package appeng.core; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.ConfigCategory; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property; import appeng.api.util.WorldCoord; import; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketNewStorageDimension; import appeng.hooks.TickHandler; import appeng.hooks.TickHandler.PlayerColor; import; import; import; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; public class WorldSettings extends Configuration { private static WorldSettings instance; long lastGridStorage = 0; int lastPlayer = 0; private CompassService compass; File AEFolder; public WorldSettings(File aeFolder) { super( new File( aeFolder.getPath() + File.separatorChar + "settings.cfg" ) ); AEFolder = aeFolder; compass = new CompassService( AEFolder ); File spawnData = new File( AEFolder, "spawndata" ); if ( !spawnData.exists() || !spawnData.isDirectory() ) spawnData.mkdir(); for (int dimID : get( "DimensionManager", "StorageCells", new int[0] ).getIntList()) { storageCellDims.add( dimID ); DimensionManager.registerDimension( dimID, AEConfig.instance.storageProviderID ); } try { lastGridStorage = Long.parseLong( get( "Counters", "lastGridStorage", 0 ).getString() ); lastPlayer = get( "Counters", "lastPlayer", 0 ).getInt(); } catch (NumberFormatException err) { lastGridStorage = 0; lastPlayer = 0; } } NBTTagCompound loadSpawnData(int dim, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { if ( !Thread.holdsLock( WorldSettings.class ) ) throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid Request" ); File f = new File( AEFolder, "spawndata" + File.separatorChar + dim + "_" + (chunkX >> 4) + "_" + (chunkZ >> 4) + ".dat" ); if ( f.isFile() && f.exists() ) { // open FileInputStream fis; try { fis = new FileInputStream( f ); NBTTagCompound data = null; try { data = CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed( fis ); } catch (Throwable e) { data = new NBTTagCompound(); AELog.error( e ); } fis.close(); return data; } catch (Throwable e) { AELog.error( e ); } } return new NBTTagCompound(); } void writeSpawnData(int dim, int chunkX, int chunkZ, NBTTagCompound data) { if ( !Thread.holdsLock( WorldSettings.class ) ) throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid Request" ); File f = new File( AEFolder, "spawndata" + File.separatorChar + dim + "_" + (chunkX >> 4) + "_" + (chunkZ >> 4) + ".dat" ); try { // save FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( f ); try { CompressedStreamTools.writeCompressed( data, fos ); } catch( Throwable e ) { AELog.error( e ); } fos.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { AELog.error( e ); } } public Collection getNearByMetetorites(int dim, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(); synchronized (WorldSettings.class) { for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { int cx = x + (chunkX >> 4); int cz = z + (chunkZ >> 4); NBTTagCompound data = loadSpawnData( dim, cx << 4, cz << 4 ); if ( data != null ) { // edit. int size = data.getInteger( "num" ); for (int s = 0; s < size; s++) ll.add( data.getCompoundTag( "" + s ) ); } } } } return ll; } public boolean hasGenerated(int dim, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { synchronized (WorldSettings.class) { NBTTagCompound data = loadSpawnData( dim, chunkX, chunkZ ); return data.getBoolean( chunkX + "," + chunkZ ); } } public void setGenerated(int dim, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { synchronized (WorldSettings.class) { NBTTagCompound data = loadSpawnData( dim, chunkX, chunkZ ); // edit. data.setBoolean( chunkX + "," + chunkZ, true ); writeSpawnData( dim, chunkX, chunkZ, data ); } } public boolean addNearByMetetorites(int dim, int chunkX, int chunkZ, NBTTagCompound newData) { synchronized (WorldSettings.class) { NBTTagCompound data = loadSpawnData( dim, chunkX, chunkZ ); // edit. int size = data.getInteger( "num" ); data.setTag( "" + size, newData ); data.setInteger( "num", size + 1 ); writeSpawnData( dim, chunkX, chunkZ, data ); return true; } } public void shutdown() { save(); for (Integer dimID : storageCellDims) DimensionManager.unregisterDimension( dimID ); storageCellDims.clear(); compass.kill(); instance = null; } List storageCellDims = new ArrayList(); public void addStorageCellDim(int