912 lines
21 KiB
912 lines
21 KiB
package appeng.parts;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.api.implementations.IPartCable;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode;
import appeng.api.parts.IFacadeContainer;
import appeng.api.parts.IFacadePart;
import appeng.api.parts.IPart;
import appeng.api.parts.IPartCollsionHelper;
import appeng.api.parts.IPartHost;
import appeng.api.parts.IPartItem;
import appeng.api.parts.SelectedPart;
import appeng.api.util.AECableType;
import appeng.api.util.AEColor;
import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord;
import appeng.client.render.BusRenderHelper;
import appeng.client.render.BusRenderer;
import appeng.client.render.RenderBlocksWorkaround;
import appeng.facade.FacadeContainer;
import appeng.helpers.AEMultiTile;
import appeng.me.GridConnection;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public class CableBusContainer implements AEMultiTile
private IPartCable center;
private IPart sides[] = new IPart[6];
private FacadeContainer fc = new FacadeContainer();
public boolean hasRedstone = false;
public IPartHost tcb;
boolean inWorld = false;
public void setHost(IPartHost host)
tcb = host;
public CableBusContainer(IPartHost host) {
tcb = host;
public IPart getPart(ForgeDirection side)
if ( side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
return center;
return sides[side.ordinal()];
public void removePart(ForgeDirection side)
if ( side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
if ( center != null )
center = null;
if ( sides[side.ordinal()] != null )
sides[side.ordinal()] = null;
* use for FMP
public void updateConnections()
if ( center != null )
EnumSet<ForgeDirection> sides = EnumSet.allOf( ForgeDirection.class );
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
if ( getPart( s ) != null || isBlocked( s ) )
sides.remove( s );
center.setValidSides( sides );
IGridNode n = center.getGridNode();
if ( n != null )
public boolean canAddPart(ItemStack is, ForgeDirection side)
if ( is.getItem() instanceof IPartItem )
IPartItem bi = (IPartItem) is.getItem();
is = is.copy();
is.stackSize = 1;
IPart bp = bi.createPartFromItemStack( is );
if ( bp instanceof IPartCable )
return getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ) == null;
else if ( !(bp instanceof IPartCable) && side != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
return getPart( side ) == null;
return false;
public ForgeDirection addPart(ItemStack is, ForgeDirection side)
if ( canAddPart( is, side ) )
if ( is.getItem() instanceof IPartItem )
IPartItem bi = (IPartItem) is.getItem();
is = is.copy();
is.stackSize = 1;
IPart bp = bi.createPartFromItemStack( is );
if ( bp instanceof IPartCable )
if ( getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ) != null )
return null;
center = (IPartCable) bp;
bp.setPartHostInfo( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, this, tcb.getTile() );
if ( inWorld )
IGridNode cn = center.getGridNode();
if ( cn != null )
for (ForgeDirection ins : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
IPart sbp = getPart( ins );
if ( sbp != null )
IGridNode sn = sbp.getGridNode();
if ( sn != null && cn != null )
new GridConnection( (IGridNode) cn, (IGridNode) sn, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
return ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
else if ( !(bp instanceof IPartCable) && side != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
sides[side.ordinal()] = bp;
bp.setPartHostInfo( side, this, this.getTile() );
if ( inWorld )
if ( center != null )
IGridNode cn = center.getGridNode();
IGridNode sn = bp.getGridNode();
if ( cn != null && sn != null )
new GridConnection( (IGridNode) cn, (IGridNode) sn, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
return side;
return null;
public void addToWorld()
inWorld = true;
TileEntity te = getTile();
hasRedstone = te.worldObj.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered( te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord );
// start with the center, then install the side parts into the grid.
for (int x = 6; x >= 0; x--)
ForgeDirection s = ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x );
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
part.setPartHostInfo( s, this, te );
if ( s != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
IGridNode sn = part.getGridNode();
if ( sn != null )
// this is a really stupid if statement, why was this here?
