AlgorithmX2 040e948d8e Removed Dropped Features.
Implemented Spatial Storage.
Fixed bug with ME Chest saying the cell was un-readable.
2014-03-05 01:27:42 -06:00

49 lines
1.1 KiB

package appeng.core.localization;
import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
public enum GuiText
inventory("container"), // mc's default Inventory localization.
Chest, StoredEnergy, Of, Condenser, Drive, GrindStone, SkyChest,
VibrationChamber, SpatialIOPort, LevelEmitter, Terminal,
Interface, Config, StoredItems, Patterns, ImportBus, ExportBus,
CellWorkbench, NetworkDetails, StorageCells, IOBuses,
IOPort, BytesUsed, Types, QuantumLinkChamber, PortableCell,
NetworkTool, PowerUsageRate, PowerInputRate, Installed, EnergyDrain,
StorageBus, Priority, Security, Encoded, Blank, Unlinked, Linked,
SecurityCardEditor, NoPermissions, WirelessTerminal, Wireless,
CraftingTerminal, FormationPlane, Inscriber, QuartzCuttingKnife,
METunnel, ItemTunnel, RedstoneTunnel, MJTunnel, EUTunnel, FluidTunnel, StoredSize;
String root;
GuiText() {
root = "gui.appliedenergistics2";
GuiText(String r) {
root = r;
public String getUnlocalized()
return root + "." + toString();
public String getLocal()
return StatCollector.translateToLocal( getUnlocalized() );