newDim) { storageCellDims.add( newDim ); DimensionManager.registerDimension( newDim, AEConfig.instance.storageProviderID ); try { NetworkHandler.instance.sendToAll( new PacketNewStorageDimension( newDim ) ); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String[] values = new String[storageCellDims.size()]; for (int x = 0; x < values.length; x++) values[x] = "" + storageCellDims.get( x ); get( "DimensionManager", "StorageCells", new int[0] ).set( values ); save(); } public CompassService getCompass() { return compass; } public static WorldSettings getInstance() { if ( instance == null ) { File world = DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory(); File f = new File( world.getPath() + File.separatorChar + "AE2" ); if ( !f.exists() || !f.isDirectory() ) f.mkdir(); instance = new WorldSettings( f ); } return instance; } public void sendToPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { for (int newDim : get( "DimensionManager", "StorageCells", new int[0] ).getIntList()) { try { NetworkHandler.instance.sendTo( new PacketNewStorageDimension( newDim ), player ); } catch (IOException e) { AELog.error( e ); } } for (PlayerColor pc : TickHandler.instance.getPlayerColors().values()) NetworkHandler.instance.sendToAll( pc.getPacket() ); } public void init() { save(); } private WeakHashMap> loadedStorage = new WeakHashMap(); public WorldCoord getStoredSize(int dim) { int x = get( "StorageCell" + dim, "scaleX", 0 ).getInt(); int y = get( "StorageCell" + dim, "scaleY", 0 ).getInt(); int z = get( "StorageCell" + dim, "scaleZ", 0 ).getInt(); return new WorldCoord( x, y, z ); } public void setStoredSize(int dim, int targetX, int targetY, int targetZ) { get( "StorageCell" + dim, "scaleX", 0 ).set( targetX ); get( "StorageCell" + dim, "scaleY", 0 ).set( targetY ); get( "StorageCell" + dim, "scaleZ", 0 ).set( targetZ ); save(); } /** * lazy loading, can load any id, even ones that don't exist anymore. * * @param storageID * @return */ public GridStorage getGridStorage(long storageID) { GridStorageSearch gss = new GridStorageSearch( storageID ); WeakReference result = loadedStorage.get( gss ); if ( result == null || result.get() == null ) { String Data = get( "gridstorage", "" + storageID, "" ).getString(); GridStorage thisStorage = new GridStorage( Data, storageID, gss ); gss.gridStorage = new WeakReference( thisStorage ); loadedStorage.put( gss, new WeakReference( gss ) ); return thisStorage; } return result.get().gridStorage.get(); } /** * create a new storage */ public GridStorage getNewGridStorage() { long storageID = nextGridStorage(); GridStorageSearch gss = new GridStorageSearch( storageID ); GridStorage newStorage = new GridStorage( storageID, gss ); gss.gridStorage = new WeakReference( newStorage ); loadedStorage.put( gss, new WeakReference( gss ) ); return newStorage; } public void destroyGridStorage(long id) { this.getCategory( "gridstorage" ).remove( "" + id ); } @Override public void save() { // populate new data for (GridStorageSearch gs : loadedStorage.keySet()) { GridStorage thisStorage = gs.gridStorage.get(); if ( thisStorage != null && thisStorage.getGrid() != null && !thisStorage.getGrid().isEmpty() ) { String value = thisStorage.getValue(); get( "gridstorage", "" + thisStorage.getID(), value ).set( value ); } } // save to files if ( hasChanged() ); } private long nextGridStorage() { long r = lastGridStorage++; get( "Counters", "lastGridStorage", lastGridStorage ).set( Long.toString( lastGridStorage ) ); return r; } private long nextPlayer() { long r = lastPlayer++; get( "Counters", "lastPlayer", lastPlayer ).set( lastPlayer ); return r; } public int getNextOrderedValue(String name) { Property p = this.get( "orderedValues", name, 0 ); int myValue = p.getInt(); p.set( myValue + 1 ); return myValue; } public int getPlayerID(GameProfile profile) { ConfigCategory playerList = this.getCategory( "players" ); if ( playerList == null || profile == null || !profile.isComplete() ) return -1; String uuid = profile.getId().toString(); Property prop = playerList.get( uuid ); if ( prop != null && prop.isIntValue() ) return prop.getInt(); else { playerList.put( uuid, prop = new Property( uuid, "" + nextPlayer(), Property.Type.INTEGER ) ); save(); return prop.getInt(); } } }