yueh c9ef1beea1 Refactored the logging
Using LogManager instead of FMLRelaunchLog to access the logger instance.
Added logging of the name of failed exports instead of exception.
Improved crafting log to include issuer including their location and the
requested item.
Removed superfluous FMLRelaunchLog instance.
Removed superfluous parameters for PlayerData constructor.

Closes #2009
Refs #2069
2015-12-26 23:14:29 +01:00

1150 lines
25 KiB

* This file is part of Applied Energistics 2.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved.
* Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <>.
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import appeng.api.config.YesNo;
import appeng.api.exceptions.FailedConnection;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridHost;
import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode;
import appeng.api.util.AECableType;
import appeng.api.util.AEColor;
import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord;
import appeng.client.render.CableRenderHelper;
import appeng.core.AELog;
import appeng.facade.FacadeContainer;
import appeng.helpers.AEMultiTile;
import appeng.integration.IntegrationRegistry;
import appeng.integration.IntegrationType;
import appeng.integration.abstraction.ICLApi;
import appeng.util.Platform;
public class CableBusContainer extends CableBusStorage implements AEMultiTile, ICableBusContainer
private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> IS_LOADING = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>();
private final EnumSet<LayerFlags> myLayerFlags = EnumSet.noneOf( LayerFlags.class );
private YesNo hasRedstone = YesNo.UNDECIDED;
private IPartHost tcb;
private boolean requiresDynamicRender = false;
private boolean inWorld = false;
public CableBusContainer( final IPartHost host )
this.tcb = host;
public static boolean isLoading()
final Boolean is = IS_LOADING.get();
return is != null && is;
public void setHost( final IPartHost host )
this.tcb = host;
public void rotateLeft()
final IPart[] newSides = new IPart[6];
newSides[ForgeDirection.UP.ordinal()] = this.getSide( ForgeDirection.UP );
newSides[ForgeDirection.DOWN.ordinal()] = this.getSide( ForgeDirection.DOWN );
newSides[ForgeDirection.EAST.ordinal()] = this.getSide( ForgeDirection.NORTH );
newSides[ForgeDirection.SOUTH.ordinal()] = this.getSide( ForgeDirection.EAST );
newSides[ForgeDirection.WEST.ordinal()] = this.getSide( ForgeDirection.SOUTH );
newSides[ForgeDirection.NORTH.ordinal()] = this.getSide( ForgeDirection.WEST );
for( final ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
this.setSide( dir, newSides[dir.ordinal()] );
public IFacadeContainer getFacadeContainer()
return new FacadeContainer( this );
public boolean canAddPart( ItemStack is, final ForgeDirection side )
if( PartPlacement.isFacade( is, side ) != null )
return true;
if( is.getItem() instanceof IPartItem )
final IPartItem bi = (IPartItem) is.getItem();
is = is.copy();
is.stackSize = 1;
final IPart bp = bi.createPartFromItemStack( is );
if( bp != null )
if( bp instanceof IPartCable )
boolean canPlace = true;
for( final ForgeDirection d : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
if( this.getPart( d ) != null && !this.getPart( d ).canBePlacedOn( ( (IPartCable) bp ).supportsBuses() ) )
canPlace = false;
if( !canPlace )
return false;
return this.getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ) == null;
else if( !( bp instanceof IPartCable ) && side != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
final IPart cable = this.getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
if( cable != null && !bp.canBePlacedOn( ( (IPartCable) cable ).supportsBuses() ) )
return false;
return this.getPart( side ) == null;
return false;
public ForgeDirection addPart( ItemStack is, final ForgeDirection side, final EntityPlayer player )
if( this.canAddPart( is, side ) )
if( is.getItem() instanceof IPartItem )
final IPartItem bi = (IPartItem) is.getItem();
is = is.copy();
is.stackSize = 1;
final IPart bp = bi.createPartFromItemStack( is );
if( bp instanceof IPartCable )
boolean canPlace = true;
for( final ForgeDirection d : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
if( this.getPart( d ) != null && !this.getPart( d ).canBePlacedOn( ( (IPartCable) bp ).supportsBuses() ) )
canPlace = false;
if( !canPlace )
return null;
if( this.getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN ) != null )
return null;
this.setCenter( (IPartCable) bp );
bp.setPartHostInfo( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN, this, this.tcb.getTile() );
if( player != null )
bp.onPlacement( player, is, side );
if( this.inWorld )
final IGridNode cn = this.getCenter().getGridNode();
if( cn != null )
for( final ForgeDirection ins : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
final IPart sbp = this.getPart( ins );
if( sbp != null )
final IGridNode sn = sbp.getGridNode();
if( sn != null )
new GridConnection( cn, sn, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
catch( final FailedConnection e )
// ekk!
