/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see . */ package appeng.client.gui.implementations; import java.io.IOException; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.definitions.IBlocks; import appeng.api.definitions.IDefinitions; import appeng.api.definitions.IParts; import appeng.client.gui.AEBaseGui; import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiNumberBox; import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiTabButton; import appeng.container.AEBaseContainer; import appeng.container.implementations.ContainerPriority; import appeng.core.AEConfig; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.core.localization.GuiText; import appeng.core.sync.GuiBridge; import appeng.core.sync.network.NetworkHandler; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketSwitchGuis; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketValueConfig; import appeng.helpers.IPriorityHost; import appeng.parts.automation.PartFormationPlane; import appeng.parts.misc.PartInterface; import appeng.parts.misc.PartStorageBus; import appeng.tile.misc.TileInterface; import appeng.tile.storage.TileChest; import appeng.tile.storage.TileDrive; public class GuiPriority extends AEBaseGui { GuiNumberBox priority; GuiTabButton originalGuiBtn; GuiButton plus1; GuiButton plus10; GuiButton plus100; GuiButton plus1000; GuiButton minus1; GuiButton minus10; GuiButton minus100; GuiButton minus1000; GuiBridge OriginalGui; public GuiPriority( InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, IPriorityHost te ) { super( new ContainerPriority( inventoryPlayer, te ) ); } @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); int a = AEConfig.instance.priorityByStacksAmounts( 0 ); int b = AEConfig.instance.priorityByStacksAmounts( 1 ); int c = AEConfig.instance.priorityByStacksAmounts( 2 ); int d = AEConfig.instance.priorityByStacksAmounts( 3 ); this.buttonList.add( this.plus1 = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 20, this.guiTop + 32, 22, 20, "+" + a ) ); this.buttonList.add( this.plus10 = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 48, this.guiTop + 32, 28, 20, "+" + b ) ); this.buttonList.add( this.plus100 = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 82, this.guiTop + 32, 32, 20, "+" + c ) ); this.buttonList.add( this.plus1000 = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 120, this.guiTop + 32, 38, 20, "+" + d ) ); this.buttonList.add( this.minus1 = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 20, this.guiTop + 69, 22, 20, "-" + a ) ); this.buttonList.add( this.minus10 = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 48, this.guiTop + 69, 28, 20, "-" + b ) ); this.buttonList.add( this.minus100 = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 82, this.guiTop + 69, 32, 20, "-" + c ) ); this.buttonList.add( this.minus1000 = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 120, this.guiTop + 69, 38, 20, "-" + d ) ); ItemStack myIcon = null; Object target = ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).getTarget(); final IDefinitions definitions = AEApi.instance().definitions(); final IParts parts = definitions.parts(); final IBlocks blocks = definitions.blocks(); if( target instanceof PartStorageBus ) { for( ItemStack storageBusStack : parts.storageBus().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() ) { myIcon = storageBusStack; } this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_STORAGEBUS; } if( target instanceof PartFormationPlane ) { for( ItemStack formationPlaneStack : parts.formationPlane().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() ) { myIcon = formationPlaneStack; } this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_FORMATION_PLANE; } if( target instanceof TileDrive ) { for( ItemStack driveStack : blocks.drive().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() ) { myIcon = driveStack; } this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_DRIVE; } if( target instanceof TileChest ) { for( ItemStack chestStack : blocks.chest().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() ) { myIcon = chestStack; } this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_CHEST; } if( target instanceof TileInterface ) { for( ItemStack interfaceStack : blocks.iface().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() ) { myIcon = interfaceStack; } this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_INTERFACE; } if( target instanceof PartInterface ) { for( ItemStack interfaceStack : parts.iface().maybeStack( 1 ).asSet() ) { myIcon = interfaceStack; } this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_INTERFACE; } if( this.OriginalGui != null && myIcon != null ) this.buttonList.add( this.originalGuiBtn = new GuiTabButton( this.guiLeft + 154, this.guiTop, myIcon, myIcon.getDisplayName(), itemRender ) ); this.priority = new GuiNumberBox( this.fontRendererObj, this.guiLeft + 62, this.guiTop + 57, 59, this.fontRendererObj.FONT_HEIGHT, Long.class ); this.priority.setEnableBackgroundDrawing( false ); this.priority.setMaxStringLength( 16 ); this.priority.setTextColor( 0xFFFFFF ); this.priority.setVisible( true ); this.priority.setFocused( true ); ( (ContainerPriority) this.inventorySlots ).setTextField( this.priority ); } @Override public void drawFG( int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY ) { this.fontRendererObj.drawString( GuiText.Priority.getLocal(), 8, 6, 4210752 ); } @Override public void drawBG( int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY ) { this.bindTexture( "guis/priority.png" ); this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize ); this.priority.drawTextBox(); } @Override protected void actionPerformed( GuiButton btn ) { super.actionPerformed( btn ); if( btn == this.originalGuiBtn ) { NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketSwitchGuis( this.OriginalGui ) ); } boolean isPlus = btn == this.plus1 || btn == this.plus10 || btn == this.plus100 || btn == this.plus1000; boolean isMinus = btn == this.minus1 || btn == this.minus10 || btn == this.minus100 || btn == this.minus1000; if( isPlus || isMinus ) this.addQty( this.getQty( btn ) ); } private void addQty( int i ) { try { String out = this.priority.getText(); boolean fixed = false; while( out.startsWith( "0" ) && out.length() > 1 ) { out = out.substring( 1 ); fixed = true; } if( fixed ) this.priority.setText( out ); if( out.length() == 0 ) out = "0"; long result = Long.parseLong( out ); result += i; this.priority.setText( out = Long.toString( result ) ); NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketValueConfig( "PriorityHost.Priority", out ) ); } catch( NumberFormatException e ) { // nope.. this.priority.setText( "0" ); } catch( IOException e ) { AELog.error( e ); } } @Override protected void keyTyped( char character, int key ) { if( !this.checkHotbarKeys( key ) ) { if( ( key == 211 || key == 205 || key == 203 || key == 14 || character == '-' || Character.isDigit( character ) ) && this.priority.textboxKeyTyped( character, key ) ) { try { String out = this.priority.getText(); boolean fixed = false; while( out.startsWith( "0" ) && out.length() > 1 ) { out = out.substring( 1 ); fixed = true; } if( fixed ) this.priority.setText( out ); if( out.length() == 0 ) out = "0"; NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketValueConfig( "PriorityHost.Priority", out ) ); } catch( IOException e ) { AELog.error( e ); } } else { super.keyTyped( character, key ); } } } protected String getBackground() { return "guis/priority.png"; } }