yueh c9ef1beea1 Refactored the logging
Using LogManager instead of FMLRelaunchLog to access the logger instance.
Added logging of the name of failed exports instead of exception.
Improved crafting log to include issuer including their location and the
requested item.
Removed superfluous FMLRelaunchLog instance.
Removed superfluous parameters for PlayerData constructor.

Closes #2009
Refs #2069
2015-12-26 23:14:29 +01:00

581 lines
15 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
package appeng.client.gui.implementations;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.client.gui.AEBaseGui;
import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiScrollbar;
import appeng.container.implementations.ContainerCraftConfirm;
import appeng.core.AELog;
import appeng.core.localization.GuiText;
import appeng.core.sync.GuiBridge;
import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketSwitchGuis;
import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketValueConfig;
import appeng.helpers.WirelessTerminalGuiObject;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public class GuiCraftConfirm extends AEBaseGui
private final ContainerCraftConfirm ccc;
private final int rows = 5;
private final IItemList<IAEItemStack> storage = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
private final IItemList<IAEItemStack> pending = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
private final IItemList<IAEItemStack> missing = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList();
private final List<IAEItemStack> visual = new ArrayList<IAEItemStack>();
private GuiBridge OriginalGui;
private GuiButton cancel;
private GuiButton start;
private GuiButton selectCPU;
private int tooltip = -1;
public GuiCraftConfirm( final InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, final ITerminalHost te )
super( new ContainerCraftConfirm( inventoryPlayer, te ) );
this.xSize = 238;
this.ySize = 206;
final GuiScrollbar scrollbar = new GuiScrollbar();
this.setScrollBar( scrollbar );
this.ccc = (ContainerCraftConfirm) this.inventorySlots;
if( te instanceof WirelessTerminalGuiObject )
this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_WIRELESS_TERM;
if( te instanceof PartTerminal )
this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_ME;
if( te instanceof PartCraftingTerminal )
this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_CRAFTING_TERMINAL;
if( te instanceof PartPatternTerminal )
this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_PATTERN_TERMINAL;
boolean isAutoStart()
return ( (ContainerCraftConfirm) this.inventorySlots ).isAutoStart();
public void initGui()
this.start = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 162, this.guiTop + this.ySize - 25, 50, 20, GuiText.Start.getLocal() );
this.start.enabled = false;
this.buttonList.add( this.start );
this.selectCPU = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + ( 219 - 180 ) / 2, this.guiTop + this.ySize - 68, 180, 20, GuiText.CraftingCPU.getLocal() + ": " + GuiText.Automatic );
this.selectCPU.enabled = false;
this.buttonList.add( this.selectCPU );
if( this.OriginalGui != null )
this.cancel = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 6, this.guiTop + this.ySize - 25, 50, 20, GuiText.Cancel.getLocal() );
this.buttonList.add( this.cancel );
public void drawScreen( final int mouseX, final int mouseY, final float btn )
this.start.enabled = !( this.ccc.hasNoCPU() || this.isSimulation() );
this.selectCPU.enabled = !this.isSimulation();
final int gx = ( this.width - this.xSize ) / 2;
final int gy = ( this.height - this.ySize ) / 2;
this.tooltip = -1;
final int offY = 23;
int y = 0;
int x = 0;
for( int z = 0; z <= 4 * 5; z++ )
final int minX = gx + 9 + x * 67;
final int minY = gy + 22 + y * offY;
if( minX < mouseX && minX + 67 > mouseX )
if( minY < mouseY && minY + offY - 2 > mouseY )
this.tooltip = z;
if( x > 2 )
x = 0;
super.drawScreen( mouseX, mouseY, btn );
private void updateCPUButtonText()
String btnTextText = GuiText.CraftingCPU.getLocal() + ": " + GuiText.Automatic.getLocal();
if( this.ccc.getSelectedCpu() >= 0 )// && status.selectedCpu < status.cpus.size() )