this.setCenter( null );
return null;
return ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
else if( bp != null && !( bp instanceof IPartCable ) && side != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
final IPart cable = this.getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
if( cable != null && !bp.canBePlacedOn( ( (IPartCable) cable ).supportsBuses() ) )
return null;
this.setSide( side, bp );
bp.setPartHostInfo( side, this, this.getTile() );
if( player != null )
bp.onPlacement( player, is, side );
if( this.inWorld )
if( this.getCenter() != null )
final IGridNode cn = this.getCenter().getGridNode();
final IGridNode sn = bp.getGridNode();
if( cn != null && sn != null )
new GridConnection( cn, sn, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
catch( final FailedConnection e )
// ekk!
this.setSide( side, null );
return null;
return side;
return null;
public IPart getPart( final ForgeDirection side )
if( side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
return this.getCenter();
return this.getSide( side );
public void removePart( final ForgeDirection side, final boolean suppressUpdate )
if( side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
if( this.getCenter() != null )
this.setCenter( null );
if( this.getSide( side ) != null )
this.getSide( side ).removeFromWorld();
this.setSide( side, null );
if( !suppressUpdate )
public void markForUpdate()
public DimensionalCoord getLocation()
return this.tcb.getLocation();
public TileEntity getTile()
return this.tcb.getTile();
public AEColor getColor()
if( this.getCenter() != null )
final IPartCable c = this.getCenter();
return c.getCableColor();
return AEColor.Transparent;
public void clearContainer()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Now that is silly!" );
public boolean isBlocked( final ForgeDirection side )
return this.tcb.isBlocked( side );
public SelectedPart selectPart( final Vec3 pos )
for( final ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart p = this.getPart( side );
if( p != null )
final List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new LinkedList<AxisAlignedBB>();
final IPartCollisionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, side, null, true );
p.getBoxes( bch );
for( AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes )
bb = bb.expand( 0.002, 0.002, 0.002 );
if( bb.isVecInside( pos ) )
return new SelectedPart( p, side );
if( AEApi.instance().partHelper().getCableRenderMode().opaqueFacades )
final IFacadeContainer fc = this.getFacadeContainer();
for( final ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
final IFacadePart p = fc.getFacade( side );
if( p != null )
final List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new LinkedList<AxisAlignedBB>();
final IPartCollisionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, side, null, true );
p.getBoxes( bch, null );
for( AxisAlignedBB bb : boxes )
bb = bb.expand( 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 );
if( bb.isVecInside( pos ) )
return new SelectedPart( p, side );
return new SelectedPart();
public void markForSave()
public void partChanged()
if( this.getCenter() == null )
final List<ItemStack> facades = new LinkedList<ItemStack>();
final IFacadeContainer fc = this.getFacadeContainer();
for( final ForgeDirection d : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
final IFacadePart fp = fc.getFacade( d );
if( fp != null )
facades.add( fp.getItemStack() );
fc.removeFacade( this.tcb, d );
if( !facades.isEmpty() )
final TileEntity te = this.tcb.getTile();
Platform.spawnDrops( te.getWorldObj(), te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord, facades );
public boolean hasRedstone( final ForgeDirection side )
if( this.hasRedstone == YesNo.UNDECIDED )
return this.hasRedstone == YesNo.YES;
public boolean isEmpty()
final IFacadeContainer fc = this.getFacadeContainer();
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
return false;
if( s != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
final IFacadePart fp = fc.getFacade( s );
if( fp != null )
return false;
return true;
public Set<LayerFlags> getLayerFlags()
return this.myLayerFlags;
public void cleanup()
public void notifyNeighbors()
public boolean isInWorld()
return this.inWorld;
private void updateRedstone()
final TileEntity te = this.getTile();
this.hasRedstone = te.getWorldObj().isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered( te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord ) ? YesNo.YES : YesNo.NO;
private void updateDynamicRender()
this.setRequiresDynamicRender( false );
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
final IPart p = this.getPart( s );
if( p != null )
this.setRequiresDynamicRender( this.isRequiresDynamicRender() || p.requireDynamicRender() );
* use for FMP
public void updateConnections()
if( this.getCenter() != null )
final EnumSet<ForgeDirection> sides = EnumSet.allOf( ForgeDirection.class );
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
if( this.getPart( s ) != null || this.isBlocked( s ) )
sides.remove( s );
this.getCenter().setValidSides( sides );
final IGridNode n = this.getCenter().getGridNode();
if( n != null )
public void addToWorld()
if( this.inWorld )
this.inWorld = true;
IS_LOADING.set( true );
final TileEntity te = this.getTile();
// start with the center, then install the side parts into the grid.
for( int x = 6; x >= 0; x-- )
final ForgeDirection s = ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x );
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
part.setPartHostInfo( s, this, te );
if( s != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
final IGridNode sn = part.getGridNode();
if( sn != null )
// this is a really stupid if statement, why was this
// here?
