package appeng.container; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.Container; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.config.Actionable; import appeng.api.config.SecurityPermissions; import appeng.api.networking.IGrid; import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import appeng.container.slot.AppEngSlot; import appeng.container.slot.SlotCraftingMatrix; import appeng.container.slot.SlotCraftingTerm; import appeng.container.slot.SlotDisabled; import appeng.container.slot.SlotFake; import appeng.container.slot.SlotInaccessable; import appeng.container.slot.SlotPlayerHotBar; import appeng.container.slot.SlotPlayerInv; import appeng.core.AELog; import; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketInventoryAction; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketValueConfig; import appeng.helpers.ICustomNameObject; import appeng.helpers.InventoryAction; import appeng.util.InventoryAdaptor; import appeng.util.Platform; import appeng.util.inv.AdaptorPlayerHand; import appeng.util.item.AEItemStack; public abstract class AEBaseContainer extends Container { final InventoryPlayer invPlayer; final TileEntity tileEntity; final IPart part; final protected BaseActionSource mySrc; public boolean isContainerValid = true; boolean sentCustomName; public String customName; int ticksSinceCheck = 900; public void verifyPermissions(SecurityPermissions security, boolean requirePower) { if ( Platform.isClient() ) return; ticksSinceCheck++; if ( ticksSinceCheck < 20 ) return; ticksSinceCheck = 0; isContainerValid = isContainerValid && hasAccess( security, requirePower ); } protected boolean hasAccess(SecurityPermissions perm, boolean requirePower) { IActionHost host = null; if ( tileEntity instanceof IActionHost ) host = (IActionHost) tileEntity; if ( part instanceof IActionHost ) host = (IActionHost) part; if ( host != null ) { IGridNode gn = host.getActionableNode(); if ( gn != null ) { IGrid g = gn.getGrid(); if ( g != null ) { if ( requirePower ) { IEnergyGrid eg = g.getCache( IEnergyGrid.class ); if ( !eg.isNetworkPowered() ) return false; } ISecurityGrid sg = g.getCache( ISecurityGrid.class ); if ( sg.hasPermission( invPlayer.player, perm ) ) return true; } } } return false; } public ContainerOpenContext openContext; protected IMEInventoryHandler cellInv; protected IEnergySource powerSrc; protected HashSet locked = new HashSet(); public void lockPlayerInventorySlot(int idx) { locked.add( idx ); } public Object getTarget() { if ( tileEntity != null ) return tileEntity; if ( part != null ) return part; return null; } public AEBaseContainer(InventoryPlayer ip, TileEntity myTile, IPart myPart) { invPlayer = ip; tileEntity = myTile; part = myPart; mySrc = new PlayerSource( ip.player, (IActionHost) (myTile instanceof IActionHost ? myTile : (myPart instanceof IActionHost ? myPart : null)) ); } public boolean canDragIntoSlot(Slot s) { return ((AppEngSlot) s).isDraggable; } public InventoryPlayer getPlayerInv() { return invPlayer; } public TileEntity getTileEntity() { return tileEntity; } @Override protected Slot addSlotToContainer(Slot newSlot) { if ( newSlot instanceof AppEngSlot ) return super.addSlotToContainer( newSlot ); else throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid Slot for AE Container." ); } @Override public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { if ( isContainerValid ) { if ( tileEntity instanceof IInventory ) return ((IInventory) tileEntity).isUseableByPlayer( entityplayer ); return true; } return false; } @Override public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(EntityPlayer p, int idx) { if ( Platform.isClient() ) return null; boolean hasMETiles = false; for (Object is : this.inventorySlots) { if ( is instanceof InternalSlotME ) { hasMETiles = true; break; } } if ( hasMETiles && Platform.isClient() ) { return null; } ItemStack tis = null; AppEngSlot clickSlot = (AppEngSlot) this.inventorySlots.get( idx ); // require AE SLots! if ( clickSlot instanceof SlotDisabled || clickSlot instanceof SlotInaccessable ) return null; if ( clickSlot != null && clickSlot.getHasStack() ) { tis = clickSlot.getStack(); if ( tis == null ) return null; List selectedSlots = new ArrayList(); /** * Gather a list of valid destinations. */ if ( clickSlot.isPlayerSide() ) { tis = shiftStoreItem( tis ); // target slots in the container... for (int x = 0; x < this.inventorySlots.size(); x++) { AppEngSlot cs = (AppEngSlot) this.inventorySlots.get( x ); if ( !(cs.isPlayerSide()) && !(cs instanceof SlotFake) && !(cs instanceof SlotCraftingMatrix) ) { if ( cs.isItemValid( tis ) ) selectedSlots.add( cs ); } } } else { // target slots in the container... for (int x = 0; x < this.inventorySlots.size(); x++) { AppEngSlot cs = (AppEngSlot) this.inventorySlots.get( x ); if ( (cs.isPlayerSide()) && !(cs instanceof SlotFake) && !(cs instanceof SlotCraftingMatrix) ) { if ( cs.isItemValid( tis ) ) selectedSlots.add( cs ); } } } /** * Handle Fake Slot Shift clicking. */ if ( selectedSlots.isEmpty() && clickSlot.isPlayerSide() ) { if ( tis != null ) { // target slots in the container... for (int x = 0; x < this.inventorySlots.size(); x++) { AppEngSlot cs = (AppEngSlot) this.inventorySlots.get( x ); ItemStack dest = cs.getStack(); if ( !(cs.isPlayerSide()) && cs instanceof SlotFake ) { if ( Platform.isSameItemPrecise( dest, tis ) ) return null; else if ( dest == null ) { cs.putStack( tis != null ? tis.copy() : null ); cs.onSlotChanged(); updateSlot( cs ); return null; } } } } } if ( tis != null ) { // find partials.. for (Slot d : selectedSlots) { if ( d instanceof SlotDisabled || d instanceof SlotME ) continue; if ( d.isItemValid( tis ) && tis != null ) { if ( d.getHasStack() ) { ItemStack t = d.getStack(); if ( tis != null && Platform.isSameItemPrecise( tis, t ) ) // t.isItemEqual(tis)) { int maxSize = t.getMaxStackSize(); if ( maxSize > d.getSlotStackLimit() ) maxSize = d.getSlotStackLimit(); int placeAble = maxSize - t.stackSize; if ( tis.stackSize < placeAble ) { placeAble = tis.stackSize; } t.stackSize += placeAble; tis.stackSize -= placeAble; if ( tis.stackSize <= 0 ) { clickSlot.putStack( null ); d.onSlotChanged(); // if ( hasMETiles ) updateClient(); updateSlot( clickSlot ); updateSlot( d ); return null; } else updateSlot( d ); } } } } // any match.. for (Slot d : selectedSlots) { if ( d instanceof SlotDisabled || d instanceof SlotME ) continue; if ( d.isItemValid( tis ) && tis != null ) { if ( d.getHasStack() ) { ItemStack t = d.getStack(); if ( tis != null && Platform.isSameItemPrecise( t, tis ) ) { int maxSize = t.getMaxStackSize(); if ( d.getSlotStackLimit() < maxSize ) maxSize = d.getSlotStackLimit(); int placeAble = maxSize - t.stackSize; if ( tis.stackSize < placeAble ) { placeAble = tis.stackSize; } t.stackSize += placeAble; tis.stackSize -= placeAble; if ( tis.stackSize <= 0 ) { clickSlot.putStack( null ); d.onSlotChanged(); // if ( worldEntity != null ) // worldEntity.markDirty(); // if ( hasMETiles ) updateClient(); updateSlot( clickSlot ); updateSlot( d ); return null; } else updateSlot( d ); } } else { int maxSize = tis.getMaxStackSize(); if ( maxSize > d.getSlotStackLimit() ) maxSize = d.getSlotStackLimit(); ItemStack tmp = tis.copy(); if ( tmp.stackSize > maxSize ) tmp.stackSize = maxSize; tis.stackSize -= tmp.stackSize; d.putStack( tmp ); if ( tis.stackSize <= 0 ) { clickSlot.putStack( null ); d.onSlotChanged(); // if ( worldEntity != null ) // worldEntity.markDirty(); // if ( hasMETiles ) updateClient(); updateSlot( clickSlot ); updateSlot( d ); return null; } else updateSlot( d ); } } } } clickSlot.putStack( tis != null ? tis.copy() : null ); } updateSlot( clickSlot ); return null; } private void updateSlot(Slot clickSlot) { // ??? detectAndSendChanges(); } @Override public void detectAndSendChanges() { sendCustomName(); super.detectAndSendChanges(); } protected void sendCustomName() { if ( !sentCustomName ) { sentCustomName = true; if ( Platform.isServer() ) { ICustomNameObject name = null; if ( part instanceof ICustomNameObject ) name = (ICustomNameObject) part; if ( tileEntity instanceof ICustomNameObject ) name = (ICustomNameObject) tileEntity; if ( name != null ) { if ( name.hasCustomName() ) customName = name.getCustomName(); if ( customName != null ) { try { NetworkHandler.instance.sendTo( new PacketValueConfig( "CustomName", customName ), (EntityPlayerMP) invPlayer.player ); } catch (IOException e) { AELog.error( e ); } } } } } } protected void bindPlayerInventory(InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, int offset_x, int offset_y) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { if ( locked.contains( j + i * 9 + 9 ) ) addSlotToContainer( new SlotDisabled( inventoryPlayer, j + i * 9 + 9, 8 + j * 18 + offset_x, offset_y + i * 18 ) ); else addSlotToContainer( new SlotPlayerInv( inventoryPlayer, j + i * 9 + 9, 8 + j * 18 + offset_x, offset_y + i * 18 ) ); } } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if ( locked.contains( i ) ) addSlotToContainer( new SlotDisabled( inventoryPlayer, i, 8 + i * 18 + offset_x, 58 + offset_y ) ); else addSlotToContainer( new SlotPlayerHotBar( inventoryPlayer, i, 8 + i * 18 + offset_x, 58 + offset_y ) ); } } public ItemStack shiftStoreItem(ItemStack input) { if ( powerSrc == null || cellInv == null ) return input; IAEItemStack ais = Platform.poweredInsert( powerSrc, cellInv, AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( input ), mySrc ); if ( ais == null ) return null; return ais.getItemStack(); } public void doAction(EntityPlayerMP player, InventoryAction action, int slot, IAEItemStack slotItem) { if ( slot >= 0 && slot < inventorySlots.size() ) { Slot s = getSlot( slot ); if ( s instanceof SlotCraftingTerm ) { switch (action) { case CRAFT_SHIFT: case CRAFT_ITEM: case CRAFT_STACK: ((SlotCraftingTerm) s).doClick( action, player ); updateHeld( player ); default: } } if ( s instanceof SlotFake ) { ItemStack hand = player.inventory.getItemStack(); switch (action) { case PICKUP_OR_SETDOWN: if ( hand == null ) s.putStack( null ); else s.putStack( hand.copy() ); break; case SPLIT_OR_PLACESINGLE: ItemStack is = s.getStack(); if ( is != null ) { if ( hand == null ) is.stackSize--; else if ( hand.isItemEqual( is ) ) is.stackSize = Math.min( is.getMaxStackSize(), is.stackSize + 1 ); else { is = hand.copy(); is.stackSize = 1; } s.putStack( is ); } else if ( hand != null ) { is = hand.copy(); is.stackSize = 1; s.putStack( is ); } break; case CREATIVE_DUPLICATE: case MOVE_REGION: case SHIFT_CLICK: default: break; } } if ( action == InventoryAction.MOVE_REGION ) { List from = new LinkedList(); for (Object j : inventorySlots) { if ( j instanceof Slot && j.getClass() == s.getClass() ) from.add( (Slot) j ); } for (Slot fr : from) transferStackInSlot( player, fr.slotNumber ); } return; } switch (action) { case SHIFT_CLICK: if ( powerSrc == null || cellInv == null ) return; if ( slotItem != null ) { IAEItemStack ais = slotItem.copy(); ItemStack myItem = ais.getItemStack(); ais.setStackSize( myItem.getMaxStackSize() ); InventoryAdaptor adp = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor( player, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ); myItem.stackSize = (int) ais.getStackSize(); myItem = adp.simulateAdd( myItem ); if ( myItem != null ) ais.setStackSize( ais.getStackSize() - myItem.stackSize ); ais = Platform.poweredExtraction( powerSrc, cellInv, ais, mySrc ); if ( ais != null ) adp.addItems( ais.getItemStack() ); } break; case PICKUP_SINGLE: if ( powerSrc == null || cellInv == null ) return; if ( slotItem != null ) { int liftQty = 1; ItemStack isg = player.inventory.getItemStack(); if ( isg != null ) { if ( isg.stackSize >= isg.getMaxStackSize() ) liftQty = 0; if ( !Platform.isSameItemPrecise( slotItem.getItemStack(), isg ) ) liftQty = 0; } if ( liftQty > 0 ) { IAEItemStack ais = slotItem.copy(); ais.setStackSize( 1 ); ais = Platform.poweredExtraction( powerSrc, cellInv, ais, mySrc ); InventoryAdaptor ia = new AdaptorPlayerHand( player ); ItemStack fail = ia.addItems( ais.getItemStack() ); if ( fail != null ) cellInv.injectItems( ais, Actionable.MODULATE, mySrc ); updateHeld( player ); } } break; case PICKUP_OR_SETDOWN: if ( powerSrc == null || cellInv == null ) return; if ( player.inventory.getItemStack() == null ) { if ( slotItem != null ) { IAEItemStack ais = slotItem.copy(); ais.setStackSize( ais.getItemStack().getMaxStackSize() ); ais = Platform.poweredExtraction( powerSrc, cellInv, ais, mySrc ); if ( ais != null ) player.inventory.setItemStack( ais.getItemStack() ); else player.inventory.setItemStack( null ); updateHeld( player ); } } else { IAEItemStack ais = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( player.inventory.getItemStack() ); ais = Platform.poweredInsert( powerSrc, cellInv, ais, mySrc ); if ( ais != null ) player.inventory.setItemStack( ais.getItemStack() ); else player.inventory.setItemStack( null ); updateHeld( player ); } break; case SPLIT_OR_PLACESINGLE: if ( powerSrc == null || cellInv == null ) return; if ( player.inventory.getItemStack() == null ) { if ( slotItem != null ) { IAEItemStack ais = slotItem.copy(); long stackSize = Math.min( ais.getItemStack().getMaxStackSize(), ais.getStackSize() ); ais.setStackSize( (stackSize + 1) >> 1 ); ais = Platform.poweredExtraction( powerSrc, cellInv, ais, mySrc ); if ( ais != null ) player.inventory.setItemStack( ais.getItemStack() ); else player.inventory.setItemStack( null ); updateHeld( player ); } } else { IAEItemStack ais = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemStack( player.inventory.getItemStack() ); ais.setStackSize( 1 ); ais = Platform.poweredInsert( powerSrc, cellInv, ais, mySrc ); if ( ais == null ) { ItemStack is = player.inventory.getItemStack(); is.stackSize--; if ( is.stackSize <= 0 ) player.inventory.setItemStack( null ); updateHeld( player ); } } break; case CREATIVE_DUPLICATE: if ( player.capabilities.isCreativeMode && slotItem != null ) { ItemStack is = slotItem.getItemStack(); is.stackSize = is.getMaxStackSize(); player.inventory.setItemStack( is ); updateHeld( player ); } break; case MOVE_REGION: if ( powerSrc == null || cellInv == null ) return; if ( slotItem != null ) { int playerInv = 9 * 4; for (int slotNum = 0; slotNum < playerInv; slotNum++) { IAEItemStack ais = slotItem.copy(); ItemStack myItem = ais.getItemStack(); ais.setStackSize( myItem.getMaxStackSize() ); InventoryAdaptor adp = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor( player, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ); myItem.stackSize = (int) ais.getStackSize(); myItem = adp.simulateAdd( myItem ); if ( myItem != null ) ais.setStackSize( ais.getStackSize() - myItem.stackSize ); ais = Platform.poweredExtraction( powerSrc, cellInv, ais, mySrc ); if ( ais != null ) adp.addItems( ais.getItemStack() ); else return; } } break; default: break; } } public void updateFullProgressBar(int id, long value) { updateProgressBar( id, (int) value ); } private void updateHeld(EntityPlayerMP p) { try { NetworkHandler.instance.sendTo( new PacketInventoryAction( InventoryAction.UPDATE_HAND, 0, AEItemStack.create( p.inventory.getItemStack() ) ), p ); } catch (IOException e) { AELog.error( e ); } } }