres() { return grinderOres; } public double getOreDoublePercentage() { return oreDoublePercentage; } public int getWirelessTerminalBattery() { return wirelessTerminalBattery; } public int getEntropyManipulatorBattery() { return entropyManipulatorBattery; } public int getMatterCannonBattery() { return matterCannonBattery; } public int getPortableCellBattery() { return portableCellBattery; } public int getColorApplicatorBattery() { return colorApplicatorBattery; } public int getChargedStaffBattery() { return chargedStaffBattery; } public float getSpawnChargedChance() { return spawnChargedChance; } public int getQuartzOresPerCluster() { return quartzOresPerCluster; } public int getQuartzOresClusterAmount() { return quartzOresClusterAmount; } public int getChargedChange() { return chargedChange; } public int getMinMeteoriteDistance() { return minMeteoriteDistance; } public int getMinMeteoriteDistanceSq() { return minMeteoriteDistanceSq; } public double getMeteoriteClusterChance() { return meteoriteClusterChance; } public int getMeteoriteMaximumSpawnHeight() { return meteoriteMaximumSpawnHeight; } public int[] getMeteoriteDimensionWhitelist() { return meteoriteDimensionWhitelist; } public double getWirelessBaseCost() { return wirelessBaseCost; } public double getWirelessCostMultiplier() { return wirelessCostMultiplier; } public double getWirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier() { return wirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier; } public double getWirelessBaseRange() { return wirelessBaseRange; } public double getWirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier() { return wirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier; } public double getWirelessBoosterExp() { return wirelessBoosterExp; } public double getWirelessHighWirelessCount() { return wirelessHighWirelessCount; } // Setters keep visibility as low as possible. void setStorageBiomeID( int id ) { this.storageBiomeID = id; } void setStorageProviderID( int id ) { this.storageProviderID = id; } }