/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see . */ package appeng.client.gui.implementations; import java.io.IOException; import appeng.api.config.*; import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiImgButton; import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiTabButton; import appeng.container.implementations.ContainerStorageBus; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.core.localization.GuiText; import appeng.core.sync.GuiBridge; import appeng.core.sync.network.NetworkHandler; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketConfigButton; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketSwitchGuis; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketValueConfig; import appeng.parts.misc.PartStorageBus; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; public class GuiStorageBus extends GuiUpgradeable { private GuiImgButton rwMode; private GuiImgButton storageFilter; private GuiTabButton priority; private GuiImgButton partition; private GuiImgButton clear; public GuiStorageBus(final InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, final PartStorageBus te) { super(new ContainerStorageBus(inventoryPlayer, te)); this.ySize = 251; } @Override protected void addButtons() { this.clear = new GuiImgButton( this.guiLeft - 18, this.guiTop + 8, Settings.ACTIONS, ActionItems.CLOSE ); this.partition = new GuiImgButton( this.guiLeft - 18, this.guiTop + 28, Settings.ACTIONS, ActionItems.WRENCH ); this.rwMode = new GuiImgButton( this.guiLeft - 18, this.guiTop + 48, Settings.ACCESS, AccessRestriction.READ_WRITE ); this.storageFilter = new GuiImgButton( this.guiLeft - 18, this.guiTop + 68, Settings.STORAGE_FILTER, StorageFilter.EXTRACTABLE_ONLY ); this.fuzzyMode = new GuiImgButton( this.guiLeft - 18, this.guiTop + 88, Settings.FUZZY_MODE, FuzzyMode.IGNORE_ALL ); this.buttonList.add( this.priority = new GuiTabButton( this.guiLeft + 154, this.guiTop, 2 + 4 * 16, GuiText.Priority.getLocal(), itemRender ) ); this.buttonList.add(this.storageFilter); this.buttonList.add(this.fuzzyMode); this.buttonList.add(this.rwMode); this.buttonList.add(this.partition); this.buttonList.add(this.clear); } @Override public void drawFG(final int offsetX, final int offsetY, final int mouseX, final int mouseY) { this.fontRendererObj.drawString( this.getGuiDisplayName(GuiText.StorageBus.getLocal()), 8, 6, 4210752 ); this.fontRendererObj.drawString( GuiText.inventory.getLocal(), 8, this.ySize - 96 + 3, 4210752 ); if (this.fuzzyMode != null) { this.fuzzyMode.set(this.cvb.getFuzzyMode()); } if (this.storageFilter != null) { this.storageFilter.set(((ContainerStorageBus) this.cvb).getStorageFilter()); } if (this.rwMode != null) { this.rwMode.set(((ContainerStorageBus) this.cvb).getReadWriteMode()); } } @Override protected String getBackground() { return "guis/storagebus.png"; } @Override protected void actionPerformed(final GuiButton btn) { super.actionPerformed(btn); final boolean backwards = Mouse.isButtonDown(1); try { if (btn == this.partition) { NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketValueConfig("StorageBus.Action", "Partition") ); } else if (btn == this.clear) { NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketValueConfig("StorageBus.Action", "Clear") ); } else if (btn == this.priority) { NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketSwitchGuis(GuiBridge.GUI_PRIORITY) ); } else if (btn == this.rwMode) { NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketConfigButton(this.rwMode.getSetting(), backwards) ); } else if (btn == this.storageFilter) { NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketConfigButton(this.storageFilter.getSetting(), backwards) ); } } catch (final IOException e) { AELog.debug(e); } } }