yueh 02ac8cf220 Refactored the logging
Using LogManager instead of FMLRelaunchLog to access the logger instance.
Added logging of the name of failed exports instead of exception.
Improved crafting log to include issuer including their location and the
requested item.
Removed superfluous FMLRelaunchLog instance.
Removed superfluous parameters for PlayerData constructor.
2016-01-01 02:55:36 +01:00

405 lines
12 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import appeng.api.config.Actionable;
import appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode;
import appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier;
import appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode;
import appeng.api.config.SchedulingMode;
import appeng.api.config.Settings;
import appeng.api.config.Upgrades;
import appeng.api.config.YesNo;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode;
import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingGrid;
import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink;
import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingRequester;
import appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation;
import appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest;
import appeng.client.render.ModelGenerator;
import appeng.client.texture.CableBusTextures;
import appeng.core.AELog;
import appeng.core.settings.TickRates;
import appeng.core.sync.GuiBridge;
import appeng.helpers.MultiCraftingTracker;
import appeng.helpers.Reflected;
import appeng.util.InventoryAdaptor;
import appeng.util.Platform;
import appeng.util.item.AEItemStack;
public class PartExportBus extends PartSharedItemBus implements ICraftingRequester
private final MultiCraftingTracker craftingTracker = new MultiCraftingTracker( this, 9 );
private final BaseActionSource mySrc;
private long itemToSend = 1;
private boolean didSomething = false;
private int nextSlot = 0;
public PartExportBus( final ItemStack is )
super( is );
this.getConfigManager().registerSetting( Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED, RedstoneMode.IGNORE );
this.getConfigManager().registerSetting( Settings.FUZZY_MODE, FuzzyMode.IGNORE_ALL );
this.getConfigManager().registerSetting( Settings.CRAFT_ONLY, YesNo.NO );
this.getConfigManager().registerSetting( Settings.SCHEDULING_MODE, SchedulingMode.DEFAULT );
this.mySrc = new MachineSource( this );
public void readFromNBT( final NBTTagCompound extra )
super.readFromNBT( extra );
this.craftingTracker.readFromNBT( extra );
this.nextSlot = extra.getInteger( "nextSlot" );
public void writeToNBT( final NBTTagCompound extra )
super.writeToNBT( extra );
this.craftingTracker.writeToNBT( extra );
extra.setInteger( "nextSlot", this.nextSlot );
protected TickRateModulation doBusWork()
if( !this.getProxy().isActive() || !this.canDoBusWork() )
return TickRateModulation.IDLE;
this.itemToSend = this.calculateItemsToSend();
this.didSomething = false;
final InventoryAdaptor destination = this.getHandler();
final IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> inv = this.getProxy().getStorage().getItemInventory();
final IEnergyGrid energy = this.getProxy().getEnergy();
final ICraftingGrid cg = this.getProxy().getCrafting();
final FuzzyMode fzMode = (FuzzyMode) this.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.FUZZY_MODE );
final SchedulingMode schedulingMode = (SchedulingMode) this.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.SCHEDULING_MODE );
if( destination != null )
int x = 0;
for( x = 0; x < this.availableSlots() && this.itemToSend > 0; x++ )
final int slotToExport = this.getStartingSlot( schedulingMode, x );
final IAEItemStack ais = this.getConfig().getAEStackInSlot( slotToExport );
if( ais == null || this.itemToSend <= 0 || this.craftOnly() )
if( this.isCraftingEnabled() )
this.didSomething = this.craftingTracker.handleCrafting( slotToExport, this.itemToSend, ais, destination, this.getTile().getWorld(), this.getProxy().getGrid(), cg, this.mySrc ) || this.didSomething;
final long before = this.itemToSend;
if( this.getInstalledUpgrades( Upgrades.FUZZY ) > 0 )
for( final IAEItemStack o : ImmutableList.copyOf( inv.getStorageList().findFuzzy( ais, fzMode ) ) )
this.pushItemIntoTarget( destination, energy, inv, o );
if( this.itemToSend <= 0 )
this.pushItemIntoTarget( destination, energy, inv, ais );
if( this.itemToSend == before && this.isCraftingEnabled() )
this.didSomething = this.craftingTracker.handleCrafting( slotToExport, this.itemToSend, ais, destination, this.getTile().getWorld(), this.getProxy().getGrid(), cg, this.mySrc ) || this.didSomething;
this.updateSchedulingMode( schedulingMode, x );
return TickRateModulation.SLEEP;
catch( final GridAccessException e )
// :P
final int failedAttempts = this.craftingTracker.getFailedCraftingAttempts();
if( this.isCraftingEnabled() && failedAttempts > 0 )
return this.getFailedCraftingPenalty( failedAttempts );
return this.didSomething ? TickRateModulation.FASTER : TickRateModulation.SLOWER;
public void getBoxes( final IPartCollisionHelper bch )
bch.addBox( 4, 4, 12, 12, 12, 14 );
bch.addBox( 5, 5, 14, 11, 11, 15 );
bch.addBox( 6, 6, 15, 10, 10, 16 );
bch.addBox( 6, 6, 11, 10, 10, 12 );
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT )
public void renderInventory( final IPartRenderHelper rh, final ModelGenerator renderer )
rh.setTexture( CableBusTextures.PartExportSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartExportSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartMonitorBack.getIcon(), renderer.getIcon( this.getItemStack() ), CableBusTextures.PartExportSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartExportSides.getIcon() );
rh.setBounds( 4, 4, 12, 12, 12, 14 );
rh.renderInventoryBox( renderer );
rh.setBounds( 5, 5, 14, 11, 11, 15 );
rh.renderInventoryBox( renderer );
rh.setBounds( 6, 6, 15, 10, 10, 16 );
rh.renderInventoryBox( renderer );
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT )
public void renderStatic( final BlockPos pos, final IPartRenderHelper rh, final ModelGenerator renderer )
rh.setTexture( CableBusTextures.PartExportSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartExportSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartMonitorBack.getIcon(), renderer.getIcon( this.getItemStack() ), CableBusTextures.PartExportSides.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartExportSides.getIcon() );
rh.setBounds( 4, 4, 12, 12, 12, 14 );
rh.renderBlock( pos, renderer );
rh.setBounds( 5, 5, 14, 11, 11, 15 );
rh.renderBlock( pos, renderer );
rh.setBounds( 6, 6, 15, 10, 10, 16 );
rh.renderBlock( pos, renderer );
rh.setTexture( CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSidesStatus.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSidesStatus.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartMonitorBack.getIcon(), renderer.getIcon( this.getItemStack() ), CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSidesStatus.getIcon(), CableBusTextures.PartMonitorSidesStatus.getIcon() );
rh.setBounds( 6, 6, 11, 10, 10, 12 );
rh.renderBlock( pos, renderer );
this.renderLights( pos, rh, renderer );
public int cableConnectionRenderTo()
return 5;
public boolean onPartActivate( final EntityPlayer player, final Vec3 pos )
if( !player.isSneaking() )
if( Platform.isClient() )
return true;
Platform.openGUI( player, this.getHost().getTile(), this.getSide(), GuiBridge.GUI_BUS );
return true;
return false;
public TickingRequest getTickingRequest( final IGridNode node )
return new TickingRequest( TickRates.ExportBus.getMin(), TickRates.ExportBus.getMax(), this.isSleeping(), false );
public RedstoneMode getRSMode()
return (RedstoneMode) this.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED );
public TickRateModulation tickingRequest( final IGridNode node, final int ticksSinceLastCall )
return this.doBusWork();
public ImmutableSet<ICraftingLink> getRequestedJobs()
return this.craftingTracker.getRequestedJobs();
public IAEItemStack injectCraftedItems( final ICraftingLink link, final IAEItemStack items, final Actionable mode )
final InventoryAdaptor d = this.getHandler();
if( d != null && this.getProxy().isActive() )
final IEnergyGrid energy = this.getProxy().getEnergy();
final double power = items.getStackSize();
if( energy.extractAEPower( power, mode, PowerMultiplier.CONFIG ) > power - 0.01 )
if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE )
return AEItemStack.create( d.addItems( items.getItemStack() ) );
return AEItemStack.create( d.simulateAdd( items.getItemStack() ) );
catch( final GridAccessException e )
AELog.debug( e );
return items;
public void jobStateChange( final ICraftingLink link )
this.craftingTracker.jobStateChange( link );
protected boolean isSleeping()
return this.getHandler() == null || super.isSleeping();
private boolean craftOnly()
return this.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.CRAFT_ONLY ) == YesNo.YES;
private boolean isCraftingEnabled()
return this.getInstalledUpgrades( Upgrades.CRAFTING ) > 0;
private void pushItemIntoTarget( final InventoryAdaptor d, final IEnergyGrid energy, final IMEInventory<IAEItemStack> inv, IAEItemStack ais )
final ItemStack is = ais.getItemStack();
is.stackSize = (int) this.itemToSend;
final ItemStack o = d.simulateAdd( is );
final long canFit = o == null ? this.itemToSend : this.itemToSend - o.stackSize;
if( canFit > 0 )
ais = ais.copy();
ais.setStackSize( canFit );
final IAEItemStack itemsToAdd = Platform.poweredExtraction( energy, inv, ais, this.mySrc );
if( itemsToAdd != null )
this.itemToSend -= itemsToAdd.getStackSize();
final ItemStack failed = d.addItems( itemsToAdd.getItemStack() );
if( failed != null )
ais.setStackSize( failed.stackSize );
inv.injectItems( ais, Actionable.MODULATE, this.mySrc );
this.didSomething = true;
private int getStartingSlot( final SchedulingMode schedulingMode, final int x )
if( schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.RANDOM )
return Platform.getRandom().nextInt( this.availableSlots() );
if( schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.ROUNDROBIN )
return ( this.nextSlot + x ) % this.availableSlots();
return x;
private void updateSchedulingMode( final SchedulingMode schedulingMode, final int x )
if( schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.ROUNDROBIN )
this.nextSlot = ( this.nextSlot + x ) % this.availableSlots();
private TickRateModulation getFailedCraftingPenalty( final int failedAttempts )
if( failedAttempts > 5 )
return TickRateModulation.SLOWER;
else if( failedAttempts > 1 )
return TickRateModulation.SAME;
return TickRateModulation.FASTER;