// if ( !sn.getConnections().iterator().hasNext() )
final IPart center = this.getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
if( center != null )
final IGridNode cn = center.getGridNode();
if( cn != null )
AEApi.instance().createGridConnection( cn, sn );
catch( final FailedConnection e )
// ekk
IS_LOADING.set( false );
public void removeFromWorld()
if( !this.inWorld )
this.inWorld = false;
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
public IGridNode getGridNode( final ForgeDirection side )
final IPart part = this.getPart( side );
if( part != null )
final IGridNode n = part.getExternalFacingNode();
if( n != null )
return n;
if( this.getCenter() != null )
return this.getCenter().getGridNode();
return null;
public AECableType getCableConnectionType( final ForgeDirection dir )
final IPart part = this.getPart( dir );
if( part instanceof IGridHost )
final AECableType t = ( (IGridHost) part ).getCableConnectionType( dir );
if( t != null && t != AECableType.NONE )
return t;
if( this.getCenter() != null )
final IPartCable c = this.getCenter();
return c.getCableConnectionType();
return AECableType.NONE;
public void securityBreak()
for( final ForgeDirection d : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart p = this.getPart( d );
if( p instanceof IGridHost )
( (IGridHost) p ).securityBreak();
public Iterable<AxisAlignedBB> getSelectedBoundingBoxesFromPool( final boolean ignoreConnections, final boolean includeFacades, final Entity e, final boolean visual )
final List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = new LinkedList<AxisAlignedBB>();
final IFacadeContainer fc = this.getFacadeContainer();
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPartCollisionHelper bch = new BusCollisionHelper( boxes, s, e, visual );
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
if( ignoreConnections && part instanceof IPartCable )
bch.addBox( 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 );
part.getBoxes( bch );
if( AEApi.instance().partHelper().getCableRenderMode().opaqueFacades || !visual )
if( includeFacades && s != null && s != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
final IFacadePart fp = fc.getFacade( s );
if( fp != null )
fp.getBoxes( bch, e );
return boxes;
public int isProvidingStrongPower( final ForgeDirection side )
final IPart part = this.getPart( side );
return part != null ? part.isProvidingStrongPower() : 0;
public int isProvidingWeakPower( final ForgeDirection side )
final IPart part = this.getPart( side );
return part != null ? part.isProvidingWeakPower() : 0;
public boolean canConnectRedstone( final EnumSet<ForgeDirection> enumSet )
for( final ForgeDirection dir : enumSet )
final IPart part = this.getPart( dir );
if( part != null && part.canConnectRedstone() )
return true;
return false;
public void onEntityCollision( final Entity entity )
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
part.onEntityCollision( entity );
public boolean activate( final EntityPlayer player, final Vec3 pos )
final SelectedPart p = this.selectPart( pos );
if( p != null && p.part != null )
return p.part.onActivate( player, pos );
return false;
public void onNeighborChanged()
this.hasRedstone = YesNo.UNDECIDED;
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
public boolean isSolidOnSide( final ForgeDirection side )
if( side == null || side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
return false;
// facades are solid..
final IFacadePart fp = this.getFacadeContainer().getFacade( side );
if( fp != null )
return true;
// buses can be too.