if( this.ccc.getName().length() > 0 )
final String name = this.ccc.getName().substring( 0, Math.min( 20, this.ccc.getName().length() ) );
btnTextText = GuiText.CraftingCPU.getLocal() + ": " + name;
btnTextText = GuiText.CraftingCPU.getLocal() + ": #" + this.ccc.getSelectedCpu();
if( this.ccc.hasNoCPU() )
btnTextText = GuiText.NoCraftingCPUs.getLocal();
this.selectCPU.displayString = btnTextText;
private boolean isSimulation()
return ( (ContainerCraftConfirm) this.inventorySlots ).isSimulation();
public void drawFG( final int offsetX, final int offsetY, final int mouseX, final int mouseY )
final long BytesUsed = this.ccc.getUsedBytes();
final String byteUsed = NumberFormat.getInstance().format( BytesUsed );
final String Add = BytesUsed > 0 ? ( byteUsed + ' ' + GuiText.BytesUsed.getLocal() ) : GuiText.CalculatingWait.getLocal();
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( GuiText.CraftingPlan.getLocal() + " - " + Add, 8, 7, 4210752 );
String dsp = null;
if( this.isSimulation() )
dsp = GuiText.Simulation.getLocal();
dsp = this.ccc.getCpuAvailableBytes() > 0 ? ( GuiText.Bytes.getLocal() + ": " + this.ccc.getCpuAvailableBytes() + " : " + GuiText.CoProcessors.getLocal() + ": " + this.ccc.getCpuCoProcessors() ) : GuiText.Bytes.getLocal() + ": N/A : " + GuiText.CoProcessors.getLocal() + ": N/A";
final int offset = ( 219 - this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( dsp ) ) / 2;
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( dsp, offset, 165, 4210752 );
final int sectionLength = 67;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
final int xo = 9;
final int yo = 22;
final int viewStart = this.getScrollBar().getCurrentScroll() * 3;
final int viewEnd = viewStart + 3 * this.rows;
String dspToolTip = "";
final List<String> lineList = new LinkedList<String>();
int toolPosX = 0;
int toolPosY = 0;
final int offY = 23;
for( int z = viewStart; z < Math.min( viewEnd, this.visual.size() ); z++ )
final IAEItemStack refStack = this.visual.get( z );// repo.getReferenceItem( z );
if( refStack != null )
GL11.glScaled( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );
final IAEItemStack stored = refStack );
final IAEItemStack pendingStack = this.pending.findPrecise( refStack );
final IAEItemStack missingStack = this.missing.findPrecise( refStack );
int lines = 0;
if( stored != null && stored.getStackSize() > 0 )
if( pendingStack != null && pendingStack.getStackSize() > 0 )
if( pendingStack != null && pendingStack.getStackSize() > 0 )
final int negY = ( ( lines - 1 ) * 5 ) / 2;
int downY = 0;
if( stored != null && stored.getStackSize() > 0 )
String str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() );
if( stored.getStackSize() >= 10000 )
str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k';
if( stored.getStackSize() >= 10000000 )
str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm';
str = GuiText.FromStorage.getLocal() + ": " + str;
final int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 );
if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart )
lineList.add( GuiText.FromStorage.getLocal() + ": " + Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() ) );
downY += 5;
boolean red = false;
if( missingStack != null && missingStack.getStackSize() > 0 )
String str = Long.toString( missingStack.getStackSize() );
if( missingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000 )
str = Long.toString( missingStack.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k';
if( missingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000000 )
str = Long.toString( missingStack.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm';
str = GuiText.Missing.getLocal() + ": " + str;
final int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 );
if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart )
lineList.add( GuiText.Missing.getLocal() + ": " + Long.toString( missingStack.getStackSize() ) );
red = true;
downY += 5;
if( pendingStack != null && pendingStack.getStackSize() > 0 )
String str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() );
if( pendingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000 )
str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k';
if( pendingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000000 )
str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm';
str = GuiText.ToCraft.getLocal() + ": " + str;
final int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str );
this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 );
if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart )
lineList.add( GuiText.ToCraft.getLocal() + ": " + Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() ) );
final int posX = x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19;
final int posY = y * offY + yo;
final ItemStack is = refStack.copy().getItemStack();
if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart )
dspToolTip = Platform.getItemDisplayName( is );
if( lineList.size() > 0 )
dspToolTip = dspToolTip + '\n' + Joiner.on( "\n" ).join( lineList );
toolPosX = x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 8;
toolPosY = y * offY + yo;
this.drawItem( posX, posY, is );
if( red )
final int startX = x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo;
final int startY = posY - 4;
drawRect( startX, startY, startX + sectionLength, startY + offY, 0x1AFF0000 );
if( x > 2 )
x = 0;
if( this.tooltip >= 0 && dspToolTip.length() > 0 )
this.drawTooltip( toolPosX, toolPosY + 10, 0, dspToolTip );
public void drawBG( final int offsetX, final int offsetY, final int mouseX, final int mouseY )
this.bindTexture( "guis/craftingreport.png" );
this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize );
private void setScrollBar()
final int size = this.visual.size();
this.getScrollBar().setTop( 19 ).setLeft( 218 ).setHeight( 114 );
this.getScrollBar().setRange( 0, ( size + 2 ) / 3 - this.rows, 1 );
public void postUpdate( final List<IAEItemStack> list, final byte ref )
switch( ref )
case 0:
for( final IAEItemStack l : list )
this.handleInput(, l );
case 1:
for( final IAEItemStack l : list )
this.handleInput( this.pending, l );
case 2:
for( final IAEItemStack l : list )
this.handleInput( this.missing, l );
for( final IAEItemStack l : list )
final long amt = this.getTotal( l );
if( amt <= 0 )
this.deleteVisualStack( l );
final IAEItemStack is = this.findVisualStack( l );
is.setStackSize( amt );
private void handleInput( final IItemList<IAEItemStack> s, final IAEItemStack l )
IAEItemStack a = s.findPrecise( l );
if( l.getStackSize() <= 0 )
if( a != null )
if( a == null )
s.add( l.copy() );
a = s.findPrecise( l );
if( a != null )
a.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() );
private long getTotal( final IAEItemStack is )
final IAEItemStack a = is );
final IAEItemStack c = this.pending.findPrecise( is );
final IAEItemStack m = this.missing.findPrecise( is );
long total = 0;
if( a != null )
total += a.getStackSize();
if( c != null )
total += c.getStackSize();
if( m != null )
total += m.getStackSize();
return total;
private void deleteVisualStack( final IAEItemStack l )
final Iterator<IAEItemStack> i = this.visual.iterator();
while( i.hasNext() )
final IAEItemStack o =;
if( o.equals( l ) )
private IAEItemStack findVisualStack( final IAEItemStack l )
for( final IAEItemStack o : this.visual )
if( o.equals( l ) )
return o;
final IAEItemStack stack = l.copy();
this.visual.add( stack );
return stack;
protected void keyTyped( final char character, final int key )
if( !this.checkHotbarKeys( key ) )
if( key == 28 )
this.actionPerformed( this.start );
super.keyTyped( character, key );
protected void actionPerformed( final GuiButton btn )
super.actionPerformed( btn );
final boolean backwards = Mouse.isButtonDown( 1 );
if( btn == this.selectCPU )
NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketValueConfig( "Terminal.Cpu", backwards ? "Prev" : "Next" ) );
catch( final IOException e )
AELog.debug( e );
if( btn == this.cancel )
NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketSwitchGuis( this.OriginalGui ) );
if( btn == this.start )
NetworkHandler.instance.sendToServer( new PacketValueConfig( "Terminal.Start", "Start" ) );
catch( final Throwable e )
AELog.debug( e );