// if ( !sn.getConnections().iterator().hasNext() )
IPart center = getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
if ( center != null )
IGridNode cn = center.getGridNode();
if ( cn != null )
AEApi.instance().createGridConnection( cn, sn );
public void removeFromWorld()
inWorld = false;
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
public boolean canConnectRedstone(ForgeDirection side)
IPart part = getPart( side );
return part != null && part.canConnectRedstone();
public IGridNode getGridNode(ForgeDirection side)
IPart part = getPart( side );
if ( part != null )
IGridNode n = part.getExternalFacingNode();
if ( n != null )
return n;
if ( center != null )
return center.getGridNode();
return null;
public Iterable<AxisAlignedBB> getSelectedBoundingBoxsFromPool(boolean ignoreCableConnections)
List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new LinkedList<AxisAlignedBB>();
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
IPartCollsionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, s );
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
if ( ignoreCableConnections && part instanceof IPartCable )
bch.addBox( 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 );
part.getBoxes( bch );
if ( !ignoreCableConnections && s != null && s != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
IFacadePart fp = fc.getFacade( s );
if ( fp != null )
fp.getBoxes( bch );
return boxes;
public void onEntityCollision(Entity entity)
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
part.onEntityCollision( entity );
public boolean isEmpty()
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
return false;
if ( s != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
IFacadePart fp = fc.getFacade( s );
if ( fp != null )
return false;
return true;
public void onNeighborChanged()
TileEntity te = getTile();
hasRedstone = te.worldObj.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered( te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord );
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
public boolean isSolidOnSide(ForgeDirection side)
if ( side == null || side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
return false;
// facades are solid..
IFacadePart fp = fc.getFacade( side );
if ( fp != null )
return true;
// buses can be too.
IPart part = getPart( side );
return part != null && part.isSolid();
public int isProvidingWeakPower(ForgeDirection side)
IPart part = getPart( side );
return part != null ? part.isProvidingWeakPower() : 0;
public int isProvidingStrongPower(ForgeDirection side)
IPart part = getPart( side );
return part != null ? part.isProvidingStrongPower() : 0;
public void setSide(ForgeDirection s)
switch (s)
case DOWN:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.EAST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.NORTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.DOWN;
case UP:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.EAST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.UP;
case EAST:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.EAST;
case WEST:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.NORTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.WEST;
case NORTH:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.WEST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.NORTH;
case SOUTH:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.EAST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.EAST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
public void renderStatic(double x, double y, double z)
TileEntity te = getTile();
RenderBlocksWorkaround renderer = BusRenderer.instance.renderer;
if ( renderer.blockAccess == null )
renderer.blockAccess = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld;
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
setSide( s );
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
renderer.renderAllFaces = true;
part.renderStatic( te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord, BusRenderHelper.instance, renderer );
if ( !fc.isEmpty() )
* snag list of boxes...
List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new ArrayList();
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
setSide( s );
BusCollisionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, BusRenderHelper.instance.ax, BusRenderHelper.instance.ay,
BusRenderHelper.instance.az );
part.getBoxes( bch );
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
IFacadePart fPart = fc.getFacade( s );
if ( fPart != null )
AxisAlignedBB b = null;
AxisAlignedBB pb = fPart.getPrimaryBox();
for (AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes)
if ( bb.intersectsWith( pb ) )
if ( b == null )
b = bb;
b.maxX = Math.max( b.maxX, bb.maxX );
b.maxY = Math.max( b.maxY, bb.maxY );
b.maxZ = Math.max( b.maxZ, bb.maxZ );
b.minX = Math.min( b.minX, bb.minX );
b.minY = Math.min( b.minY, bb.minY );
b.minZ = Math.min( b.minZ, bb.minZ );
setSide( s );
fPart.renderStatic( te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord, BusRenderHelper.instance, renderer, fc, b, getPart( s ) == null );
renderer.isFacade = false;
renderer.enableAO = false;
renderer.setTexture( null );
renderer.calculations = true;
public void renderDynamic(double x, double y, double z)
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
switch (s)
case DOWN:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.EAST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.NORTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.DOWN;
case UP:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.EAST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.UP;
case EAST:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.EAST;
case WEST:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.NORTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.WEST;
case NORTH:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.WEST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.NORTH;
case SOUTH:
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.EAST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ax = ForgeDirection.EAST;
BusRenderHelper.instance.ay = ForgeDirection.UP;
BusRenderHelper.instance.az = ForgeDirection.SOUTH;
part.renderDynamic( x, y, z, BusRenderHelper.instance, BusRenderer.instance.renderer );
public void writeToStream(DataOutputStream data) throws IOException
