package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList; import; import; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.config.Actionable; import appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode; import appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier; import appeng.api.implementations.ICraftingPatternItem; import appeng.api.networking.IGrid; import appeng.api.networking.IGridHost; import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingItemList; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingCPU; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingGrid; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingJob; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingMedium; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPatternDetails; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingRequester; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import appeng.api.util.WorldCoord; import appeng.container.ContainerNull; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.crafting.CraftBranchFailure; import appeng.crafting.CraftingJob; import appeng.crafting.CraftingLink; import appeng.crafting.CraftingWatcher; import appeng.crafting.MECraftingInventory; import; import; import appeng.tile.crafting.TileCraftingMonitorTile; import appeng.tile.crafting.TileCraftingTile; import appeng.util.Platform; import appeng.util.item.AEItemStack; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; public class CraftingCPUCluster implements IAECluster, ICraftingCPU { class TaskProgress { long value; }; /** * crafting job info */ MECraftingInventory inventory = new MECraftingInventory(); IAEItemStack finalOutput; boolean waiting = false; private boolean isComplete = true; Map tasks = new HashMap(); IItemList waitingFor = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(); // instance sate final private LinkedList tiles = new LinkedList(); final private LinkedList storage = new LinkedList(); final private LinkedList status = new LinkedList(); long availableStorage = 0; public ICraftingLink myLastLink; MachineSource machineSrc = null; public String myName = ""; int accelerator = 0; public WorldCoord min; public WorldCoord max; public boolean isDestroyed = false; private final HashMap, Object> listeners = new HashMap, Object>(); protected Iterator, Object>> getListeners() { return listeners.entrySet().iterator(); } protected void postChange(IAEItemStack diff, BaseActionSource src) { Iterator, Object>> i = getListeners(); // protect integrity if ( i.hasNext() ) diff = diff.copy(); while (i.hasNext()) { Entry, Object> o =; IMEMonitorHandlerReceiver recv = o.getKey(); if ( recv.isValid( o.getValue() ) ) recv.postChange( null, diff, src ); else i.remove(); } } /** * add a new Listener to the monitor, be sure to properly remove yourself when your done. */ @Override public void addListener(IMEMonitorHandlerReceiver l, Object verificationToken) { listeners.put( l, verificationToken ); } /** * remove a Listener to the monitor. */ @Override public void removeListener(IMEMonitorHandlerReceiver l) { listeners.remove( l ); } public void getListOfItem(IItemList list, CraftingItemList whichList) { switch (whichList) { case ACTIVE: for (IAEItemStack ais : waitingFor) list.add( ais ); break; case PENDING: for (Entry t : tasks.entrySet()) { for (IAEItemStack ais : t.getKey().getCondencedOutputs()) { ais = ais.copy(); ais.setStackSize( ais.getStackSize() * t.getValue().value ); list.add( ais ); } } break; case STORAGE: inventory.getAvailableItems( list ); break; default: case ALL: inventory.getAvailableItems( list ); for (IAEItemStack ais : waitingFor) list.add( ais ); for (Entry t : tasks.entrySet()) { for (IAEItemStack ais : t.getKey().getCondencedOutputs()) { ais = ais.copy(); ais.setStackSize( ais.getStackSize() * t.getValue().value ); list.add( ais ); } } break; } } @Override public Iterator getTiles() { return (Iterator) tiles.iterator(); } public IMEInventory getInventory() { return inventory; } public CraftingCPUCluster(WorldCoord _min, WorldCoord _max) { min = _min; max = _max; } @Override public void updateStatus(boolean updateGrid) { for (TileCraftingTile r : tiles) r.updateMeta( true ); } @Override public void destroy() { if ( isDestroyed ) return; isDestroyed = true; boolean posted = false; for (TileCraftingTile r : tiles) { IGridNode n = r.getActionableNode(); if ( n != null && posted == false ) { IGrid g = n.getGrid(); if ( g != null ) { g.postEvent( new MENetworkCraftingCpuChange( n ) ); posted = true; } } r.updateStatus( null ); } } @Override public long getAvailableStorage() { return availableStorage; } @Override public int getCoProcessors() { return accelerator; } public void addTile(TileCraftingTile te) { if ( machineSrc == null || te.isCoreBlock ) machineSrc = new MachineSource( te ); te.isCoreBlock = false; te.markDirty(); tiles.push( te ); if ( te.isStorage() ) { availableStorage += te.getStorageBytes(); storage.add( te ); } else if ( te.isStatus() ) status.add( (TileCraftingMonitorTile) te ); else if ( te.isAccelerator() ) accelerator++; } public boolean canAccept(IAEStack input) { if ( input instanceof IAEItemStack ) { IAEItemStack is = waitingFor.findPrecise( (IAEItemStack) input ); if ( is != null && is.getStackSize() > 0 ) return true; } return false; } public void postCraftingStatusChange(IAEItemStack diff) { CraftingGridCache sg = getGrid().getCache( ICraftingGrid.class ); if ( sg.interestManager.containsKey( diff ) ) { Set list = sg.interestManager.get( diff ); if ( !list.isEmpty() ) { for (CraftingWatcher iw : list) iw.getHost().onRequestChange( sg, diff ); } } } public IAEStack injectItems(IAEStack input, Actionable type, BaseActionSource src) { if ( input instanceof IAEItemStack && type == Actionable.SIMULATE )// causes crafting to lock up? { IAEItemStack what = (IAEItemStack) input.copy(); IAEItemStack is = waitingFor.findPrecise( what ); if ( is != null && is.getStackSize() > 0 ) { if ( is.getStackSize() >= what.getStackSize() ) { if ( finalOutput.equals( what ) ) { if ( myLastLink != null ) return ((CraftingLink) myLastLink).injectItems( (IAEItemStack) what.copy(), type ); return what; // ignore it. } return null; } IAEItemStack leftOver = what.copy(); leftOver.decStackSize( is.getStackSize() ); IAEItemStack used = what.copy(); used.setStackSize( is.getStackSize() ); if ( finalOutput.equals( what ) ) { if ( myLastLink != null ) { leftOver.add( ((CraftingLink) myLastLink).injectItems( (IAEItemStack) used.copy(), type ) ); return leftOver; } return what; // ignore it. } return leftOver; } } else if ( input instanceof IAEItemStack && type == Actionable.MODULATE ) { IAEItemStack what = (IAEItemStack) input; IAEItemStack is = waitingFor.findPrecise( what ); if ( is != null && is.getStackSize() > 0 ) { waiting = false; postChange( (IAEItemStack) input, src ); if ( is.getStackSize() >= input.getStackSize() ) { is.decStackSize( input.getStackSize() ); markDirty(); postCraftingStatusChange( is ); if ( finalOutput.equals( input ) ) { finalOutput.decStackSize( input.getStackSize() ); if ( finalOutput.getStackSize() <= 0 ) completeJob(); updateCPU(); if ( myLastLink != null ) return ((CraftingLink) myLastLink).injectItems( (IAEItemStack) input, type ); return input; // ignore it. } // 2000 return inventory.injectItems( what, type, src ); } IAEItemStack insert = what.copy(); insert.setStackSize( is.getStackSize() ); what.decStackSize( is.getStackSize() ); is.setStackSize( 0 ); if ( finalOutput.equals( insert ) ) { finalOutput.decStackSize( insert.getStackSize() ); if ( finalOutput.getStackSize() <= 0 ) completeJob(); updateCPU(); if ( myLastLink != null ) { what.add( ((CraftingLink) myLastLink).injectItems( (IAEItemStack) insert.copy(), type ) ); return what; } if ( myLastLink != null ) return ((CraftingLink) myLastLink).injectItems( (IAEItemStack) input, type ); return input; // ignore it. } inventory.injectItems( insert, type, src ); markDirty(); return what; } } return input; } private void updateCPU() { IAEItemStack send = finalOutput; if ( finalOutput != null && finalOutput.getStackSize() <= 0 ) send = null; for (TileCraftingMonitorTile t : status) t.setJob( send ); } public IGrid getGrid() { for (TileCraftingTile r : tiles) { IGridNode gn = r.getActionableNode(); if ( gn != null ) { IGrid g = gn.getGrid(); if ( g != null ) return r.getActionableNode().getGrid(); } } return null; } private void completeJob() { if ( myLastLink != null ) ((CraftingLink) myLastLink).markDone(); AELog.crafting( "marking job as complete" ); isComplete = true; } private boolean canCraft(ICraftingPatternDetails details, IAEItemStack[] condencedInputs) { for (IAEItemStack g : condencedInputs) { if ( details.isCraftable() ) { boolean found = false; for (IAEItemStack fuzz : inventory.getItemList().findFuzzy( g, FuzzyMode.IGNORE_ALL )) { fuzz = fuzz.copy(); fuzz.setStackSize( g.getStackSize() ); IAEItemStack ais = inventory.extractItems( fuzz, Actionable.SIMULATE, machineSrc ); ItemStack is = ais == null ? null : ais.getItemStack(); if ( is != null && is.stackSize == g.getStackSize() ) { found = true; break; } else if ( is != null ) { g = g.copy(); g.decStackSize( is.stackSize ); } } if ( !found ) return false; } else { IAEItemStack ais = inventory.extractItems( g.copy(), Actionable.SIMULATE, machineSrc ); ItemStack is = ais == null ? null : ais.getItemStack(); if ( is == null || is.stackSize < g.getStackSize() ) return false; } } return true; } public void cancel() { if ( myLastLink != null ) myLastLink.cancel(); IItemList list; getListOfItem( list = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(), CraftingItemList.ALL ); for (IAEItemStack g : list) postChange( g, machineSrc ); isComplete = true; myLastLink = null; tasks.clear(); ImmutableSet items = ImmutableSet.copyOf( waitingFor ); waitingFor.resetStatus(); for (IAEItemStack is : items) postCraftingStatusChange( is ); finalOutput = null; updateCPU(); storeItems(); // marks dirty } public void updateCraftingLogic(IGrid grid, IEnergyGrid eg, CraftingGridCache cc) { if ( !getCore().isActive() ) return; if ( myLastLink != null ) { if ( myLastLink.isCanceled() ) { myLastLink = null; cancel(); } } if ( isComplete ) { if ( inventory.getItemList().isEmpty() ) return; storeItems(); return; } waiting = false; if ( waiting || tasks.isEmpty() ) // nothing to do here... return; remainingOperations = accelerator + 1; do { didsomething = false; executeCrafting( eg, cc ); } while (didsomething && remainingOperations > 0); if ( remainingOperations > 0 && didsomething == false ) waiting = true; } private int remainingOperations; private boolean didsomething; private void executeCrafting(IEnergyGrid eg, CraftingGridCache cc) { Iterator> i = tasks.entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Entry e =; if ( e.getValue().value <= 0 ) { i.remove(); continue; } ICraftingPatternDetails details = e.getKey(); if ( canCraft( details, details.getCondencedInputs() ) ) { InventoryCrafting ic = null; for (ICraftingMedium m : cc.getMediums( e.getKey() )) { if ( e.getValue().value <= 0 ) continue; if ( !m.isBusy() ) { if ( ic == null ) { IAEItemStack[] input = details.getInputs(); double sum = 0; for (int x = 0; x < input.length; x++) { if ( input[x] != null ) sum += input[x].getStackSize(); } // power... if ( eg.extractAEPower( sum, Actionable.MODULATE, PowerMultiplier.CONFIG ) < sum - 0.01 ) continue; ic = new InventoryCrafting( new ContainerNull(), 3, 3 ); boolean found = false; for (int x = 0; x < input.length; x++) { if ( input[x] != null ) { found = false; if ( details.isCraftable() ) { for (IAEItemStack fuzz : inventory.getItemList().findFuzzy( input[x], FuzzyMode.IGNORE_ALL )) { fuzz = fuzz.copy(); fuzz.setStackSize( input[x].getStackSize() ); if ( details.isValidItemForSlot( x, fuzz.getItemStack(), getWorld() ) ) { IAEItemStack ais = inventory.extractItems( fuzz, Actionable.MODULATE, machineSrc ); ItemStack is = ais == null ? null : ais.getItemStack(); if ( is != null ) { postChange( AEItemStack.create( is ), machineSrc ); ic.setInventorySlotContents( x, is ); found = true; break; } } } } else { IAEItemStack ais = inventory.extractItems( input[x].copy(), Actionable.MODULATE, machineSrc ); ItemStack is = ais == null ? null : ais.getItemStack(); if ( is != null ) { postChange( input[x], machineSrc ); ic.setInventorySlotContents( x, is ); if ( is.stackSize == input[x].getStackSize() ) { found = true; continue; } } } if ( !found ) break; } } if ( !found ) { // put stuff back.. for (int x = 0; x < ic.getSizeInventory(); x++) { ItemStack is = ic.getStackInSlot( x ); if ( is != null ) inventory.injectItems( AEItemStack.create( is ), Actionable.MODULATE, machineSrc ); } ic = null; break; } } if ( m.pushPattern( details, ic ) ) { didsomething = true; remainingOperations--; for (IAEItemStack out : details.getCondencedOutputs()) { postChange( out, machineSrc ); waitingFor.add( out.copy() ); postCraftingStatusChange( out.copy() ); } if ( details.isCraftable() ) { FMLCommonHandler.instance().firePlayerCraftingEvent( Platform.getPlayer( (WorldServer) getWorld() ), details.getOutput( ic, getWorld() ), ic ); for (int x = 0; x < ic.getSizeInventory(); x++) { ItemStack output = Platform.getContainerItem( ic.getStackInSlot( x ) ); if ( output != null ) { IAEItemStack cItem = AEItemStack.create( output ); postChange( cItem, machineSrc ); waitingFor.add( cItem ); postCraftingStatusChange( cItem ); } } } ic = null; // hand off complete! markDirty(); e.getValue().value--; if ( e.getValue().value <= 0 ) continue; if ( remainingOperations == 0 ) return; } } } if ( ic != null ) { // put stuff back.. for (int x = 0; x < ic.getSizeInventory(); x++) { ItemStack is = ic.getStackInSlot( x ); if ( is != null ) { inventory.injectItems( AEItemStack.create( is ), Actionable.MODULATE, machineSrc ); } } } } } } private void storeItems() { IGrid g = getGrid(); if ( g == null ) return; IStorageGrid sg = g.getCache( IStorageGrid.class ); IMEInventory ii = sg.getItemInventory(); for (IAEItemStack is : inventory.getItemList()) { is = inventory.extractItems( is.copy(), Actionable.MODULATE, machineSrc ); if ( is != null ) { postChange( is, machineSrc ); is = ii.injectItems( is, Actionable.MODULATE, machineSrc ); } if ( is != null ) inventory.injectItems( is, Actionable.MODULATE, machineSrc ); } if ( inventory.getItemList().isEmpty() ) inventory = new MECraftingInventory(); markDirty(); } private World getWorld() { return getCore().getWorldObj(); } public ICraftingLink submitJob(IGrid g, ICraftingJob job, BaseActionSource src, ICraftingRequester requestingMachine) { if ( !tasks.isEmpty() || !waitingFor.isEmpty() ) return null; if ( !(job instanceof CraftingJob) ) return null; if ( isBusy() || !isActive() || getAvailableStorage() < job.getByteTotal() ) return null; IStorageGrid sg = g.getCache( IStorageGrid.class ); IMEInventory storage = sg.getItemInventory(); MECraftingInventory ci = new MECraftingInventory( storage, true, false, false ); try { waitingFor.resetStatus(); ((CraftingJob) job).tree.setJob( ci, this, src ); ci.commit( src ); finalOutput = job.getOutput(); waiting = false; isComplete = false; markDirty(); updateCPU(); String craftID = generateCraftingID(); myLastLink = new CraftingLink( generateLinkData( craftID, requestingMachine == null, false ), this ); if ( requestingMachine == null ) return myLastLink; ICraftingLink whatLink = new CraftingLink( generateLinkData( craftID, requestingMachine == null, true ), requestingMachine ); submitLink( myLastLink ); submitLink( whatLink ); IItemList list; getListOfItem( list = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(), CraftingItemList.ALL ); for (IAEItemStack ge : list) postChange( ge, machineSrc ); return whatLink; } catch (CraftBranchFailure e) { tasks.clear(); inventory.getItemList().resetStatus(); // AELog.error( e ); } return null; } private void submitLink(ICraftingLink myLastLink2) { if ( getGrid() != null ) { CraftingGridCache cc = getGrid().getCache( ICraftingGrid.class ); cc.addLink( (CraftingLink) myLastLink2 ); } } private String generateCraftingID() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); int hash = System.identityHashCode( this ); int hmm = finalOutput == null ? 0 : finalOutput.hashCode(); return Long.toString( now, Character.MAX_RADIX ) + "-" + Integer.toString( hash, Character.MAX_RADIX ) + "-" + Integer.toString( hmm, Character.MAX_RADIX ); } private NBTTagCompound generateLinkData(String craftingID, boolean standalone, boolean req) { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); tag.setString( "CraftID", craftingID ); tag.setBoolean( "canceled", false ); tag.setBoolean( "done", false ); tag.setBoolean( "standalone", standalone ); tag.setBoolean( "req", req ); return tag; } private void markDirty() { getCore().markDirty(); } private TileCraftingTile getCore() { return (TileCraftingTile) machineSrc.via; } public void addStorage(IAEItemStack extractItems) { inventory.injectItems( extractItems, Actionable.MODULATE, null ); } public void addEmitable(IAEItemStack i) { waitingFor.add( i ); postCraftingStatusChange( i ); } public void addCrafting(ICraftingPatternDetails details, long crafts) { TaskProgress i = tasks.get( details ); if ( i == null ) tasks.put( details, i = new TaskProgress() ); i.value += crafts; } @Override public boolean isBusy() { Iterator> i = tasks.entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { if ( <= 0 ) i.remove(); } return !tasks.isEmpty() || !waitingFor.isEmpty(); } public IAEItemStack getItemStack(IAEItemStack what, CraftingItemList storage2) { IAEItemStack is = null; switch (storage2) { case STORAGE: is = inventory.getItemList().findPrecise( what ); break; case ACTIVE: is = waitingFor.findPrecise( what ); break; case PENDING: is = what.copy(); is.setStackSize( 0 ); for (Entry t : tasks.entrySet()) { for (IAEItemStack ais : t.getKey().getCondencedOutputs()) { if ( ais.equals( is ) ) is.setStackSize( is.getStackSize() + ais.getStackSize() * t.getValue().value ); } } break; default: case ALL: throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid Operation" ); } if ( is != null ) return is.copy(); is = what.copy(); is.setStackSize( 0 ); return is; } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound data) { finalOutput = AEItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( (NBTTagCompound) data.getTag( "finalOutput" ) ); for (IAEItemStack ais : readList( (NBTTagList) data.getTag( "inventory" ) )) inventory.injectItems( ais, Actionable.MODULATE, machineSrc ); waiting = data.getBoolean( "waiting" ); isComplete = data.getBoolean( "isComplete" ); if ( data.hasKey( "link" ) ) { NBTTagCompound link = data.getCompoundTag( "link" ); myLastLink = new CraftingLink( link, this ); submitLink( myLastLink ); } NBTTagList list = data.getTagList( "tasks", 10 ); for (int x = 0; x < list.tagCount(); x++) { NBTTagCompound item = list.getCompoundTagAt( x ); IAEItemStack pattern = AEItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( item ); if ( pattern != null && pattern.getItem() instanceof ICraftingPatternItem ) { ICraftingPatternItem cpi = (ICraftingPatternItem) pattern.getItem(); ICraftingPatternDetails details = cpi.getPatternForItem( pattern.getItemStack(), getWorld() ); if ( details != null ) { TaskProgress tp = new TaskProgress(); tp.value = item.getLong( "craftingProgress" ); tasks.put( details, tp ); } } } waitingFor = readList( (NBTTagList) data.getTag( "waitingFor" ) ); for (IAEItemStack is : waitingFor) postCraftingStatusChange( is.copy() ); } public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound data) { data.setTag( "finalOutput", writeItem( finalOutput ) ); data.setTag( "inventory", writeList( inventory.getItemList() ) ); data.setBoolean( "waiting", waiting ); data.setBoolean( "isComplete", isComplete ); if ( myLastLink != null ) { NBTTagCompound link = new NBTTagCompound(); myLastLink.writeToNBT( link ); data.setTag( "link", link ); } NBTTagList list = new NBTTagList(); for (Entry e : tasks.entrySet()) { NBTTagCompound item = writeItem( AEItemStack.create( e.getKey().getPattern() ) ); item.setLong( "craftingProgress", e.getValue().value ); list.appendTag( item ); } data.setTag( "tasks", list ); data.setTag( "waitingFor", writeList( waitingFor ) ); } private IItemList readList(NBTTagList tag) { IItemList out = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(); if ( tag == null ) return out; for (int x = 0; x < tag.tagCount(); x++) { IAEItemStack ais = AEItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( tag.getCompoundTagAt( x ) ); if ( ais != null ) out.add( ais ); } return out; } private NBTTagList writeList(IItemList myList) { NBTTagList out = new NBTTagList(); for (IAEItemStack ais : myList) out.appendTag( writeItem( ais ) ); return out; } private NBTTagCompound writeItem(IAEItemStack finalOutput2) { NBTTagCompound out = new NBTTagCompound(); if ( finalOutput2 != null ) finalOutput2.writeToNBT( out ); return out; } public void done() { TileCraftingTile core = getCore(); core.isCoreBlock = true; if ( core.previousState != null ) { readFromNBT( core.previousState ); core.previousState = null; } updateCPU(); updateName(); } @Override public BaseActionSource getActionSource() { return machineSrc; } @Override public String getName() { return myName; } public void updateName() { myName = ""; for (TileCraftingTile te : tiles) { if ( te.hasCustomName() ) { if ( myName.length() > 0 ) myName += " " + te.getCustomName(); else myName = te.getCustomName(); } } } public boolean isActive() { return getCore().getActionableNode().isActive(); } public boolean isMaking(IAEItemStack what) { IAEItemStack wat = waitingFor.findPrecise( what ); return wat != null && wat.getStackSize() > 0; } }