final IPart part = this.getPart( side );
return part != null && part.isSolid();
public boolean isLadder( final EntityLivingBase entity )
for( final ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart p = this.getPart( side );
if( p != null )
if( p.isLadder( entity ) )
return true;
return false;
public void randomDisplayTick( final World world, final int x, final int y, final int z, final Random r )
for( final ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart p = this.getPart( side );
if( p != null )
p.randomDisplayTick( world, x, y, z, r );
public int getLightValue()
int light = 0;
for( final ForgeDirection d : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart p = this.getPart( d );
if( p != null )
light = Math.max( p.getLightLevel(), light );
if( light > 0 && IntegrationRegistry.INSTANCE.isEnabled( IntegrationType.CLApi ) )
return ( (ICLApi) IntegrationRegistry.INSTANCE.getInstance( IntegrationType.CLApi ) ).colorLight( this.getColor(), light );
return light;
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT )
public void renderStatic( final double x, final double y, final double z )
CableRenderHelper.getInstance().renderStatic( this, this.getFacadeContainer() );
@SideOnly( Side.CLIENT )
public void renderDynamic( final double x, final double y, final double z )
CableRenderHelper.getInstance().renderDynamic( this, x, y, z );
public void writeToStream( final ByteBuf data ) throws IOException
int sides = 0;
for( int x = 0; x < 7; x++ )
final IPart p = this.getPart( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x ) );
if( p != null )
sides |= ( 1 << x );
data.writeByte( (byte) sides );
for( int x = 0; x < 7; x++ )
final IPart p = this.getPart( ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x ) );
if( p != null )
final ItemStack is = p.getItemStack( PartItemStack.Network );
data.writeShort( Item.getIdFromItem( is.getItem() ) );
data.writeShort( is.getItemDamage() );
p.writeToStream( data );
this.getFacadeContainer().writeToStream( data );
public boolean readFromStream( final ByteBuf data ) throws IOException
final byte sides = data.readByte();
boolean updateBlock = false;
for( int x = 0; x < 7; x++ )
ForgeDirection side = ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x );
if( ( ( sides & ( 1 << x ) ) == ( 1 << x ) ) )
IPart p = this.getPart( side );
final short itemID = data.readShort();
final short dmgValue = data.readShort();
final Item myItem = Item.getItemById( itemID );
final ItemStack current = p != null ? p.getItemStack( PartItemStack.Network ) : null;
if( current != null && current.getItem() == myItem && current.getItemDamage() == dmgValue )
if( p.readFromStream( data ) )
updateBlock = true;
this.removePart( side, false );
side = this.addPart( new ItemStack( myItem, 1, dmgValue ), side, null );
if( side != null )
p = this.getPart( side );
p.readFromStream( data );
throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid Stream For CableBus Container." );
else if( this.getPart( side ) != null )
this.removePart( side, false );
if( this.getFacadeContainer().readFromStream( data ) )
return true;
return updateBlock;
public void writeToNBT( final NBTTagCompound data )
data.setInteger( "hasRedstone", this.hasRedstone.ordinal() );
final IFacadeContainer fc = this.getFacadeContainer();
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values() )
fc.writeToNBT( data );
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
final NBTTagCompound def = new NBTTagCompound();
part.getItemStack( PartItemStack.World ).writeToNBT( def );
final NBTTagCompound extra = new NBTTagCompound();
part.writeToNBT( extra );
data.setTag( "def:" + this.getSide( part ).ordinal(), def );
data.setTag( "extra:" + this.getSide( part ).ordinal(), extra );
private ForgeDirection getSide( final IPart part )
if( this.getCenter() == part )
return ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
for( final ForgeDirection side : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS )
if( this.getSide( side ) == part )
return side;
throw new IllegalStateException( "Uhh Bad Part (" + part + ") on Side." );
public void readFromNBT( final NBTTagCompound data )
if( data.hasKey( "hasRedstone" ) )
this.hasRedstone = YesNo.values()[data.getInteger( "hasRedstone" )];
for( int x = 0; x < 7; x++ )
ForgeDirection side = ForgeDirection.getOrientation( x );
final NBTTagCompound def = data.getCompoundTag( "def:" + side.ordinal() );
final NBTTagCompound extra = data.getCompoundTag( "extra:" + side.ordinal() );
if( def != null && extra != null )
IPart p = this.getPart( side );
final ItemStack iss = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( def );
if( iss == null )
final ItemStack current = p == null ? null : p.getItemStack( PartItemStack.World );
if( Platform.isSameItemType( iss, current ) )
p.readFromNBT( extra );
this.removePart( side, true );
side = this.addPart( iss, side, null );
if( side != null )
p = this.getPart( side );
p.readFromNBT( extra );
AELog.warn( "Invalid NBT For CableBus Container: " + iss.getItem().getClass().getName() + " is not a valid part; it was ignored." );
this.removePart( side, false );
this.getFacadeContainer().readFromNBT( data );
public List getDrops( final List drops )
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
drops.add( part.getItemStack( PartItemStack.Break ) );
part.getDrops( drops, false );
if( s != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN )
final IFacadePart fp = this.getFacadeContainer().getFacade( s );
if( fp != null )
drops.add( fp.getItemStack() );
return drops;
public List getNoDrops( final List drops )
for( final ForgeDirection s : ForgeDirection.values() )
final IPart part = this.getPart( s );
if( part != null )
part.getDrops( drops, false );
return drops;
public boolean recolourBlock( final ForgeDirection side, final AEColor colour, final EntityPlayer who )
final IPart cable = this.getPart( ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN );
if( cable != null )
final IPartCable pc = (IPartCable) cable;
return pc.changeColor( colour, who );
return false;
public boolean isRequiresDynamicRender()
return this.requiresDynamicRender;
private void setRequiresDynamicRender( final boolean requiresDynamicRender )
this.requiresDynamicRender = requiresDynamicRender;