int sides = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
IPart p = getPart( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x ) );
if ( p != null )
sides = sides | (1 << x);
data.writeByte( (byte) sides );
for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
ItemStack is = null;
IPart p = getPart( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x ) );
if ( p != null )
is = p.getItemStack( false );
is.setTagCompound( null );
data.writeShort( is.getItem().itemID );
data.writeShort( is.getItemDamage() );
if ( p != null )
p.writeToStream( data );
fc.writeToStream( data );
public boolean readFromStream(DataInputStream data) throws IOException
byte sides = data.readByte();
for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
ForgeDirection side = ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x );
if ( ((sides & (1 << x)) == (1 << x)) )
IPart p = getPart( side );
short itemID = data.readShort();
short dmgValue = data.readShort();
ItemStack current = p != null ? p.getItemStack( false ) : null;
if ( current != null && current.getItem().itemID == itemID && current.getItemDamage() == dmgValue )
p.readFromStream( data );
removePart( side );
side = addPart( new ItemStack( Item.itemsList[itemID], 1, dmgValue ), side );
if ( side != null )
p = getPart( side );
p.readFromStream( data );
throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid Stream For CableBus Container." );
removePart( side );
return fc.readFromStream( data );
ForgeDirection getSide(IPart part)
if ( center == part )
return ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
if ( sides[x] == part )
return ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x );
throw new RuntimeException( "Uhh Bad Part on Side." );
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound data)
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
fc.writeToNBT( data );
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
NBTTagCompound def = new NBTTagCompound();
part.getItemStack( false ).writeToNBT( def );
NBTTagCompound extra = new NBTTagCompound();
part.writeToNBT( extra );
data.setCompoundTag( "def:" + getSide( part ).ordinal(), def );
data.setCompoundTag( "extra:" + getSide( part ).ordinal(), extra );
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound data)
fc.readFromNBT( data );
for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++)
ForgeDirection side = ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x );
NBTTagCompound def = data.getCompoundTag( "def:" + side.ordinal() );
NBTTagCompound extra = data.getCompoundTag( "extra:" + side.ordinal() );
if ( def != null && extra != null )
IPart p = getPart( side );
ItemStack iss = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( def );
if ( iss == null )
ItemStack current = p == null ? null : p.getItemStack( false );
if ( Platform.isSameItemType( iss, current ) )
p.readFromNBT( extra );
removePart( side );
side = addPart( iss, side );
if ( side != null )
p = getPart( side );
p.readFromNBT( extra );
throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid NBT For CableBus Container." );
removePart( side );
public List getDrops(List drops)
for (ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart part = getPart( s );
if ( part != null )
drops.add( part.getItemStack( false ) );
part.getDrops( drops, false );
if ( s != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
IFacadePart fp = getFacadeContainer().getFacade( s );
if ( fp != null )
drops.add( fp.getItemStack() );
return drops;
public void markForUpdate()
public DimensionalCoord getLocation()
return tcb.getLocation();
public TileEntity getTile()
return tcb.getTile();
public AECableType getCableConnectionType(ForgeDirection dir)
if ( center != null )
IPartCable c = center;
return c.getCableConnectionType();
return AECableType.NONE;
public AEColor getColor()
if ( center != null )
IPartCable c = center;
return c.getCableColor();
return AEColor.Transparent;
public IFacadeContainer getFacadeContainer()
return fc;
public void clearContainer()
throw new RuntimeException( "Now thats silly!" );
public boolean isBlocked(ForgeDirection side)
return tcb.isBlocked( side );
public int getLightValue()
int light = 0;
for (ForgeDirection d : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart p = getPart( d );
if ( p != null )
light = Math.max( p.getLightLevel(), light );
return light;
public boolean recolourBlock(ForgeDirection side, int colour)
IPart cable = getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
if ( cable != null )
IPartCable pc = (IPartCable) cable;
AEColor colors[] = AEColor.values();
if ( colors.length > colour )
return pc.changeColor( colors[colour] );
return false;
public boolean activate(EntityPlayer player, Vec3 pos)
SelectedPart p = selectPart( pos );
if ( p != null && p.part != null )
return p.part.onActivate( player, pos );
return false;
public SelectedPart selectPart(Vec3 pos)
for (ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart p = getPart( side );
if ( p != null )
List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new LinkedList<AxisAlignedBB>();
IPartCollsionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, side );
p.getBoxes( bch );
for (AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes)
bb = bb.expand( 0.002, 0.002, 0.002 );
if ( bb.isVecInside( pos ) )
return new SelectedPart( p, side );
for (ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS)
IFacadePart p = fc.getFacade( side );
if ( p != null )
List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new LinkedList<AxisAlignedBB>();
IPartCollsionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, side );
p.getBoxes( bch );
for (AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes)
bb = bb.expand( 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 );
if ( bb.isVecInside( pos ) )
return new SelectedPart( p, side );
return new SelectedPart();
public void PartChanged()
public void markForSave()
public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random r)
for (ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart p = getPart( side );
if ( p != null )
p.randomDisplayTick( world, x, y, z, r );
public boolean hasRedstone(ForgeDirection side)
return hasRedstone;
public boolean isLadder(EntityLivingBase entity)
for (ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.values())
IPart p = getPart( side );
if ( p != null )
if ( p.isLadder( entity ) )
return true;
return false;