package; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import appeng.core.AppEng; import appeng.items.materials.MaterialType; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; public class Ingredient { final public boolean isAir; final public String nameSpace; final public String itemName; final public int meta; final public int qty; public Ingredient(RecipeHandler handler, String input, int qty) throws RecipeError { // works no matter wat! this.qty = qty; if ( input.equals( "_" ) ) { isAir = true; nameSpace = ""; itemName = ""; meta = OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE; return; } isAir = false; String[] parts = input.split( ":" ); if ( parts.length >= 2 ) { nameSpace = handler.alias( parts[0] ); String tmpName = handler.alias( parts[1] ); if ( parts.length != 3 ) { int sel = 0; if ( nameSpace.equals( "oreDictionary" ) ) { if ( parts.length == 3 ) throw new RecipeError( "Cannot specify meta when using ore dictionary." ); sel = OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE; } else if ( nameSpace.equals( AppEng.modid ) ) { try { if ( tmpName.startsWith( "ItemMaterial." ) ) { String materialName = tmpName.substring( tmpName.indexOf( "." ) + 1 ); MaterialType mt = MaterialType.valueOf( materialName ); tmpName = tmpName.substring( 0, tmpName.indexOf( "." ) ); sel = mt.damageValue; } if ( tmpName.startsWith( "ItemPart." ) ) { String partName = tmpName.substring( tmpName.indexOf( "." ) + 1 ); PartType pt = PartType.valueOf( partName ); tmpName = tmpName.substring( 0, tmpName.indexOf( "." ) ); sel = ItemPart.instance.getDamageByType( pt ); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RecipeError( tmpName + " is not a valid ae2 item defintion." ); } } meta = sel; } else { if ( parts[2].equals( "*" ) ) { meta = OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE; } else { try { meta = Integer.parseInt( parts[2] ); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new RecipeError( "Invalid Metadata." ); } } } itemName = tmpName; } else throw new RecipeError( input + " : Needs at least Namespace and Name." ); } public ItemStack getItemStack() throws RegistrationError, MissingIngredientError { if ( isAir ) throw new RegistrationError( "Found blank item and expected a real item." ); if ( nameSpace.equalsIgnoreCase( "oreDictionary" ) ) throw new RegistrationError( "Recipe format expected a single item, but got a set of items." ); Block blk = GameRegistry.findBlock( nameSpace, itemName ); if ( blk == null ) blk = GameRegistry.findBlock( nameSpace, "tile." + itemName ); if ( blk != null ) return new ItemStack( blk, qty, meta ); Item it = GameRegistry.findItem( nameSpace, itemName ); if ( it == null ) it = GameRegistry.findItem( nameSpace, "item." + itemName ); if ( it != null ) return new ItemStack( it, qty, meta ); /* * Object o = Item.itemRegistry.getObject( nameSpace + ":" + itemName ); if ( o instanceof Item ) return new * ItemStack( (Item) o, qty, meta ); * * if ( o instanceof Block ) return new ItemStack( (Block) o, qty, meta ); * * o = Item.itemRegistry.getObject( nameSpace + ":item." + itemName ); if ( o instanceof Item ) return new * ItemStack( (Item) o, qty, meta ); * * o = Block.blockRegistry.getObject( nameSpace + ":tile." + itemName ); if ( o instanceof Block && (!(o * instanceof BlockAir)) ) return new ItemStack( (Block) o, qty, meta ); */ throw new MissingIngredientError( "Unable to find item: " + toString() ); } @Override public String toString() { return nameSpace + ":" + itemName + ":" + meta; } public ItemStack[] getSet() throws RegistrationError, MissingIngredientError { if ( nameSpace.equalsIgnoreCase( "oreDictionary" ) ) { List ores = OreDictionary.getOres( itemName ); ItemStack[] set = ores.toArray( new ItemStack[ores.size()] ); // clone and set qty. for (int x = 0; x < set.length; x++) { ItemStack is = set[x].copy(); is.stackSize = qty; set[x] = is; } return set; } return new ItemStack[] { getItemStack() }; } }