package appeng.core.features.registries; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import appeng.api.features.IGrinderEntry; import appeng.api.features.IGrinderRegistry; import appeng.core.AEConfig; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.core.features.registries.entries.AppEngGrinderRecipe; import; import; import appeng.util.Platform; public class GrinderRecipeManager implements IGrinderRegistry, IOreListener { public List RecipeList; private ItemStack copy(ItemStack is) { if ( is != null ) return is.copy(); return null; } public GrinderRecipeManager() { RecipeList = new ArrayList(); addOre( "Coal", new ItemStack( Items.coal ) ); addOre( "Charcoal", new ItemStack( Items.coal, 1, 1 ) ); addOre( "NetherQuartz", new ItemStack( Blocks.quartz_ore ) ); addIngot( "NetherQuartz", new ItemStack( Items.quartz ) ); addOre( "Gold", new ItemStack( Blocks.gold_ore ) ); addIngot( "Gold", new ItemStack( Items.gold_ingot ) ); addOre( "Iron", new ItemStack( Blocks.iron_ore ) ); addIngot( "Iron", new ItemStack( Items.iron_ingot ) ); addOre( "Obsidian", new ItemStack( Blocks.obsidian ) ); addIngot( "Ender", new ItemStack( Items.ender_pearl ) ); addIngot( "Wheat", new ItemStack( Items.wheat ) ); OreDictionaryHandler.instance.observe( this ); } @Override public List getRecipes() { log( "API - getRecipes" ); return RecipeList; } private void injectRecipe(AppEngGrinderRecipe appEngGrinderRecipe) { for (IGrinderEntry gr : RecipeList) if ( Platform.isSameItemPrecise( gr.getInput(), appEngGrinderRecipe.getInput() ) ) return; RecipeList.add( appEngGrinderRecipe ); } @Override public void addRecipe(ItemStack in, ItemStack out, int cost) { if ( in == null || out == null ) { log( "Invalid Grinder Recipe Specified." ); return; } log( "Allow Grinding of " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( in ) + " to " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( out ) + " for " + cost ); injectRecipe( new AppEngGrinderRecipe( copy( in ), copy( out ), cost ) ); } @Override public void addRecipe(ItemStack in, ItemStack out, ItemStack optional, float chance, int cost) { if ( in == null || (optional == null && out == null) ) { log( "Invalid Grinder Recipe Specified." ); return; } log( "Allow Grinding of " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( in ) + " to " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( out ) + " with optional " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( optional ) + " for " + cost ); injectRecipe( new AppEngGrinderRecipe( copy( in ), copy( out ), copy( optional ), chance, cost ) ); } @Override public IGrinderEntry getRecipeForInput(ItemStack input) { log( "Looking up recipe for " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( input ) ); if ( input != null ) { for (IGrinderEntry r : RecipeList) { if ( Platform.isSameItem( input, r.getInput() ) ) { log( "Recipe for " + input.getUnlocalizedName() + " found " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( r.getOutput() ) ); return r; } } log( "Count not find recipe for " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( input ) ); } return null; } public void log(String o) { AELog.grinder( o ); } private int getDustToOreRatio(String name) { if ( name.equals( "Obsidian" ) ) return 1; if ( name.equals( "Charcoal" ) ) return 1; if ( name.equals( "Coal" ) ) return 1; return 2; } public Map Ores = new HashMap(); public Map Ingots = new HashMap(); public Map Dusts = new HashMap(); private void addOre(String name, ItemStack item) { if ( item == null ) return; log( "Adding Ore - " + name + " : " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( item ) ); Ores.put( item, name ); if ( Dusts.containsKey( name ) ) { ItemStack is = Dusts.get( name ).copy(); int ratio = getDustToOreRatio( name ); if ( ratio > 1 ) { ItemStack extra = is.copy(); extra.stackSize = ratio - 1; addRecipe( item, is, extra, (float) (AEConfig.instance.oreDoublePercentage / 100.0), 8 ); } else addRecipe( item, is, 8 ); } } private void addIngot(String name, ItemStack item) { if ( item == null ) return; log( "Adding Ingot - " + name + " : " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( item ) ); Ingots.put( item, name ); if ( Dusts.containsKey( name ) ) { addRecipe( item, Dusts.get( name ), 4 ); } } private void addDust(String name, ItemStack item) { if ( item == null ) return; if ( Dusts.containsKey( name ) ) { log( "Rejecting Dust - " + name + " : " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( item ) ); return; } log( "Adding Dust - " + name + " : " + Platform.getItemDisplayName( item ) ); Dusts.put( name, item ); for (Entry d : Ores.entrySet()) if ( name.equals( d.getValue() ) ) { ItemStack is = item.copy(); is.stackSize = 1; int ratio = getDustToOreRatio( name ); if ( ratio > 1 ) { ItemStack extra = is.copy(); extra.stackSize = ratio - 1; addRecipe( d.getKey(), is, extra, (float) (AEConfig.instance.oreDoublePercentage / 100.0), 8 ); } else addRecipe( d.getKey(), is, 8 ); } for (Entry d : Ingots.entrySet()) if ( name.equals( d.getValue() ) ) addRecipe( d.getKey(), item, 4 ); } @Override public void oreRegistered(String Name, ItemStack item) { if ( Name.startsWith( "ore" ) || Name.startsWith( "crystal" ) || Name.startsWith( "ingot" ) || Name.startsWith( "dust" ) ) { for (String ore : AEConfig.instance.grinderOres) { if ( Name.equals( "ore" + ore ) ) { addOre( ore, item ); } else if ( Name.equals( "crystal" + ore ) ) { addIngot( ore, item ); } else if ( Name.equals( "ingot" + ore ) ) { addIngot( ore, item ); } else if ( Name.equals( "dust" + ore ) ) { addDust( ore, item ); } } } } }